20 research outputs found
Motivation and Development of the University Teachers’ Motivational Competence
AbstractHuman potential represents a competitive advantage not only of the companies but also the Universities. Universities form the intellectual level and motivation of all individuals and groups in the country. From this point of view, the paper pays attention to the motivation of University teachers, points to connections between the motivation of teachers and motivation of students, and suggests the ways for developing motivational competence of the teachers. Methodological part presents results of our questionnaire survey realized at the Universities in two countries: Slovak Republic and Poland. This one searched the strength of motivation of the University teachers and managers (e.g. motivation to new ideas, creative suggestions and complex improvement), frequency and efficiency of applied motivators, existence of the motivational programs, etc. Negative knowledge flows from this survey the motivation of teachers is disturbed and does not reach its maximum. Therefore the application part of the paper deals just with the motivational competence of teachers that we consider as the most important competence. Motivational competence is viewed as the synthetic competence and consists of the competence of motivating oneself, competence of motivating students, and competence of motivating colleagues. On the basis of theoretical issue, survey results and own empirical experience, paper suggests several individual and group methods and techniques intended for developing motivational competence of the teachers (e.g. creative discussions with colleagues, keeping and activating the motivational journal/diary, accepting and using motivational impact of the managers, colleagues and students, etc.)
Economic Knowledge and Methods of Its Acquisition in the Process of Building Students' Economic Security
The issue of the security of an individual has many dimensions, including the economic one. The aim of the article is to examine the ways of acquiring economic knowledge and its impact on the human economic security. The article consists of a theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part of the article the essence of economic security was discussed, and factors affecting this security were also analyzed. Economic knowledge was also defined and its influence on human economic security was analyzed. The results of research on the level of economic knowledge of Poles presented in the literature indicate that their knowledge is fragmentary and not internally coherent. It mainly includes information from the mass media and information that relates directly to specific individuals. To verify these observations, in the empirical part of the article, the results of a study conducted among students, concerning, inter alia, the methods of acquiring economic knowledge and the impact of economic knowledge possessed on the sense of economic security, are presented
The impact of selected components of the manager-employee relations on the performance of creative tasks in the organization
PURPOSE: The article deals with the issues of the influence of the relationship between the
manager and employees on their creative activities. The scientific aim of the article is to
explain and extend the conceptualization in terms of indicating which selected components of
the manager-employee relationship (trust in managers, cooperation and communication with
managers and learning from them) determine the work of creative employees.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The theoretical part of the article formed the basis for the
formulation of the research hypothesis: There is a relationship between selected components
of the manager's relations with employees and their performance of creative tasks. To verify
such a hypothesis, the results of survey study conducted among employees working in
creative organizations in the West Pomeranian voivodeship, Poland, were used.FINDINGS: The results of the research show that significant relationships between the
selected components of relations with managers and creative tasks were obtained for three
out of four components. This means that building manager-employee relations based on
cooperation, open communication and mutual learning is conducive to performing creative
tasks.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Theoretical consideration and the obtained research results are of
particular importance for shaping the right attitudes of managers in the field of selected
aspects of relations with employees performing creative tasks in organizations. The results of
the research allowed to identify those elements of relations, the improvement of which could
affect more effective undertaking of creative tasks in the organization.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article was prepared on the basis of own research conducted in
organizations where creative activities are undertaken. The obtained research results
showed which components of the manager-employee relationship are conducive to
undertaking creative tasks. This will allow organizations to focus on these components in
order to achieve better results in the form of more innovations.peer-reviewe
Study of the impact of managers' attitudes towards creativity in terms of taking up creative activities
PURPOSE: This article deals with the issues of managers' attitudes towards creativity and
their impact on the development of creative organizations. The scientific aim of the article is
to explain and extend the conceptualization in the field of creative activities performed by
managers and the relationships that occur with the relevant characteristics determining the
development of creative activities.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The consideration formed the basis for the formulation of
the research hypothesis: There is a relationship between the selected attitudes of managers
and creative activities. To verify such a hypothesis, the results of survey study conducted
among among managers working in creative organizations who acquire knowledge in
educational institutions were used.FINDINGS: The results of the research showed the existence of significant relationships
between the selected characteristics that determine appropriate attitudes toward creativity
and the performance of creative activities. It turns out that a manager who performs creative
activities is characterized by only selected attitudes from among the many presented in this
article.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The obtained research results are of particular importance for the
development of appropriate attitudes of managers towards creativity in organizations. The
indication of guidelines that may change this state of affairs and the developed research
allowed us to identify of areas whose improved functioning could affect their more effective
development and meet the requirements of competitiveness in the form of a greater number
of new ideas generated.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The obtained research results showed which organizational conditions
are most conducive to the development of creativity. The results obtained will allow
organizations to focus on these elements in order to achieve better results in the form of
more innovations.peer-reviewe
Organizational Barriers of a Knowledge-Based Organization in the Aspect of Sustainable Creativity Development
The turbulence of the organizations’ environment significantly affects the functioning of creative knowledge-based organizations. Changes that occur in this broadly understood environment are often unpredictable, so it is impossible to prepare for them. Therefore organizations must creatively use their knowledge in their response to these changes. Bearing the above in mind, the issue of organizational barriers of sustainable creativity development in knowledge based organizations seemed to be worth the research effort. The paper analyses, synthesizes and compares the theory (regarding the essence of a knowledge-based organization, the sustainable development of creativity in organizations and the barriers that hinder this development), processes empirical data, verifies hypotheses, and provides conclusions and suggestions for knowledge based organizations (both those taking up and not taking creative activities) regarding the minimization of barriers affecting the sustainable development of creativity. The empirical analysis uses the Spearman correlation coefficient, Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney test, W Wilcoxon’s test and simple rotation factor analysis. The results of the research showed significant differences in the following barriers of sustainable creativity development: lack of knowledge on the organization’s vision, goals and plans, poor financial condition of the organization, and fear to present own ideas. Subsequently, with use of appropriate statistical apparatus, the 28 primarily defined barriers were turned out to into the six heterogeneous category – groups of the barriers limiting the sustainable development of creativity in knowledge-based organizations. The results of the study made it possible to identify areas the improvement of those may allow for more effective development of the organization in the scope presented in the paper. The article ends with recommendations that respond to the barriers with the strongest negative impact on the sustainable creativity development
Responsible Decision Making for Sustainable Motivation
This article examines motivation and the quality of decision making’s effect on motivation
as important preconditions for organizational sustainability. The article is focused on an examination
of the content and intensity of perceived motivation, and the forms of decisions that were made
while motivating people. Motivation (from a theoretical and empirical point of view) is related
to crucial processes of human potential development and motivation. The analysis, synthesis and
generalization of knowledge related to sustainability, motivation and decision making in human
potential motivation are presented in the theoretical part of the article. The empirical part presents the
results of sociological questionnaire, focusing on the area of decision making in motivation that was
carried out on sample of respondents in the Slovak Republic (n = 500), Poland (n = 390) and Lithuania
(n = 226). The results confirm a strong correlation between the level of the motivation and the quality
of key processes of development of human potential (leadership, appraisal, communication, and the
creation of an atmosphere of trust). In all examined countries and processes, the calculated values
of the chi-square test were significantly higher than the table value (level of significance = 0.05).
The section describing the results contains a proposed content-componential model of decision
making in affecting and building sustainable motivation
Kształcenie kompetencji w biegu życia człowieka
Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPrezentowana monografia składa się z trzech części. Jej pierwszą część, Rozwijanie kompetencji dzieci i młodzieży, otwiera tekst Andrzeja
Szyszko-Bohusza, w którym autor precyzuje ogólne warunki przygotowania
młodzieży do samokształcenia oraz kształtowania kompetencji
w trakcie ludzkiego życia. Zdaniem autora, najważniejsze jest wytworzenie
potrzeby całościowego (respective holistycznego samodoskonalenia).
W następnych tekstach zamieszczonych w tej części monografi i
Małgorzata Karpińska-Ochałek, Magdalena Obrzud oraz Magdalena
Skrzyp poddają analizie rolę kompetencji komunikacyjnych
w przygotowaniu uczniów do całożyciowego uczenia się. W pierwszym
artykule autorki badają i oceniają edukacyjną wagę procesu stymulacji
rozwoju mowy małych dzieci. Koncentrują się na prezentacji
zagrożeń i zalet związanych z posługiwaniem się tzw. językiem nianiek.
W drugim tekście autorka analizuje dydaktyczne znaczenie wprowadzonej
w Polsce, eksperymentalnie, nowej metody nauczania języków
obcych (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Tak M. Karpińska-
Ochałek i M. Obrzud, jak i M. Skrzyp podkreślają fundamentalne
znaczenie kształcenia językowego w procesie opanowywania innych
niezbędnych człowiekowi kompetencji, a zarazem w dalszym rozwoju
specyficznie ludzkich form psychicznej regulacji zachowania się.
Na drugą część monografii, Kluczowe Kompetencje w procesie kształcenia
współczesnych studentów, składa się pięć tekstów. Pierwszy z nich
autorstwa Marii Kliś omawia rolę językowej komunikacji w procesie
edukacji akademickiej przy czym dostarcza ważkich argumentów
uzasadniających tezę, że umiejętność werbalnego porozumiewania
się warunkuje rozwój wielu innych sprawności i osiągnięć jednostek.
Autorzy kolejnych tekstów, Ewa Pałka, Emilia Żyłkiewicz i Jarosław
Tomaszewski, rozważają dwie pedagogiczne tezy akcentujące,
że w dobie globalizacji szczególne znaczenie w procesie kształcenia
studentów należy przypisywać:rozwijaniu ich umiejętności sprawnego posługiwania się językiem
b. formowaniu innych kompetencji międzykulturowych.
Tę część monografi i zamykają teksty Beaty Zinkiewicz, która
omawia zagadnienie kompetencji absolwentów pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej,
oraz Ewy Matuskiej, prezentującej wyniki swoich badań
empirycznych nad wizjami zawodowych karier studentów prowincjonalnych
wyższych uczelni w rejonie Pomorza.
Trzecia część przedstawianego czytelnikom opracowania Doskonalenie
kompetencji pracowników składa się z tekstów poświęconych procesowi
doskonalenia zawodowego oraz innym warunkom osiągania
wysokiej wydajności i jakości pracy w przedsiębiorstwie. W pierwszym
z nich Irena Figurska analizuje rolę rywalizacji w realizacji zadań
i celów przyświecających zakładowi pracy. Ujawnia, że rywalizacja
– z jednej strony – motywuje jednostki realizujące powierzone im zadania
do podejmowania twórczych działań, lecz – z drugiej – w jakimś
stopniu obniża wzajemną komunikacyjną otwartość pracowników
i w efekcie przeszkadza we współpracy. W artykule autorka skupia się
na analizie rywalizacji między pracownikami w ramach organizacji,
chociaż – jak podkreśla – współzawodniczyć mogą ze sobą także jej
poszczególne komórki, zespoły oraz wydziały. Dwa teksty kończące książkę, autorstwa Marty Woźniak i Bernarda
Maja, poświęcono problematyce dokształcania pracowników.
Autorzy rozważają w nich:
1. kwestię posługiwania się w procesie edukacji, alternatywnymi
względem tradycyjnych, internetowymi formami kształcenia.
2. problemy podaży i ewaluacji jakości szkoleń antykryzysowych,
zgłaszanych na polskim rynku edukacyjnym w ostatnich latach