56 research outputs found
Regulation of monocot and dicot plant development with constitutively active alleles of phytochrome B.
The constitutively active missense allele of Arabidopsis phytochrome B, AtPHYBY276H or AtYHB, encodes a polypeptide that adopts a light-insensitive, physiologically active conformation capable of sustaining photomorphogenesis in darkness. Here, we show that the orthologous OsYHB allele of rice phytochrome B (OsPHYBY283H ) also encodes a dominant "constitutively active" photoreceptor through comparative phenotypic analyses of AtYHB and OsYHB transgenic lines of four eudicot species, Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), Nicotiana sylvestris and Solanum lycopersicum cv. MicroTom (tomato), and of two monocot species, Oryza sativa ssp. japonica and Brachypodium distachyon. Reciprocal transformation experiments show that the gain-of-function constitutive photomorphogenic (cop) phenotypes by YHB expression are stronger in host plants within the same class than across classes. Our studies also reveal additional YHB-dependent traits in adult plants, which include extreme shade tolerance, both early and late flowering behaviors, delayed leaf senescence, reduced tillering, and even viviparous seed germination. However, the strength of these gain-of-function phenotypes depends on the specific combination of YHB allele and species/cultivar transformed. Flowering and tillering of OsYHB- and OsPHYB-expressing lines of rice Nipponbare and Kitaake cultivars were compared, also revealing differences in YHB/PHYB allele versus genotype interaction on the phenotypic behavior of the two rice cultivars. In view of recent evidence that the regulatory activity of AtYHB is not only light insensitive but also temperature insensitive, selective YHB expression is expected to yield improved agronomic performance of both dicot and monocot crop plant species not possible with wild-type PHYB alleles
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Genome analysis of the esca-associated Basidiomycetes Fomitiporia mediterranea, Fomitiporia polymorpha, Inonotus vitis, and Tropicoporus texanus reveals virulence factor repertoires characteristic of white-rot fungi.
Some Basidiomycete fungi are important plant pathogens, and certain species have been associated with the grapevine trunk disease esca. We present the genomes of 4 species associated with esca: Fomitiporia mediterranea, Fomitiporia polymorpha, Tropicoporus texanus, and Inonotus vitis. We generated high-quality phased genome assemblies using long-read sequencing. The genomic and functional comparisons identified potential virulence factors, suggesting their roles in disease development. Similar to other white-rot fungi known for their ability to degrade lignocellulosic substrates, these 4 genomes encoded a variety of lignin peroxidases and carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) such as CBM1, AA9, and AA2. The analysis of gene family expansion and contraction revealed dynamic evolutionary patterns, particularly in genes related to secondary metabolite production, plant cell wall decomposition, and xenobiotic degradation. The availability of these genomes will serve as a reference for further studies of diversity and evolution of virulence factors and their roles in esca symptoms and host resistance
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The genomic diversification of grapevine clones.
BACKGROUND:Vegetatively propagated clones accumulate somatic mutations. The purpose of this study was to better appreciate clone diversity and involved defining the nature of somatic mutations throughout the genome. Fifteen Zinfandel winegrape clone genomes were sequenced and compared to one another using a highly contiguous genome reference produced from one of the clones, Zinfandel 03. RESULTS:Though most heterozygous variants were shared, somatic mutations accumulated in individual and subsets of clones. Overall, heterozygous mutations were most frequent in intergenic space and more frequent in introns than exons. A significantly larger percentage of CpG, CHG, and CHH sites in repetitive intergenic space experienced transition mutations than in genic and non-repetitive intergenic spaces, likely because of higher levels of methylation in the region and because methylated cytosines often spontaneously deaminate. Of the minority of mutations that occurred in exons, larger proportions of these were putatively deleterious when they occurred in relatively few clones. CONCLUSIONS:These data support three major conclusions. First, repetitive intergenic space is a major driver of clone genome diversification. Second, clones accumulate putatively deleterious mutations. Third, the data suggest selection against deleterious variants in coding regions or some mechanism by which mutations are less frequent in coding than noncoding regions of the genome
Phased diploid genome assembly with single-molecule real-time sequencing
While genome assembly projects have been successful in many haploid and inbred species, the assembly of noninbred or rearranged heterozygous genomes remains a major challenge. To address this challenge, we introduce the open-source FALCON and FALCON-Unzip algorithms (https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/FALCON/) to assemble long-read sequencing data into highly accurate, contiguous, and correctly phased diploid genomes. We generate new reference sequences for heterozygous samples including an F1 hybrid of Arabidopsis thaliana, the widely cultivated Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon, and the coral fungus Clavicorona pyxidata, samples that have challenged short-read assembly approaches. The FALCON-based assemblies are substantially more contiguous and complete than alternate short- or long-read approaches. The phased diploid assembly enabled the study of haplotype structure and heterozygosities between homologous chromosomes, including the identification of widespread heterozygous structural variation within coding sequences
Clonal reproduction of Moniliophthora roreri and the emergence of unique lineages with distinct genomes during range expansion.
Analisis de plantas transgenicas de arabidopsis thaliana que sobreexpresan el gen SITPSI de Selaginella lepidophylla
Analisis de la expresion de la region promotora del gen de la ACCasa de frijol en Arabidopsis thaliana
Grapegenomics.com - Genome release: Vitis interspecific cross - Freedom cl. FPS01 - chromosome scale
<p><a href="https://www.grapegenomics.com/pages/VFreedom/">https://www.grapegenomics.com/pages/VFreedom/</a></p>
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