1,738 research outputs found

    Reform of economic system and the thesis of the three economies

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    La Tesis de las Tres Economías sustenta que para avanzar en la gradual resolución de los problemas de desempleo y pobreza, los países tendrán que consensuar nuevas ideas de políticas públicas para complementar los medulares aportes realizados, en sus respectivos tiempos históricos, por las escuelas de pensamiento surgidas en torno a las contrastantes ideas de Adam Smith, Carlos Marx, John M. Keynes y Raúl Prebisch. La Tesis propone, específicamente, institucionalizar reformas en el sistema económico para asegurar el buen funcionamiento simultáneo y convergente de un capitalismo competitivo de libre mercado, una eficaz economía pública con normas de seguridad jurídica y una nueva economía social-comunitaria que activando el funcionamiento de “mercados sociales de trabajo productivo” posibilite crear riquezas utilizando las energías de jóvenes y adultos desempleados.The thesis of the Three Economies supports that progress in the gradual resolution of the problems of unemployment and poverty, countries will have to agree on public policy ideas to complement the core contributions made in their respective historical times, schools of thought emerged around the contrasting ideas of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John M. Keynes and Raul Prebisch. The thesis proposes specifically institutionalize reforms in the economic system to ensure good convergent and concurrent operation of a competitive free market capitalism, an effective public economy standards of legal certainty and a new social-communal economy turning operation "social productive labor markets "enables creating wealth using the energies of young people and unemployed adults

    Non-topological condensates for the self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs model

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    For the abelian self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs model we address existence issues of periodic vortex configurations -- the so-called condensates-- of non-topological type as k0k \to 0, where k>0k>0 is the Chern-Simons parameter. We provide a positive answer to the long-standing problem on the existence of non-topological condensates with magnetic field concentrated at some of the vortex points (as a sum of Dirac measures) as k0k \to 0, a question which is of definite physical interest.Comment: accepted on Comm. Pure Appl. Mat

    A multi-view environment to visualize differences between alternative versions of biological taxonomies

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Computación) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación, 2022.The classification of living organisms into biological taxonomies is fundamental to understand our biodiversity and to support environmental conservation efforts. The biological taxonomy system for the classification of living organisms was proposed by Carl Von Linné in 1735. Organisms are organized into groups that follow a hi erarchical structure that is composed at least of the following categories: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Taxonomists work encompasses the identification and classification of species, as well as the registration and mainte nance of the taxonomic records that are kept in museums, herbaria, research centers and institutions dedicated to natural preservation. Those records are constantly changing due to the discovery of new species or the reclassification of the existing ones; therefore, it is common that taxonomists face the challenge of handling large amounts of data that require to be reviewed, compared and corrected. This challenge can be approached through the automatic comparison of the taxonomies. In this work we investigate whether a cluttering reduction approach that visual izes only the differences (VOD) when comparing two alternative versions of a biolog ical taxonomy is more effective than the visualization of the complete taxonomies. We also investigate whether the use of the Coordinated Multiple Views (CMV) technique contributes to a better identification of differences. For this purpose we take as a baseline Diaforá, a novel interactive software that infers and visualizes the differences between two alternative versions of a biological taxonomy by modelling one view only and using the edge-drawing method [52]. We extended Diaforá by integrating CMV and VOD. This research has three stages: 1) the design of two different VOD visualization alternatives, 2) a user study with the goal of evaluating the alternatives and selecting one of them, 3) a final user study that evaluates the original version of Diaforá against one that incorporates the CMV technique with the selected VOD visualization. We found that the proposed model increases significantly the cognitive value of the visualization, making it easier for test subjects to identify the differences between two versions of the classification.La clasificación de los organismos vivos en taxonomías biológicas es fundamental para comprender nuestra biodiversidad y para apoyar los esfuerzos de conservación del medio ambiente. El sistema de taxonomías biológicas para la clasificación de los organismos vivos fue propuesto por Carl Von Linné en 1735. Los organismos son organizados en grupos que siguen una estructura jerárquica que se compone al menos de los siguientes categorías: reino, phylum, clase, orden, familia, género y especie. El trabajo de los taxónomos consiste en la identificación y clasificación de las especies, así como el registro y mantenimiento de los datos taxonómicos que se conservan en museos, herbarios, centros de investigación e instituciones dedicadas a la preservación natural. Esos registros cambian constantemente debido al descubrimiento de nuevas especies o la reclasificación de las existentes; por lo tanto, es común que los taxónomos enfrenten el reto de manejar grandes cantidades de datos que requieren ser revisados, comparados y corregidos. Este reto se puede abordar mediante la comparación automática de las taxonomías. En este trabajo investigamos si un enfoque de reducción de desorden que visualiza solo las diferencias (VOD) al comparar dos versiones alternativas de una taxonomía biológica es más efectivo que la visualización de las taxonomías completas. También investigamos si el uso de la técnica Coordinated Multiple Views (CMV) contribuye a una mejor identificación de las diferencias. Para este propósito tomamos como base Diaforá, un novedoso software interactivo que infiere y visualiza las diferencias entre dos versiones alternativas de una taxonomía biológica, modelando una sola vista y usando el método de dibujo de bordes [52]. Ampliamos Diaforá integrando CMV y VOD. La investigación constó de tres etapas: 1) el diseño de dos alternativas diferentes de visualización VOD, 2) un estudio de usuario con el objetivo de evaluar las alter nativas y seleccionar una de ellas, 3) un estudio de usuario final que evalúa la versión original de Diaforá frente a uno que incorpora la técnica CMV con la visualización VOD seleccionada. Descubrimos que el modelo propuesto aumenta significativamente el valor cognitivo de la visualización, lo que facilita que los sujetos de prueba hayan podido identificar las diferencias entre dos versiones de la clasificación

    Spectral Fatigue Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium During Variable Loading

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    Undergraduate Applie

    Spectral Fatigue Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium During Variable Loading

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    Undergraduate Applie

    Situación del cáncer gástrico en el mundo y en Chile

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    ResumenEl cáncer gástrico es uno de los cánceres más frecuentes en el mundo. Recientes estudios han contribuido en la comprensión de esta enfermedad. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar de manera crítica y actualizada distintos aspectos del cáncer gástrico tanto a nivel mundial como a nivel chileno. Este artículo revisa algunos aspectos relacionados con el cáncer gástrico, tales como epidemiología, dieta, estudio histológico, búsqueda de lesiones precancerosas, prevención, Helicobacter pylori, estilos de vida, factores metabólicos y tratamiento.AbstractGastric cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Recent studies have contributed to the understanding of this disease. The aim of this article is to critically review various aspects of gastric cancer both globally and Chilean. This article reviews some aspects related to gastric cancer, such as epidemiology, diet, histology, screening of precancerous lesions, prevention, Helicobacter pylori, lifestyles, metabolic factors and treatment

    Lesbian motherhood in a Chilean cultural context

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    An emerging body of research is paying a particular attention into the family life of lesbian mothers who live in Latino countries. These studies have revealed how the cultural understandings of gender, sexuality and homophobia and the political/legal context have constrained the family experiences of Latina lesbian mothers. Notwithstanding, these studies have failed to recognize possible linkages between religious discourses and family of origin influences on understandings of lesbian motherhood within a Latino context. Latino societies hold a strong Christian religious heritage, with the Catholic Church being historically influential on national legislation that privileges heteronormative assumptions of family formation. By exploring the case of Chile, this thesis aims to examine how understandings of lesbian motherhood are constructed within the context of a strongly Catholic, and to some extent Evangelical, Latino society. The thesis details findings from three empirical, qualitative studies, within a life course theory perspective. Data from 29 participants collected through individual semi-structured interviews and focus groups were analysed. The first study used individual interviews and Narrative Analysis to explore the stories of sexual identity and motherhood of eight lesbian mothers who conceived their children within the context of a previous heterosexual relationship. The study found that participants struggled to express their same-gender feelings because lesbian women were often seen as "sick" or "deviant" and inappropriate models of motherhood. The second study used focus groups and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to explore the expectations of motherhood of a younger cohort of six lesbian and bisexual prospective mothers. The study revealed that participants thought that it would be difficult to deal with Chilean society as mothers because the same-gender attraction was still seen as a perversion/abnormality by some people within their family of origin and their social contexts. The third study investigated contemporary Chilean attitudes towards lesbian and gay parenting using Thematic Analysis of focus group data from 15 heterosexual women who were first-year psychology students in an evening university program. The study revealed that a minority of participants had worries that having same-gender parents could disrupt children's gender and sexual orientation development. It is concluded that despite an increasing level of acceptance of “homosexuality” in Chile, lesbian mothers were still regarded as "immoral" models for children by some heterosexual people, particularly those who had a Christian religious background. These moral discourses had a strong impact on what lesbian and bisexual participants felt they could reasonably do or on what they expected to happen by living in Chilean society as a mother

    Synthesis of hyperbranched amphiphylic polyester and theranostic nanoparticles thereof

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    A method of making a hyperbranched amphiphillic polyester compound includes drying under vacuum a mixture of 2-(4-hydroxybutyl)-malonic acid and p-toulene sulphonic acid as a catalyst. The vacuum is then released with a dry inert gas after drying. The dried mixture is heated under the inert gas at a temperature sufficient for polymerization. The inert gas is evacuated while continuing to heat the mixture. The formed polymer is then dissolved in dimethylformamide and precipitated out by adding methanol. Modifications of the method yield nanoparticles of polyesters having properties suited for coencapsulating fluorescent dyes together with therapeutic drugs, resulting in theranostic nanoparticles, that is, nanoparticles useful in both therapeutic treatments and diagnostics methods

    Multimodal, Multifunctional Polymer Coated Nanoparticles

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    Disclosed are nanoparticles having a metallic core consisting essentially of superparamagnetic iron oxide: a polymeric coat surrounding said core, the coat having a matrix of polyacrylic acid and forming an outer periphery of said nanoparticle; a pleurality of hydrophobic pockets formed by the polymeric coat; a plurality of carboxylic groups along an outer periphery of the polymeric coat and effective to conjugate with a predeterminded targeting ligand which functionalizes the nanoparticle; a lipophylic fluorescent dye encapsulated in the pleurality of hydrophobix pockets. Associated methods of making the nanoparticles and of treatments using the nanoparticles are also disclosed

    Aqueous Method for Making Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles CON

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    The invention discloses an aqueous method of making polymer coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles. The method comprises providing a mixture of iron salts in an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid. A solution of ammonium hydroxide is added to the mixture and stirred. Stirring continues with an aqueous solution of one or more biocompatible polymers so as to promote formation of polymer coated iron nanoparticles in suspension, wherein optionally at least one of the polymers in the coating may be aminated. Centrifuging the suspension leaves a supernatant without large particles. Filtering the supernatant through an ultrafiltration membrane and collecting the filtrate recovers polymer coated nanoparticles. Crosslinking the polymer is effected by treatment with a solution of epichlorohydrin and sodium hydroxide while stirring vigorously for up to about eight hours. Optionally aminating the polymer may be accomplished by treatment with ammonia after crosslinking and then removing remaini