161 research outputs found

    Action Recognition from Single Timestamp Supervision in Untrimmed Videos

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    Recognising actions in videos relies on labelled supervision during training, typically the start and end times of each action instance. This supervision is not only subjective, but also expensive to acquire. Weak video-level supervision has been successfully exploited for recognition in untrimmed videos, however it is challenged when the number of different actions in training videos increases. We propose a method that is supervised by single timestamps located around each action instance, in untrimmed videos. We replace expensive action bounds with sampling distributions initialised from these timestamps. We then use the classifier's response to iteratively update the sampling distributions. We demonstrate that these distributions converge to the location and extent of discriminative action segments. We evaluate our method on three datasets for fine-grained recognition, with increasing number of different actions per video, and show that single timestamps offer a reasonable compromise between recognition performance and labelling effort, performing comparably to full temporal supervision. Our update method improves top-1 test accuracy by up to 5.4%. across the evaluated datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    Annotating Object Instances with a Polygon-RNN

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    We propose an approach for semi-automatic annotation of object instances. While most current methods treat object segmentation as a pixel-labeling problem, we here cast it as a polygon prediction task, mimicking how most current datasets have been annotated. In particular, our approach takes as input an image crop and sequentially produces vertices of the polygon outlining the object. This allows a human annotator to interfere at any time and correct a vertex if needed, producing as accurate segmentation as desired by the annotator. We show that our approach speeds up the annotation process by a factor of 4.7 across all classes in Cityscapes, while achieving 78.4% agreement in IoU with original ground-truth, matching the typical agreement between human annotators. For cars, our speed-up factor is 7.3 for an agreement of 82.2%. We further show generalization capabilities of our approach to unseen datasets
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