20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tripton Dan Arang Aktif Pada Pembesaran Bibit Anggrek Phalaenopsis in Vitro

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    The research was aimed to discover the influence of tripton and active carbon on faster orchid Phalaenopsis in vitro seedling enlargement and to obtain the best media that will spur the enlargement of orchid Phalaenopsis in vitro seedling. The research was using completely randomized design with 8 treatments and 4 replications, and then analyzing the data by using analyze of variant that continued with 5% LSD test. The treatments of this research were : ToAo: Tripton 0 g.l-1 + without active carbon, ToA2: Tripton 0 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 , T1Ao: Tripton 1 g.l-1 + without active carbon, T1A2 : Tripton 1 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 , T2Ao: Tripton 2 g.l-1 + without active carbon, T2A2 : Tripton 2 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 , T3Ao: Tripton 3 g.l-1 + without active carbon, T3 A2: Tripton 3 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 . Basic media that used in this research was foliar fertilizer vitabloom media 2 g.l-1 given vitamin B-1 technique 1 cc.l-1, sugar 20 g.l-1 , tomatoes 60 g.l-1, agar 7 g.l-1, coconut water 150 cc.l-1. The result of this research can be concluded that (1) the influence of tripton and active carbon on orchid phaleonopsis seedling show significant effect on seedling length and the width of leaf, whereas the number of leaf , the number of root, root length and seedling wet weight were not showing significant difference, (2) Media treatment with tripton and active carbon (T1A2) is better in accelerating growth of seedling length and leaf width

    Pengaruh Pupuk Daun Dan Arang Aktif Pada Media Subkultur II Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Anggrek Phalaenopsis

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain the best media as media subculture II in accelerating the growth of Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings with foliar fertilizers as well as the addition of activated charcoal. Research using completely randomized design with 10 treatments and 3 replication. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance and followed by LSD test at 5% level. Treatment reseach is: KH2A0: Kristalon green 2 g.l-1+ Without activated charcoal, KH2A1/2 : Kristalon green 2 g.l-1+ Activated charcoal ½ g.l-1,KH2A1: Kristalon green 2 g.l-1+ Activated charcoal g.l-1 , KH 2A11/2 : Kristalon green 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 1,5 g.l-1, KH 2A2 : Kristalon green 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 2 g.l-1 , Vb2A0 : Vitabloom 2g.l-1 + Without activated charcoal, Vb2A1/2 : Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal ½ g.l-1, Vb2A1: Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 1 g.l-1, Vb2A11/2: Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 1,5 g.l-1, Vb2A2: Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 2 g.l-1. The results obtained; (1)) The use of foliar fertilizers vitabloom 2 g.l-1 with the addition of activated charcoal 1,5 g.l-1 showed the best response by producing the highest plant height althought not substantially different with the addition of activated charcoal ½ g.l-1and 1 g.l-1 and the biggest wet crop weight. (2) Media vitabloom fertilizers and without activated charcoal shows a poor response


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    Growing media is one of the important factors that determine the success of the acclimatization of plantlets from in vitro culture. Several media combinations were tried in this study with the aim of 1) Knowing the effect of media combinations on the success of plantlet acclimatization and seedling growth at the enlargement stage, 2) Getting the best media combination for the successful acclimation and enlargement of banana seedlings, and 3) Seeing the possible use of media husk in acclimatization and enlargement of banana seedlings as a result of tissue culture. The study was conducted at the Lampung State Polytechnic net home from May to August 2019. The research was carried out in a Randomized Block Design. Six media combinations were tried, namely: P1: Topsoil + Husk (1: 1); P2: Top Soil + husk (1: 2); P3: Topsoil + husk charcoal (1: 1); P4: Topsoil + Husk charcoal (1: 2); P5: Top Soil + compost (1: 1); P6: Topsoil + compost (1: 2). In acclimatization (planting until the plantlet is 4 weeks old) each treatment planted 30 plantlets, each with 5 replications, while on the enlargement of the seeds each treatment was tried with 15 replications. Observed variables included: Seed height, leaf width, number of leaves, and wet weight. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and continued with the BNJ test at a 5% level. The results showed: 1) the combination treatment of media had no effect on the percentage of plantlets that grew, and the growth of the number of seedling leaves at the enlargement stage, but markedly affected the growth of seedling height, leaf width, and seedling wet weight, 2) the best combination of media for success plantlet acclimatization and seedling growth rate (seedling height and wet weight) at the enlargement stage are P5 media (Topsoil + 1: 1 compost), then followed by P6 media (Topsoil + Compost 1: 2), and 3). Use of husk media for additional acclimatization media, it can still be used with the success rate of plantlets still reaching 70%, but it is not good to be used at the stage of seedling enlargement until it is ready for planting into the fiel

    Pengaruh Tripton dan Arang Aktif pada Pembesaran Bibit Anggrek Phalaenopsis In Vitro

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    The research was aimed to discover the influence of tripton and active carbon on faster orchid Phalaenopsis in vitro seedling enlargement and to obtain the best media that will spur the enlargement of orchid Phalaenopsis in vitro seedling. The research was using completely randomized design with 8 treatments and 4 replications, and then analyzing the data by using analyze of variant that continued with 5% LSD test. The treatments of this research were : ToAo: Tripton 0 g.l-1 + without active carbon, ToA2: Tripton 0 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 , T1Ao: Tripton 1 g.l-1 + without active carbon, T1A2 : Tripton 1 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 , T2Ao: Tripton 2 g.l-1 + without active carbon, T2A2 : Tripton 2 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 , T3Ao: Tripton 3 g.l-1 + without active carbon, T3 A2: Tripton 3 g.l-1 + active carbon 2 g.l-1 . Basic media that used in this research was foliar fertilizer vitabloom media 2 g.l-1 given vitamin B-1 technique 1 cc.l-1, sugar 20 g.l-1 , tomatoes 60 g.l-1, agar 7 g.l-1, coconut water 150 cc.l-1. The result of this research can be concluded that (1) the influence of tripton and active carbon on orchid phaleonopsis seedling show significant effect on seedling length and the width of leaf, whereas the number of leaf , the number of root, root length and seedling wet weight were not showing significant difference, (2) Media treatment with tripton and active carbon (T1A2) is better in accelerating growth of seedling length and leaf width. Keywords: Tripton, active carbon, Seedling Enlargement,Phalaenopsi

    Pengaruh Pupuk Daun dan Arang Aktif pada Media Subkultur II terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Anggrek Phalaenopsis

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain the best media as media subculture II in accelerating the growth of Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings with foliar fertilizers as well as the addition of activated charcoal. Research using completely randomized design with 10 treatments and 3 replication. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance and followed by LSD test at 5% level. Treatment reseach is: KH2A0: Kristalon green 2 g.l-1+ Without activated charcoal, KH2A1/2 : Kristalon green 2 g.l-1+ Activated charcoal ½ g.l-1,KH2A1: Kristalon green 2 g.l-1+ Activated charcoal g.l-1 , KH 2A11/2 : Kristalon green 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 1,5 g.l-1, KH 2A2 : Kristalon green 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 2 g.l-1 , Vb2A0 : Vitabloom 2g.l-1 + Without activated charcoal, Vb2A1/2 : Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal ½ g.l-1, Vb2A1: Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 1 g.l-1, Vb2A11/2: Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 1,5 g.l-1, Vb2A2: Vitabloom 2 g.l-1 + Activated charcoal 2 g.l-1. The results obtained; (1)) The use of foliar fertilizers vitabloom 2 g.l-1 with the addition of activated charcoal 1,5 g.l-1 showed the best response by producing the highest plant height althought not substantially different with the addition of activated charcoal ½ g.l-1and 1 g.l-1 and the biggest wet crop weight. (2) Media vitabloom fertilizers and without activated charcoal shows a poor response. Keywords : Foliar fertilizers, activated charcoal, Phalaenopsi


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    The length of time needed to produce orchids both in the laboratory and to produce mature flowering plants is an obstacle in the development of orchids. Generally, it takes a long time to get the first flowers from plants that are propagated. This study aims: 1) to determine whether BAP growth regulators can stimulate flowering and growth of Phalaenopsis orchid plants, 2) whether the influence of BAP zpt depends on air temperature, 3) get the best concentration to stimulate flowering and plant growth. The research was carried out at the Lampung State Polytechnic net house from June to August 2019. The research was a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. As factor I is BAP concentration (0, 50,100,150, 200 mg / l) and factor II is night air temperature (26 / 180C and 32/260 C). There were 10 treatment combinations were tried, with 5 replications. Observed variables include data analyzed by analysis of variance, then followed by a 5% LSD test. The results showed: From the results of this study the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) BAP concentrations can significantly stimulate flowering (spike emergence) & height growth of Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings, and significantly affect leaf length and number of leaves; 2) The effect of BAP concentration interacts/depends on air temperature; 3) The number of spikes per plant is markedly better / more formed at normal temperatures. At normal temperatures, a good concentration of BAP in producing spikes is 100 mg / l, whereas at low temperatures the amount of spike is most when given the addition of BAP 50 mg / l; and 4) At normal temperature the BAP concentration that is good for seedling growth (seedling height, leaf length, leaf width, and number of leaves) is 100 mg / l, whereas at low temperatures BAP concentration is good for seedling growth (seedling height, leaf width, and the number of leaves) is 50 mg / l

    Pengaruh Pupuk Daun Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kompot Anggrek Dendrobium Hasil Silangan

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    The objective of this second year research was to find foliar fertilizer in stimulating the growth of community pot seedling of Dendrobium which was cross pollinated on the first year. The research was conducted in a Completely Randomaized Design with 11 treatmets and 4 replication. The treatments were: vitabloom (P1), gandasil D (P2), plant catalyst (P3), dekastar (P4), red hyponex (P5), vitabloom+dekastar (P6), vitabloom+red hyponex (P7), gandasil D+dekastar(P8), gandasil D+red hyponex P(9), plant catalyst+dekastar (P10), plant catalyst+red hyponex (P11). The results showed that (1) Vitabloom (VB) application gave a better growth of dendrobium seedling (fresh weight, colour and vigor), followed by vitabloom combined with dekastar (VB DS), and dekastar (DS); (2) Plant catalys (PC) gave the lowest growth of seedling, otherwise, combined with red hyponex (PC HM); and (3) Applicaton of higher N content fertilizers (vitabloom, and dekastar or its combination) showed a better and faster growth of seedling compared with applicaton of lower N content fertilizers (plant catalyst). Keywords:Dendrobium seedling, foliar fertilizer, pertumbuha

    Tingkat Kesukaan Hama Plutella xylostella dan Belalang (Locusta migratoria) Terhadap Tanaman Kubis Bunga (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) Dataran Rendah yang diberi Kompos Azolla dan Pupuk NPK

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    This study aims to study (1) the level of Plutella pest preference, and (2) the level of grasshopper (Locusta sp) pest preference for lowland cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L.) on various combinations of Azolla compost and NPK fertilizer. The research was carried out in the Horticulture practice land of Lampung Polytechnic in July 2018 to September 2018. The study was arranged in factorial in a randomized block design (RBD) with 9 treatment combinations and 3 replications, so that there were 27 experimental units. The combination of treatment is as follows: The first factor is Azolla bulk compost (A) which consists of 3 levels of dosis namely: a1 = 2 tons Ha-1, a2 = 4 tons Ha-1, and a3 = 6 tons Ha-1. The second factor is the dosage of NPK fertilizer (B) which consists of 3 dosage levels, namely b1 = 0 kg ha-1, b2 = 100 kg ha-1 and b3 =200 kg ha-1. Observations were made on the intensity of Plutella xylostella and Grasshopper (Locusta sp) attacks. at the age of 17 days (1) and age 24 days (2). The data was tested by F test and the difference in treatment was followed by the smallest real difference test (LSD) level of 5%. The results obtained from the F test on the variable intensity of Plutella xylostella attack (1) were observed: azolla and NPK compost doses affected the intensity of xylostella plutella attack at the age of 17 days, while at 24 days the dose of azolla and NPK compost had no effect on pest attack this. So until the age of 17 days the administration of azolla and NPK compost still causes pests. Xylostella plutella likes flower cabbage leaves, while at the age of 24 days the flower of cabbage leaves has not been favored by these pests. For locust pests (Locusta sp), azolla dose and azolla interaction with NPK fertilizer significantly affected the attack of locust pests (Locusta sp) on cabbage flowers aged 17 days, while at the age of 24 days, only NPK doses affected the locust attack on flower cabbage plants. Thus, the adequacy of nitrogen nutrient supply causes high Plutella xylostella pest preference until the plant age of 17 days and decreases in plant age of 24 days, while for locust pest (Locusta sp) the level of preference continues until the plant age of 24 days. Keywords: Azolla compost, NPK Fertilizer, Plutella xylostella, Grasshopper (Locusta sp), Cabbage Flowe

    Pengaruh Pupuk Daun Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kompot Anggrek Dendrobium Hasil Silangan

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    The objective of this second year research was to find foliar fertilizer in stimulating the growth of community pot seedling of Dendrobium which was cross pollinated on the first year. The research was conducted in a Completely Randomaized Design with 11 treatmets and 4 replication. The treatments were: vitabloom (P1), gandasil D (P2), plant catalyst (P3), dekastar (P4), red hyponex (P5), vitabloom+dekastar (P6), vitabloom+red hyponex (P7), gandasil D+dekastar(P8), gandasil D+red hyponex P(9), plant catalyst+dekastar (P10), plant catalyst+red hyponex (P11). The results showed that (1) Vitabloom (VB) application gave a better growth of dendrobium seedling (fresh weight, colour and vigor), followed by vitabloom combined with dekastar (VB DS), and dekastar (DS); (2) Plant catalys (PC) gave the lowest growth of seedling, otherwise, combined with red hyponex (PC HM); and (3) Applicaton of higher N content fertilizers (vitabloom, and dekastar or its combination) showed a better and faster growth of seedling compared with applicaton of lower N content fertilizers (plant catalyst)

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Dan Aplikasi Pestisida Nabati Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Sayuran Organik Di Pekon Hanakau Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    The Suka Makmur Farmer Group currently uses synthetic pesticides because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of farmer group members in controlling pest and disease attacks using vegetable pesticides, lack of ability to apply organic cultivation techniques and inability to make organic cultivation inputs such as vegetable pesticides which have ease in the manufacturing process and low cost.  The target of this activity is the availability of technology to reduce the use of synthetic/chemical pesticides, reduce production costs by making their pesticides, and form groups that produce vegetable pesticides and the formation of organic pesticide sales business units. This activity produces output (1). Community groups of farmers producing organic vegetables and (2). Community groups of farmers producing organic pesticides and organic pesticide production business groups. The approach method and plan offered for solving the problem divided into several activities, namely: (1). Extension / monologue, (2). Demonstration of making organic pesticides.  The implementation of this activity attended by 15 participants with a high school level of 5 people and a junior high school with ten people. Based on the results of the initial evaluation it was found that 13 participants in the farmer group did not know and had never used vegetable pesticides during farming. Farmers always cultivate land in each planting season by planting vegetables. Two participants answered that they were familiar with vegetable pesticides. After being given counseling, five people answered the same question with a value of 90. All participants (15 people) were interested and wanted to try the practice of making and using vegetable pesticides