3,480 research outputs found

    Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase genes in Tribolium castaneum: evolution, molecular characterisation and gene expression during immune priming.

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    The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a normal consequence of the aerobic cell metabolism. Despite their high and potentially detrimental reactivity with various biomolecules, the endogenous production of ROS is a vital part of physiological, immunological, and molecular processes that contribute to fitness. The role of ROS in host\u2013parasite interactions is frequently defined by their contribution to innate immunity as effectors, promoting parasite death during infections. In vertebrates, ROS and antioxidant system enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) are also involved in acquired immune memory, where they are responsible for T-cell signalling, activation, proliferation, and viability. Based on recent findings, ROS are now also assumed to play a role in immune priming, i.e., a form of memory in invertebrates. In this study, the potential involvement of Cu,Zn SODs in immunity of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum is described for the first time, applying an approach that combines an in\ua0silico gene characterisation with an in\ua0vivo immune priming experiment using the Gram-positive entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis. We identified an unusually high number of three different transcripts for extracellular SOD and found that priming leads to a fine-tuned modulation of SOD expression, highlighting the potential of physiological co-adaptations for immune phenotypes

    Universal approximation theorems for continuous functions of c\`adl\`ag paths and L\'evy-type signature models

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    We prove two versions of a universal approximation theorem that allow to approximate continuous functions of c\`adl\`ag (rough) paths via linear functionals of their time-extended signature, one with respect to the Skorokhod J1-topology and the other one with respect to (a rough path version of) the Skorokhod M1-topology. Our main motivation to treat this question comes from signature-based models for finance that allow for the inclusion of jumps. Indeed, as an important application, we define a new class of universal signature models based on an augmented L\'evy process, which we call L\'evy-type signature models. They extend continuous signature models for asset prices as proposed e.g. by Arribas et al.(2020) in several directions, while still preserving universality and tractability properties. To analyze this, we first show that the signature process of a generic multivariate L\'evy process is a polynomial process on the extended tensor algebra and then use this for pricing and hedging approaches within L\'evy-type signature models

    Development of a multifunctional panel for aerospace use through SLM additive manufacturing

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    Lattice materials can overcome the need of light and stiff structures in the aerospace industry. The wing leading edge is one of the most critical parts for both on-board subsystem and structure features: it must withstand to the aerodynamic loads and bird-strike, integrating also the anti-ice system functions. Nowadays, this part is made by different components bonded together such as external skin, internal passageways, and feeding tubes. In the present work, a single-piece multifunctional panel made by additive manufacturing will be developed. Optimal design and manufacturing are discussed according to technological constraints, aeronautical performances and sustainability

    Blockchain Tokens, Price Volatility, and Active User Base: An Empirical Analysis Based on Tokenomics

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    Blockchain tokens have accumulated tremendous market value but remain highly controversial, given their price volatility and seemingly speculative nature. Ironically, this very characteristic can foster token retention as users wait for occasions of appreciation. In this paper, we conduct an empirical analysis with 58 tokens in two steps: first, an investigation of the drivers of user activity and token price volatility using a new blockchain token classification framework, searching for possible tokenomics links. Our findings suggest that there is an intrinsic relationship between the way tokens are used as a means of exchange and how token usage dynamics influence user engagement oppositely to market stability. Only some features, such as earning potential and voting rights, foster token-holding strategies, while only Ethereum ecosystem membership has positive effects on price volatility. Second, we analyze the direct relationship between price volatility and active users. Results show that, on average, a 10% increase in volatility is related to a decrease in active addresses ranging between 3.96% and 5.88%. The finding is supportive of the hypothesis that token price volatility may be treated as an opportunity to increase token retention

    Gli attributi di Dio. Per una traduzione slavo ecclesiastico-russo-italiano del lessico religioso e teologico-filosofico

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    In order to understand and correctly translate religious and philosophical-theological words, general dictionaries often fail to provide satisfactory solutions. Issues related to their translation go beyond linguistics and bring up the matter of correspondence or lack of correspondence in concepts and contexts of reference. Waiting for and aiming at compiling a trilingual (Church Slavonic-Russian- Italian) lexicon of religious and philosophical-theological words, the authors analyze frequent lexemes in specific literary genres and semantic fields, in order to reconstruct their origins, semantics and use. In this essay they consider in particular six lemmas used in Church Slavonic hagiography, homiletics and hymnography to refer to the three persons of Christian God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit): vĭsedĭržitelĭ (vĭsedĭržatelĭ), sĭrdĭcevědĭcĭ, ženichŭ besŭmĭrtnĭnyi, ženichŭ nebesĭnyi, edinorodĭnyi, edinočadyi

    Appellativi e attributi della Madre di Dio. Per un lexicon slavo ecclesiastico-russo-italiano dei termini religiosi

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    In direct continuity with a previous essay, devoted to the study of a selection of attributes referred to the Christian God (Ferro, Romoli, 2013), the authors analyze a number of epithets and attributes addressed to the Mother of God or defining her qualities. These words are frequently used in medieval Eastern Slavic literature, they are usually stated in the most authoritative dictionaries of Old and Church Slavonic languages, and remain generally unchanged in modern Russian. Within the project of a trilingual (Church Slavonic-Russian-Italian) lexicon, the essay aims to show how the translation of religious terms goes beyond linguistics, as the question of correspondence or lack of correspondence in concepts and contexts of reference often arises. Since general dictionaries frequently fail to provide satisfactory solutions, it is necessary to go back to the terms’ origins, semantics and use through the systematic use of different types of dictionaries. In addition, in order to provide a proper Italian translation, the use of dictionaries of the Italian language too is fundamental

    Film deposition, X-ray diffraction and optical absorption of novel (R-NH3)2ZnCl4 hybrid perovskites

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    Organic-inorganic (CnH2n+1NH3)2MX4 hybrid perovskites (where M is a divalent metal and X a halide) are presently attracting much attention, due to their unique electronic properties and excellent film processability [1]. These self-assembling structures contain 2D semiconductor layers ((MX6)=) alternately stacked with organic ammonium layers. Excitons resulting from the low dimensionality of the semiconductor sheets have binding energy of several tenths eV, and are expected to have interesting potentialities for optoelectronic and electronic applications [2]. In this communication we report on the preparation and the basic X-ray and optical characterization of the novel (CnH2n+1NH3)2ZnCl4 (1<n<6) compounds, deposited as thin films by spin-coating alcoholic solutions of stoichiometric precursors on glass and quartz substrates. X-ray diffraction data prove that the as-prepared films are single phase, well crystallized and with a dominant in-plane grain orientation. The distance between the inorganic sheets, as measured through the "d" parameters, linearly increases with the amine chain length ("n" value) (Fig.1a), thus suggesting that the organic chains are ordered perpendicularly to the film surface. The diffraction pattern refinement is presently in progress, in order to assign the appropriate space group and to determine the in-plane lattice parameters. Room temperature optical absorption spectra exhibit a maximum at about 240 nm, which is almost independent on "n" (Fig.1b). Such finding is consistent with the results we obtained in the homologous series of Cu-based hybrids [3] and suggests that also in the Zn-compounds the optical absorption phenomena are related to the inorganic cluster of the structure. References. [1] D.B.Mitzi, K.Chondroudis, C.R. Kagan, IBM J.Res.Dev. 45, 29-45, 2001; [2] M.Era, S.Morimoto, T.Tsutsui, S.Saito, Appl.Phys.Lett 65, 676-678, 1994; [3] F.Chiarella, A.Zappettini, T.Besagni, F.Licci, A.Cassinese, M.Barra, R.Vaglio, C.Aruta, Cryst.Res.Technol. 40, 1028-1032, 2005

    Translating Religious and Theological-Philosophical Vocabulary from Church Slavonic and Russian into Italian Language. The Example of the Attributes Defining God

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    In order to understand and correctly translate religious and philosophical-theological words, general dictionaries often fail to provide satisfactory solutions. Issues related to their translation go beyond linguistics and bring up the matter of correspondence or lack of correspondence in concepts and contexts of reference. Waiting for and aiming at compiling a trilingual (Church Slavonic-Russian-Italian) lexicon of religious and philosophical-theological words, the authors analyze frequent lexemes in specific literary genres and semantic fields, in order to reconstruct their origins, semantics and use. In this essay they consider in particular six lemmas used in Church Slavonic hagiography, homiletics and hymnography to refer to the three persons of Christian God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit): vĭsedĭržitelĭ (vĭsedĭržatelĭ), sĭrdĭcevědĭcĭ, ženichŭ besŭmĭrtnĭnyi, ženichŭ nebesĭnyi, edinorodĭnyi, edinočadyi.In order to understand and correctly translate religious and philosophical-theological words, general dictionaries often fail to provide satisfactory solutions. Issues related to their translation go beyond linguistics and bring up the matter of correspondence or lack of correspondence in concepts and contexts of reference. Waiting for and aiming at compiling a trilingual (Church Slavonic-Russian-Italian) lexicon of religious and philosophical-theological words, the authors analyze frequent lexemes in specific literary genres and semantic fields, in order to reconstruct their origins, semantics and use. In this essay they consider in particular six lemmas used in Church Slavonic hagiography, homiletics and hymnography to refer to the three persons of Christian God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit): vĭsedĭržitelĭ (vĭsedĭržatelĭ), sĭrdĭcevědĭcĭ, ženichŭ besŭmĭrtnĭnyi, ženichŭ nebesĭnyi, edinorodĭnyi, edinočadyi

    Appellativi e attributi della Madre di Dio. Per un lexicon slavo ecclesiastico-russo-italiano dei termini religiosi

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    In direct continuity with a previous essay on the study of a selection of attributes referred to the Christian God (Ferro, Romoli 2013), the authors analyze a number of epithets and attributes addressed to the Mother of God or defining her qualities. These words are frequently used in medieval Eastern Slavic literature, they are usually stated in the most authoritative dictionaries of Old and Church Slavonic languages, and remain generally unchanged in modern Russian.Within the project of a trilingual (Church Slavonic-Russian-Italian) lexicon, the essay aims to show how the translation of religious terms goes beyond linguistics, as the question of correspondence or lack of correspondence in concepts and contexts of reference often arises. Since general dictionaries frequently fail to provide satisfactory solutions, it is necessary to go back to the origins, semantics and use of the terms through the systematic use of different types of dictionaries. In addition, in order to provide a proper Italian translation, the use of dictionaries of the Italian language is also fundamental.In direct continuity with a previous essay on the study of a selection of attributes referred to the Christian God (Ferro, Romoli 2013), the authors analyze a number of epithets and attributes addressed to the Mother of God or defining her qualities. These words are frequently used in medieval Eastern Slavic literature, they are usually stated in the most authoritative dictionaries of Old and Church Slavonic languages, and remain generally unchanged in modern Russian.Within the project of a trilingual (Church Slavonic-Russian-Italian) lexicon, the essay aims to show how the translation of religious terms goes beyond linguistics, as the question of correspondence or lack of correspondence in concepts and contexts of reference often arises. Since general dictionaries frequently fail to provide satisfactory solutions, it is necessary to go back to the origins, semantics and use of the terms through the systematic use of different types of dictionaries. In addition, in order to provide a proper Italian translation, the use of dictionaries of the Italian language is also fundamental