7,508 research outputs found

    Schreier split extensions of preordered monoids

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    Properties of preordered monoids are investigated and important subclasses of such structures are studied. The corresponding full subcategories of the category of preordered monoids are functorially related between them as well as with the categories of preordered sets and monoids. Schreier split extensions are described in the full subcategory of preordered monoids whose preorder is determined by the corresponding positive cone

    Mobi algebra as an abstraction to the unit interval and its comparison to rings

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    We introduce a new algebraic structure, called mobi algebra, consisting of three constants and one ternary operation. The canonical example of a mobi algebra is the unit interval with the three constants 0, 1, and 1/2 and the ternary operation given by the formula x−yx+yz. We study some of its properties and prove that every unitary ring with one half uniquely determines and is uniquely determined by a mobi algebra with one double. Another algebraic structure, called involutive medial monoid (IMM), is considered to establish the passage between rings and mobi algebras.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quasinormal modes and dispersion relations for quarkonium in a plasma

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    Recent investigations show that the thermal spectral function of heavy bbˉ {b \bar b } and ccˉ {c \bar c} vector mesons can be described using holography. These studies consider a bottom up model that captures the heavy flavour spectroscopy of masses and decay constants in the vacuum and is consistently extended to finite temperature. The corresponding spectral functions provide a picture of the dissociation process in terms of the decrease of the quasi-state peaks with temperature. Another related tool that provides important information about the thermal behaviour is the analysis of the quasinormal modes. They are field solutions in a curved background assumed to represent, in gauge/gravity duality, quasi-particle states in a thermal medium. The associated complex frequencies are related to the thermal mass and width. We present here the calculation of quasinormal modes for charmonium and bottomonium using the holographic approach. The temperature dependence of mass and thermal width are investigated. Solutions corresponding to heavy mesons moving into the plasma are also studied. They provide the dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the frequency with the quasi-particle momenta, the so called dispersion relations.Comment: V2: enlarged version with clarifications, more comparison with previous articles and additional references included. 11 figures, 2 tables, 62 references. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    Categories vs. groupoids via generalised Mal'tsev properties

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    We study the difference between internal categories and internal groupoids in terms of generalised Mal'tsev properties---the weak Mal'tsev property on the one hand, and nn-permutability on the other. In the first part of the article we give conditions on internal categorical structures which detect whether the surrounding category is naturally Mal'tsev, Mal'tsev or weakly Mal'tsev. We show that these do not depend on the existence of binary products. In the second part we focus on varieties of algebras.Comment: 30 pages; final published versio
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