1,921 research outputs found

    Propaganda in Disney’s Raya and the Last Dragon: exploring the stereotypes around the ideas of a woman and femininity

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    This thesis sets out to investigate how the ideas of what it means to be a woman and femininity are constructed and propagated through the film Raya and the Last Dragon, the latest Disney Princess film, in the form of stereotypes. Previous studies show that Disney Princess films, from The Walt Disney Company, produce effects on the behaviour and thoughts of children when it comes to gender roles. As propaganda became associated with totalitarian regimes, studies about media effects rarely coin said effects as caused by propaganda. Therefore, propaganda as a field of analysis lacks a body of literature and a consensual set of analysis rules. This thesis contributes to the establishment of propaganda as a field of analysis, by defining it under Jacques Ellul’s categorisation. The study relies on a qualitative analysis based on the propaganda analysis model proposed by Garth Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell. The empirical material consists of the film Raya and the Last Dragon, and it is available on Disney+, the streaming service of The Walt Disney Company. The findings of this thesis illuminate how the ideas of a woman and of femininity are constructed in Raya and the Last Dragon and allow to understand, against the literature review, if these constructions have changed and evolved when compared to previous Disney Princess films. The results indicate that the film presents a world where women and men are seen as equal, leading it to break previous stereotypes associated with women and femininity. By presenting a female-centric story, with independent characters who have diverse personalities and clothing, who fight and have no romantic interests, the film subverts the trope of a passive woman in a dress waiting to be rescued by a man from a powerful evil woman. Additionally, the film rotates around the relationship between Raya and Namaari, using the patriarchal trope of plotting a woman against a woman to focus on female friendship. Yet, as the filmmakers are conditioned by their positionality, some stereotypes are still oriented by patriarchal logic and a western perspective, namely the omnipresence of a patriarchal figure that guides the protagonist. In the end, besides its contributions to the field of propaganda analysis, the thesis updates the tradition of studies done on the gendered stereotypes present in the Disney Princess films

    O tema do patrimonialismo na mídia brasileira: um estudo de caso dos jornais Folha de São Paulo e O Globo (2016-2021)

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    The present dissertation consists of an analysis on the theme of patrimonialism in the two largest circulation newspapers in Brazil, namely Folha de São Paulo and O Globo. Columns and editorials published from January 2016, the month when the Leftist government fell and the Center rose to power, until December 2021, a period in which the Right was in power, were scrutinized. For the purpose of this dissertation, 122 newspaper articles were analyzed from both newspapers, comprising 69 columns from Folha de São Paulo and 53 from O Globo, along with 40 editorials from both newspapers, including 16 from Folha de São Paulo and 24 from O Globo. The study aims to provide a sociological analysis of how patrimonialism evolved from a sociological concept to become an integral part of the media-public debate. Through this investigation, the dynamics established among the media, political, and sociological spheres are examined to identify points of convergence and divergence between these fields. The analysis of editorial columns, central to public communication, proves essential in revealing the stance of journalists affiliated with media conglomerate and even the opinion of newspapers through editorials. From the conducted analysis, prevalent arguments were identified and, drawing on the Grounded Theory of data, these arguments were categorized into three main groups: Political-moral Argument, Conceptual Argument, and Economic Argument. Several software tools, such as ATLAS.ti, were employed for data coding and categorization in the research. Additionally, the Python programming language was utilized for data scraping. Despite being distinct newspapers, a significant alignment is observed between them, along with a noticeable prioritization of arguments to characterize patrimonialism and its current development. Thus, this finding supports the argument that investigating columns and editorials allows for the identification of diverse opinions that communication institutions advocate in the public debate.A presente dissertação consiste em uma análise acerca do tema do patrimonialismo nos dois maiores jornais de circulação do Brasil, ou seja, Folha de São Paulo e O Globo. Foram analisadas colunas e editoriais publicados no período de janeiro de 2016, mês em que ocorreu a queda do governo de Esquerda e a ascensão do Centro, até dezembro de 2021, período em que a Direita está governando. Para o estudo desta dissertação, foram analisadas 122 colunas de ambos os jornais, sendo 69 colunas da Folha de São Paulo e 53 do jornal O Globo, além de 40 editoriais de ambos os jornais, sendo 16 da Folha de São Paulo e 24 do jornal O Globo. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar sociologicamente como o patrimonialismo passou de um conceito sociológico para fazer parte integrante do debate público midiático. A partir dessa investigação, é possível analisar as dinâmicas estabelecidas entre o campo midiático, político e sociológico com o intuito de identificar pontos de convergências e divergências entre os campos. A análise das colunas editoriais, centro de grande comunicação pública, acaba por ser essencial na medida em que podemos ver como é o posicionamento dos jornalistas ligados à empresa de comunicação e até mesmo a opinião dos jornais através dos editoriais. A partir da análise feita, percebemos os argumentos mais utilizados e, tomando um pouco de referência da Teoria Fundamentada dos dados, acabamos por dividir os argumentos em três grandes categorias, sendo elas: Argumento Político-moral, Argumento Conceitual e Argumento Econômico. Para a investigação realizada na presente pesquisa, foram utilizados alguns softwares, como ATLAS.ti, que acabou sendo crucial para a codificação e categorização dos dados. Além da linguagem de programação Python, que auxiliou na raspagem de dados. Apesar de serem jornais distintos, percebe-se que há uma grande aproximação entre ambos, mas também se nota a priorização dos argumentos para caracterizar o patrimonialismo e como ele se desenvolve atualmente. Assim, esse achado corrobora com a defesa de que a investigação das colunas e editoriais possibilita identificar as diferentes opiniões que as instituições de comunicação defendem no debate público

    Arenas da política e do sangue : os usos políticos dos jogos gladiatórios no Império Romano, de Augusto A Cômodo

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de História, 2017.Os combates gladiatórios eram praticados em Roma, desde meados do século III a.C. Inicialmente ligadas a ritos fúnebres, ganharam proporções cada vez maiores até se tornarem verdadeiros espetáculos de sangue, que expressavam valores e anseios da sociedade romana. Todos os segmentos da sociedade eram atraídos pelos anfiteatros, os agentes sociais envolvidos se inter-relacionavam em uma dinâmica de vias diversas. Imperadores, membros da elite, a plebe, todos tinham um papel a desempenhar, ao tempo que nas arenas, animais eram abatidos, criminosos foram executados. Os gladiadores, que eram socialmente desprezados, colocados na mesma categoria que prostitutas e cafetões, poderiam se transformar em heróis improváveis, conquistando a simpatia do público e, por vezes, até a própria liberdade. Os combates gladiatórios foram fenômenos complexos, que estavam longe de serem uma simples ferramenta da política do “pão e circo”.The gladiatorial combats were practiced in Rome, since mid-third century BC. Initially associated to funeral rites, they greatly increased in proportions becoming true spectacles of blood, which expressed values and yearnings of Roman society. All segments of society were attracted by amphitheaters; the social agents involved were interrelated in a dynamic of different ways. Emperors, members of the elite, the plebs, all had a role to play, while in the arenas, animals were slaughtered, criminals were executed and gladiators, who were socially despised, placed in the same category as prostitutes and pimps, could become unlikely heroes, conquering public sympathy, and sometimes, even freedom itself. The gladiatorial combats were complex phenomena, which were far from being a simple tool of the "bread and circus" policy

    Early communication indicator: an analysis with three Portuguese toddlers

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    Professionals need efficient tools in early childhood communication development to identify infants and toddlers who are at risk of communication disorders or language delays. In Portugal, this project was carried out to respond to these needs due to a lack of these resources and a high prevalence of children at risk for communication problems at early ages. This paper describes the first steps to adapt the Early Communication Indicator (ECI) for the Portuguese population. The ECI is a play-based expressive communication measure for infants and toddlers aged 6 to 42 months. The ECI was originally developed in the U.S. and was designed for use by service providers to provide information about growth in communication, to help in intervention decision making, and to be administered in any language. This paper analyzes the ECI results of three Portuguese children in relation to their communication progression, based on a one-year longitudinal study. The ECI was administered when children were 17, 24, and 30 months of age. The ECI results showed that two of the children follow the typical progression of communication acquisition, with acquisition of earlier prelinguistic skills preceding growth in spoken language. The ECI results for the other child showed a very different and slower progression in the communication skills. The data obtained provided just an initial demonstration of the use of the ECI with Portuguese children. More research is needed into the development of the ECI in the Portuguese context, such as the development of a nationally representative, normative sample. Therefore, a discussion of what is needed in research and practice to advance this project is provided.Los profesionales necesitan herramientas eficaces en el desarrollo de la comunicación en la primera infancia para identificar a los bebés y niños pequeños que corren el riesgo de sufrir trastornos de la comunicación o retrasos en el lenguaje. En Portugal, este estudio se llevó a cabo para responder a estas necesidades debido a la falta de estos recursos y a una alta prevalencia de niños con riesgo de problemas de comunicación a edades tempranas. Este trabajo describe los primeros pasos para adaptar el Indicador de Comunicación Temprana (ECI) a la población portuguesa. El ECI es una medida de comunicación expresiva basada en el juego para bebés y niños pequeños de 6 a 42 meses. El ECI fue desarrollado originalmente en los EE.UU. y fue diseñado para ser utilizado por los proveedores de servicios para proporcionar información sobre el crecimiento en la comunicación, para ayudar en la toma de decisiones de intervención, y para ser administrado en cualquier idioma. Este trabajo analiza los resultados del ECI de tres niños portugueses en relación con su progresión comunicativa, basándose en un estudio longitudinal de un año. La ECI se administró cuando los niños tenían 17, 24 y 30 meses de edad. Los resultados del ECI mostraron que dos de los niños seguían la progresión típica de la adquisición de la comunicación, con la adquisición de habilidades prelingüísticas anteriores al crecimiento del lenguaje hablado. Los resultados de la ECI del otro niño mostraron una progresión muy diferente y más lenta en las habilidades comunicativas. Los datos obtenidos proporcionaron sólo una demostración inicial del uso de la ECI con niños portugueses. Se necesita más investigación sobre el desarrollo de la ECI en el contexto portugués, como el desarrollo de una muestra normativa representativa a nivel nacional. Por lo tanto, se presenta una discusión sobre lo que se necesita en la investigación y en la práctica para avanzar en la línea que marca este estudio.This work was supported by the Portuguese Funding Agency for Science and Technology (FCT) under the reference SFRH/ BD/138965/2018, within the framework of CIEC (Research Centre on Child Studies, Institute of Education, University of Minho), projects under the references UIDB/00317/2020 and UIDP/00317/2020, and CIEd (Research Centre on Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho), projects under the references UIDB/01661/2020 and UIDP/01661/2020, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT


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    The need for effective, globally validated tools to assess and monitor communication in early childhood has led different populations to explore and adapt tools that have already been validated in other countries and languages.  A promising tool to support the assessment and monitoring of early communication is the Early Communication Indicator (ECI), developed in the USA. The ECI has recently been adapted for the Portuguese population, and the aim of this paper is to describe its characteristics and report the results obtained with Portuguese children aged between 6 and 42 months, presenting evidence for its use in assessing and monitoring communication in Portuguese children at an early age. This evidence shows the sensitivity of the ECI-Portugal in capturing the changes that occur throughout the communicative development of Portuguese children in the early years, and in identifying differences between children with and without communication disorders. Further research is needed to advance the development of the ECI in the Portuguese context. Consequently, a discussion of the research and practical steps needed to move this project forward is presented.  Article visualizations

    Software gamificado para auxílio ao ensino e aprendizagem de matemática para crianças

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, 2017.O uso de softwares tem crescido à medida que há popularização dos computadores. Têm surgido, tanto na academia quanto no mercado, soluções tecnológicas para diversas áreas, entre elas a educação. Por outro lado, o ensino e aprendizado em sala de aula continua sofrendo com problemas educacionais clássicos, como falta de motivação de alunos e professores e carência de objetivos educacionais claros. E, apesar de softwares auxiliarem o aprendizado de diversas disciplinas e idades, o público infantil, em especial quanto à matemática, tem sido pouco contemplado com os benefícios que soluções tecnológicas podem trazer. Por isso, o uso de abordagens pedagógicas, como Taxanomia de Bloom e Avaliação Formativa, juntamente com técnicas de gamificação, como o Octalysis, podem ser utilizados para desenvolver uma solução tecnológica que contemple este público. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo projetar e desenvolver um software para auxiliar o ensino e aprendizado de matemática para crianças em sala de aula. Entre os resultados obtidos, estão estão o projeto de gamificação no Octalysis, os tipos de questões e abordagem pedagógica a serem usadas, além do próprio software em funcionamento.The usage of software has grown as computers become popular. There have emerged, both in academia and in the market, technological solutions for several areas, among them education. On the other hand, classroom teaching and learning continues to suffer from classical educational problems such as lack of student and teacher motivation and lack of clear educational goals. And although software supports learning across a range of disciplines and ages, children’s audiences, especially in mathematics, have been little contemplated with the benefits that technological solutions can bring. Therefore, the use of pedagogical approaches, such as Bloom’s Taxonomy and Formative Assessments, together with gamification techniques, such as Octalysis, can be used to develop a technological solution that contemplates this public. The present work aims to design and develop software to assist the teaching and learning of mathematics for children in the classroom. Among the results obtained are the design of gamification in Octalysis, the types of questions and pedagogical approach to be used, besides the software itself in operation

    Plano de inbound marketing para a empresa Facestore

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    O presente plano de Inbound Marketing tem como objetivo ajudar a empresa Facestore a aumentar as suas vendas através de estratégias de inbound marketing que possam aumentar a sua taxa de conversão. Para tal, foi adotada uma metodologia qualitativa de estudo de caso procedendo-se à recolha de dados primários através de entrevistas estruturadas realizadas a clientes e ex-clientes da Facestore. Foram também recolhidos dados secundários relativos à performance dos diversos canais de comunicação da Facestore, vendas obtidas, taxa de conversão e análise interna e externa da empresa através da análise documental. As estratégias definidas para se atingirem os objetivos basearam-se na jornada do cliente de acordo com o funil de inbound marketing para que a empresa consiga criar valor ao longo de todo o processo

    Studies with screening and assessment instruments in communication and language in Portuguese children with and without language difficulties in inclusive contexts.

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    [Excerpt) The acquisition of communication and language is fundamental for the child's overall development. Therefore, communication difficulties may negatively influence the child's development, namely at the behavioral, socio-emotional, and cognitive levels (Prelock & Hutchins, 2018). Given the high prevalence of Portuguese children with communication and language difficulties, as well as with difficulties in school learning (Castro et al., 2019), it is essential to identify as early as possible the cases at risk that may require intervention. Thus, this paper aims to present and analyze valid and accurate screening and assessment tools, and to recognize Portuguese children at early ages at risk of language difficulties and disorders

    Poesia como documento: os Sobrados da Rua Tiradentes em Itabira (MG) e o Museu de Território Caminhos Drummondianos

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    Museums assume their social perspective when integrated into a territory premise as a phenomenon linked to memories of a community. This article analyzes the relationship between Carlos Drummond de Andrade's poems and three old houses in Itabira (MG) in an interdisciplinary perspective. The hypothesis is that these poems are documents and their representation on plaques situates the historical relevance of the houses giving support to collective memory in addition to presenting a context of those buildings as document-monuments. The methodology of this article was made by bibliographic research, analysis of poems besides observation in loco and photographic register. It is concluded that the spots of Drummond’s Paths Territorial Museum can contribute to reaffirm the construction of collective memory around Drummond, as these symbols integrate the social imaginary of locals and tourists since they are placed in an integrated way to the territory.Os museus assumem a sua perspectiva social quando integrados na premissa do território enquanto fenômeno vinculado às memórias de uma comunidade. Este artigo analisa a relação entre os poemas de Carlos Drummond de Andrade e três sobrados em Itabira (MG) em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. A hipótese é que os poemas são documentos cuja representação em placas situa a relevância histórica dos sobrados em prol da memória coletiva, além de apresentar um contexto das edificações enquanto monumentos-documentos. A metodologia deste trabalho se deu por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, análise de poemas, além de observação in loco e registro fotográfico.  A conclusão é que os pontos do Museu de Território Caminhos Drummondianos podem contribuir para reafirmar a construção da memória coletiva em torno de Drummond, pois estes símbolos integram o imaginário social dos itabiranos e turistas por estarem situados de forma integrada ao território

    Variation in the ureide content of Jack Bean during the reproductive stages in response to nitrate

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    Nitrogen is frequently the limiting mineral nutrient for plant productivity and it is essential to obtain an understanding of how this element is assimilated and its metabolism regulated, in crop plants. The objective of this work was to study nitrogen metabolism in the tropical legume Canavalia ensiformis, a plant species used as a green manure. The nitrate dose provided changed the concentrations of ureides exported via the xylem, whilst the developmental stage alterations demonstrated to influence the form of ureide exported via the xylem. Considering the content of ureides as an indicator of N-fixation status, it could be concluded that N-fixation was affected in the presence of nitrate in C. ensiformis.Nitrogênio é o nutriente mineral mais limitante e importante para produção vegetal e o entendimento de como esse elemento é assimilado e como seu metabolismo é regulado, são essenciais para plantas cultivadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as variações no metabolismo de nitrogênio em Canavalia ensiformis, em resposta ao nitrato, durante o período reprodutivo. A dose de nitrato fornecida mudou as concentrações de udeídeos exportados via xilema, enquanto alterações no estádio de desenvolvimento mostrou influenciar a forma de ureídeo exportado via xilema. Considerando o nível de ureídeos como um indicador do status da fixação biológica, é possível dizer que a fixação do nitrogênio pode ter sido afetada na presença do nitrato em C. ensiformis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESPConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq