303 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Notion of Need for the Representation of Public Services

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    Many Public Administrations structure their services around the notion of users’ need. However, there is a gap between private, subjectively perceived needs (self-attributed) and needs that are attributed by PA to citizens (heteroattributed). Because of the gap, citizens’ needs are often only partially satisfied by PAs services. This gap is in part due to the fact that the meaning of the word “need” is ambiguous and full of antinomic nuances. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a definition of “need” suitable for citizens’ needs management with respect to PA’s services offering, and to provide an accurate ontological analysis of the notion of “need” and the network of concepts that relate to it

    New technology based on clamping for high gradient radio frequency photogun

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    High gradient rf photoguns have been a key development to enable several applications of high quality electron beams. They allow the generation of beams with very high peak current and low transverse emittance, satisfying the tight demands for free-electron lasers, energy recovery linacs, Compton/Thomson sources and high-energy linear colliders. In the present paper we present the design of a new rf photogun recently developed in the framework of the SPARC_LAB photoinjector activities at the laboratories of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati (LNF-INFN, Italy). This design implements several new features from the electromagnetic point of view and, more important, a novel technology for its realization that does not involve any brazing process. From the electromagnetic point of view the gun presents high mode separation, low peak surface electric field at the iris and minimized pulsed heating on the coupler. For the realization, we have implemented a novel fabrication design that, avoiding brazing, strongly reduces the cost, the realization time and the risk of failure. Details on the electromagnetic design, low power rf measurements and high power radiofrequency and beam tests performed at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) are discussed in the paper

    Lightweight ribs for the strengthening of single leaf vaults undergoing seismic actions.

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    In this paper the behavior and the collapse mechanism of single leaf vaulted structures undergoing seismic loads are discussed, and an innovative technique based on the use of lightweight ribs is proposed. The efficiency of the solution is verified by means of non linear numerical analyses on a strengthened single leaf vaulted structure. The numeric model is validated through comparison with the results of experimental tests performed on lightweight ribs subjected to cyclic, unsymmetrical load conditions

    Needs and intentionality

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    A thorough understanding of what needs are is fundamental for design- ing well-behaved information systems for many social applications and in partic- ular for public services. Talking about needs pervades indeed the jargon of Public Administrations when motivating their service offering. In this paper, we propose an ontological analysis of needs, aiming at a principled disentangling of the differ- ent uses of the term. We leverage philosophical tradition on intentionality, for its rich understanding of mental entities, we compare it with the well-established BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) tradition in knowledge representation, and we propose a formalisation of needs within the foundational ontology DOLCE. Throughout the paper, we motivate our analysis focusing on needs in public services

    techno economic analysis of in situ production by electrolysis biomass gasification and delivery systems for hydrogen refuelling stations rome case study

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    Abstract Starting from the Rome Hydrogen Refuelling Station demand of 65 kg/day, techno-economics of production systems and balance of plant for small scale stations have been analysed. A sensitivity analysis has been done on Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) in the range of 0 to 400 kg/day, varying capacity factor and availability hours or travel distance for alkaline electrolysers, biomass gasification and hydrogen delivery. As expected, minimum LCOH for electrolyser and gasifier is found at 400 kg/day and 24 h/day, equal to 12.71 €/kg and 5.99 €/kg however, for operating hours over 12 and 10 h/day the differential cost reaches a plateau (below 5%), for electrolyser and gasifier respectively. For the Rome station design, 160 kWe of electrolysers 24 h/day and 100 kWth gasifier at 8 h/day, LCOH (11.85 €/kg) was calculated considering the modification of the cost structure due to the existing equipment, which is convenient respect the use of a single technology, except for 24 h/day gasification

    High feeding dependence prevalence in residents living in Italian nursing homes requires new policies: findings from a regionally based cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: An increased amount of functional dependence has been reported among residents living in nursing homes. Among others, feeding dependence is one of the most complex needs to satisfy: behind the attempt to personalise meals with individual preferences and clinical regimens, all residents require help at the same moment and for long periods of time, three or more times a day. With the intent of debating policy implications, the aims of this study were to advance the knowledge in the field of feeding dependence prevalence and predictors in Italy, a country where life expectancy is among the highest in the World.Method: A large retrospective regionally-based study approaching all nursing homes (n=105) was performed in 2014; all residents (n=10,900) were eligible and those with a completed assessment recorded in the regional database and aged > 65 years (n=8,875) were included. Results: 1,839 residents (20.7%) were in total need of help in feeding on a daily basis. At the multilevel analysis, predictors were moderate/severe dementia (OR 4.044, CI 95% 3.213–5.090); dysphagia (OR 4.003 CI 95% 3.155–5.079); pressure sores (OR 2.317 CI 95% 1.803–2.978); unintentional weigh loss (OR 2.197 CI 95% 1.493–3.233); unsociability (OR 1.561 CI 95% 1.060–2.299); and clinical instability (OR 1.363 CI 95% 1.109–1.677). Conclusions: The feeding dependence prevalence emerged seem to be unique compared to that documented at the international levels. Modifiable and unmodifiable predictors found require new policies regarding workforce skills-mix and shifts schedules; as well as alliances with families, associations and communities’ stakeholders. According to the complexity of the resident profile emerged, staff education and training is also recommended

    Inactive Residents Living in Nursing Homes and Associated Predictors: Findings From a Regional-Based, Italian Retrospective Study.

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    Objectives: It has been amply reported that nursing home (NH) residents are largely inactive, a condition that may further increase functional decline, behavioral disorders, and risk of death. To date, studies have mainly focused on individual characteristics that may decrease residents' involvement in activities. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of inactive NH residents in an Italian context, identifying predictors of inactivity at the individual and NH levels. Design: Retrospective regional-based study performed in 2014. Setting: All NHs (n = 105) located in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, northeastern region of Italy. Participants: A total of 8875 residents with at least 1 nursing assessment and living in an NH for at least 1 year. Measurements: The dependent variable was inactivity in the last week, defined as the resident not being involved in any socially or individually based, or meaningful recreational (eg, gardening) activities. The independent variables were set at individual and NH levels. Aiming at identifying predictors of inactivity, a hierarchical generalized linear (mixed-effects) model incorporating both fixed-effect parameters and random effects, was performed. Results: A total of 4042 (45.6%) residents were inactive during the week before the evaluation. At the resident level, those with severe cognitive impairment [odds (OR) 4.462, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.880-5.132], unsociable behavior (OR 2.961, 95% CI 2.522-3.473), night restlessness (OR 1.605, 95% CI 1.395-1.853), lack of cooperation in daily care (OR 1.408, 95% CI 1.199-1.643), pressure sores (OR 1.314, 95% CI 1.065-1.622), depressive disorders (OR 1.242, 95% CI 1.089-1.416), and clinical instability (OR 1.110, 95% CI 1.037-1.188) reported an increased risk of being inactive. At the NH level, for each additional hour of care offered by professional educators, there was 1% less likelihood of inactive residents (OR .964, 95% .933-.996). Conclusions: Approximately one-half of the residents in this study living in Italian NHs are inactive. Inactivity is significantly associated with the presence of severe cognitive impairment, behavioral disorders (eg, unsociability, night restlessness, and lack of cooperation in daily care), pressure sores, depressive symptoms, and clinical instability. Moreover, receiving care from professional educators whose aim in their training program and professional mission is to improve individual and social engagement, decreased the likelihood of resident inactivity. \ua9 2016 AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
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