26 research outputs found

    Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out? Exploring the Venture Emergence in Technology-based Firms

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    Els emprenedors prenen decisions com la d’engegar o no la seva idea de negoci, adaptar-se i ajustar-se a les peticions del mercat, i desafortunadament la de continuar o deixar el procés de creació del nou negoci. Tot i que la constant progressió tecnològica obre oportunitats als emprenedors per engegar idees de negoci en base a noves innovacions tecnològiques, només alguns d’ells i elles aconsegueixen complir amb aquestes expectatives. Les investigacions prèvies en emprenedoria s'han centrat en entendre com els recursos poden explicar l'evolució de les empreses de nova creació. No obstant, quan es planteja l’estudi de l’emprenedoria de base tecnològica trobem dificultats per poder explicar les diferències de resultats si només ens fixem en les combinacions de recursos inicials. Aquesta recerca proposa introduir altres perspectives teòriques que ens poden ajudar a identificar factors per entendre millor com sorgeixen les organitzacions de base tecnològica. Fem servir un mètode mixt, combinant un estudi qualitatiu exploratori amb un estudi quantitatiu. En primer lloc explorem factors i accions que influencien el procés d’emprenedoria tecnològica. Seguidament, ampliem el marc teòric inicial per donar suport als aspectes que han aparegut en el treball qualitatiu, i formular les hipòtesis de recerca. Fem servir un set de dades longitudinals per testejar aquestes hipòtesis. Finament, es conclou el document reflexionant sobre la combinació dels resultats del treball qualitatiu i quantitatiu. Utilitzant la teoria de senyals expliquem que els recursos tecnològics poden tenir una funció com a símbol diferencial de qualitat. Observem que aquests recursos han de ser transformats per tal de generar valor pels potencials clients. Fent servir la perspectiva teòrica de màrqueting i del capital humà es detalla com l’experiència i la intensitat de les seves accions de creació de mercat tenen una influència positiva en el procés de sorgiment. Aquesta recerca contribueix al coneixement actual sobre el desenvolupament de les empreses de nova creació de base tecnològica. Es suggereix que l’orientació de les accions de l’emprenedor, en concret l’activació de capacitats d’interacció amb el mercat, influeixen en sorgiment d’aquest tipus d’organitzacions. Els resultats també tenen implicacions pràctiques per emprenedors, inversors i agents implicats en el desenvolupament d’emprenedoria tecnològica; es proposa que més enllà d’analitzar les combinacions inicials de recursos d’un emprenedor, s’ha de dedicar més atenció a la capacitat de transformar aquests recursos en propostes de valor, i la seva orientació a mercat.Los emprendedores toman decisiones como la de empezar o no su idea de negocio, adaptarse o no a las necesidades del mercado, y desafortunadamente la de continuar o dejar su proyecto. A pesar de que la constante progresión tecnológica abren oportunidades para generar ideas de negocio a partir de las innovaciones tecnológicas; sólo algunos de ellos y ellas logran cumplir estas expectativas. Las investigaciones previas en emprendimiento han observado como los recursos pueden ayudar a entender la evolución de las empresas de nueva creación. No obstante, cuando se plantea el estudio del emprendimiento de base tecnológica nos encontramos con dificultades para poder explicar las diferencias de resultados si nos limitamos a observar las combinaciones iniciales de recursos. Esta investigación propone introducir perspectivas teóricas que nos permitan identificar factores y su influencia para entender como surgen las organizaciones de base tecnológica. Utilizamos un método mixto, combinando un estudio cualitativo y un cuantitativo. En primer lugar exploramos factores y acciones que influyen en el proceso de emprendimiento tecnológico. A continuación ampliamos el marco teórico inicial para dar soporte a los aspectos identificados en el trabajo cualitativo, y formulamos las hipótesis de investigación. Usamos un set de datos longitudinales para testeas estas hipótesis. Finalmente, se concluyen el documento con una discusión de los resultados obtenidos. La teoría de señales nos permite entender como los recursos tecnológicos pueden tener una función como símbolo de calidad. Observamos que estos recursos deben ser transformados para generar valor para los potenciales clientes. Utilizando la perspectiva teórica de marketing y de capital humano detallamos como la experiencia y la intensidad de las acciones de creación de mercado tienen una influencia positiva en el proceso de creación de las empresas. Esta investigación contribuye al conocimiento actual sobre el desarrollo de empresas de nueva creación de base tecnológica. Se sugiere que la orientación de las acciones del emprendedor, en concreto la activación de orientación a mercado, influyen en desarrollo de estas organizaciones. Los resultados tienen implicaciones prácticas para emprendedores, inversores y agentes implicados en el desarrollo de emprendimiento tecnológico; se propone que más allá de fijarse en las combinaciones iniciales de recursos, debemos dedicar más atención a las capacidades de transformar estos recursos en propuestas de valor y su orientación a mercado.Despite the remnant promises that sustained technological progress offers to entrepreneurs eager to introduce disruptive technological innovations, we observe that only few of them live up to the expectations. In fact, there is a limited understanding on the factors underlying the transformation of promising technologies into viable organizations, and how they influence the decisions to turn on, tune in with the market, and drop-out or continue with their organizing efforts. Prior entrepreneurship research relying on the resource-based view finds difficulties to explain the technology-based firms' performance. We propose to complement the current understanding with additional perspectives that could help to identify factors that provide further insights on the emergence of new technology-based firms. We adopt a mixed-method approach to combine an exploratory qualitative field work with a quantitative research approach. First, we gather insights on the factors and actions that are seen to be influencing the technology entrepreneurship process, from the initial opportunity to the creation of a stable business. Then, we extend our initial theoretical framework on the technology entrepreneurship process to support the qualitative findings and build propositions; these are tested as hypotheses on a larger sample of technology-based firms. Finally, we combine the findings from the qualitative field work with the findings from the hypotheses test. Using the signaling theory we explain how some resources value goes beyond its direct impact on firm’s performance, suggesting that they are also used for their symbolic value. We observe that technological assets need to be transformed in order to generate value for the potential customers of the new venture. Marketing and human capital theory insights provide an explanation on how experience and market presence positively influence the venture emergence of new technology-based firms. We contribute to the current understanding of new technology-based firms with the introduction of human capital, marketing and technology commercialization theory. Describing how the orientation of entrepreneur's actions and the early development of market capacities influence on the venture emergence of this type of firms. The results also have implications for entrepreneurs, investors in technology startups, and stakeholders in technology entrepreneurship; as they suggest that further attention should be given to the market actions of the entrepreneurs, regardless of their initial combinations of resources

    From Ideas to Opportunities: Exploring the Construction of Technology-Based Entrepreneurial Opportunities

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    The transformation of business ideas into market opportunities is at the core of entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, the complexity of such a transformative process is seen to change depending on the variables influencing the opportunity-entrepreneur nexus. Although technology-entrepreneurship is regarded as a force of change and dynamism in socio-economic growth, it also depends upon an intricate process of opportunity development. The interest in understanding better how technology-based entrepreneurs simultaneously cope with technological uncertainty while trying to gain stakeholder support and access to resources, highlights a relevant research gap. The research described in this article uses the constructivist view to deepen our understanding of the technology-based entrepreneur’s conceptualization of the opportunity as a process of social construction. Our results show how initial consensus-building efforts and iteration with knowledgeable peers are an essential part of the emergence of the opportunity, changing both entrepreneur's and stakeholders' perceptions of the early business idea. Consequently, our results provide evidence in support of policy programs and measures that favour social-construction support mechanisms to foster technology-based entrepreneurship

    Global banning of a diffused controversial practice: deinstitutionalization in the soccer industry

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    We study the deinstitutionalization of a controversial practice that had previously reached a level of international diffusion. We draw on international diffusion and deinstitutionalization theory to study the emergence and diffusion of the third-party ownership practice in the soccer industry. We use an inductive case study combining archival and interview data to study the determinants of the international diffusion of a controversial practice at a global scale, the contestation, and finally the deinstitutionalization process that resulted from the ban of the practice. We find that the opacity of the practice can be a diffusion driver, locally and at the international level, nevertheless the opacity also may lead to different meaning creation attempts and potential discursive battles between actors, and eventually to deinstitutionalization of the practice. This article advances our understanding of how controversial practices fare in different institutional environments

    Cuantificarse para vivir a través de los datos : los datos masivos (big data) aplicados al ámbito personal

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    Objectives: This paper uses data generated by users to reflect on the emergent paradigm of lifelogging or quantified self as a lifestyle. It analyses the social and technological aspects of this phenomenon, focusing on data management, and it describes how the principles of big data enable us to understand the opportunities and complexities that quantified self is responsible for. -- Methodology: The paper revises the bibliography published on lifelogging and quantified self from its beginnings to the present. The bibliographic search was completed using bibliographic databases for the articles and general search engines for information on products and applications and for news articles in the local and international press. -- Results: The result is a taxonomy of uses, applications and tools for lifelogging and quantified self. The researchers conclude that the ability to generate quality information from user-generated data will be key in the development of this paradigm. It will also be necessary to establish standards and protocols to organize, manage and analyse the data so that the potentially positive impact of quantified self on society can be optimized. Objetivos: este artículo reflexiona sobre el surgimiento de los fenómenos lifelogging y quantified self como una forma de vivir a través de los datos personales generados por el propio usuario. Se analizan la perspectiva social y tecnológica haciendo énfasis en la gestión de los datos, y se describe cómo los principios de la inteligencia de datos (big data) permiten entender las oportunidades y complejidades que generan estos fenómenos. -- Metodología: se ha revisado la bibliografía publicada sobre los fenómenos lifelogging y quantified self desde su aparición hasta nuestros días. La búsqueda bibliográfica se ha realizado en bases de datos bibliográficas para los artículos y mediante buscadores generalistas para la información de los productos y aplicaciones, así como para las noticias de actualidad aparecidas en la prensa local e internacional. -- Resultados: el resultado es una taxonomía de usos, aplicaciones y herramientas de lifelogging y quantified self. Se concluye que un factor determinante en su evolución será la capacidad de generar información d

    Quantificar-se per viure a través de les dades: les dades massives (big data) aplicades a l'àmbit personal

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    Objectius: aquest article reflexiona sobre el sorgiment dels fenòmens lifelogging i quantified self com una forma de viure a través de les dades personals generades pel mateix usuari. S'analitza la perspectiva social i tecnològica fent èmfasi en la gestió de les dades, i es descriu com els principis de les dades massives permeten entendre les oportunitats i complexitats que generen aquests fenòmens. -- Metodologia: s'ha revisat la bibliografia publicada sobre els fenòmens lifelogging i quantified self des de l'aparició fins als nostres dies. La recerca bibliogràfica s'ha fet mitjançant bases de dades bibliogràfiques pels articles i cercadors generalistes per a la informació dels productes i aplicacions, així com per les notícies d'actualitat aparegudes a la premsa local i internacional. -- Resultats: el resultat és una taxonomia d'usos, aplicacions i eines de lifelogging i quantified self. Es conclou que un factor determinant en la seva evolució serà la capacitat de generar informació de qualitat a partir de les dades generades per l'usuari. En els dos casos es veu necessari establir estàndards i protocols que permetin una estructuració, gestió i anàlisi de les dades per tal d'optimitzar els potencials impactes positius que pot generar el fenomen del quantified self a la societat.Objectives: This paper uses data generated by users to reflect on the emergent paradigm of lifelogging or quantified self as a lifestyle. It analyses the social and technological aspects of this phenomenon, focusing on data management, and it describes how the principles of big data enable us to understand the opportunities and complexities that quantified self is responsible for. -- Methodology: The paper revises the bibliography published on lifelogging and quantified self from its beginnings to the present. The bibliographic search was completed using bibliographic databases for the articles and general search engines for information on products and applications and for news articles in the local and international press. -- Results: The result is a taxonomy of uses, applications and tools for lifelogging and quantified self. The researchers conclude that the ability to generate quality information from user-generated data will be key in the development of this paradigm. It will also be necessary to establish standards and protocols to organize, manage and analyse the data so that the potentially positive impact of quantified self on society can be optimizedObjetivos: este artículo reflexiona sobre el surgimiento de los fenómenos lifelogging y quantified self como una forma de vivir a través de los datos personales generados por el propio usuario. Se analizan la perspectiva social y tecnológica haciendo énfasis en la gestión de los datos, y se describe cómo los principios de la inteligencia de datos (big data) permiten entender las oportunidades y complejidades que generan estos fenómenos. -- Metodología: se ha revisado la bibliografía publicada sobre los fenómenos lifelogging y quantified self desde su aparición hasta nuestros días. La búsqueda bibliográfica se ha realizado en bases de datos bibliográficas para los artículos y mediante buscadores generalistas para la información de los productos y aplicaciones, así como para las noticias de actualidad aparecidas en la prensa local e internacional. -- Resultados: el resultado es una taxonomía de usos, aplicaciones y herramientas de lifelogging y quantified self. Se concluye que un factor determinante en su evolución será la capacidad de generar información de calidad a partir de los datos generados por el usuario. En ambos casos se ve necesario establecer estándares y protocolos que permitan una estructuración, gestión y análisis de los datos con el fin de optimizar los potenciales impactos positivos que puede generar el fenómeno del quantified self a la socieda

    Unbundling the influence of human capital on the new venture’s performance

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    © 2019 by De La Salle University. We use a longitudinal dataset on new ventures to assess the effects of human capital factors (education, work experience, and entrepreneurial experience) on new ventures’ performance. Our results show how the influence of human capital factors are dependent on the context (high vs. non-high technology industries) and illustrate the different effects of general and specific human capital factors. The findings help to clarify the existing debate on the influence of human capital where we introduce a longitudinal perspective that contributes to uncover the influence of factors such as prior experience, in particular if in the same industry, as a positive influence on new ventures’ future performance

    Co-creating Science Commercialization Opportunities for Blue Biotechnologies: The FucoSan Project

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    We report the experience of the FucoSan InterReg project that had the ambition to generate commercialization opportunities for biotechnology research in a marine environment. Fucoidan, a promising biomarine polysaccharide extracted from seaweed, offers a broad array of potential applications; however, the supporting innovation value chain is still under development. We explore how the use of business modelling tools can contribute to building a shared understanding of commercialization opportunities across a diverse range of research and development actors. We analyze data (interviews, workshops, and surveys) from a German-Danish network of actors involved in the FucoSan InterReg project to identify how the tools contribute to setting up a base to support future activities across a potential innovation value chain. The results point towards the direct and indirect positive effects of engaging in the co-creation of a shared understanding of the functionality and possibilities of promising biomarine products. The findings support the idea that interdisciplinary and multilateral interactions help actors to identify the necessary connections and interdependencies to build a sustainability-driven innovation value chain

    Students as scientists’ co-pilots at the onset of technology transfer: a two-way learning process

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    To provide further knowledge and technology transfer to society, universities are exploring new collaborative models. These new models are regarded as promising alternatives to the patent-centric linear model. However, their implementation requires revising the roles of the actors in the technology transfer process and their relationships. While collaborative models could indeed be an attractive option for universities, there is limited evidence on how these collaboration processes could be effectively introduced. We use a longitudinal embedded multiple case study to explore the contribution of knowledge interactions between scientists and students in the preliminary steps of the technology transfer process. We investigate the learning dynamics between the focal actor, i.e., the scientist, and the students in a university setting to decipher how the introduction of such collaborative processes can contribute to knowledge and technology transfer. Our results suggest that students enrolled in an educational program can contribute to the scientist's interest and engagement in technology transfer. However, we find out that the extent of the students' contribution depends on the shared consensus over the technology function and the openness of the scientist to reconsider the technology's meaning. We contribute to the ongoing exploration of alternative models for technology transfer and the identification of additional roles that students can take in entrepreneurial university ecosystems

    Resource combinations influence on new firm growth, studying new entrants in a high tech industry

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    Understanding the influence of resources on the new firm\u27s growth remains a difficult challenge for scholars. Prior research has suggested that the impact of human capital or technological resources is limited and does not provide an explanation on why some new firms grow faster than others. In this research we propose to explore the complementary and substitution effects between these resources using Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS) Dataset. We also introduce market resources to further understand the influence dynamics of resources in early stage growth. We follow the evolution of a sample of firms in a high tech industry to test our hypotheses. The results show that besides the direct effects of human, technological and market resources, it is the complementary and substitution effects across them that provides additional valuable information to understand their impact on new firm\u27s growth. © 2016 IEEE