75 research outputs found

    Fragment screening reveals salicylic hydroxamic acid as an inhibitor of <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> GPI GlcNAc-PI de-N-acetylase

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    The zinc-metalloenzyme GlcNAc-PI de-N-acetylase is essential for the biosynthesis of mature GPI anchors and has been genetically validated in the bloodstream form of Trypanosoma brucei, which causes African sleeping sickness. We screened a focused library of zinc-binding fragments and identified salicylic hydroxamic acid as a GlcNAc-PI de-N-acetylase inhibitor with high ligand efficiency. This is the first small molecule inhibitor reported for the trypanosome GPI pathway. Investigating the structure activity relationship revealed that hydroxamic acid and 2-OH are essential for potency, and that substitution is tolerated at the 4- and 5-positions

    Generation of a bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei double glycosyltransferase null mutant competent in receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin

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    The bloodstream form of Trypanosoma brucei expresses large poly-N-acetyllactosamine (pNAL) chains on complex N-glycans of a subset of glycoproteins. It has been hypothesised that pNAL may be required for receptor-mediated endocytosis. African trypanosomes contain a unique family of glycosyltransferases, the GT67 family. Two of these, TbGT10 and TbGT8, have been shown to be involved in pNAL biosynthesis in bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei, raising the possibility that deleting both enzymes simultaneously might abolish pNAL biosynthesis and provide clues to pNAL function and/or essentiality. In this paper, we describe the creation of a TbGT10 null mutant containing a single TbGT8 allele that can be excised upon the addition of rapamycin and, from that, a TbGT10 and TbGT8 double null mutant. These mutants were analysed by lectin blotting, glycopeptide methylation linkage analysis and flow cytometry. The data show that the mutants are defective, but not abrogated, in pNAL synthesis, suggesting that other GT67 family members can compensate to some degree for loss of TbGT10 and TbGT8. Despite there being residual pNAL synthesis in these mutants, certain glycoproteins appear to be particularly affected. These include the lysosomal CBP1B serine carboxypeptidase, cell surface ESAG2 and the ESAG6 subunit of the essential parasite transferrin receptor (TfR). The pNAL deficient TfR in the mutants continued to function normally with respect to protein stability, transferrin binding, receptor mediated endocytosis of transferrin and subcellular localisation. Further the pNAL deficient mutants were as viable as wild type parasites in vitro and in in vivo mouse infection experiments. Although we were able to reproduce the inhibition of transferrin uptake with high concentrations of pNAL structural analogues (N-acetylchito-oligosaccharides), this effect disappeared at lower concentrations that still inhibited tomato lectin uptake, i.e., at concentrations able to outcompete lectin-pNAL binding. Based on these findings, we recommend revision of the pNAL-dependent receptor mediated endocytosis hypothesis.</p

    TbGT8 is a bifunctional glycosyltransferase that elaborates<em> N</em>-linked glycans on a protein phosphatase AcP115 and a GPI-anchor modifying glycan in <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em>

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    AbstractThe procyclic form of Trypanosoma brucei expresses procyclin surface glycoproteins with unusual glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor side chain structures that contain branched N-acetyllactosamine and lacto-N-biose units. The glycosyltransferase TbGT8 is involved in the synthesis of the branched side chain through its UDP-GlcNAc: βGal β1-3N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity. Here, we explored the role of TbGT8 in the mammalian bloodstream form of the parasite with a tetracycline-inducible conditional null T. brucei mutant for TbGT8. Under non-permissive conditions, the mutant showed significantly reduced binding to tomato lectin, which recognizes poly-N-acetyllactosamine-containing glycans. Lectin pull-down assays revealed differences between the wild type and TbGT8 null-mutant T. brucei, notably the absence of a broad protein band with an approximate molecular weight of 110kDa in the mutant lysate. Proteomic analysis revealed that the band contained several glycoproteins, including the acidic ecto-protein phosphatase AcP115, a stage-specific glycoprotein in the bloodstream form of T. brucei. Western blotting with an anti-AcP115 antibody revealed that AcP115 was approximately 10kDa smaller in the mutant. Enzymatic de-N-glycosylation demonstrated that the underlying protein cores were the same, suggesting that the 10-kDa difference was due to differences in N-linked glycans. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed the colocalization of hemagglutinin epitope-tagged TbGT8 and the Golgi-associated protein GRASP. These data suggest that TbGT8 is involved in the construction of complex poly-N-acetyllactosamine-containing type N-linked and GPI-linked glycans in the Golgi of the bloodstream and procyclic parasite forms, respectively

    Depletion of UDP-Glucose and UDP-Galactose Using a Degron System Leads to Growth Cessation of Leishmania major

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    Interconversion of UDP-glucose (UDP-Glc) and UDP-galactose (UDP-Gal) by the UDP-Glc 4´-epimerase intimately connects the biosynthesis of these two nucleotide sugars. Their de novo biosynthesis involves transformation of glucose-6-phosphate into glucose-1-phosphate by the phosphoglucomutase and subsequent activation into UDP-Glc by the specific UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (UGP). Besides UGP, Leishmania parasites express an uncommon UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylase (USP) able to activate both galactose-1-phosphate and glucose-1-phosphate in vitro. Targeted gene deletion of UGP alone was previously shown to principally affect expression of lipophosphoglycan, resulting in a reduced virulence. Since our attempts to delete both UGP and USP failed, deletion of UGP was combined with conditional destabilisation of USP to control the biosynthesis of UDP-Glc and UDP-Gal. Stabilisation of the enzyme produced by a single USP allele was sufficient to maintain the steady-state pools of these two nucleotide sugars and preserve almost normal glycoinositolphospholipids galactosylation, but at the apparent expense of lipophosphoglycan biosynthesis. However, under destabilising conditions, the absence of both UGP and USP resulted in depletion of UDP-Glc and UDP-Gal and led to growth cessation and cell death, suggesting that either or both of these metabolites is/are essential

    Identification and functional characterization of a highly divergent N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (TbGnTI) in <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em>

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    Trypanosoma brucei expresses a diverse repertoire of N-glycans, ranging from oligomannose and paucimannose structures to exceptionally large complex N-glycans. Despite the presence of the latter, no obvious homologues of known β1–4-galactosyltransferase or β1–2- or β1–6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase genes have been found in the parasite genome. However, we previously reported a family of putative UDP-sugar-dependent glycosyltransferases with similarity to the mammalian β1–3-glycosyltransferase family. Here we characterize one of these genes, TbGT11, and show that it encodes a Golgi apparatus resident UDP-GlcNAc:α3-d-mannoside β1–2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I activity (TbGnTI). The bloodstream-form TbGT11 null mutant exhibited significantly modified protein N-glycans but normal growth in vitro and infectivity to rodents. In contrast to multicellular organisms, where the GnTI reaction is essential for biosynthesis of both complex and hybrid N-glycans, T. brucei TbGT11 null mutants expressed atypical “pseudohybrid” glycans, indicating that TbGnTII activity is not dependent on prior TbGnTI action. Using a functional in vitro assay, we showed that TbGnTI transfers UDP-GlcNAc to biantennary Man(3)GlcNAc(2), but not to triantennary Man(5)GlcNAc(2), which is the preferred substrate for metazoan GnTIs. Sequence alignment reveals that the T. brucei enzyme is far removed from the metazoan GnTI family and suggests that the parasite has adapted the β3-glycosyltransferase family to catalyze β1–2 linkages

    Identification of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase A2 (GPI-PLA2) that mediates GPI fatty acid remodeling in Trypanosoma brucei

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    The biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) in the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei involves fatty acid remodeling of the GPI precursor molecules before they are transferred to protein in the endoplasmic reticulum. The genes encoding the requisite phospholipase A2 and A1 activities for this remodeling have thus far been elusive. Here, we identify a gene, Tb927.7.6110, that encodes a protein that is both necessary and sufficient for GPI-phospholipase A2 (GPI-PLA2) activity in the procyclic form of the parasite. The predicted protein product belongs to the alkaline ceramidase, PAQR receptor, Per1, SID-1, and TMEM8 (CREST) superfamily of transmembrane hydrolase proteins and shows sequence similarity to Post-GPI-Attachment to Protein 6 (PGAP6), a GPI-PLA2 that acts after transfer of GPI precursors to protein in mammalian cells. We show the trypanosome Tb927.7.6110 GPI-PLA2 gene resides in a locus with two closely related genes Tb927.7.6150 and Tb927.7.6170, one of which (Tb927.7.6150) most likely encodes a catalytically inactive protein. The absence of GPI-PLA2 in the null mutant procyclic cells not only affected fatty acid remodeling but also reduced GPI anchor sidechain size on mature GPI-anchored procyclin glycoproteins. This reduction in GPI anchor sidechain size was reversed upon the re-addition of Tb927.7.6110 and of Tb927.7.6170, despite the latter not encoding GPI precursor GPI-PLA2 activity. Taken together, we conclude that Tb927.7.6110 encodes the GPI-PLA2 of GPI precursor fatty acid remodeling and that more work is required to assess the roles and essentiality of Tb927.7.6170 and the presumably enzymatically inactive Tb927.7.6150

    Parasite Glycobiology:A Bittersweet Symphony

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    Human infections caused by parasitic protozoans and helminths are among the world's leading causes of death. More than a million people die each year from diseases like malaria and neglected tropical diseases like leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, and schistosomiasis. Patients also endure disabilities that cause lifelong suffering and that affect productivity and development [1]. More insidiously, parasites generate important economic losses, since they often also infect commercially valuable animals. Worldwide, exposure to parasites is increasing due to growing international travel and migrations, as well as climate changes, which affect the geographic distribution of the parasite vectors. The parasitic threat is also aggravated by the rise of the immunocompromised population, which is particularly sensitive to parasite infections (e.g., individuals with AIDS and other immunodeficiencies). A common feature of protozoan parasites and helminths is the synthesis of glycoconjugates and glycan-binding proteins for protection and to interact and respond to changes in their environment. To address the many challenges associated with the study of the structure, the biosynthesis, and the biology of parasitic glycans, the authors of this article have established GlycoPar, a European Marie Curie training program steered by some of the world's academic leaders in the field of parasite glycobiology, in close association with European industrial enterprises. The main scientific goal of this network is the description of novel paradigms and models by which parasite glycoconjugates play a role in the successful colonization of the different hosts. By means of a training-through-research program, the aim of the network is to contribute to the training of a generation of young scientists capable of tackling the challenges posed by parasite glycobiology

    A Trypanosoma brucei β3 glycosyltransferase superfamily gene encodes a β1-6 GlcNAc-transferase mediating N-glycan and GPI anchor modification

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    The parasite Trypanosoma brucei exists in both a bloodstream form (BSF) and a procyclic form (PCF), which exhibit large carbohydrate extensions on the N-linked glycans and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors, respectively. The parasite's glycoconjugate repertoire suggests at least 38 glycosyltransferase (GT) activities, 16 of which are currently uncharacterized. Here, we probe the function(s) of the uncharacterized GT67 glycosyltransferase family and a β3 glycosyltransferase (β3GT) superfamily gene, TbGT10. A BSF-null mutant, created by applying the diCre/loxP method in T. brucei for the first time, showed a fitness cost but was viable in vitro and in vivo and could differentiate into the PCF, demonstrating nonessentiality of TbGT10. The absence of TbGT10 impaired the elaboration of N-glycans and GPI anchor side chains in BSF and PCF parasites, respectively. Glycosylation defects included reduced BSF glycoprotein binding to the lectin ricin and monoclonal antibodies mAb139 and mAbCB1. The latter bind a carbohydrate epitope present on lysosomal glycoprotein p67 that we show here consists of (-6Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-)≥4 poly-N-acetyllactosamine repeats. Methylation linkage analysis of Pronase-digested glycopeptides isolated from BSF wild-type and TbGT10 null parasites showed a reduction in 6-O-substituted- and 3,6-di-O-substituted-Gal residues. These data define TbGT10 as a UDP-GlcNAc:βGal β1-6 GlcNAc-transferase. The dual role of TbGT10 in BSF N-glycan and PCF GPI-glycan elaboration is notable, and the β1-6 specificity of a β3GT superfamily gene product is unprecedented. The similar activities of trypanosome TbGT10 and higher-eukaryote I-branching enzyme (EC, which belong to glycosyltransferase families GT67 and GT14, respectively, in elaborating N-linked glycans, are a novel example of convergent evolution

    <i>Leishmania</i> <i>major</i> UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylase salvages galactose for glycoconjugate biosynthesis

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    AbstractLeishmaniases are a set of tropical and sub-tropical diseases caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania whose severity ranges from self-healing cutaneous lesions to fatal visceral infections. Leishmania parasites synthesise a wide array of cell surface and secreted glycoconjugates that play important roles in infection. These glycoconjugates are particularly abundant in the promastigote form and known to be essential for establishment of infection in the insect midgut and effective transmission to the mammalian host. Since they are rich in galactose, their biosynthesis requires an ample supply of UDP-galactose. This nucleotide-sugar arises from epimerisation of UDP-glucose but also from an uncharacterised galactose salvage pathway. In this study, we evaluated the role of the newly characterised UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylase (USP) of Leishmania major in UDP-galactose biosynthesis. Upon deletion of the USP encoding gene, L. major lost the ability to synthesise UDP-galactose from galactose-1-phosphate but its ability to convert glucose-1-phosphate into UDP-glucose was fully maintained. Thus USP plays a role in UDP-galactose activation but does not significantly contribute to the de novo synthesis of UDP-glucose. Accordingly, USP was shown to be dispensable for growth and glycoconjugate biosynthesis under standard growth conditions. However, in a mutant seriously impaired in the de novo synthesis of UDP-galactose (due to deficiency of the UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase) addition of extracellular galactose increased biosynthesis of the cell surface lipophosphoglycan. Thus under restrictive conditions, such as those encountered by Leishmania in its natural habitat, galactose salvage by USP may play a substantial role in biosynthesis of the UDP-galactose pool. We hypothesise that USP recycles galactose from the blood meal within the midgut of the insect for synthesis of the promastigote glycocalyx and thereby contributes to successful vector infection
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