43 research outputs found
The framework of extraction hot topics from Microblog.
<p>The framework of extraction hot topics from Microblog.</p
Experimental results on Tencent and Twitter data.
<p>Experimental results on Tencent and Twitter data.</p
F1 changing with different topic numbers on Tencent.
<p>F1 changing with different topic numbers on Tencent.</p
The average,minimum,maximum,and standard error (SE) of the classification accuary over all topic numbers.
<p>The average,minimum,maximum,and standard error (SE) of the classification accuary over all topic numbers.</p
Graphical representation of MA-LDA model.
<p>Graphical representation of MA-LDA model.</p
Distribution of the number of messages according to the number of retweet and comment.
<p>Distribution of the number of messages according to the number of retweet and comment.</p
Phenotypic analysis of TgPROP1-depleted parasites shows the protein could be involved in the stress response.
<p><b>A)</b> Plaque assays were carried out by infecting HFF monolayers with parasites from the conditional mutant cell lines kept or not in the presence of ATc for the duration of the experiment. After 6 days, plaques are visible in the host cells monolayer, suggesting an unimpaired lytic cycle. <b>B)</b> Viability of parasites after 16 hours of extracellular incubation in DMEM was assessed by their ability to invade host cells. TATi-Ku80Δ and cKD-TgPROP1-HA parasites were kept or not with ATc for two days. Data shown are the mean values from <i>n</i> = 4 independent experiments ± SEM. Asterisk indicates significant statistical differences confirmed by Student’s t-test (p<0.05). <b>C)</b> Mouse infectivity assay. Survival curve of BALB/c mice (<i>n</i> = 5) infected intraperitoneally with 1000 parasites from the TgPROP1 knock-down and complemented cell lines kept, or not, in the presence of ATc. Data are representative of three independent experiments.</p