11 research outputs found
Density, Water Quality Suitability and Size Distribution of Pokea Clams (Batissa violacea var. celebensis, von Martens 1897) at Lasolo River Southeast Sulawesi
Kepadatan dan distribusi ukuran kerang pokea relatif berbeda-beda disetiap tempat dan waktu yang dipengaruhi oleh kualitas lingkungan perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan kesesuaian kualitas perairan, dan distribusi ukuran kerang pokea di Sungai Lasolo Sulawesi Tenggara. Sampel kerang pokea dikumpulkan secara acak di seluruh bagian perairan setiap bulan selama 1 tahun di Sungai Lasolo Konawe Utara. Sampel kerang dikumpulkan menggunakan luas sapuan alat tangkap tangge (alat tradisional) sebanyak 6 kali tarikan. Pengambilan sampel kualitas air dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengambilan sampel kerang. Kepadatan kerang antar tempat dan waktu pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Preferensi pokea pada kualitas perairan dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (PCA) dan Analisis Kelompok (CA) pada paket program statistik multivariat (XLSTAT). Hasil analisis menunjukkan kepadatan daerah tengah muara sungai berbeda nyata (lebih tinggi) dengan pada daerah awal dan akhir ditemukan ke arah hulu (kepadatan terendah) dan ke arah muara, sedangkan kepadatan kerang pokea tidak nyata berbeda di setiap bulan pengamatan. Kerang pokea dominan ditemukan pada ukuran kecil (1,62-2,10-3,09-3,57 cm). Ukuran kerang pokea terdistribusi pada seluruh bagian perairan dan ditemukan melimpah pada bulan Mei dan Juni. Kerang pokea cenderung menyenangi kualitas perairan yang berarus lambat, kecerahan tinggi dan perairan dalam.The pokea density and its size distribution are different in every place and time which influenced by water quality. This study aimed to determine the density and suitability of water quality, and size distribution of pokea at Lasolo River, Southeast Sulawesi. Pokea samples were collected randomly in all water segment every month for 1 year in the area of Lasolo River, North Konawe. Some samples of pokea were collected using the wide range of tangge fishing gear (traditional tool/ traditional fishing gear) as much as 6 pull times. In the process of collecting the sample of water quality, it was done simultaneously with the samples of shell. The shell density in every place and time was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. The preferences of pokea in water quality were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Group Analysis (CA) in the package of multivariate statistical program (XLSTAT). The results of this analysis showed that the density of the middle of estuary was significantly different (higher) than its density in the initial and final regions which found upstream (lowest density) and in the estuary area, while the density of pokea was not significantly different in each month of observation. The pokea were dominantly found in small size (1.62-2.10-3.09-3.57 cm). The size of the pokea were distributed in all water segment, which were so many in May and June. The preferences habitat of pokea were the slow-flowing, high-brightness, and deep water
Pengaruh Stunting Terhadap Kondisi Fisiologis Benih Ikan Sidat, Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor McClelland, 1844 [the Effect of Stunting to Physiological Condition of Freshwater Eel Seed, Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor McClelland, 1844]
Sidat adalah ikan ekonomis penting yang memiliki permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, ketersediaan stok ikan sidat tidak berkelanjutan karena budi daya ikan ini masih bergantung kepada benih hasil tangka-pan dari alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh stunting (penahanan pertumbuhan) terhadap kondisi fisiologis benih ikan sidat ukuran 1-2 g dengan panjang tubuh 8-12 cm. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan September 2013 hingga Februari 2014 di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hewan Air, FPIK IPB. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak leng-kap dengan tiga perlakuan lama stunting (30, 60 dan 90 hari) dan masing-masing dengan tiga ulangan. Ikan dipelihara dalam akuarium ukuran 60 x 40 x 30 cm3 dengan padat tebar 30 ekor per akuarium dan diberi pakan komersial berupa pellet ukuran 1,5 mm dengan kadar protein 46%. Jumlah pakan yang diberi setiap hari sebanyak 3,3 % dari total bio-massa ikan. Ikan diberi pakan dua kali sehari secara kontinu selama 30, 60 dan 90 hari pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stunting selama satu bulan merupakan perlakuan yang terbaik yang ditunjukkan dengan dengan laju pertumbuhan spesifik benih ikan mendekati nol (0,1%), nilai koefisien keragaman bobot 25% (27,96% dan 30,37%) dan kondisi fisiologisnya jauh di atas batas normal benih ikan sidat, serta kelangsung-an hidup sebesar 89%
Sektor perikanan tangkap memiliki peran penting dalam upaya meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat. Salah satunya dengan pengembangan usaha nelayan skala kecil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pengembangan usaha perikanan skala kecil dan menganalisis tingkat efisiensi jenis alat tangkap nelayan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Kolaka, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berdasarkan hasil wawancara langsung di lapangan serta data sekunder dikumpulkan dari instansi pemerintah terkait. Kegiatan usaha perikanan tangkap skala kecil, khususnya pada alat tangkap pancing tonda dan rawai dasar, memiliki nilai efisiensi yang rendah jika dilihat dari nilai profitabilitasnya, yaitu 20% dan 30%, jika dibandingkan dengan alat tangkap jala jatuh berkapal dan bagan dengan nilai profitabilitas, yaitu 40% dan 50%. Secara umum, perikanan skala kecil di Kolaka masih sangat memiliki ketergantungan dengan pemilik modal usaha untuk menjalankan kegiatan perikanan. Pengembangan usaha perikanan, khususnya pada alat tangkap yang memiliki nilai efisiensi rendah, perlu bantuan modal yang besar untuk meningkatkan nilai pendapatannya. Kebijakan perikanan skala kecil di Kabupaten Kolaka dikelola oleh Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (UPTD) Perikanan Tangkap, khususnya pada bidang pemberdayaan nelayan skala kecil. Title: Analysis of Small Scale Catch Fisheries Business in Kolaka District, South SulawesiThe capture fisheries sector has an important role in efforts to improve the community’s economy, one of which is the development of small-scale fishing businesses. This study aims to determine the potential for developing small-scale fisheries and to analyze the efficiency level of types of fishing gear. The research location is in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, the data used is primary data based on the results of direct interviews in the field and secondary data collected from relevant government agencies. Small-scale capture fishery business activities, especially in line fishing gear and basic longlines, have low-efficiency values seen from their profitability values, namely 20%, and 30% compared to fishing gear, Jalah Jatu, and boats, with profitability values of 40% and 50%, respectively. In general, small-scale fisheries in Kolaka are still very dependent on business capital owners to carry out fishing activities. The development of fisheries business, especially in fishing gear that has a low-efficiency value, requires large capital assistance to increase the value of its income. Small-scale fisheries policies in Kolaka Regency are managed by the Capture Fisheries Technical Implementation Unit, especially in the field of empowering small-scale fishermen
Feeding rate of freshwater eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor: at the body weight of 1–2 g
ABSTRACT The aim of the research was to determine feed requirement for the maintenance, optimum, and maximum growth of freshwater eel (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) seed (1–2 g body weight). Feed used in this research was KRA feed with 46% protein content, with different feeding level (FR) at 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of fish biomass. The experiment was conducted in 30 days. Parameters measured were survival and specific growth (SGR). The results showed that survival of fish in all treatments were 100%, except in fish fed on 15% of biomass (only 96). Fish growth with feeding of 0%, 5%,10%, and 15%, were -1.06%; 0.42%; 0.73%; and 0.19%, respectively. Based on the analysis of the relationship between feeding level and growth, the feed requirement for maintenance, optimum, and maximum growth in 1–2 g freshwater eel seed were 3.3%; 7.0%; and 9.5% of the biomass, respectively. Keywords: eel seed, feed requirement, growth ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan pakan untuk maintenance, dan untuk pertumbuhan optimum serta maksimum benih ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) (bobot tubuh 1–2 g). Pakan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pakan KRA dengan kadar protein 46%, dengan tingkat pemberian pakan 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% dari bobot biomassa ikan. Pemeliharaan berlangsung selama 30 hari. Parameter yang diukur meliputi sintasan (STS) dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa STS benih ikan sidat selama pemeliharaan, memiliki nilai yang baik (100%) kecuali pada pemberian pakan 15% (hanya 96%). Laju pertumbuhan benih ikan sidat selama pemeliharaan dengan pemberian pakan 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% berturut-turut adalah -1,06%; 0,42%; 0,73%; dan 0,19%. Berdasarkan analisis hubungan antara tingkat pemberian pakan dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik, maka kebutuhan pakan maintenance, pertumbuhan optimum dan maksimum benih ikan sidat berukuran 1–2 g berturut-turut adalah 3,3%; 7%; dan 9,5% dari biomassa. Kata kunci: benih ikan sidat, kebutuhan pakan, pertumbuha
Pendampingan Masyarakat Dalam Upaya Pengembangan Sentra Produksi Jagung Hibrida di Desa Morome Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Sulawesi Tenggara
The aim of assistance is to improve the economy of the Morome Village community by increasing the production of hybrid maize. Implementation is carried out using the Integrated Crop Management (PTT) system method, which is an innovative and dynamic approach in an effort to increase production and farmer income through participatory assembly of technology components with farmers. The results of the assistance showed an increase in the production of dry-shelled hybrid maize 4,250 kg/hectare with an RC ratio of 2, with a profit of IDR 6,905,000/hectare. Integrated crop management is highly recommended to continue to be applied in all maize areas as an effort to develop hybrid maize production
Diversity of Parrotfish at Fishing Port, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi
Parrotfish are included in the group of herbivore fish which have an important role in aquatic ecosystems, especially in the maintenance of coral reefs. This study aimed to determine the diversity of parrotfish species in the Sodoha Fishing Port (TPI), Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi. Identification of parrotfish species by Kuiter and Tonozuka, White, and Fishbase. The results of identification showed six species of parrotfish were obtained, namely Chlorurus microrhinos (Bleeker, 1854), C. bleekeri (Deeufort, 1940), C. strongylocephalus (Bleeker, 1855), Scarus rivulatus (Valenciennes, 1840), S. niger (Forsskål, 1775), dan S. chameleon (Choat & Randall, 1986). Utilization of parrot fish resources continues to increase by> 40% annually. Sustainable management of parrotfish is needed for the quality of the aquatic environment, especially coral reefs and the sustainability of their utilization
Production, biomass, and turnover of exploited mangrove clams (Geloina expansa, Mousson 1849) in Kendari Bay mangrove forest, Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia
Geloina expansa is a front-runner commodity of the mangrove ecosystem. This species is notably experiencing ecological pressures in Kendari Bay. Accordingly, this study aims to determine their production, biomass, and turnover in the mangrove ecosystem. This research is hoped to provide empirical information that will aid in the formulation of the management strategy of mangrove clam resources in Southeast Sulawesi. Clam samples were collected at random in three selected sampling areas using a 1x1 m2 quadrat-transect sampling approach. The clams were measured for their shell length, total weight and weight of fresh meat. The clam meat was dried to obtain a shell-free dry mass. The production, biomass, and turnover of the clams were calculated using standard formulas. The population density of the clams ranged from 23.78 ind/m2 (October) to 77.44 ind/m2 (February), where the remaining months of observations showed similar values throughout. The clams biomass population in each size class ranged from 0.04 to 4.95 g/m2. The somatic production, as per the dry weight showed the highest value at 6.9 cm shell length (2.01g/m2/year). The lowest individual somatic production was found in the shell width of 9.7 cm (0.55 g/m2/year). The turnover rate (P/B) of the mangrove clam was 1.73/year. The density of the mangrove clams in the mangrove forest in Kendari Bay was found to be high. This was accompanied by high productions in the young or small-sized groups, peaking at a size smaller than the size where peak biomass was found
The effect of temperature on the physiological condition and growth performance of freshwater eel elver Anguilla bicolor bicolor McClelland, 1844
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the effect of water temperature on the physiological condition and growth performance of freshwater eel elver Anguilla bicolor bicolor (McClelland, 1844). This study was conducted in March 2017 at the Physiology Laboratory of Aquatic Animal, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University. The study used a completely randomized design with five different levels of temperature (22°C, 24°C, 26°C, 28°C, and 30°C) as treatments with two replications. The size of elver was 2‒3 g. Fish were fed with 1 mm pellet containing 45% of protein. The feeding level was 7 % of fish biomass and the feeding frequency was two times a day. The results showed that temperatures range from 24‒30°C could be used for freshwater eel elver rearing and 28‒30°Cwere the best temperatures to support survival and growth performance of eel elver. A temperature of 24°C was the best temperature that could reduce the metabolism rate and did not cause stress on the elver. Keywords: elver, physiological conditions, growth performance, metabolism, temperature  ABSTRAK Penelitian dengan tujuan menganalisis pengaruh suhu terhadap kondisi fisiologis dan kinerja pertumbuhan elver ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor McClelland, 1844) telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2017 di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hewan Air FPIK IPB. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan suhu berbeda (22°C, 24°C, 26°C, 28°C, dan 30°C) dengan masing-masing dua ulangan. Ukuran benih yang digunakan 2‒3 g. Pakan yang diberikan berupa pellet berukuran 1 mm dengan kadar protein 45%. Jumlah pakan yang diberikan (FR) adalah 7% dari biomassa ikan dan diberikan dua kali sehari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kisaran suhu 24‒30°C dapat digunakan dalam pemeliharaan elver ikan sidat, dan suhu 28‒30°C merupakan suhu yang sangat baik untuk mendukung kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan elver ikan sidat. Suhu media 24°C adalah suhu terbaik yang dapat menekan laju metabolisme dengan tidak menyebabkan stres pada elver ikan sidat. Kata kunci: elver, kondisi fisiologis, kinerja pertumbuhan, metabolisme, suhu  </p
Kepadatan dan Preferensi Habitat Kerang Pokea Di Muara Sungai Laeya Sulawesi Tenggara
Kerang pokea merupakan kerang ekonomis Sulawesi yang kepadatan dan preferensi habitatnya belum diketahui secara pasti di Sungai Laeya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan dan preferensi habitat kerang pokea di Sungai Laeya Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sungai Laeya selama 1 tahun sejak bulan Maret 2016-Februari 2017. Sampel pokea diambil setiap bulan pada tiga bagian perairan menggunakan tangge (alat tangkap tradisional). Kepadatan kerang dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann whitney dan preferensi habitat dianalisis dengan analisis corespondes dan analisis kelompok menggunakan bantuan XLstat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan kerang pokea pada 3 bagian perairan tidak nyata berbeda dengan nilai masing-masing pada stasiun I, II dan III yaitu 85,47±66,44, 97,03± 81,70 dan 59,84±82,31. Kepadatan tertinggi secara temporal terdapat pada bulan April-Juli dengan puncak kepadatan tertinggi pada bulan Mei dengan nilai 268,78±29,23. Kepadatan terendah terjadi pada bulan September-Februari dengan puncak kepadatan terendah di bulan Desember dengan nilai 15,12±7,08. Kepadatan kerang pokea di Sungai Laeya cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kualitas perairan diantaranya: kedalaman, TDS, TOM dan bahan organik.
Kata kunci: Indonesia, Kerang, Pokea, Preferensi, Sulawes
Growth and condition index of
The somatic growth and condition index (CI) of pokea population aren’t yet fully known in the Lasolo river. This research aims to decide the somatic growth relationship between length and weight as well as the condition factor of pokea population. This research was carried out in the Lasolo river from January-December 2014. Pokea clams were taken from the river bed with traditional tool (tangge). The length and total weight of the clams were determined by employing a caliper with a precision of 0.5 cm and a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.01g. Meat and shells were then dried in an oven at 70°C about 48 hours. The dry weight of the meat and the shells of the pokea clams were weighed using a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.0001 g. Calculations obtained average b parameter values of the males and females about 2.52 and 2.70, respectively. The b values for both sex of clams were 2.37-3.05 and 2.24-3.15, respectively, which were within the negative allometric category. The CI values of the male (3.98±1.44) and female (4.27±1.52) putting them in the fat category. The condition index experienced three local peak periods in February-March, June, and November-December