2 research outputs found
Pengaruh Stunting Terhadap Kondisi Fisiologis Benih Ikan Sidat, Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor McClelland, 1844 [the Effect of Stunting to Physiological Condition of Freshwater Eel Seed, Anguilla Bicolor Bicolor McClelland, 1844]
Sidat adalah ikan ekonomis penting yang memiliki permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, ketersediaan stok ikan sidat tidak berkelanjutan karena budi daya ikan ini masih bergantung kepada benih hasil tangka-pan dari alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh stunting (penahanan pertumbuhan) terhadap kondisi fisiologis benih ikan sidat ukuran 1-2 g dengan panjang tubuh 8-12 cm. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan September 2013 hingga Februari 2014 di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hewan Air, FPIK IPB. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak leng-kap dengan tiga perlakuan lama stunting (30, 60 dan 90 hari) dan masing-masing dengan tiga ulangan. Ikan dipelihara dalam akuarium ukuran 60 x 40 x 30 cm3 dengan padat tebar 30 ekor per akuarium dan diberi pakan komersial berupa pellet ukuran 1,5 mm dengan kadar protein 46%. Jumlah pakan yang diberi setiap hari sebanyak 3,3 % dari total bio-massa ikan. Ikan diberi pakan dua kali sehari secara kontinu selama 30, 60 dan 90 hari pemeliharaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stunting selama satu bulan merupakan perlakuan yang terbaik yang ditunjukkan dengan dengan laju pertumbuhan spesifik benih ikan mendekati nol (0,1%), nilai koefisien keragaman bobot 25% (27,96% dan 30,37%) dan kondisi fisiologisnya jauh di atas batas normal benih ikan sidat, serta kelangsung-an hidup sebesar 89%
Growth of Stunted Elver of the Indonesian Shortfin Eel Anguilla Bicolor McClelland, 1844 Rearing in Semi-natural Media
This study aimed to evaluate the growth of stunted elver Anguilla bicolor from three different periods of stunting process. Prior to experiment, the stunting process of elver was carried out by limiting the feeding rate at 2% of the fish biomass and temperature media with 24 oC for 2, 4, and 6 months period. The study used a completely randomized design with three different sources of stunted elvers (i.e., A = 2 months; B = 4 months; C = 6 months) as treatments with three replications. Measurement of RNA:DNA ratio, protein content, profile blood description and elver otolith growth was carried out at the beginning and end of rearing process. Post-stunting elvers were reared on artificial media designed according to elver habitat and controlled. Elver was stocked with 15 individuals in the artificial semi-natural media with a temperature of 28 oC and fed with 1 kg media-1 day-1 tubifex worm for three months. The results showed that the compensatory growth of stunted elvers increased two to three times with 100% of survival rate after three months of rearing process. Stunting has a significant effect on treatment B, indicated by the value of weight specific growth rates, RNA : DNA ratio, protein content, blood glucose levels and otolith growth of elvers. This study revealed that the growth performance of stunted elver reared in semi-natural media for four months is better than other treatments