2,126 research outputs found

    Schubert varieties and the fusion products

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    For each ANnA\in\N^n we define a Schubert variety shA\sh_A as a closure of the \Slt(\C[t])-orbit in the projectivization of the fusion product MAM^A. We clarify the connection of the geometry of the Schubert varieties with an algebraic structure of MAM^A as \slt\otimes\C[t] modules. In the case when all the entries of AA are different shA\sh_A is smooth projective algebraic variety. We study its geometric properties: the Lie algebra of the vector fields, the coordinate ring, the cohomologies of the line bundles. We also prove, that the fusion products can be realized as the dual spaces of the sections of these bundles.Comment: 34 page

    Two dimensional current algebras and affine fusion product

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    In this paper we study a family of commutative algebras generated by two infinite sets of generators. These algebras are parametrized by Young diagrams. We explain a connection of these algebras with the fusion product of integrable irreducible representations of the affine sl2sl_2 Lie algebra. As an application we derive a fermionic formula for the character of the affine fusion product of two modules. These fusion products can be considered as a simplest example of the double affine Demazure modules.Comment: 22 page

    Integrals of motion of classical lattice sine-Gordon system

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    We compute the local integrals of motions of the classical limit of the lattice sine-Gordon system, using a geometrical interpretation of the local sine-Gordon variables. Using an analogous description of the screened local variables, we show that these integrals are in involution. We present some remarks on relations with the situation at roots of 1 and results on another latticisation (linked to the principal subalgebra of s^2\widehat{s\ell}_{2} rather than the homogeneous one). Finally, we analyse a module of ``screened semilocal variables'', on which the whole s^2\widehat{s\ell}_{2} acts.Comment: (references added

    Two character formulas for sl2^\hat{sl_2} spaces of coinvariants

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    We consider sl2^\hat{sl_2} spaces of coinvariants with respect to two kinds of ideals of the enveloping algebra U(sl_2\otimes\C[t]). The first one is generated by sl2tNsl_2\otimes t^N, and the second one is generated by eP(t),fR(t)e\otimes P(t), f\otimes R(t) where P(t),R(t)P(t), R(t) are fixed generic polynomials. (We also treat a generalization of the latter.) Using a method developed in our previous paper, we give new fermionic formulas for their Hilbert polynomials in terms of the level-restricted Kostka polynomials and qq-multinomial symbols. As a byproduct, we obtain a fermionic formula for the fusion product of sl3sl_3-modules with rectangular highest weights, generalizing a known result for symmetric (or anti-symmetric) tensors.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages; very minor change