26 research outputs found
Detect to Track and Track to Detect
Recent approaches for high accuracy detection and tracking of object
categories in video consist of complex multistage solutions that become more
cumbersome each year. In this paper we propose a ConvNet architecture that
jointly performs detection and tracking, solving the task in a simple and
effective way. Our contributions are threefold: (i) we set up a ConvNet
architecture for simultaneous detection and tracking, using a multi-task
objective for frame-based object detection and across-frame track regression;
(ii) we introduce correlation features that represent object co-occurrences
across time to aid the ConvNet during tracking; and (iii) we link the frame
level detections based on our across-frame tracklets to produce high accuracy
detections at the video level. Our ConvNet architecture for spatiotemporal
object detection is evaluated on the large-scale ImageNet VID dataset where it
achieves state-of-the-art results. Our approach provides better single model
performance than the winning method of the last ImageNet challenge while being
conceptually much simpler. Finally, we show that by increasing the temporal
stride we can dramatically increase the tracker speed.Comment: ICCV 2017. Code and models:
https://github.com/feichtenhofer/Detect-Track Results:
EGO-TOPO: Environment Affordances from Egocentric Video
First-person video naturally brings the use of a physical environment to the
forefront, since it shows the camera wearer interacting fluidly in a space
based on his intentions. However, current methods largely separate the observed
actions from the persistent space itself. We introduce a model for environment
affordances that is learned directly from egocentric video. The main idea is to
gain a human-centric model of a physical space (such as a kitchen) that
captures (1) the primary spatial zones of interaction and (2) the likely
activities they support. Our approach decomposes a space into a topological map
derived from first-person activity, organizing an ego-video into a series of
visits to the different zones. Further, we show how to link zones across
multiple related environments (e.g., from videos of multiple kitchens) to
obtain a consolidated representation of environment functionality. On
EPIC-Kitchens and EGTEA+, we demonstrate our approach for learning scene
affordances and anticipating future actions in long-form video.Comment: Published in CVPR 2020, project page: