18,846 research outputs found
Etos Kerja dalam Tafsir Mafatih Al-Ghayb: Suatu Kajian Tafsir Ahkam Muamalah
Abtract: A Muslim must include aspects of spirituality and morality in each of his works, but many of human activities do not refer to these values, resulting in an output that is not optimal and has less value for human life. This study describes the work ethic to encourage human productivity to be useful for human life by referring to the Tafsir Mafatih al-Ghayb. This interpretation is one of the studies of in-depth understanding of the Qur'an with the background of the exegetes who are broad-minded not only in the field of kalam, philosophy of logic, and even linguistics. This research is qualitative with data collection techniques through a literature review, this research also uses a tahlili (synthesis) approach. The results of this study indicate that, first, the Qur'an encourages people to work. Second, the Qur'an emphasizes the work ethic aspect that is rooted in the syakilah, namely the soul, spiritual values and character as well as habits in life. Another aspect of work is to increase obedience and obedience to Allah.Abstrak:Â Seorang muslim harus mengedepankan aspek-aspek spiritualitas dan moralitas dalam setiap pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Kenyataanya banyak aktivitas manusia yang tidak merujuk pada nilai-nilai tersebut sehingga terjadi output yang tidak maksimal dan kurang memiliki nilai manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Penelitian ini menguraikan tentang etos kerja untuk mendorong produktivitas manusia agar berguna bagi kehidupan manusia dengan merujuk pada Tafsir Mafatih al-Ghayb. Tafsir ini termasuk salah satu kajian pemahaman Alquran mendalam dengan background mufassirnya yang berwawasan luas tidak hanya dalam bidang ilmu kalam, filsafat logika bahkan ilmu bahasa. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian literatur, penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan tahlili (sintesis). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, Alquran mendorong manusia untuk bekerja. Kedua, Alquran menekankan aspek etos kerja yang bersumber pada syakilah yaitu jiwa, nilai spiritual dan tabiat serta kebiasaan-kebiasaan dalam hidup. Aspek lain dalam bekerja adalah untuk meningkatkan ketaatan dan kepatuhan kepada Alla
Employee performance is an important factor in determining whether or not the company's performance is achieved. PT. Limberjaya Medan as a company that supply goods and apparel appliance into supermarkets and shops in the area of North Sumatra experienced problems relating to Competency and Job Stress. The problem that often occurs related to the time of delivery of goods and the high pressure of work stress in the work. The theories used in this research are theories of Human Resource Management, which deals with Competence, Work Stress and Employee Performance. The research used quantitative approach with quantitative descriptive research type and the nature of this research is descriptive explanatory. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews and documentation study. The analytical method used in this research is multiple regression analysis. The population of this study were employees of PT. Limberjaya Medan consisting of 92 people of which 30 respondents were used to test the validity and the remaining 62 respondents were used for the study samples. The results of the research showed that the competence and stress work simultaneously affected the performance of employees with a value of F-count F-table (26 909 3, 15). The results showed that simultaneously H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. The results showed that partially Competency had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees in which t-count t-table (2.123 1.99897) and partially job stress had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees in which t-count t-table (3,377 1,999). In conclusion, this study showed that simultaneously and partially Competency and Job Stress had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Limberjaya Medan
Guidelines for Ijtihad in Responding to The Contemporary Problems
Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana prinsip-prinsip ijtihad dalam merespon persoalan kontemporer sekarang ini. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan datanya dokumentasi dan deskriptif analisis sebagai teknik analisisnya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pintu ijtihad selalu terbuka guna merespon persoalan yang ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman dan waktu diikuti oleh perkembangan pengetahuan dan teknologi. Ijtihad memiliki beberapa prinsip; bersifat substantif dan teknis. Prinsip-prinsip substantif adalah pertama, memiliki keilmuan tentang Alquran, sunnah dan ijmak, kedua, memiliki keilmuan bahasa dan ketiga, memiliki keilmuan metodologi Hukum Islam. Adapun prinsip teknis adalah kemampuan, kapasitas serta wawasan yang dimiliki oleh seorang mujtahid dalam memahami persoalan kekinian dan kemampuan analisis kaidah-kaidah ijtihad itu sendiri.
AbstractThis article aims to explain how the principles of ijtihad in responding to contemporary problems today. This research is qualitative in nature with the data collection techniques documentation and descriptive analysis as the analysis technique. The results of this study are that the door to ijtihad is always open to respond to problems that exist in people's lives in line with the times and times followed by developments in knowledge and technology. Ijtihad has several principles; substantive and technical in nature. The substantive principles are first, having knowledge about the Qurâan, sunnah, and ijmaâ. Second, having knowledge of the language, and third, having scientific methodology of Islamic law. The technical principle is the ability, capacity, and insight possessed by a mujtahid in understanding contemporary problems and the ability to analyze the principles of ijtihad itself.
Penelitian Tafsir dan Pendekatan Kualitatif
This article aims to analyze the interpretation research and the approaching model it uses. Data collection techniques using documentation. The result of the research is that most of the research on the interpretation of the Qur'an is carried out with a qualitative approach by emphasizing the ability and competence of researchers to analyze existing data. Data collection includes documentation techniques. The development of al-Qur'an research and interpretation today also leads to how to examine texts that live in a society whose data collection techniques are addition to documentation, as well as observation and interviews. Interpretation researchers are required to continue to develop themselves to understand aspects of the interpretation methodology related to sources, methods, and perspectives. The current approach is also continuously enriched so that it is able to provide analysis in interpretation research in order to make a contribution of knowledge for the development of science and knowledge. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis penelitian tafsir dan model pendekatan yang digunakannya. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitiannya adalah penelitian tafsir al-Qurâan banyak dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menekannya kemampuan dan kompetensi peneliti untuk menganalisis data-data yang ada. Pengumpulan data di antaranya dengan dilakukan teknik dokumentasi. Perkembangan penelitian al-Qurâan dan tafsir dewasa ini juga mengarah bagaimana meneliti teks-teks yang hidup dalam masyarakat yang teknik pengumpulan datanya di samping dokumentasi, juga observasi dan wawancara. Peneliti tafsir dituntut untuk terus mengembangkan diri untuk memahami aspek metodologi tafsir baik terkait sumber, metode maupun perspektifnya. Pendekatan kekinian juga terus diperkaya agar mampu memberikan analisis dalam penelitian tafsir agar memberikan contribution of knowledge bagi pengembangan ilmu dan pengetahuan
Pendidikan Multikultural Sebagai Upaya Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Keberagaman Dalam Islam Pada Anak Usia Dini
In Islam, Islamic education also plays an important role in instilling diversity values as strengthening multicultural values in children from an early age. Not only that, Islam also teaches children to interact with friends who can also provide educational values that are multicultural in mind in realizing children who are obedient in religion and respect other religions.In this study, using qualitative research methods. Qualitative methods are used to obtain data that contains meaning about the social reality that is observed and then interpreted thoroughly and comprehensively. The data collection in this study is descriptive-qualitative in nature, in which the researcher does not intend to test the hypothesis. This research resulted in the conclusion that there are values of diversity that can be used as multicultural education in early childhood in Islam as explained in the Qur'an, namely: (1) Ta'aruf (Knowing Each Other), ( 2) Egalitarian (Equal Degrees), Taqwa (Degrees of Piety). Multicultural education like this will build the soul of early childhood not to distinguish people who are different from them
Abstract: This article attempts to explain the position of the practice of gala in Acehnese society perspective in light of âĂądat and Islamic law perspective. Theories of âĂądat show that there are some pillars of gala that should be fulfilled; contract is done in front of chief of village and other village figures additional witnesses. Soon after the debt payment, murtahin (mortgager) must return the mortgaged to rĂąhin (mortgagee) as the local saying goes ângui pulang utang bayeuâ means after use, the goods returned, the debt must be paid. In addition, marhĂ»n cannot be exploited by murtahin as it is solely as security of the debt. These requirements have drawn closer to the Islamic law especially SyĂąfiâĂźâs school. Research showed that the practice of gala (mortgage) in Aceh has contradicted the âĂądat (customary law) and Islamic law in several points.Abstrak: Artikel ini mencoba menjelaskan posisi praktik gala dalam masyarakat Aceh dengan perspektif âĂądat dan hukum Islam. Teori âĂądat menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa pilar gala yang harus dipenuhi; kontrak dilakukan di depan keuchik (kepala desa) dan tokoh desa lainnya sebagai saksi tambahan. Setelah pembayaran hutang, murtahin (yang berpiutang) harus mengembalikan barang gadaian ke rĂąhin (yang berutang) sesuai dengan pepatah lokal berbunyi ângui pulang utang bayeuâ berarti barang gadaian harus dikembalikan, hutang harus dibayar. Selain itu, marhĂ»n (barang gadaian) tidak dapat dieksploitasi oleh murtahin karena semata-mata sebagai jaminan hutang. Persyaratan ini telah sangat relevan dengan hukum Islam terutama mazhab SyĂąfiâĂź. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik gala di Aceh tidak lagi sejalan dengan hukum âĂądat dan hukum Islam dalam beberapa hal.Keywords: gala, marhĂ»n, âĂądat, Islamic law, Ace
The Determinants of the Relationship of Corporate Social Performance and Financial Performance: Conceptual Framework
The objective of this paper is to investigate relationship between CSP and CFP using
contingency perspective derived from the strategic management domain. The investigation
will be done using lens of slack resource and good management theory. This study is
expected to provide a new insight on the link between corporate social performance and
corporate financial performance using contingency perspective as suggested in the strategic
management and accounting literature, an area has not been examined in the prior studies.
The result of this study can resolve the existing conflict in the literatures by developing an
integrated model of the link between CSP and CFP and the notion of corporate performance
which, in strategic management, is highly affected by four factors: business environment,
strategy, organization structure, and control system. The model will explain in what
condition the relationship of CSP and CFP is valid
Corporate social performance, corporate financial performance, slack resource theory, good
management theory, contingency theory, and moderating effect
The Performance Implications of Fit Among Environment, Strategy, Structure, Control System and Social Performance
Purpose â The paper examined concept of corporate performance. The paper seeks to examine
the impact of corporate social performance on the relationship among business environment,
strategy, organization, and control system and corporate performance.
Design/methodology/approach â The paper is based on a synthesis of the existing literatures in
strategic management and accounting filed.
Findings â The paper finds that corporate social performance defined as stakeholder relationship
become one important dimension of the strategic behaviors that an organization can set to
improve corporate performance.
Research implication â the contextual variables as discussed in strategic management and
accounting domain will be contingent upon strategic behaviors, which are behaviors of members
in an organization.
Originality/value â The paper integrates the contextual variables including business
environment, strategy, organization structure, and control system with corporate performance by
using corporate social performance as moderating variable by means of a recent literatures study
from strategic management and accounting field.
Keywords Contextual variable, strategic behavior, corporate social performance, corporate
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