53 research outputs found
The Role Of My Qiraah Application To Improve The Ability To Read The Qur’an Students At Muhammadiyah University Of Yogyakarta
The Al-Qur\u27an is Kalamullah, which requires careful attention to the rules of Tajwid science when reading it to avoid misunderstandings. Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta is one of the Islamic tertiary institutions that requires every student to have a certificate for the Al-Qur\u27an Reading and Writing program as a graduation requirement. The purpose of this research article is to reveal the history and role of My Qiraah application as a support for students\u27 Al-Qur\u27an learning activities at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive analytics with a qualitative approach. This method serves to describe an object under study. It begins with observing the Al-Qur\u27an Reading Guidance activities, followed by collecting data through interviews with primary sources and analyzing the data obtained by strengthening secondary sources. The results of this study indicate that My Qiraah is an application for learning the Qur\u27an, which was adopted from the 10-hour Al-Qur\u27an learning method by Muhammad Chirzin. My Qiraah application was implemented in the 2021-2022 school year, and improvements are still being made to continue supporting Al-Qur\u27an learning activities for students at UMY. The presence of My Qiraah application dramatically helps in the learning process of Al-Qur\u27an Reading Guidance for the Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta students. This is evidenced by a 3.3% increase in student BTA graduation in the 2022/2023 school year
Kesehatan Jiwa Islam Telaah terhadap Pemikiran Abu Zaid al-Balkhi dalam Buku Maṣāliḥu al-Abdān wa al-Anfus
The discourse on mental health is often an interesting and beneficial discussion across time. There are many developing concepts adopted from western thoughts. The concept offered by Islamic Psychology has not been explored yet. One of them is the concept of mental health from the perspective of Abu Zaid al-Balkhi. This study aims to analyze the concept of Islamic mental health, specifically the thought of Abu Zaid al-Balkhi in the book Maṣāliḥu al-Abdān wa al-Anfus. By using a type of qualitative research with a descriptive-analytical method specifically in describing and analyzing mental health concepts, according to Abu Zaid al-Balkhi. Based on this research, it can be seen that mental health or a healthy soul is the stability of the soul’s strength in humans so that it can defeat the turmoil of psychiatric signs. Al-Balkhi classifies psychiatric symptoms into four groups, namely, sadness and anxiety (al-ḥuzn wal jazʻ), obsession (al-waswas), anger (al-gaḍab), and finally, fear and phobia (al-khauf wa al-fazʻ). To achieve happiness, humans should always try and strive for a balance between the body and soul. The attachment of both (body and soul) is in harmony with human construction, namely physical and spiritual. Caring for and maintaining health as a preventive effort is preferred than treating it if already sick. This is what distinguishes the concept of healing the soul of Islam, according to al-Balkhi, with the concept of western secular psychotherap
Implementation of Strategic Management In An Effort to Implement Islamic Life Guidelines at Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University
Islamic-based educational institutions must be able to produce graduates and academics community who have good and commendable morals. the use of strategic management theory is seen as capable of realizing this. UMY uses this theory as an effort to shape the morals of its graduates and all of its academic community so that they become better and uphold Islamic values. This research article aims to reveal the implementation of strategic management used by UMY in shaping the character of the academic community in accordance with Islamic teachings as stated in the PHIWK. This type of research is qualitative with an analytical descriptive approach. The methods used in this research article are data collection, interviews, documentation and participant observation. To analyze used methods: data presentation, data reduction, and description of phenomena. The findings in this research article are: first, the implementation of PHIWK in the academic community has not gone according to the strategic management flow, this is because there are still several activities that have not been carried out. Second, the program evaluation has not been carried out, due to the absence of an Ad Hoc Team who is fully responsible for the process of implementing the PHIWK program, as in the flow in strategic management
KONSEP INGSUN DALAM SASTRA SUFI JAWA: Analisis Terhadap Ingsun Siti Jenar
Pembicaraan tentang Syekh Siti Jenar dan ungkapannya Iya Ingsun iki Allahmenimbulkan polemic di kalangan masyarakat, hingga melahirkan kesimpulan bahwaSyekh Siti Jenar mengaku sebagai Tuhan, Allah. Namun membaca teks-teks sufismeJawa, tidak bisa hanya membaca dan memaknai secara harfiah suatu ungkapan yangterpisah. Begitu pula membaca pernyataan Syekh Siti Jenar Iya Ingsun iki Allah.Untuk memahaminya diperlukan rujukan lain seperti Suluk Acih, Serat SulukWalisana, dan tiga Serat Siti Jenar masing-masing karya Raden Sasrawijaya, RadenMas Ngabehi Mangunwijaya, dan Raden Mas Harjawijaya. Berdasarkan pada tigapembacaan terhadap teks-teks tersebut dengan menggunakan pendekatan integrasiinterkoneksitekstual, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ingsun mempunyai arti yang tidaktunggal. Dalam hal ini ingsun berarti, hakikat Tuhan, ingsun sebagai ungkapanpuncak rohani, ingsun sebagai representasi manusia sempurna, dan ingsun sebagaibentuk pembicaraan dua orang yang mempunyai derajat yang sama atau saling marah.Dijatuhkannya hukuman pada Syekh Siti Jenar atas pertimbangan social politiksemata. Karena pada kenyataannya para wali tidak menolak konsep-konsep ingsunyang ada dalam ajaran sufisme Siti Jenar
Manusia Dan Negara Dalam Psiko-Sufisme dan Filsafat
Manusia sebagai ciptaan Allah SWT mempunyai banyak kekurangan dalam berbagai hal seperti yang dimaksud dalam konteks al-Insān al-Kāmil dan al- Insān al-Hayawān yang merupakan sudah ketentuan. Manusia sebagai mahkluk sosial (zoonpoliticoon) tidak bisa berdiri sendiri dalam mempertahankan hidup dalam bermasyarakat terlebih khususnya dalam bernegara (politik) yang saat ini semakin berkembang dan tuntutan perkembangan dan perubahan yang semakin pesat dan sebagai manusia harus mengimbangi antara kebutuhan hidup dan keimanan. Dalam kajian hukum Islam pembicaraan tentang manusia dan politik (kekuasaan) adalah dua hal yang melengkapi. Manusia sebagai khalifah di dunia ini dan politik (kekuasaan) dalam kajian hukum positif adalah cara dalam mencapai tujuan bersama yang diinginkan dalam mewujudkan Negara yang makmur, aman dan sejahtera
Abstract: Domestic violence (Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga) is understood as violence related to gender. This concept refers to the subordinative position because the relationship between men and women reflects powerless and powerful or the inequality of power between the two. This paper aims to understand how the Nuurus Sakiinah Bureau owned by 'Aisyiyah and Nasyi'atul' Aisyiyah Yogyakarta Special Region handles domestic violence cases in Yogyakarta and analyze the weaknesses and strengths of handling these cases. This type of research is qualitative with interview data collection methods and secondary data documentation. The findings of this study explain that there are four types of domestic violence cases that have been handled by the Nuurus Sakiinnah Family Consultation Bureau, namely psychological violence, economic neglect; physical and verbal abuse. Therefore, the handling given varies according to the case that occurs. For cases of Psychic violence, the Bureau tends to provide counseling and self-reinforcement. For cases of economic neglect, the Bureau deals with economic independence counseling and training. For cases of Physical and Verbal violence, counseling and self-strengthening are usually given to face the next life and therapy if needed. Meanwhile, the absence of open houses, difficulties in mediation, and the absence of complete counseling data to support administration are the weaknesses of this bureau. However, this Bureau makes victims who have successfully passed the treatment process as volunteers to deal with other victims and also provides spiritual counseling, legal assistance and follow-up therapy when the victim is still in need.Keywords: Domestic Violence, ‘Aisyiyah Nasyi’atul, ‘Aisyiyah, Nuurus Saqinnah Bureau. Abstrak: Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) dipahami sebagai kekerasan yang berhubungan gender. Konsep ini mengacu pada posisi subordinatif karena relasi antara laki-laki dan perempuan mencerminkan powerless dan powerful atau ketimpangan kekuasaan antara keduanya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana Biro Nuurus Sakiinah milik ‘Aisyiyah dan Nasyi’atul ‘Aisyiyah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menangani kasus KDRT di Yogyakarta serta menganalisa kelemahan dan kelebihan dari penanganan kasus tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode pengambilan data wawancara dan data sekunder dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat empat jenis kasus KDRT yang telah ditangani oleh Biro Konsultasi Keluarga Nuurus Sakiinnah, yaitu kekerasan Psikis, penelantaran ekonomi; kekerasan fisik dan kekerasan verbal. Oleh karena itu, penanganan yang diberikan berbeda-beda sesuai dengan kasus yang terjadi. Untuk kasus kekerasan Psikis, Biro cenderung memberikan konseling dan penguatan diri. Untuk kasus penelantaran ekonomi, Biro menangani dengan konseling dan pelatihan kemandirian ekonomi. Untuk kasus kekerasan Fisik dan Verbal biasanya diberikan konseling dan penguatan diri untuk menghadapi kehidupan selanjutnya serta pemberian terapi jika diperlukan. Sementara itu belum adanya rumah singgah, kesulitan dalam mediasi, serta belum adanya kelengkapan data konseling untuk menunjang administrasi menjadi kelemahan biro ini. Namun, Biro ini menjadikan korban yang telah berhasil melewati proses penanganan sebagai volunteer untuk menangani korban yang lain dan juga pemberian konseling spiritual, pendampingan ke jalur hukum dan terapi lanjutan ketika korban masih membutuhkan.Kata Kunci: KDRT, ‘Aisyiyah, Nasyi’atul ‘Aisyiyah, Biro Nuurus Sakiina
Development of Prophetic Intelligence (Phenomenology Study of Religious Transformation)
This research is a study of the process and results of Prophetic Intelligence development conducted by Kalong students (students who are not staying in the school) in the Roudhotul Muttaqien Islamic boarding school led by KH Hamdani Bakran Adz Dzakiey. This type of research is qualitative research design with Phenomenology Study. Data collection techniques used involved observation, interview, and documentation. Qualitative data analysis used Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis (IPA) and Validity testing used triangulation and reflection. The results of this study are; 1) there are several transformation phases of the mystical experience of the kalong student with three sequences, a) Pre-transformation process in the desire to feel the essence of worship, b) the process of transformation in the derive of mystical experience towards Allah, and c) Post-transformation process that describes changes in a more religious mindset and more polite behavior and gives benefit to the surrounding. The mastery of prophetic intelligence by kalong student is grouped in two ways; a) mastery of quantitative competencies, including mastery of intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and perceptual intelligence in a prophetic perspective, b) mastery of qualitative competencies in accordance with the essence of prophetic intelligence, such as turning the body into a light that shows the attainment of clarity of heart, obtaining abilities that had not previously been studied (getting Laduni's knowledge)
Conflict Management In The Story Of Hadithul Ifki (Quran Study Of Surah Annur Verse 11-20)
Humans are social beings who need interaction and communication between them. Social media is the most effective tool, but, unfortunately, there are still many social media that are identified as sites for spreading fake news. The world of education is also not spared from the spread of fake news filled with hostility. The same thing happened at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, which was enshrined in the Qur\u27an as a defense against the accusation of adultery against Aisha. This research article aims to find out the conflict management that was applied by the Prophet Muhammad when facing slander in the hadithul ifki story as stated in the interpretation of Ath Tabari and the Qur\u27an and its Tafsir. This type of research uses qualitative research with library research data sources. The method used in this research article is by examining and studying various related literature. The researcher used descriptive and content analysis to analyze the data. The research findings are in the form of conflict management applied by the Prophet Muhammad in the story of hadithul ifki or fake news to Aisyah. The steps for conflict management carried out by the Prophet Muhammad were: first, collecting as much information as possible from the community that triggers the emergence of conflict and a neutral society. Second, to confirm some of the scattered information. Third, affirm the person who is the source of the conflict
Abstract: Domestic violence (Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga) is understood as violence related to gender. This concept refers to the subordinative position because the relationship between men and women reflects powerless and powerful or the inequality of power between the two. This paper aims to understand how the Nuurus Sakiinah Bureau owned by 'Aisyiyah and Nasyi'atul' Aisyiyah Yogyakarta Special Region handles domestic violence cases in Yogyakarta and analyze the weaknesses and strengths of handling these cases. This type of research is qualitative with interview data collection methods and secondary data documentation. The findings of this study explain that there are four types of domestic violence cases that have been handled by the Nuurus Sakiinnah Family Consultation Bureau, namely psychological violence, economic neglect; physical and verbal abuse. Therefore, the handling given varies according to the case that occurs. For cases of Psychic violence, the Bureau tends to provide counseling and self-reinforcement. For cases of economic neglect, the Bureau deals with economic independence counseling and training. For cases of Physical and Verbal violence, counseling and self-strengthening are usually given to face the next life and therapy if needed. Meanwhile, the absence of open houses, difficulties in mediation, and the absence of complete counseling data to support administration are the weaknesses of this bureau. However, this Bureau makes victims who have successfully passed the treatment process as volunteers to deal with other victims and also provides spiritual counseling, legal assistance and follow-up therapy when the victim is still in need.Keywords: Domestic Violence, ‘Aisyiyah Nasyi’atul, ‘Aisyiyah, Nuurus Saqinnah Bureau. Abstrak: Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) dipahami sebagai kekerasan yang berhubungan gender. Konsep ini mengacu pada posisi subordinatif karena relasi antara laki-laki dan perempuan mencerminkan powerless dan powerful atau ketimpangan kekuasaan antara keduanya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana Biro Nuurus Sakiinah milik ‘Aisyiyah dan Nasyi’atul ‘Aisyiyah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menangani kasus KDRT di Yogyakarta serta menganalisa kelemahan dan kelebihan dari penanganan kasus tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode pengambilan data wawancara dan data sekunder dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat empat jenis kasus KDRT yang telah ditangani oleh Biro Konsultasi Keluarga Nuurus Sakiinnah, yaitu kekerasan Psikis, penelantaran ekonomi; kekerasan fisik dan kekerasan verbal. Oleh karena itu, penanganan yang diberikan berbeda-beda sesuai dengan kasus yang terjadi. Untuk kasus kekerasan Psikis, Biro cenderung memberikan konseling dan penguatan diri. Untuk kasus penelantaran ekonomi, Biro menangani dengan konseling dan pelatihan kemandirian ekonomi. Untuk kasus kekerasan Fisik dan Verbal biasanya diberikan konseling dan penguatan diri untuk menghadapi kehidupan selanjutnya serta pemberian terapi jika diperlukan. Sementara itu belum adanya rumah singgah, kesulitan dalam mediasi, serta belum adanya kelengkapan data konseling untuk menunjang administrasi menjadi kelemahan biro ini. Namun, Biro ini menjadikan korban yang telah berhasil melewati proses penanganan sebagai volunteer untuk menangani korban yang lain dan juga pemberian konseling spiritual, pendampingan ke jalur hukum dan terapi lanjutan ketika korban masih membutuhkan.Kata Kunci: KDRT, ‘Aisyiyah, Nasyi’atul ‘Aisyiyah, Biro Nuurus Sakiina
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