12 research outputs found
Nernst effect and dimensionality in the quantum limit
Nernst effect, the transverse voltage generated by a longitudinal thermal
gradient in presence of magnetic field has recently emerged as a very
sensitive, yet poorly understood, probe of electron organization in solids.
Here we report on an experiment on graphite, a macroscopic stack of graphene
layers, which establishes a fundamental link between dimensionality of an
electronic system and its Nernst response. In sharp contrast with single-layer
graphene, the Nernst signal sharply peaks whenever a Landau level meets the
Fermi level. This points to the degrees of freedom provided by finite
interlayer coupling as a source of enhanced thermoelectric response in the
vicinity of the quantum limit. Since Landau quantization slices a
three-dimensional Fermi surface, each intersection of a Landau level with the
Fermi level modifies the Fermi surface topology. According to our results, the
most prominent signature of such a topological phase transition emerges in the
transverse thermoelectric response.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures and supplementary information; To appear in
Nature Physic
Angle dependence of the orbital magnetoresistance in bismuth
We present an extensive study of angle-dependent transverse magnetoresistance
in bismuth, with a magnetic field perpendicular to the applied electric current
and rotating in three distinct crystallographic planes. The observed angular
oscillations are confronted with the expectations of semi-classic transport
theory for a multi-valley system with anisotropic mobility and the agreement
allows us to quantify the components of the mobility tensor for both electrons
and holes. A quadratic temperature dependence is resolved. As Hartman argued
long ago, this indicates that inelastic resistivity in bismuth is dominated by
carrier-carrier scattering. At low temperature and high magnetic field, the
threefold symmetry of the lattice is suddenly lost. Specifically, a
rotation of magnetic field around the trigonal axis modifies the amplitude of
the magneto-resistance below a field-dependent temperature. By following the
evolution of this anomaly as a function of temperature and magnetic field, we
mapped the boundary in the (field, temperature) plane separating two electronic
states. In the less-symmetric state, confined to low temperature and high
magnetic field, the three Dirac valleys cease to be rotationally invariant. We
discuss the possible origins of this spontaneous valley polarization, including
a valley-nematic scenario.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure
Multiple nodeless superconducting gaps in optimally-doped SrTiNbO
We present the first study of thermal conductivity in superconducting
SrTiNbO, sufficiently doped to be near its maximum critical
temperature. The bulk critical temperature, determined by the jump in specific
heat, occurs at a significantly lower temperature than the resistive T.
Thermal conductivity, dominated by the electron contribution, deviates from its
normal-state magnitude at bulk T, following a Bardeen-Rickayzen-Tewordt
(BRT) behavior, expected for thermal transport by Bogoliubov excitations.
Absence of a T-linear term at very low temperatures rules out the presence of
nodal quasi-particles. On the other hand, the field dependence of thermal
conductivity points to the existence of at least two distinct superconducting
gaps. We conclude that optimally-doped strontium titanate is a multigap
nodeless superconductor.Comment: 6 pages including a supplemen
Critical doping for the onset of a two-band superconducting ground state in SrTiO
In doped SrTiO superconductivity persists down to an exceptionally low
concentration of mobile electrons. This restricts the relevant energy window
and possible pairing scenarios. We present a study of quantum oscillations and
superconducting transition temperature, as the carrier density is tuned
from to and identify two critical doping levels
corresponding to the filling thresholds of the upper bands. At the first
critical doping, which separates the single-band and the two-band
superconducting regimes in oxygen-deficient samples, the steady increase of
T with carrier concentration suddenly stops. Near this doping level, the
energy dispersion in the lowest band displays a downward deviation from
parabolic behavior. The results impose new constraints for microscopic pairing
scenarios.Comment: 5 pages of main article and 4 pages of supplemen
Unveiling the double-peak structure of quantum oscillations in the specific heat
Quantum oscillation phenomenon is an essential tool to understand the
electronic structure of quantum matter. Here we report the first systematic
study of quantum oscillations in the electronic specific heat in
natural graphite. We show that the crossing of a single spin Landau level and
the Fermi energy give rise to a double-peak structure, in striking contrast to
the single peak expected from Lifshitz-Kosevich theory. Intriguingly, the
double-peak structure is predicted by the kernel term for in the
free electron theory. The represents a spectroscopic tuning fork of
width 4.8 which can be tuned at will to resonance. Using a coincidence
method, the double-peak structure can be used to accurately determine the Lande
-factor of quantum materials. More generally, the tuning fork can be used to
reveal any peak in fermionic density of states tuned by magnetic field, such as
Lifshitz transition in heavy-fermion compounds.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
Metallicity and Superconductivity in Doped Strontium Titanate
Strontium titanate is a wide-gap semiconductor avoiding a ferroelectric instability thanks to quantum fluctuations. This proximity leads to strong screening of static Coulomb interaction and paves the way for the emergence of a very dilute metal with extremely mobile carriers at liquid-helium temperature. Upon warming, mobility decreases by several orders of magnitude. Yet, metallicity persists above room temperature even when the apparent mean free path falls below the electron wavelength. The superconducting instability survives at exceptionally low concentrations and beyond the boundaries of Migdal-Eliashberg approximation. An intimate connection between dilute superconductivity and aborted ferroelectricity is widely suspected. In this review, we give a brief account of ongoing research on bulk strontium titanate as an insulator, a metal, and a superconductor