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    ABSTRAK PENGEMBANGAN MODUL PEMBELAJARAN ECOBRICK ECO DESIGN TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN DIRI MATERI PENCEMARAN LINGKUNGAN KELAS VII DI MTs. AL-HIKMAH BANDAR LAMPUNG Oleh : FATIMATUS SUHROH Penelitian dan pengembangan modul dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Kelayakan pada modul pembelajaran ecobrick eco design pada materi pencemaran lingkungan kelas VII di MTs. Al�Hikmah Bandar Lampung, 2) Respon peserta didik terhadap modul pembelajaran ecobrick eco design pada materi pencemaran lingkungan kelas VII di MTs. Al-Hikmah Bandar Lampung. Adapun metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan R&D (reseach and Development) . Pengembangan modul ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluasi. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa wawancara pendidik, observasi dan angket soal. Hasil dari penilaian angket kelayakan dosen ahli media mendapatkan skor 94% dengan kategori sangat layak. Kemudian penilaian skor dari dosen ahli materi mendapatkan persentase sebesar 95% dengan kategori sangat layak. Sedangkan skor penilaian dari dosen ahli bahasa yaitu mendapatakan skor 82% dengan kategori sangat layak. Hasil dari penilaian angket respon peserta didikdari hasil uji coba skala kecil mendapatkan persentase 81% dengan kategori ―Sangat Menarik‖. Sedangkan hasil penilaian respon peserta didik dari hasil uji coba skala luas memperoleh persetase 80% dengan kategori ―Sangat Menarik‖. Dan penilaian angket dari pendidik mendapatkan hasil 95% dengan kategori ―Sangat Menarik‖. Kata Kunci: Modul, Ecobrick, Eco design, Pencemaran Lingkungan iv ABSTRACT DEVELOPMENT OF AN ECOBRICK ECO DESIGN LEARNING MODULE FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT IN CLASS VII ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION MATERIAL AT MTs. AL�HIKMAH BANDAR LAMPUNG By : FATIMATUS SUHROH The research and module development was carried out with the aim of finding out 1) The feasibility of the ecobrick eco design learning module on class VII environmental pollution material at MTs. Al�Hikmah Bandar Lampung, 2) Student responses to the ecobrick eco design learning module on class VII environmental pollution material at MTs. Al-Hikmah Bandar Lampung. The research method in this study uses the R&D (research and development) development method. The development of this module uses the ADDIE development model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. The instruments used in this research were teacher interviews, observations and questionnaires. The results of the media expert lecturer eligibility questionnaire assessment received a score of 94% in the very appropriate category. Then the score assessment from the material expert lecturer got a percentage of 95% with a very decent category. Meanwhile, the assessment score from the language expert lecturer was a score of 82% with a very decent category. The results of the questionnaire assessment of student responses from the results of small-scale trials obtained a percentage of 81% in the "Very Interesting" category. Meanwhile, the results of assessing student responses from the results of wide-scale trials obtained a percentage of 80% in the "Very Interesting" category. And the questionnaire assessment from educators obtained a result of 95% in the "Very Interesting" category. Keywords: Module, Ecobrick, Eco design, Environmental Pollutio

    The Perspective of Indonesian Teachers on the Google Classroom Usage in Blended Teaching

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    Abstract: Google Classroom is a kind of platform that teachers and students have come to know about. One of the learning processes achieved with google classroom is to blend the style of learning. Blended teaching is one of the teaching processes which is done not only inside the class (offline) but also outside the class (online). The study aims to impose the perspective of Indonesian teachers on the usage of Google Classroom. The study is performed through a qualitative research design. The sample of the study, which uses a survey method through a google form, consisting of forty teachers throughout Indonesia who have administered Google Classroom in their classroom for at least one semester. The data acquired has been put through a comprehensive analysis by categorizing and highlighting the data. The findings showed that almost all the teachers used blended teaching and it had three of the most beneficial usage which is accessibility, as a means of communication and data analysis. The significant challenges on the usage of Google Classroom were in the internet connection and online submitted assignments. They assumed that the overall highlights on Google Classroom usage can be effective and improved for future features. Abstrak: Google Classroom adalah sebuah platform yang banyak diketahui oleh para guru dan siswa. Salah satu proses pembelajaran yang dicapai dengan google classroom adalah untuk memadukan gaya belajar. Pembelajaran campuran (blended learning)  adalah salah satu proses pengajaran yang dilakukan tidak hanya di dalam kelas (offline) tetapi juga di luar kelas (online). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perspektif guru Indonesia tentang penggunaan Google Classroom. Penelitian dilakukan melalui desain penelitian kualitatif. Sampel penelitian, yang menggunakan metode survei menggunakan google form, terdiri dari empat puluh guru di seluruh Indonesia yang telah menerapkan Google Classroom di kelas mereka selama setidaknya satu semester. Data yang diperoleh telah dimasukkan melalui analisis yang komprehensif dengan mengategorikan dan menganalisis pokok data. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua guru menggunakan pengajaran campuran dan memiliki tiga penggunaan yang paling bermanfaat yaitu aksesibilitas, sebagai sarana komunikasi dan analisis data. Tantangan yang signifikan dalam penggunaan Google Classroom adalah dalam koneksi internet dan penugasan yang dikirimkan secara online. Mereka berasumsi bahwa sorotan keseluruhan pada penggunaan Google Classroom dapat efektif dan ditingkatkan untuk fitur di masa depan