2 research outputs found
Kemampuan Literasi Media Visual Siswa dan Keberhasilan Pembelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Tik) di SMP Negeri 11 Pare-pare
The aims of this research are to (1) description of the implementation of learning information and communication technology (ICT) at Junior High School 11 Pare-pare, (2) the ability of visual media literacy students of SMP Negeri 11 Parepare, (3) the relationship of visual media literacy skills of students with successful learning of information technology and communication technology (ICT) students of SMP Negeri 11 Parepare. This study uses a qualitative survey. The survey is conducted by selecting information who has targeted the starts from the observation of direct observation, interview and documentation as the main instrument of research. This study focuses on the ability of visual media literacy students in learning information and communication technology (ICT) in Junior High School 11 Parepare state in order to achieve the learning objectives. The result of this research showed an increase in students skills in reading and understanding the flow of information and materials about the technology in the form of visual communication technologies presented by the teacher along with full facilities and a variety of visual presentation shown by the teachers And learning strategies in teaching ICT. Visual media literacy skills students both in teaching and learning easier
Pelecehan dan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan dalam Siaran Radio Spfm Serta Dampaknya terhadap Perempuan Pendengar di Kota Makassar
Mass media well-known can influence public. This study aimed to describe and assess the impact of listening to broadcast “Derap Perempuan” in SPFM Radio against women listeners in Makassar City, which in terms of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Data sourced from 16 female listeners, broadcast host and resource person who were selected through a purposive sample. The results showed that in terms of knowledge, there are some listeners who had understood from the start, half-understood, and there is even clueless about the fourth issue. In terms of attitude, there are listeners who showed preventive attitude, anxious, but there are also normal like usual days. In the terms of behavior, there are listeners who behave disseminate the information obtained, but there are also do not. In addition, the behavior shown, especially listeners who are single, is more selective in choosing a candidate companion of life. Thus, it was concluded that the impact of broadcast “Derap Perempuan” in SPFM Radio against women listeners in Makassar city is very variated