44 research outputs found

    Quality-Oriented Management of Educational Innovation at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    This study aims to explore the quality-oriented management of educational innovation at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Quality-Oriented Management of Educational Innovation is the process of managing new resources (ideas, practices, objects, methods) in the field of education to achieve educational goals or solve the problem of education. New ideas, practices, objects, and methods mean that something is already underway, existing, already practiced in daily management processes in the framework of improving the quality of education. By using a qualitative approach case study, this study found that Madrasah Ibtidaiyah made several innovations in the field of education (1) Innovation in branding in the form of Integrated Elementary Madrasa (MIT), (2) Innovation at the reception of students, such as the deadline students admission (3) Innovation in the curriculum, such as the development of subjects: Quran Hadith, Fiqh, SKI, and Aqeedah Morals and (4) Innovation in learning, such as more attention to the students (student-centred) instead of the teacher (teacher-centred). Keywords: Educational Innovation, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah


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    Leadership is the core of an organization and plays a very important role, because the leader is the main person who determines the black and white of the organization under him. A leader is required to be adaptive to developments and changes in the times. The dynamic education system in Indonesia also requires the headmaster as a leader in the education unit to be ready to follow changes in existing policies. The current policy is about implementing an independent curriculum in the context of learning recovery. The readiness of all stakeholders to face curriculum changes is a challenge for headmasters so that this policy does not become a new problem for the education unit. Responsive headmaster leadership that can improve teacher readiness and performance is one solution to this challenge, namely transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is the process of leaders influencing followers by providing high motivation regarding the importance of performance values through empowerment so that changes occur for the better in realizing organizational goals. The principal\u27s role is to influence all elements in the school to create strategies and innovations by utilizing the school\u27s resources by providing strong motivation so as to increase one\u27s moral values and develop one\u27s competence so that one is ready to move together to implement the independent curriculum


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    This research examines the leadership strategies of school principals in the era of the Merdeka curriculum. The school principal as the highest leader in the school has an important role in curriculum implementation. This research aims to discuss the core of the Merdeka curriculum, the concept of strategy, the principal's leadership strategy. this research can be classified in educational management research. the method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature review as a research reference. The research steps use the Arksey and O'Malley technique, namely identifying research questions, identifying relevant studies, selecting studies, mapping data, compiling and reporting results. The results found that the principal's strategy in the Merdeka curriculum era fo-cuses on improving school resources, which consists of improving teacher competence and managing school funds. This is done to achieve the goal of improving the quality of learning which has an impact on the quality of students

    UNNES Green Transportation as a Continuous Effort in Building a Conservation University

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    Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) declared itself as a conservation university with 3 main pillars, namely: (1) values and character, (2) arts and culture, and (3) natural resources and physical environment. UNNES believes the environmental crisis cannot be overcome only through practical and technical actions but it also attempts to change the way humans view and behave towards the environment. One indicator of natural resources pillars and the environment is green transportation. To implement green transportation, UNNES develops an internal transportation system to guide the use of vehicles, roads and parking areas on the campus. The use of regulated vehicles included motorized and non-motorized vehicles. The target of implementing a green transportation system was to reduce emissions in the campus environment to a minimum level. Motorized vehicles must obey the directional traffic signs applied in the campus environment and be only allowed to park in designated parking areas. Sufficient space for bicycle traffic, environmentally-friendly vehicles, and pedestrians on the sideways were preferred. Motor vehicle noise levels must not exceed 55 dB. Special vehicle traffic, among others, such as garbage transporters, watering plants, fire engines, and special-licensed vehicles were regulated under applicable regulations. Inspection tasks were carried out by security vehicles that can go through all roads in the campus environment in the direction of the designated lane, except in unlikely emergencies. Environmentally-friendly vehicles in the form of electric and non-fossil cars operated on Monday-Friday from 6:00 to 18:00 and were free. Markings with different colors, and bicycle lanes were used to differentiate between motorized vehicles. Campus parking points consisted of a central parking point and several auxiliary parking units. The central parking in the Multi-purpose Building was used for motorized vehicles or bicycles and was guarded 24 hours. Meanwhile, the auxiliary parking units were located in each work unit area which also had a security system. People with disabilities were facilitated through special signposts


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    This research examines the leadership strategies of school principals in the era of the Merdeka curriculum. The school principal as the highest leader in the school has an important role in curriculum implementation. This research aims to discuss the core of the Merdeka curriculum, the concept of strategy, the principal\u27s leadership strategy. this research can be classified in educational management research. the method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature review as a research reference. The research steps use the Arksey and O\u27Malley technique, namely identifying research questions, identifying relevant studies, selecting studies, mapping data, compiling and reporting results. The results found that the principal\u27s strategy in the Merdeka curriculum era fo-cuses on improving school resources, which consists of improving teacher competence and managing school funds. This is done to achieve the goal of improving the quality of learning which has an impact on the quality of students

    Analisis Wacana Kritis Model Foucault: Upaya Menggugah Daya Kritis Mahasiswa Melalui Pembelajaran Teknik Menulis Karangan Ilmiah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pandangan mahasiswa terhadap Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) dan tokoh-tokohnya. Fokus penelitian mencakup evaluasi terhadap pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap konsep AWK dengan menggunakan Model Foucault. Dengan begitu, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai AWK, khususnya pada model Foucault, serta meningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk mengaplikasikan konsep tersebut dalam menganalisis teks dan wacana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teori AWK Foucault. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 5 pada Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Universitas Diponegoro. Sampel yang terlibat sebanyak 57 mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi angket dan dokumen. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis isi dan hasil analisisnya disajikan dengan metode informal. Hasil survei menunjukkan meningkatnya rasa keingintahuan yang signifikan mahasiswa terkait konsep-konsep AWK, tokoh-tokoh AWK, dan teori Foucault. Penyampaian materi AWK dapat memicu munculnya sikap berpikir kritis pada mahasiswa Kemudian, berdasarkan analisis teks, penelitian ini masih berfokus pada kesalahan diksi, seperti kata yang bersinonim, kata umum atau khusus, kata denotatif atau konotatif, dan lain-lain.


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    This research is based on the needs of students in the classroom, students experience diffulties in learning science material, especially in material such as what is the culture of my region, which causes student learning outcomes to not be optimal. This research aims to: 1) Analyze the development of local wisdom-based teaching materials on the cognitive learning outcomes of elementri school students. 2)Analyze the feasibility of developing lokal wisdom-based teaching materials on the cognitive learning outcomes of elementary school students. 3). Analyze the effectiveness of developing local wisdom-based teaching materials for elementary school students’ learning aoutcomes. The type of research used is research and development (R&D) with ADDIE development procedures, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The data analysis techiques used are qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. Research subjects fot class V of Istianah Intgrated Elementary School. This research shows the results of the validation of teaching materials based on 95,45% media validators and 100% material validators from both validators including materials was obtained from the average pretest score of 51.25%, while the posttest averafe score increased by 82.6%, ane the N-Gain test obtained a score of 0.64%. quite effective category. This shows that local wisdom-based teaching materials are suitable for use


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    This research aims to analyze the implementation of management and leadership at SMP Negeri 1 Bejen, Temanggung Regency. Even though this school is located in a hilly area and far from the hustle and bustle of the city, it has managed to show good achievements. This success cannot be separated from the management and leadership role of the school principal. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method, and involves the participation of school principals, as well as teaching and education staff. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, surveys and document analysis. The research results show that the principal of SMP Negeri 1 Bejen 1applies various leadership styles, namely democratic, supportive and autocratic, according to the situation and needs. The school principal also applies a situational approach in various contexts, namely directive, coaching, supporting, and delegating. The implementation of management and leadership at SMP Negeri 1 Bejen has proven to be effective and achieves school goals, improves the quality of learning, and improves the welfare of the school community. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of leadership theory and practice and educational management. However, communication with external stakeholders needs to be improved to expand collaboration and support school program development. The conclusion of this research shows that flexible and adaptive principal leadership plays an important role in achieving the goals of quality education at SMP Negeri 1 Beje


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    The current digital millennial era is an era where the world is facing the phenomenon of large and rapid changes and the roots of the noble morals of leaders are beginning to be uprooted. A situation where there is movement in leadership and leadership arrangements both in bureaucracies and schools. In the world of education there are several aspects that experiencing fundamental changes, to quickly changing the old traditional leadership structure by creating and creating a leadership structure with modern traditions. Besides that, the era of disruption can be considered both a threat and an opportunity, depending on how the managerial leader views the situation and adapts to the modern environment. Managerial leaders or heads Schools that play a role in this must be able to read threat situations well as well as see opportunities that are likely to survive in this era. In the development of Catholic education, especially in the school environment, school principals are indirectly required to resolve various problems or act as defenders in problems. era of disruption which will have an impact on human resources (teachers and staff) and students

    Penerapan Metode Invers kinematik Pada Kontrol Gerak Robot Lengan Tiga Derajat Bebas

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    AbstrakRobot didefinisikan sebagai suatu instrumen yang terdiri dari perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang berfungsi untuk membantu pekerjaan manusia. Salah satu pekerjaan yang dapat dilakukan oleh robot adalah proses pemindahan barang dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Sistem gerak robot lengan diadaptasi dari sistem gerak lengan manusia yang memiliki sendi atau disebut dengan joint dan link sebagai penghubung antar joint. Pergerakan robot lengan dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode trial-error atau yang biasa dikenal dengan forward kinematik. Namun, metode ini dinilai lebih memakan waktu dan memori. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dibutuhkan metode yang merupakan kebalikan dari metode forward kinematik, yaitu metode invers kinematik. Metode invers kinematik merupakan metode pergerakan robot lengan dengan variabel yang diketahui adalah titik koordinat tujuan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberi masukan berupa koordinat (x, y, z) pada mikrokontroler. Data tersebut akan diproses menggunakan metode inver kinematik untuk mendapat sudut yang harus dituju oleh motor servo ( ). Sudut sebenarnya yang dituju robot akan diukur secara langsung menggunakan busur derajat ( ) sebagai pembanding. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil persentase error rata-rata untuk servo 1 sebesar 0,14%, servo 2 sebesar 0,43%, dan servo 3 sebesar 6,47%, servo 3 pada robot lengan memiliki nilai minimal yang bisa dicapai yaitu sebesar 50o. Persentase error rata-rata untuk sumbu X sebesar 0,42%, sumbu Y sebesar 5,03%, dan sumbu Z sebesar 3,46%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa metode invers kinematik merupakan metode yang baik sebagai metode kontrol gerak robot lengan.Kata Kunci: robot lengan. Invers kinematik, forward kinematik. AbstractRobot is determined as an instrument consisting of hardware and software that functions to help human work. One of the jobs that can be done by robots is the process of moving goods from one place to another. Robot arm motion system is adapted from the human arm motion system which has joints and links to connected the joints. The movement of the robot arm can be determined by using the trial-error method or commonly known as forward kinematics. However, this method consumes more time and memory. To overcome this, we need a method which is the opposite of the forward kinematics method, that is inverse kinematics method. Inverse kinematics method is a method of robot arm movement with the coordinates point of destination as the known variable. The study was conducted by providing input in the form of coordinates (x, y, z) on the microcontroller. The data will be processed using inverse kinematics method to get the desired angle that will be reached by the servo motor ( ). The actual angle that the robot is pointing to will be measured directly using a protractor ( ) as a comparison. From the experiments carried out, the average error percentage for servo 1 is 0.14%, servo 2 is 0.43%, and servo 3 is 6.47%, servo 3 on the robot arm has a minimum value that can be achieved that is equal to 50o. The average error percentage for the X axis is 0.42%, the Y axis is 5.03%, and the Z axis is 3.46%. From these results, it can be said that the inverse kinematics method is a good method as a controlling method of robot arm motion.Keywords: robot arm, inverse kinematics, forward kinematics