138 research outputs found

    Volatilitas Harga Kedelai Dan Integrasi Pasar Kedelai Sebelum dan Sesudah Pandemi Covid 19

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    Soybean is one of the main food commodity in Indonesia beside rice and corn, so it is necessary to maintain price stabilization. This study aims analyze the volatility of soybean prices and the integration of Indonesian and international soybean markets before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.The ARCH/GARCH model is used in the analysis of soybean price volatility and the VAR/VECM model is used to analyze the market integration between the Indonesian soybean market and the international market. The result of research show that local retail soybean price have a higher price volatility than international soybean price and imported soybean price. Soybean price volatility after the COVID-19 pandemic also showed a higher level of price volatility compared to conditions before the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the result of market integration show that there is market integration between the Indonesian soybean market and the American market, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the formation of local soybean prices at the producer level.Kedelai adalah satu dari komoditas pangan utama di Indonesia selain beras dan jagung, sehingga perlu dijaga stabilisasi harganya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sistem agribisnis kedelai, menganalisis volatilitas harga kedelai dan integrasi pasar kedelai Indonesia dan internasional sebelum dan sesudah pandemi covid-19. Kajian sistem agribisnis kedelai dianalisis secara deskriptif yang menunjukkan bahwa sistem agribisnis di Indonesia belum seluruhnya terintegrasi dan saling terikat. Model ARCH/GARCH digunakan dalam analisis volatilitas harga kedelai, yang menunjukkan harga kedelai lokal tingkat pengecer memiliki tingkat volatilitas harga yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan harga kedelai internasional dan harga kedelai impor. Sementara, model VAR/VECM digunakan untuk menganalisis integrasi pasar antara pasar kedelai Indonesia dan pasar internasional, yang menunjukkan terdapat integrasi pasar antara pasar kedelai Indonesia dengan pasar Amerika Kata kunci : Volatilitas, Integrasi pasar, Kedelai

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Risiko Produksi Bawang Putih Di Indonesia

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    Garlic productivity in Indonesia is still low and fluctuates every year. The productivity fluctuations indicate production risks. This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the productivity and risks of garlic production in Indonesia. The data used in this study is secondary data from the Agricultural Census. Locations of this research were chosen purposively. They are in the three largest production centers, namely Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara. The total sample is 305 farmer respondents from 333 farmer respondents surveyed by the Statistic Center Agency. The method of analysis used in this study is production function with the Just and Pope model approach. Multiple linear regression analysis for the productivity function is estimated through the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method, whereas, for the production risk function, estimation is conducted using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The results showed that the risk level of garlic production in Indonesia was high. Factors significantly increased productivity, including seeds, labor, the dry season, and climate change. Meanwhile, factors that significantly reduced productivity are organic fertilizers and SP36 fertilizers. The risk-inducing production factor is climate change, while the risk-reducing factors are pest attacks and liquid pesticides. To boost productivity, farmers can cultivate garlic during the dry season, increase the use of high-quality seedlings and labor, and reduce the application of organic and SP36 fertilizers. To mitigate production risks, farmers can enhance the use of liquid pesticides following recommended usage standards.Garlic productivity in Indonesia is still low and fluctuates every year. The productivity fluctuations indicate production risks. This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the productivity and risks of garlic production in Indonesia. The data used in this study is secondary data from BPS 2014 in the three largest production centers, namely Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara, with a total sample of 305 farmer respondents from 333 farmer respondents. The method used in this study is a multiple linear regression model with the Just and Pope model approach. Multiple linear regression analysis for the productivity function is estimated through the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method, whereas for the production risk function, estimation is conducted using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The results showed that the risk level of garlic production in Indonesia was high. Factors significantly increased productivity, including seeds, labor, the dry season, and climate change. Meanwhile, factors that significantly reduced productivity are organic fertilizers and SP36 fertilizers. The risk-inducing production factor is climate change, while the risk-reducing factors are pest attacks and liquid pesticides. To boost productivity, farmers can cultivate garlic during the dry season, increase the use of high-quality seedlings and labor, and reduce the application of organic and SP36 fertilizers. To mitigate production risks, farmers can enhance the use of liquid pesticides following recommended usage standards


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    The Government has used a sugar import tariff policy to protect the domestic sugar producers from sugar import competition. The objective of this paper is to analyze the effects of sugar import tariff policy on producers’, consumers’, government and economic welfare. The policy of increasing sugar import tariff will lead to decreasing consumers’ welfare; on the contrary, producers’ welfare and government revenue will increase. Meanwhile, this policy will reduce economic welfare

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Susu Sapi Perah di Kecamatan Megamendung Kabupaten Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    The dairy cow is one of the lifestock commodity still have potential to develop in Indonesia. The domestic milk production only cover 1/3 of domestic demand so the most of milk remains were still imported. Cipayung village, District Megamendung, Bogor regency is one of the central production for fresh milk. The problems that faced by the most of farmers in this region are the low productivity of milk, it's about 8-10 litre/day so it's can influence to the income level of farmers too. The purpose of this research are to analyze about factors that have affected to the production of milk and to analyze income of dairy cow farm. This research used Cobb Douglas production function with the respondents were 35 dairy farmers members of Mekar Jaya Farmer Group. The respondents in this research were chosen by purposive sampling method where leader of the farmer group has an estimation to choose the farmers that have qualification become a respondent. Based on the results of analyzed research showed that period of lactation, forages, water and labors were factors that have significantly affected to the production of dairy cows. This analyze also showed that the value of farm R/C ratio of the cash cost was1,64 and R/C ratio of the total cost was 1,25

    Analisis Risiko Harga Komoditas Sayuran Unggulan di Indonesia

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    Chilies, potatoes, shallots, and cabbage are five main vegetables that have high rates of production, but they also have high levels of price fluctuation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the levels of price risk and analyze alternative strategies needed to reduce the price risk of chilies, potatoes, shallots, and cabbage. The method of analysis that used in this research is ARCH/GARCH model, Value at Risk (VaR), and coefficient variation. The results showed that the price of chilies, tomatoes, and potatoes were influenced by price volatility and variants in previous periods. The price volatility and variants of shallots and cabbages were influenced by the prices of one and two previous periods. The calculation of VaR, which was based on the total capital in a one-day sale period showed that price risk of chilies, potatoes, shallots, and cabbage were at 4.077 persen, 3.078 persen, 5.240 persen, 6.879 persen, dan 3.980 persen. Based on coefficient variation showed that tomatoes had the highest price risk was at 0.428 while potatoes was found to have the lowest price risk was at 0.080. Shallot had the second highest price risk was at 0.195. Cabbage and chilies had the third and the forth highest price risk were at 0.209 and 0.349. Alternative strategy to solve the price risk of vegetables need to be applied by traders, farmers, and government

    Manajemen Keuangan Pertanian

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    Preferensi Risiko dan Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Keikutsertaan Asuransi Usahatani Padi (AUTP) di Kabupaten Jember

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    Rendahnya partisipasi petani padi di Kabupaten Jember dalam program AUTP bukan berarti petani padi merupakan individu yang berisiko. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka secara sistematis tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Menganalisis preferensi risiko petani padi di Kabupaten Jember; (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi petani padi di Kabupaten Jember dalam program AUTP. Pengukuran preferensi petani padi menggunakan metode multiple price list dan constant relative risk averse (CRRA). Sedangkan analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi petani padi dalam program AUTP menggunakan analisis regresi logit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani padi di Kabupaten Jember memiliki preferensi risiko untuk menghindari risiko. Preferensi risiko petani responden peserta AUTP di Kabupaten Jember adalah sangat penghindar risiko; sedangkan responden petani non peserta AUTP di Kabupaten Jember adalah netral terhadap risiko. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keikutsersertaan petani padi di Kabupaten Jember dalam program AUTP, yakni: (1) usia, lama, (2) berusahatani padi, (3) luas lahan usahatani padi,                 (4) preferensi risiko, (5) pemahaman terhadap AUTP, dan (6) besaran premi yang mampu dibayarkan.The low participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in crop insurance (asuransi usahatani padi – AUTP) does not mean that rice farmers are risk seeking individuals. The objectives of this study are: (1) to analyze the risk preferences of rice farmers in Jember Regency; (2) analyze the factors that influence the participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in the AUTP program. The measurement of rice farmer preferences used the multiple price list and constant relative risk averse (CRRA) method; and the analysis of the factors that influenced the participation of rice farmers in the AUTP program used logit regression analysis. The result showed that rice farmers in Jember Regency had a risk preference to avoid risk. The risk preferences of participants farmers of AUTP in Jember Regency are very risk averse; while not participants farmers of AUTP  are risk neutral. The factors that influence the participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in the AUTP program are: (1) age, (2) rice farming experience, (3) rice farming area, (4) risk preference, (5) AUTP knowledge, and (6) amount of insurance premium that can be paid. The participation of rice farmers in Jember Regency in the AUTP can be increased by increasing farmers knowledge of the scheme and benefits of agricultural insurance through counseling and mentoring

    Daya Saing Bawang Putih di Indonesia

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    Demand for garlic in Indonesia tends to increase, but only a little (< 5 percent) of it was met by national production. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian garlic and identify its determinants. Data used on garlic farming was obtained from the Agricultural Census 2013-Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), consisting of 121 sample farmers in West Nusa Tenggara province and 98 farmers in Central Java province. The Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) method was used to measure comparative and competitive advantages which were grouped according to the technical efficiency of production. Efficiency is estimated by the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The results showed that garlic has a comparative and competitive advantage in only 55 percent of the total sample. The comparative and competitive advantages of garlic were significantly determined by the technical efficiency of production. Further analysis showed that the competitiveness of Indonesian garlic was sensitive to changes in productivity and output prices. Productivity is the most decisive factor in the competitiveness of Indonesian garlic. Government policies related to input prices and output prices caused farmers to pay lower input prices and accepted output prices higher than their social prices. From this study can be concluded that in general Indonesian garlic was not competitive being produced domestically. Garlic can be produced domestically as an import substitution if it is produced with high productivity and efficiency. It is recommended to improve the technical efficiency of production by utilizing the potential land and technology production optimally.Permintaan bawang putih di Indonesia cenderung meningkat, tetapi kurang dari lima persen dari permintaan tersebut dipenuhi oleh produksi nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis daya saing bawang putih Indonesia dan mengidentifikasi faktor penentunya. Data yang digunakan adalah data usahatani bawang putih yang diperoleh dari Sensus Pertanian 2013-Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), yang terdiri dari 121 sampel petani di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dan 98 petani di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Metode Policy Analisis Matrix (PAM) digunakan untuk mengukur keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif yang dikelompokkan sesuai dengan tingkat efisiensi teknis produksi yang diperkirakan oleh metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bawang putih Indonesia yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif hanya sebesar 55 persen dari total sampel dari usahatani bawang putih. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif bawang putih secara signifikan ditentukan oleh efisiensi teknis produksi. Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa daya saing bawang putih Indonesia peka terhadap perubahan produktivitas dan harga output. Daya saing tertinggi dicapai melalui perubahan signifikan pada produktivitas bawang putih lokal. Kebijakan pemerintah terkait harga input dan harga output menyebabkan petani membayar harga input yang lebih rendah dan menerima harga output yang lebih tinggi dari harga sosialnya. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum bawang putih Indonesia tidak kompetitif untuk di produksi di dalam negeri. Bawang putih dapat di produksi secara domestik sebagai produk substitusi impor jika di produksi dalam produktivitas tinggi dan usahatani yang efisien secara teknis. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan usahatani bawang putih disertai dengan perbaikan dalam efisiensi teknis produksi

    The Impact of Contract Farming on The Production Risk of Coffee Farming in Lampung

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    Background: One of Indonesia's largest producers of robusta coffee, Lampung Province still faces challenges and risks in coffee productivity. Coffee productivity in Lampung fluctuates and tends to decrease each year. Contract farming is one of the solutions to overcome these issues. Purpose: This research aims to analyze the impact of contract farming on production and production risk in robusta coffee farming in Lampung Province. Design/methodology/approach: The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA). This research uses a sample size of 99 contract farmers and 104 non-contract farmers. The research analysis method uses the OLS estimation approach to estimate the production function and MLE estimation for the production risk function.Findings/Result: The results showed that contract farming significantly and positively impacts coffee production outcomes. Conversely, contract farming has a significant and positive influence on production risk. Meanwhile, factors that reduce production risk include land area and labor. Contract farming increases production yields, but it also raises production risks. This insight is crucial for farmers considering contract farming, as it underscores the need for comprehensive risk management strategies and productivity enhancements.Conclusion: Contract farming in Lampung has successfully increased coffee production through input assistance and access to technology. However, it has also increased production risks due to the incomplete implementation of contracts by farmers. To mitigate these risks, attention must be given to factors such as land area and labor, which have been proven to reduce production risks.Originality/value (State of the art): Contract farming in Lampung has shown great potential in increasing coffee production. However, the incomplete implementation of contracts by farmers has increased production risks. This study emphasizes the importance of risk management in contract farming. To enhance effectiveness, full implementation of contract terms and better risk management are necessary. Keywords: coffee productivity, contract farming, Lampung Province, production risk, robusta coffe
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