882 research outputs found

    The diabetes-related self-care activities of people with type 2 diabetes: their level and associated factors

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    The adherence to diabetes-related self-care activities (DRSCA) is not optimal, although studies about DRSCA have progressed much. Additional information about the factors associated with the level of DRSCA is necessary for supporting patients in diabetes management. This study aimed to examine the DRSCA of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and associated factors. First, a systematic review with a meta-analysis was used to synthesize the effects of theory-based self-management education on DRSCA, which aimed to provide implications and clues for the second phase of the study. Second, an empirical study investigated background information and outcome information related to DRSCA. DRSCA were measured at two time points. The systematic review included 22 studies with 6,099 participants after selecting the included studies from five databases. The empirical study used the survey method two times, involving 251 participants with T2DM the first time, and 155 participants completed a valid questionnaire about DRSCA the second time. At the first time point, the information was collected as follows: the background information consisted of demographic information, health information, social support and optimism; the outcome information included negative feelings and positive health. The subsequent DRSCA, covering three months, were measured in order to test the association of social support and optimism with subsequent DRSCA. The systematic review indicated that theory-based self-management education had more effects on DRSCA than routine care, and this implied that it is necessary to encourage people with T2DM to actively perform DRSCA. The empirical study provided encouraging information with which patients with T2DM could improve DRSCA. The main findings showed that objective support, support utility and optimism were significantly and positively associated with the level of DRSCA. In addition, DRSCA were associated with reduced perceived stress (one component of negative feelings) but not with anxiety and fatigue after adjusting for covariates. DRSCA can improve one component of positive health but this is not significantly associated with resilience and DRQoL after controlling covariates. The study provides additional information to encourage patients to be more involved in DRSCA in order to improve their subjective well-being and to reduce perceived stress. In addition, the role of optimism in DRSCA was examined, and this may help to draw attention to its role in diabetes care.Tyypin 2 diabetekseen liittyvÀt omahoitotoimenpiteet, niiden taso ja niihin liittyvÀt tekijÀt Hoitoon ei aina sitouduta parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla, vaikka tutkimusnÀyttö diabeteksen omahoidosta (diabetes-related self-care activities, DRSCA) on vahvistunut. LisÀtietoa omahoitoon liittyvistÀ tekijöistÀ tarvitaan tukemaan potilaita diabeteksen hoidossa. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida tyypin 2 diabetesta sairastavien henkilöiden omahoitoon liittyviÀ tekijöitÀ. Ensiksi, systemaattista katsausta ja meta-analyysiÀ kÀytettiin muodostamaan kÀsitys teoriapohjaisen omahoito-opetuksen vaikutuksista omahoitotoimenpiteisiin, ja perustakse empiiriselle tutkimusvaiheelle. Toiseksi, empiirisellÀ tutkimuksella analysoitiin omahoitotoimenpiteiden taustatekijöitÀ ja hoitotuloksia. OmahoitotoimenpiteitÀ mitattiin kahdessa aikapisteessÀ. Systemaattisessa katsauksessa valittiin viidestÀ tietokannasta 22 tutkimusta, joissa oli yhteensÀ 6,099 tutkimushenkilöÀ. Empiirinen tutkimus koostui kyselyistÀ kahdessa aikapisteessÀ, joista ensimmÀisessÀ 251 ja toisessa 155 tyypin 2 diabeetikkoa palautti omahoitoon ja siihen liittyviin tekijöihin kohdistuvat kyselylomakkeet. EnsimmÀinen lomake sisÀlsi potilaiden taustatietoja demografista tekijöistÀ, terveydestÀ sekÀ tietoja sosiaalisesta tuesta ja optimismista; hoitotuloksiin liittyen kerÀttiin myös tietoa kielteisistÀ tunteista ja myönteisistÀ terveysvaikutuksista. Toisessa aikapisteessÀ tuen ja optimismin vaikutusta diabeteksen omahoitotoimiin mitattiin 3 kuukauden kuluttua. Systemaattinen tarkastelu osoitti, ettÀ teoria-pohjainen omahoidon opettaminen vaikuttaa omahoitoon enemmÀn kuin rutiiniomainen opetus, ja ettÀ tyypin 2 diabeetikkoja tulisi motivoida ottamaan enemmÀn vastuuta hoidostaan. Empiirinen tutkimus toi esiin seikkoja, joiden perusteella voitaisiin kehittÀÀ omahoidon laatua. Sosiaalinen tuki, tuen hyvÀksyminen ja optimismi olivat merkitsevÀsti yhteydessÀ omahoidon tasoon. Omahoito liittyi matalampaan koetun stressin mÀÀrÀÀn, joka on yksi negatiivisten tunteiden komponenteista, mutta ei ahdistuneisuuteen tai vÀsymykseen, kun vakioivat tekijÀt huomioitiin. Omahoito voi parantaa koettua terveyttÀ ja hyvinvointia, joka on yksi hyvÀn terveyden komponenteista, vaikka tilastollista yhteyttÀ resilienssiin tai sairauteen liittyvÀÀn elÀmÀnlaatuun ei kyetty osittamaan. Tutkimus tuottaa lisÀtietoa siitÀ, miten yksilöitÀ voidaan rohkaista aktiivisempaan rooliin omahoidossaan subjektiivisen hyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi ja stressin vÀhentÀmiseksi. LisÀksi optimismin roolia omahoidossa tutkittiin, mikÀ saattaa auttaa optimismin merkityksen huomioimisessa diabeteksen hoidossa

    Tetrahedral shape of 110^{110}Zr from covariant density functional theory in 3D lattice space

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    Covariant density functional theory is solved in 3D lattice space by implementing the preconditioned conjugate gradient method with a filtering function (PCG-F). It considerably improves the computational efficiency compared to the previous inverse Hamiltonian method (IHM). This new method is then applied to explore the tetrahedral shape of 110^{110}Zr in the full deformation space. The ground state of 110^{110}Zr is found to have a tetrahedral shape, but the deformations ÎČ31\beta_{31} and ÎČ33\beta_{33} greatly soften the potential energy surface. This effect is analysed with the microscopic evolution of the single-particle levels near the Fermi surface driven by the deformation

    Coupling Analysis Between Twitter and Call Centre

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    Social media has been contributing many research areas such as data mining, recommender systems, time series analysis, etc. However, there are not many successful applications regarding social media in government agencies. In fact, lots of governments have social media accounts such as twitter and facebook. More and more customers are likely to communicate with governments on social media, causing massive external social media data for governments. This external data would be beneficial for analysing behaviours and real needs of the customers. Besides this, most governments also have a call centre to help customers solve their problems. It is not difficult to imagine that the enquiries on external social media and internal call centre may have some coupling relationships. The couplings could be helpful for studying customers' intent and allocating government's limited resources for better service. In this paper, we mainly focus on analysing the coupling relations between internal call centre and external public media using time series analysis methods for Australia Department of Immigration and Border Protec-tion. The discovered couplings demonstrate that call centre and public media indeed have correlations, which are significant for understanding customers' behaviours

    Using a Self-Determination Theory Approach to Understand Student Perceptions of Inquiry-Based Learning

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    Inquiry-based laboratory activities, as a part of science curricula, have been advocated to increase students’ learning outcomes and improve students’ learning experiences, but students sometimes struggle with open-inquiry activities. This study aims to investigate students’ perceptions of inquiry-based learning in a set of laboratory activities, specifically from a psychological (i.e., Self-Determination Theory) perspective. Students’ ratings of the level of inquiry in these activities indicate that students’ perceptions of inquiry align with the instructor-intended amount of inquiry in each exercise. Students’ written responses, explaining their ratings, indicate that students’ perceptions of the amount of inquiry in a given lab exercise relate to their feeling of freedom (or autonomy), competence, and relatedness (or support), during the inquiry-based learning activities. The results imply that instructors implementing inquiry-based learning activities should consider student motivation, and Self-Determination Theory can be a useful diagnostic tool during teaching development

    Using a self-determination theory approach to understand student perceptions of inquiry-based learning

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    Inquiry-based laboratory activities, as a part of science curricula, have been advocated to increase students’ learning outcomes and improve students’ learning experiences, but students sometimes struggle with open-inquiry activities. This study aims to investigate students’ perceptions of inquiry-based learning in a set of laboratory activities, specifically from a psychological (i.e., Self-Determination Theory) perspective. Students’ ratings of the level of inquiry in these activities indicate that students’ perceptions of inquiry align with the instructor-intended amount of inquiry in each exercise. Students’ written responses, explaining their ratings, indicate that students’ perceptions of the amount of inquiry in a given lab exercise relate to their feeling of freedom (or autonomy), competence, and relatedness (or support), during the inquiry-based learning activities. The results imply that instructors implementing inquiry-based learning activities should consider student motivation, and Self-Determination Theory can be a useful diagnostic tool during teaching development.publishedVersio

    MiR-20a-5p represses multi-drug resistance in osteosarcoma by targeting the KIF26B gene

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    BACKGROUND: Chemoresistance hinders curative cancer chemotherapy in osteosarcoma (OS), resulting in only an approximately 20 % survival rate in patients with metastatic disease at diagnosis. Identifying the mechanisms responsible for regulating chemotherapy resistance is crucial for improving OS treatment. METHODS: This study was performed in two human OS cell lines (the multi-chemosensitive OS cell line G-292 and the multi-chemoresistant OS cell line SJSA-1). The levels of miR-20a-5p and KIF26B mRNA expression were determined by quantitative real-time PCR. KIF26B protein levels were determined by western blot analysis. Cell viability was assessed by MTT assay. Apoptosis was evaluated by flow cytometry. RESULTS: We found that miR-20a-5p was more highly expressed in G-292 cells than in SJSA-1 cells. Forced expression of miR-20a-5p counteracted OS cell chemoresistance in both cell culture and tumor xenografts in nude mice. One of miR-20a-5p's targets, kinesin family member 26B (KIF26B), was found to mediate the miR-20a-5p-induced reduction in OS chemoresistance by modulating the activities of the MAPK/ERK and cAMP/PKA signaling pathways. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to providing mechanistic insights, our study revealed that miR-20a-5p and KIF26B contribute to OS chemoresistance and determined the roles of these genes in this process, which may be critical for characterizing drug responsiveness and overcoming chemoresistance in OS patients
