34 research outputs found

    Laterality in Responses to Acoustic Stimuli in Giant Pandas

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    Cerebral lateralization is a common feature present in many vertebrates and is often observed in response to various sensory stimuli. Numerous studies have proposed that some vertebrate species have a right hemisphere or left hemisphere dominance in response to specific types of acoustic stimuli. We investigated lateralization of eight giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) by using a head turning paradigm and twenty-eight acoustic stimuli with different emotional valences which included twenty-four conspecific and four non-conspecific acoustic stimuli (white noise, thunder, and vocalization of a predator). There was no significant difference in auditory laterality in responses to conspecific or non-conspecific sounds. However, the left cerebral hemisphere processed the positive stimuli, whereas neither of the two hemispheres exhibited a preference for processing the negative stimuli. Furthermore, the right hemisphere was faster than the left hemisphere in processing emotional stimuli and conspecific stimuli. These findings demonstrate that giant pandas exhibit lateralization in response to different acoustic stimuli, which provides evidence of hemispheric asymmetry in this species

    High-Frequency Local Field Potential Oscillations May Modulate Aggressive Behaviors in Mice

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    Aggressive behavior is one of congenital social behaviors in many species, which could be promoted by social neglect or isolation in the early stages of life. Many brain regions including the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), medial amygdala (MeA) and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) are demonstrated to relate to aggressive behavior; however, the dynamic patterns of neural activities during the occurrence of this behavior remain unclear. In this study, 21-day-old male CD-1 mice were reared in social isolation conditions and cohousing conditions for two weeks. Aggressive behaviors of each subject were estimated by the resident–intruder test. Simultaneously, the local field potentials of mPFC, MeA and VMH were recorded for exploring differences in the relative power spectra of different oscillations when aggressive behaviors occurred. The results showed that the following: (1) Compared with the cohousing mice, the socially isolated mice exhibited more aggression. (2) Regardless of “time condition” (pre-, during- and post- attack), the relative power spectra of beta band in the cohousing mice were significantly greater than those in the socially isolated mice, and inversely, the relative power spectra of gamma band in the cohousing mice were significantly smaller than those in the socially isolated mice. (3) The bilateral mPFC exhibited significantly smaller beta power spectra but greater gamma power spectra compared with other brain areas regardless of rearing patterns. (4) For the right VMH of the socially isolated mice, the relative power spectra of the gamma band during attacks were significantly greater than those before attack. These results suggest that aggressive behaviors in mice could be shaped by rearing patterns and that high-frequency oscillations (beta and gamma bands) may engage in mediating aggressive behaviors in mice

    Mating signals indicating sexual receptiveness induce unique spatio-temporal EEG theta patterns in an anuran species.

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    Female mate choice is of importance for individual fitness as well as a determining factor in genetic diversity and speciation. Nevertheless relatively little is known about how females process information acquired from males during mate selection. In the Emei music frog, Babina daunchina, males normally call from hidden burrows and females in the reproductive stage prefer male calls produced from inside burrows compared with ones from outside burrows. The present study evaluated changes in electroencephalogram (EEG) power output in four frequency bands induced by male courtship vocalizations on both sides of the telencephalon and mesencephalon in females. The results show that (1) both the values of left hemispheric theta relative power and global lateralization in the theta band are modulated by the sexual attractiveness of the acoustic stimulus in the reproductive stage, suggesting the theta oscillation is closely correlated with processing information associated with mate choice; (2) mean relative power in the beta band is significantly greater in the mesencephalon than the left telencephalon, regardless of reproductive status or the biological significance of signals, indicating it is associated with processing acoustic features and (3) relative power in the delta and alpha bands are not affected by reproductive status or acoustic stimuli. The results imply that EEG power in the theta and beta bands reflect different information processing mechanisms related to vocal recognition and auditory perception in anurans

    The first call note of the Anhui tree frog (<i>Rhacophorus zhoukaiya</i>) is acoustically suited for enabling individual recognition

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    <p>The effective production of acoustic signals is critically important for intraspecific communication in vocal animals; however, it is also highly time-consuming, energetically demanding and likely to increase predation risks. Thus, we hypothesized that the biological significance of each component of complex acoustic signals would differ serving specific functions and that the first component of such signals would be most important for social signalling and exhibit unique acoustic characteristics because of the precedence effect. To test this hypothesis, we measured temporal and spectral acoustic parameters for each note in the advertisement calls of the Anhui tree frog (<i>Rhacophorus zhoukaiya</i>), a species in which males build mud burrows and call from within these nests. Multivariate analyses including hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling were used, based on temporal and spectral acoustic parameters for each of 10 notes/call. These results show that the first call notes form one cluster while the other notes form a second cluster in multidimensional space when the parameters measured were normalized. Furthermore, the temporal and spectral sound attributes of the first call note provide sufficient information for discrimination between different individuals. Moreover, discriminant analysis showed that the fundamental frequency of the first note is sufficient to identify individuals when the data are not normalized. Taken together, these results indicate that the first call note is poised to play an important role in Anhui tree frog vocal communication insofar as the temporal and spectral features provide sufficient information for individual recognition.</p

    Auditory sensitivity exhibits sexual dimorphism and seasonal plasticity in music frogs

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    Seasonal changes in the structure and function of the vertebrate brain have been described in many species, particularly in seasonal breeders. However, it remains unclear whether sexual dimorphism varies between breeding seasons for specific brain regions. Auditory event-related potential (ERP) changes were evaluated in the Emei music frog (Babina daunchina) to assess sexual dimorphism and seasonal variations in auditory sensitivity. An acoustic playback experiment using an oddball paradigm design was conducted, in which two conspecific call types were used as deviant stimuli with synthesized white noise as standard stimulus. ERP components were analyzed for the telencephalon and mesencephalon of both sexes in the non-reproductive and reproductive states. Results show that auditory sensitivity is modulated by reproductive status, implying that seasonal plasticity is involved in auditory perception. Moreover, the amplitude of the N1 ERP component (mean amplitudes during the interval occurring 30-130ms after stimulus onset) is higher in females for the telencephalon and higher in males for the mesencephalon, regardless of reproductive status and acoustic stimulus type. These results show that auditory ERP responses for specific brain regions exhibit sexual dimorphism in the absence of exogenous sexual stimulation during both the two reproductive states in the music frog

    Effect of the Level of Anesthesia on the Auditory Brainstem Response in the Emei Music Frog (Babina daunchina).

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    Anesthesia is known to affect the auditory brainstem response (ABR) in mice, rats, birds and lizards. The present study investigated how the level of anesthesia affects ABR recordings in an amphibian species, Babina daunchina. To do this, we compared ABRs evoked by tone pip stimuli recorded from 35 frogs when Tricaine methane sulphonate (MS-222) anesthetic immersion times varied from 0, 5 and 10 minutes after anesthesia induction at sound frequencies between 0.5 and 6 kHz. ABR thresholds increased significantly with immersion time across the 0.5 kHz to 2.5 kHz frequency range, which is the most sensitive frequency range for hearing and the main frequency range of male calls. There were no significant differences for anesthetic levels across the 3 kHz to 6 kHz range. ABR latency was significantly longer in the 10 min group than in the 0 and 5 min groups at frequencies of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5 kHz, while ABR latency did not differ across the 3 kHz to 4 kHz range and at 2.0 kHz. Taken together, these results show that the level of anesthesia affects the amplitude, threshold and latency of ABRs in frogs

    Data from: Receiver discriminability drives the evolution of complex sexual signals by sexual selection

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    A hallmark of sexual selection by mate choice is the evolution of exaggerated traits, such as longer tails in birds and more acoustic components in the calls of birds and frogs. Trait elaboration can be opposed by costs such as increased metabolism and greater predation risk, but cognitive processes of the receiver can also put a brake on trait elaboration. For example, according to Weber's Law traits of a fixed absolute difference will be more difficult to discriminate as the absolute magnitude increases. Here we show that in the Emei music frog (Babina daunchina) increases in the fundamental frequency between successive notes in the male advertisement call, which increases the spectral complexity of the call, facilitates the female's ability to compare the number of notes between calls. These results suggest that female's discriminability provides the impetus to switch from enhancement of signaling magnitude (i.e. adding more notes into calls) to employing a new signal feature (i.e. increasing frequency among notes) to increase complexity. We suggest that increasing the spectral complexity of notes ameliorates some of the effects of Weber's Law, and highlights how perceptual and cognitive biases of choosers can have important influences on the evolution of courtship signals