2 research outputs found


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    Semakin berkembangnya teknologi, maka teknologi yang digunakan pada pendidikan juga ikut berkembang, salah satunya media pembelajaran. Computer Teknologi Research (CTR) menyatakan bahwa ā€œorang hanya mampu mengingat 20% dari yang dilihat dan 30% dari yang didengar, tetapi orang dapat mengingat 50% dari yang dilihat dan didengar dan 80% dari yang dilihat dan didengar dan dilakukan sekaligusā€. Motion graphic bisa menjadi salah satu media pembelajaran yang meliputi visual dan audio yang dimana bisa dilihat dan didengar, hal tersebut bisa menjadi alternatif untuk teori yang sulit dipahami dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam media visual audio. Kurangnya pemahaman siswa kelas XI di SMKN 3 Bandung secara teori dari materi Triangle Exposure mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan mengetahui bagaimana rancangan pengembangan video pembelajaran animasi motion graphic pada materi Triangle Exposure dan kelayakan video tersebut dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti yaitu menggunakan metode MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) dengan melewati 6 tahapan. Tahapan tersebut yaitu konsep (Concept), perancangan (Design), pengumpulan bahan (Material Collecting), pembuatan (Assembly), pengujian (Testing), dan distribusi (Distribution). Berdasarkan uji coba oleh para ahli video pembelajaran animasi Motion Graphic pada materi Triangle Exposure diperoleh kualifikasi ā€œSangat Baikā€ dan mendapatkan kualifikasi ā€œBaikā€ dari penilaian siswa. Maka dari itu, video pembelajaran animasi Motion Graphic pada materi Triangle Exposure dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan pada proses pembelajaran. ----- As technology develops, the technology used in education also develops, one of which is learning media. Computer Technology Research (CTR) states that "people are only able to remember 20% of what is seen and 30% of what is heard, but people can remember 50% of what is seen and heard and 80% of what is seen and heard and done all at once". Motion graphics can be one of the learning media that includes visuals and audio which can be seen and heard, this can be an alternative for theories that are difficult to understand and can be translated into visual audio media. The lack of understanding of class XI students at SMKN 3 Bandung in theory from the Triangle Exposure material encouraged researchers to conduct research with the aim of knowing how to design motion graphic animation learning videos on Triangle Exposure material and the feasibility of these videos in the learning process. Research conducted by researchers is using the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method by going through 6 stages. These stages are the concept (Concept), design (Design), material collection (Material Collecting), manufacture (Assembly), testing (Testing), and distribution (Distribution). Based on trials by experts on Motion Graphic animation learning videos on Triangle Exposure material, a "Very Good" qualification was obtained and a "Good" qualification was obtained from student assessment. Therefore, the Motion Graphic animation learning video on Triangle Exposure material is declared suitable for use in the learning process

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berorientasi Pasar (Market Oriented Model) di SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas

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    This research aims to obtain information about the implementation of market-oriented learning models at SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas. This research  uses qualitative methods, namely research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from individuals and observed behavior. The research procedure begins with the pre-field stage in the form of literature review and pre-observation, then the data collection stage using interviews, as well as observation and documentation studies to strengthen primary data and ends with data processing and analysis. The Ananda Mitra Deltamas Vocational High School (SMK) is an industry-based vocational school located in the Deltamas Cikarang Industrial Estate which is flanked by several industrial areas including GIIC, KITIC, Silicon, Jababeka, Hyundai, MM2100. Judging from the model used, this school implements a link and match education system. Because not many in Indonesia apply the market orientation model, based on the description above, this research will focus on observing the application of the market orientation model at SMK Ananda Mitra Deltamas. The results showed that: 1) the learning process at SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas refers to the 2013 curriculum which was further developed based on input from the industry in accordance with the vision and mission of the school and uses a block system, 2) Application of market-oriented learning models in SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas is designed and adapted to link and match with DUDI, and 3) There is a Special Employment Exchange (BKK) which is intended for class XII students as a means of placing work positions for each graduate