188 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the spot-on combination of moxidectin and imidacloprid (Advocate®) in the treatment of ocular thelaziosis by Thelazia callipaeda in naturally infected cats

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    Background: The present study evaluated the therapeutic effectiveness of moxidectin 1.0% (w/v) and imidacloprid 10% (w/v) (Advocate® spot-on solution for cats, Bayer Animal Health) against natural infections with the eyeworm Thelazia callipaeda in cats. This study was conducted as a GCP, negative-controlled, blinded and randomised field study in privately owned cats living in an area in southern Italy where T. callipaeda is enzootic. Methods: The study was carried out in 30 cats (19 females and 11 males, aged from 8 months to 5 years, weighing 1.2-5.2 kg) of different breeds, naturally infected by T. callipaeda. At study inclusion (Day 0), animals were physically examined and the infection level was assessed by examination of both eyes for clinical score and live adult T. callipaeda count. Each cat was weighed and randomly assigned to one of the treatment groups (G1: Advocate, G2: untreated control). Clinical assessments and T. callipaeda adult counts were performed on Day 14. At the study completion visit on Day 28, clinical assessments and counts of T. callipaeda adults and larvae were performed. All cats were daily observed by their owners and general health conditions were recorded during the entire period of the study. Results: The primary effectiveness variable was the percentage of animals in G1 group (Advocate) showing a complete elimination (parasitological cure) of adult eye worms at Day 14 and Day 28. The effectiveness of the treatment in the G1 group was 93.3 and 100% at Day 14 and Day 28, respectively, when compared to group G2. Total worm count reduction from both eyes for Advocate was 96.3% on Day 14 and 100% on Day 28. Clinical data were confirmed by the examination of conjunctival pouch flushing. An overall reduction in the number of cats with lacrimation and conjunctivitis was observed following treatment despite the fact that in a few cats treated with Advocate clinical signs persisted due to the chronic nature of the disease. Conclusions: Based on the results of the present trial, a single dose of Advocate was found to be safe and highly effective in the treatment of natural T. callipaeda infection in cats

    Management Zones Delineation through Clustering Techniques Based on Soils Traits, NDVI Data, and Multiple Year Crop Yields

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    Availability of georeferenced yield data involving different crops over years, and their use in future crop management, are a subject of growing debate. In a 9 hectare field in Northern Italy, seven years of yield data, including wheat (3 years), maize for biomass (2 years), sunflower, and sorghum, and comprising remote (Landsat) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data during central crop stages, and soil analysis (grid sampling), were subjected to geostatistical analysis (semi-variogram fitting), spatial mapping (simple kriging), and Pearson’s correlation of interpolated data at the same resolution (30 m) as actual NDVI values. Management Zone Analyst software indicated two management zones as the optimum zone number in multiple (7 year) standardized yield data. Three soil traits (clay content, total limestone, total nitrogen) and five dates within the NDVI dataset (acquired in different years) were shown to be best correlated with multiple-and single-year yield data, respectively. These eight parameters were normalized and combined into a two-zone multiple soil and NDVI map to be compared with the two-zone multiple yield map. This resulted in 83% pixel agreement in the high and low zone (89 and 10 respective pixels in the soil and NDVI map; 73 and 26 respective pixels in the yield map) between the two maps. The good agreement, which is due to data buffering across different years and crop types, is a good premise for differential management of the soil-and NDVI-based two zones in future cropping seasons

    Assessing Cephalopods Fisheries in the Strait of Sicily by Using Poor Data Modeling

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    Cephalopods, including octopuses, squids, and cuttlefishes, are exploited by both bottom trawl and small-scale fisheries (SSF) in most of the Mediterranean areas. Bottom trawl fisheries regard cephalopods as a valuable bycatch, whereas for SSF, they are among the main target species. Cephalopods account for a relatively small proportion of the total landings in the Mediterranean. However, from an economic point of view, four cephalopods, Eledone cirrhosa, Eledone moschata, Octopus vulgaris, and Sepia officinalis, account for approximately 15% of the total landing value. Despite their economic importance, there are very few stock assessments of cephalopods in the Mediterranean because it is difficult to assess them by classical age-based methods, given their short life-cycles, and highly variable growth and recruitment. The production of E. cirrhosa, E. moschata, Illex coindettii, Loligo vulgaris, O. vulgaris, S. officinalis, and Todaropsis eblanae in the waters off the south of Sicily accounts for approximately 8% of the total Mediterranean yield of cephalopods. This study presents the first attempt to assess the state of these cephalopods in the Strait of Sicily by using surplus production models. Since species-wise landing statistics may be unreliable because of their morphological similarity, some octopuses (E. cirrhosa and E. moschata) and ommastrephid squids (I. coindetii and T. eblanae) were assessed combined. Landing data and abundance indices from trawl surveys were used to describe cephalopod stock dynamics through the Bayesian State Space Schaefer model (BSM) and Surplus Production model in Continuous Time (SPiCT) models. As survey data were not considered reliable indicators of their abundance, O. vulgaris, S. officinalis, and L. vulgaris stocks were assessed using the Catch-Maximum Sustainable Yield (CMSY) model. Overall, squid and cuttlefish stocks were observed to be in healthy conditions. However, assessments of octopus stocks indicated that their condition was critical or recovering. Here, we discuss the different stock statuses in the light of evolving fisheries and environmental factors in the area over time. Although cephalopods are not a priority in the current management system of Mediterranean fisheries, the importance of these species in the food web and their relevance for SSF underline their importance and their exploitation status should be periodically evaluated

    Pedodiversity and Organic Matter Stock of Soils Developed on Sandstone Formations in the Northern Apennines (Italy)

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    Pedodiversity is considered the cornerstone of biodiversity. This work aimed to (1) assess pedodiversity according to vegetation, topographic factors, and lithology and to (2) identify the major soil-forming factors on soil organic matter (SOM) stock at a 0-30 cm depth. These goals were reached using data from 147 georeferenced soil profiles distributed along 400-1000 m (<= 1000) and 1000-2134 m (>1000) altitudinal gradients in the northern part of the Apennine chain in Italy. Soils showed mainly weak or incipient development (i.e., Entisols and Inceptisols), which could be attributed to sand-based lithology, high slope gradients, and low SOM accumulation rates, which promote soil erosion processes. However, higher pedodiversity was observed at >1000 m than at <= 1000 m, likely due to the higher vegetation cover diversity and climate variability; Spodosols and Mollisols were also found. A greater SOM stock was found at >1000 than <= 1000 m, and vegetation seemed to not affect SOM amounts, suggesting a greater influence of climate on SOM content compared to vegetation. Considering ecosystem conservation, the observed spatial pedodiversity could be considered a critical basis for the protection of soil resources and pedodiversity itself in mountain regions

    In situ remediation of polluted Spolic Technosols using Ca(OH)2 and smectitic marlstone

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    Technosols are soils developed on non-traditional substrates and containing large quantities of materials mostly due to intensive human industrial activity, such as artefacts. The increasing number of sites affected by Technosols and their impact on the environment as growing media for plants or as source of pollutants require an understanding of their functioning and evolution, above all the knowledge on the transport of toxic substances from contaminated technogenic soils to groundwater. A case study on properties, remediation and evaluation of Technosols made up by vitrified fly ash and glass\u2013ceramics in Italy was carried out. Original technogenic soils, classified as Spolic Technosols (ecotoxic),were pedotechnically in situ remediated by adding smectitic marlstone and Ca(OH)2. Chemical analysis on samples from piezometers showed the presence of harmful heavy metals in groundwater. By means of boreholes and soil profiles the newsoils generated, after remediation, were physically and chemically characterized and classified as Spolic Technosols (calcaric). Analysis on soil toxicity and leaching tests showed the effectiveness of the remediation and the mobility reduction of some potentially harmful elements according to the environmental Italian regulation

    Assessment of water quality and soil salinity in the agricultural coastal plain (Ravenna, North Italy)

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    To improve knowledge on salt leaching suitability on different soils, in Arenosols and Cambisols croplands in the coastal area of Ravenna (Italy), soil samples were collected in the non-irrigation winter period and irrigation summer period. Concurrently, waters of the canal network were also investigated. Soil samples were analyzed for pH, carbonate, total organic carbon (TOC), particle size distribution, electrical conductivity (EC), bulk density (BD) and water content at field capacity (FC). Water samples were investigated for pH, EC, biological and chemical oxygen demand, sodium adsorption ratio, phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfates and chlorides. All soils had low TOC concentrations and Arenosols showed the lowest clay content, BD and FC. Soils had similar EC values in winter, but in summer the lowest ones were observed in Arenosols, suggesting that irrigation mitigated salinization in Arenosols, while the high clay content, BD and FC prevented or limited the salt leaching in Cambisols. In summer, the increase of total nitrogen and biological oxygen demand, especially in drainage channels, might suggest the leaching of soluble nutrients and organic matter from soils due to the high irrigation water volumes. Finally, our findings stress the need to consider soil type and properties to contrast soil salinization without negative effects on soil C leaching caused by salt leaching practice

    Guarding net effects on landings and discards in Mediterranean trammel net fishery: Case analysis of Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area (Central Mediterranean Sea, Italy)

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    Discards remain among the main negative impacts of fishing activities, and their reductions are strengthened by the European Common Fisheries Policy (European Regulation 1380/2013). Trammel net fisheries appear more sustainable compared with other fishing techniques, especially from an ecological viewpoint. Despite this, reports show that trammel net fisheries deliver discard quantities between 10% and 43% of the total catch biomass. To supplement existing information, this current work attempts to address the discard reduction using guarding net in the small-scale fisheries of Egadi Islands MPA (Western Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea). To assess the reduction of unwanted catches, 48 experimental fishing trials were conducted within a 6-month period. The experimental fishing trial employed a trammel net made up of 20 panels alternated with two different net configurations. The control panels (CN) held a large outer (180 mm) and small inner (31.25 mm) meshes. The test panels (GN) with guarding net constituted a three-mesh-high (50-mm mesh size) net placed between trammel net panels and a lead line. A total of 3,310 individuals belonging to 106 taxa and nine phyla were caught. Crustaceans were the most abundant unwanted catches in the control panels, whereas bioconstructions occurred in the guarding net panels. The discard ratios of CN and GN panels were statistically different (t-value = –2.55; p< 0.05). The analysis of catch per unit effort showed higher catches of CN panels for both commercial and discard fractions (p< 0.05). Moreover, the guarding net panels caught the main discarded species at 20% lower compared with the control. The overall value of the catch at the CN panels (€ 3,366.90) was higher than the total income (€ 2,043.70) generated using the GN panels, which suggests a significant commercial loss of 40% (p< 0.05)

    Exploring the canal environment in terms of water, bed sediments and vegetation in a reclaimed floodplain of Northern Italy

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    The Po plain (Italy) is one of the largest floodplains in Europe that needs environmental restoration. To achieve this goal, the knowledge of the 'environment' (water, bed sediments and vegetation) of the canals crossing such floodplain is necessary. The water flow of the canals was kept low for hydraulic safety purposes from October to March (NIR), and high for irrigation purposes from April to September (IR). Within this framework, this study aimed to assess in 9 sites of the east part of Po plain 1) the canals' environment quality in terms of vegetation diversity, and water and bed sediment physicochemical properties; and 2) how these features are influenced by canal managements and landscape properties. Water was monthly sampled both in NIR and IR periods, the bed sediments were sampled in summer and winter pe-riods, while the vegetation was recorded in spring and autumn. The low water flow during NIR worsened the water quality by increasing the concentrations of nutrients and salts. A higher salt and nutrient concentrations were observed both in water and bed sediments of canals crossing areas with fne texture alluvial deposits than in those flowing through medium texture alluvial deposits. Further, higher nutrient and salt concentrations were observed for the ca-nals used as collectors of the water coming from other canals. Despite the differences observed for the bed sediments and water quality, the vegetation type and biodiversity did not show differences among the study sites probably be-cause affected by the land use of the surrounding landscape. Indeed, the canals cross agricultural land which limit the developments of natural vegetation and do not promote plant biodiversity. Overall, the present study found out the key role of landscape properties and canal managements on 'canal environment' quality which need to be consid-ered to perform an appropriate reclamation of such environments

    Guarding net effects on landings and discards in Mediterranean trammel net fishery: Case analysis of Egadi Islands Marine Protected Area (Central Mediterranean Sea, Italy)

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    Discards remain among the main negative impacts of fishing activities, and their reductions are strengthened by the European Common Fisheries Policy (European Regulation 1380/2013). Trammel net fisheries appear more sustainable compared with other fishing techniques, especially from an ecological viewpoint. Despite this, reports show that trammel net fisheries deliver discard quantities between 10% and 43% of the total catch biomass. To supplement existing information, this current work attempts to address the discard reduction using guarding net in the small-scale fisheries of Egadi Islands MPA (Western Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea). To assess the reduction of unwanted catches, 48 experimental fishing trials were conducted within a 6-month period. The experimental fishing trial employed a trammel net made up of 20 panels alternated with two different net configurations. The control panels (CN) held a large outer (180 mm) and small inner (31.25 mm) meshes. The test panels (GN) with guarding net constituted a three-mesh-high (50-mm mesh size) net placed between trammel net panels and a lead line. A total of 3,310 individuals belonging to 106 taxa and nine phyla were caught. Crustaceans were the most abundant unwanted catches in the control panels, whereas bioconstructions occurred in the guarding net panels. The discard ratios of CN and GN panels were statistically different (t-value = -2.55; p< 0.05). The analysis of catch per unit effort showed higher catches of CN panels for both commercial and discard fractions (p< 0.05). Moreover, the guarding net panels caught the main discarded species at 20% lower compared with the control. The overall value of the catch at the CN panels (euro 3,366.90) was higher than the total income (euro 2,043.70) generated using the GN panels, which suggests a significant commercial loss of 40% (p< 0.05)

    Batoid abundances, spatial distribution, and life history traits in the strait of sicily (Central mediterranean sea): Bridging a knowledge gap through three decades of survey

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    Batoid species play a key role in marine ecosystems but unfortunately they have globally declined over the last decades. Given the paucity of information, abundance data and the main life history traits for batoids, obtained through about three decades of bottom trawl surveys, are presented and discussed. The surveys were carried out in two areas of the Central Mediterranean (South of Sicily and Malta Island), in a timeframe ranging from 1990 to 2018. Excluding some batoids, the abundance trends were stable or increasing. Only R. clavata, R. miraletus, and D. oxyrinchus showed occurrence and abundance indexes notable enough to carry out more detailed analysis. In particular, spatial distribution analysis of these species highlighted the presence of two main hotspots in Sicilian waters whereas they seem more widespread in Malta. The lengths at first maturity (L50) were 695 and 860, 635 and 574, and 364 and 349 mm total length (TL), respectively, for females and males of D. oxyrinchus, R. clavata, and R. miraletus. The asymptotic lengths (L∞) and the curvature coefficients (K) were 1365 and 1240 (K = 0.11 and 0.26), 1260 and 1100 (K = 0.16 and 0.26), and 840 and 800 mm TL (K = 0.36 and 0.41), respectively, for females and males of D. oxyrinchus, R. clavata, and R. miraletus. The lack of detailed quantitative historical information on batoids of Sicily and Malta does not allow to analytically judge the current status of the stocks, although the higher abundance of some species within Malta raises some concern for the Sicilian counterpart. In conclusion, suitable actions to protect batoids in the investigated area are recommended