2,430 research outputs found

    Political Reforms and Public Policies: Evidence from Agricultural Protection.

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    This paper studies the effect of political regime transitions on public policy using a dataset on global agricultural distortions over 50 years (including data from 74 developing and developed countries over the period 1955-2005). We employ both difference-in-differences regressions and semi-parametric matching methods, exploiting the time series and cross-sectional variation in the data. Our semi-parametric estimates show that parametric methods might underestimate the effect of democracy on public policy. In addition, we find that the effect is asymmetric: agricultural protection increases after a country’s transition to democracy of about 9% points, but there is no effect when the political regime shifts from democracy to autocracy. Overall, the evidence supports the redistributive nature of democratic institutions toward the majority and, therefore, it is consistent with the median voter model of political behaviour.

    On the one-loop Kahler potential in five-dimensional brane-world supergravity

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    We present an on-shell formulation of 5d gauged supergravity coupled to chiral matter multiplets localized at the orbifold fixed points. The brane action is constructed via the Noether method. In such set-up we compute one-loop corrections to the Kahler potential of the effective 4d supergravity and compare the result with previous computations based on the off-shell formalism. The results agree at lowest order in brane sources, however at higher order there are differences. We explain this discrepancy by an ambiguity in resolving singularities associated with the presence of infinitely thin branes.Comment: 20 page

    Electroweak Precision Observables and the Unhiggs

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    We compute one-loop corrections to the S and T parameters in the Unhiggs scenario. In that scenario, the Standard Model Higgs is replaced by a non-local object, called the Unhiggs, whose spectral function displays a continuum above the mass gap. The Unhiggs propagator has effectively the same UV properties as the Standard Model Higgs propagator, which implies that loop corrections to the electroweak precision observables are finite and calculable. We show that the Unhiggs is consistent with electroweak precision tests when its mass gap is at the weak scale; in fact, it then mimics a light SM Higgs boson. We also argue that the Unhiggs, while being perfectly visible to electroweak precision observables, is invisible to detection at LEP.Comment: 13 pages; v2: references added, discussion of production cross-section expande

    Chaotic inflation in Jordan frame supergravity

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    We consider the inflationary scenario with non-minimal coupling in 4D Jordan frame supergravity. We find that there occurs a tachyonic instability along the direction of the accompanying non-inflaton field in generic Jordan frame supergravity models. We propose a higher order correction to the Jordan frame function for solving the tachyonic mass problem and show that the necessary correction can be naturally generated by the heavy thresholds without spoiling the slow-roll conditions. We discuss the implication of the result on the Higgs inflation in NMSSM.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, version to be published in JCA

    Electroweak observables in a general 5D background

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    Warped extra dimensions provide a new playground to study electroweak brea-king and the nature of the higgs field. In this paper we reanalyze the electroweak observables in theories with one extra dimension and a completely general warp factor. We demonstrate that, regardless of the 5D background, SU(2)_R is needed in order to avoid excessive contributions to the T parameter. For higgsless theories cancelations between different contributions to the S parameter are needed

    FIRe glider: Mapping in situ chlorophyll variable fluorescence with autonomous underwater gliders

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    Nutrient and light availability regulate phytoplankton physiology and photosynthesis in the ocean. These physiological processes are difficult to sample in time and space over physiologically and ecologically relevant scales using traditional shipboard techniques. Gliders are changing the nature of data collection, by allowing a sustained presence at sea over regional scales, collecting data at resolution not possible using traditional techniques. The integration of a fluorescence induction and relaxation (FIRe) sensor in a Slocum glider allows autonomous high‐resolution and vertically‐resolved measurements of photosynthetic physiological variables together with oceanographic data. In situ measurements of variable fluorescence under ambient light allows a better understanding of the physical controls of primary production (PP). We demonstrate this capability in a laboratory setting and with several glider deployments in the Southern Ocean. Development of these approaches will allow for the in situ evaluation of phytoplankton light stress and photoacclimation mechanisms, as well as the role of vertical mixing in phytoplankton dynamics and the underlying physiology, especially in remote locations and for prolonged duration

    Constraints for the existence of flat and stable non-supersymmetric vacua in supergravity

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    We further develop on the study of the conditions for the existence of locally stable non-supersymmetric vacua with vanishing cosmological constant in supergravity models involving only chiral superfields. Starting from the two necessary conditions for flatness and stability derived in a previous paper (which involve the Kahler metric and its Riemann tensor contracted with the supersymmetry breaking auxiliary fields) we show that the implications of these constraints can be worked out exactly not only for factorizable scalar manifolds, but also for symmetric coset manifolds. In both cases, the conditions imply a strong restriction on the Kahler geometry and constrain the vector of auxiliary fields defining the Goldstino direction to lie in a certain cone. We then apply these results to the various homogeneous coset manifolds spanned by the moduli and untwisted matter fields arising in string compactifications, and discuss their implications. Finally, we also discuss what can be said for completely arbitrary scalar manifolds, and derive in this more general case some explicit but weaker restrictions on the Kahler geometry.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, no figure

    Supersymmetry Breaking and Moduli Stabilization with Anomalous U(1) Gauge Symmetry

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    We examine the effects of anomalous U(1)_A gauge symmetry on soft supersymmetry breaking terms while incorporating the stabilization of the modulus-axion multiplet responsible for the Green-Schwarz (GS) anomaly cancellation mechanism. In case of the KKLT stabilization of the GS modulus, soft terms are determined by the GS modulus mediation, the anomaly mediation and the U(1)_A mediation which are generically comparable to each other, thereby yielding the mirage mediation pattern of superparticle masses at low energy scale. Independently of the mechanism of moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking, the U(1)_A D-term potential can not be an uplifting potential for de Sitter vacuum when the gravitino mass is smaller than the Planck scale by many orders of magnitude. We also discuss some features of the supersymmetry breaking by red-shifted anti-brane which is a key element of the KKLT moduli stabilization.Comment: 32 pages; references are adde

    Holography, Pade Approximants and Deconstruction

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    We investigate the relation between holographic calculations in 5D and the Migdal approach to correlation functions in large N theories. The latter employs Pade approximation to extrapolate short distance correlation functions to large distances. We make the Migdal/5D relation more precise by quantifying the correspondence between Pade approximation and the background and boundary conditions in 5D. We also establish a connection between the Migdal approach and the models of deconstructed dimensions.Comment: 28 page

    Soft-Wall Stabilization

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    We propose a general class of five-dimensional soft-wall models with AdS metric near the ultraviolet brane and four-dimensional Poincar\'e invariance, where the infrared scale is determined dynamically. A large UV/IR hierarchy can be generated without any fine-tuning, thus solving the electroweak/Planck scale hierarchy problem. Generically, the spectrum of fluctuations is discrete with a level spacing (mass gap) provided by the inverse length of the wall, similar to RS1 models with Standard Model fields propagating in the bulk. Moreover two particularly interesting cases arise. They can describe: (a) a theory with a continuous spectrum above the mass gap which can model unparticles corresponding to operators of a CFT where the conformal symmetry is broken by a mass gap, and; (b) a theory with a discrete spectrum provided by linear Regge trajectories as in AdS/QCD models.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. v2: references added, version to appear in NJP Focus Issue on Extra Dimension
