134 research outputs found
Topological objects in QCD
Topological excitations are prominent candidates for explaining
nonperturbative effects in QCD like confinement. In these lectures, I cover
both formal treatments and applications of topological objects. The typical
phenomena like BPS bounds, topology, the semiclassical approximation and chiral
fermions are introduced by virtue of kinks. Then I proceed in higher dimensions
with magnetic monopoles and instantons and special emphasis on calorons.
Analytical aspects are discussed and an overview over models based on these
objects as well as lattice results is given.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures; Lectures given at 45th Internationale
Universitaetswochen fuer Theoretische Physik (International University School
of Theoretical Physics): Conceptual and Numerical Challenges in Femto- and
Peta-Scale Physics, Schladming, Styria, Austria, 24 Feb - 3 Mar 200
Pointlike Hopf defects in Abelian projections
We present a new kind of defect in Abelian Projections, stemming from
pointlike zeros of second order. The corresponding topological quantity is the
Hopf invariant pi_3(S^2) (rather than the winding number pi_2(S^2) for magnetic
monopoles). We give a visualisation of this quantity and discuss the simplest
non-trivial example, the Hopf map. Such defects occur in the Laplacian Abelian
gauge in a non-trivial instanton sector. For general Abelian projections we
show how an ensemble of Hopf defects accounts for the instanton number.Comment: talk given at the XVIII Autumn School `Topology of strongly
correlated systems', Lisbon, October 2000; to appear in the proceedings
(World Scientific); latex, 4 pages, 2 figure
Hopf defects as seeds for monopole loops
We investigate the relation between instantons and monopoles in the Laplacian
Abelian Gauge using analytical methods in the continuum. Our starting point is
the fact that the 't Hooft instanton with its high symmetry leads to a
pointlike defect with Hopf invariant one. In order to generalise this result we
partly break the symmetry by a local perturbation. We find that for generic
configurations near the 't Hooft instanton the defects become loops. The
analytical results show explicitly that these defects are magnetic monopoles
with unit charge. In addition, the monopoles are twisted to account for the
instanton number of the background.Comment: latex, 6 pages, 2 figures; v2: references added, emphasis modified,
conclusions unchange
Anderson localization in sigma models
In QCD above the chiral restoration temperature there exists an Anderson
transition in the fermion spectrum from localized to delocalized modes. We
investigate whether the same holds for nonlinear sigma models which share
properties like dynamical mass generation and asymptotic freedom with QCD. In
particular we study the spectra of fermions coupled to (quenched) CP(N-1)
configurations at high temperatures. We compare results in two and three
space-time dimensions: in two dimensions the Anderson transition is absent,
since all fermion modes are localized, while in three dimensions it is present.
Our measurements include a more recent observable characterizing level
spacings: the distribution of ratios of consecutive level spacings.Comment: 7 pages, Lattice 2017, proceeding
On the zero of the fermion zero mode
We argue that the fermionic zero mode in non-trivial gauge field backgrounds
must have a zero. We demonstrate this explicitly for calorons where its
location is related to a constituent monopole. Furthermore a topological
reasoning for the existence of the zero is given which therefore will be
present for any non-trivial configuration. We propose the use of this property
in particular for lattice simulations in order to uncover the topological
content of a configuration.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures in 5 part
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