40 research outputs found
Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran Tahfidz Pada Anak Usia Dini Di Tahfidz Kids Club ( TKC) Ar Raihan Sumber Sari Jember
Tahfidz Kids Club ar-Raihan is also one of the tahfidz institutions that organizes tahfidz programs for early childhood. Ar Raihan has a tahfidz class for early childhood aged 2-3 years with lessons starting at 07.00-13.00. Of course it is not easy to package instruction with a relatively long time for young children who are still playing, get bored easily, depending on their parents. On that basis, this research wants to explore how to develop activities, methods, and learning media for Tahfidz in Early Childhood at Tahfidz Kids Club ar-Raihan Sumber Sari Jember. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. case study research design (case study) with a single case study type. The informant determination technique in this study used purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the development of tahfidz learning activities for early childhood at Tahfidz Kids Club ar Raihan Sumbersari Jember includes preliminaries by building motivation through independent habits in class from an early age, learning habits instead of playing, habits of listening to verses of the Koran, habits of memorizing , extrinsic reinforcement by giving extrinsic gifts in the form of stickers, food and drinks, listening to the verses of the Koran recited by sheikh Dr. Kamil al-Laboudy in the form of video through television media, Deposit verses that have been listened to before, provide feedback and reinforcement in the form of stickers or snacks, ending with the second joint murajaah. The development of the tahfidz learning method for early childhood at the Tahfidz Kids Club ar Raihan Sumbersari Jember is to make the tasmi' and takrir methods the main method, the al-targhib wa al-tarhib method as the supporting methods. The development of tahfidz learning media for early childhood at the Tahfidz Kids Club ar Raihan Sumbersari Jember is a flat screen television featuring Sheikh Dr. Kamil al-Laboudy and his attractively packaged son Tabarak are his main media. The video content files are limited to those who received the shahadah from Sheikh Dr. Kamil al-Laboudy
Impelementasi Program Parenting di Lembaga KB Al Baitul Amien Kelurahan Jember Lor Kecamatan Patrang Kabupaten Jember Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021
Abstract: Family is one of the elements of the golden triangle of the education center or tri education center. Parents as representatives of the family have a very decisive role. The parenting program is the right solution in optimizing all educational processes in schools. The purpose of this study is to describe how the planning, implementation and evaluation of the Parenting Program at KB Al Baitul Amien. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The technique of determining the informants in this study used purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the parenting program at KB Al Baitul Amien is divided into 3 stages, namely, planning, implementation and evaluation stages. The planning stage includes the formation of a committee, determining learning needs, determining programs, determining facilities and infrastructure and arranging a schedule for implementing activities. The implementation stage of the parenting program includes the preparation stage for parenting program facilities and infrastructure, and the activity stage consisting of remarks, delivery of material by resource persons, followed by questions and answers then closed with conclusions and prayers. The evaluation stage uses the group discussion method. The components that are assessed are the process and the results
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa prodi PJKR peserta PLP UNY tahun 2019 terhadap rubrik penilaian analitik kurikulum 2013 di sekolah yang digunakan guru PJOK.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2020. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik survei dengan tes pengetahuan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kelas A, B, D, dan E prodi PJKR 2016 FIK UNY yang mengikuti PLP tahun 2019 dengan jumlah total 149. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa.Prodi PJKR 2016 kelas D dengan jumlah responden 33 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dengan instrumen pilihan ganda yang terdiri atas 15 pertanyaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase, yang terbagi dalam 5 kategori yaitu kategori sangat baik, baik, cukup, kurang, dan sangat kurang.
Hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa secara umum tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa prodi PJKR peserta PLP UNY tahun 2019 terdapat Rubrik Penilaian Analitik yang digunakan guru PJOK adalah sebagai berikut, yaitu sebanyak sebanyak 5 orang (15%) mempunyai pengetahuan sangat baik, sebanyak 2 orang (6%) mempunyai pengetahuan baik, sebanyak 13 orang (39%) mempunyai pengetahuan cukup, sebanyak 13 orang (39%) mempunyai pengetahuan kurang, dan sebanyak 0 orang (0%) mempunyai pengetahuan sangat kurang. Frekuensi terbanyak terletak pada dua kategori yaitu kategori cukup dan kategori kurang, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa sebagian besar tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa Prodi PJKR peserta PLP UNY tahun 2019 terhadap rubrik penilaian analitik yang digunakan guru PJOK adalah memiliki pengetahuan cukup dan pengetahuan yang masih kurang
Pantai Karang Jahe merupakan wisata alam pantai pasir putih yang memanjang sekitar 1,5 km yang terletak di Desa Punjulharjo Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Rembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai manfaat ekonomi intangible (tidak memiliki nilai pasar) sumber daya alam dan lingkungan Pantai dan variabel yang mempengaruhi permintaan wisata, serta untuk mengetahui strategi pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan untuk pengembangan kawasan Pantai Karangjahe.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif yaitu dengan Travel Cost Methode (TCM) dan menggunakan regresi linier berganda sedangkan untuk kualitatif menggunakan metode SWOT. Hasil pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil dari nilai ekonomi intangible wisata Pantai Karangjahe adalah Rp 305.720.768.951,- pertahun dengan tingkat pemanfaatan aktual sebesar Rp 26.410.002.605,- pertahun (8,6 % dari potensi ekonomi yang ada). Sedangkan variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap permintaan kunjungan ke Pantai Karangjahe adalah biaya perjalanan dan jarak. Strategi pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan menggunakan analisis SWOT dan terletak pada kuadran II yaitu tahap pertumbuhan.
Kata Kunci : Travel Cost Methode, nilai intangible lingkungan, surplus konsumen, Pantai Karangjahe
Peran Guru Dalam Manajemen Kelas Komprehensif Di Sekolah Dasar Al-Baitul Amien 02 Full Day School Jember
Abstract: Students spend most of their time in the classroom. It is therefore not surprising that students feel joy and feel happy when the bell breaks ring. Not to mention the students also need time to play and time to rest his brain. The primary school of al-Baitul Amien jember is a school that implements a full day learning system. If it refers to the reason for the misfortune, depriving the physical and psychological time to play and tired is of course the number of students will decrease, because the guardians do not want their children to experience physical or psychological exhaustion. But the reality on the ground shows that this school more and more demand even now there are two school complex. The students feel enjoy it even though they spend time in class. Therefore, it would be interesting if further explore how the role of teachers in managing the class so that students still enjoy even all day at school.
Keywords: Teacher Role, Comprehensive Classroom Managemen
Seiriing berjalannya waktu listrik mengalami peningkatan tarif yang berat jika digunakan untuk membayar penerangan jalanan umum. Karena tarif listrik yang meningkat setiap tahunnya banyak masyarkat yang tidak peduli pada penerangan jalanan umum pada pedesaan padahal itu sangatlah berguna bagi pengguna jalan . Dari sana muncul lah ide untuk membuat penerangan jalanan umum berbasis solar panel off grid 10 WP.Metode yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan metode observasi lokasi kemudian melakukan desain dan perancangan setelah itu melakukan penyelesaian rancangan dan yang terakhir melakukan perhitungan hasil atau pengambilan data .Penerangan jalan berfungsi menerangi jalanan dengan tanpa membayar uang listrik.Solar panel merukapakan energy terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan dan tidak memakan tempat yang banyak.penerangan jalan harus sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang telah ditentukan untuk memperoleh hasil yang sesuai.setelah pengambilan data maka dapat diperoleh ketahanan lampu menggunakan solar panel 10 WP dan aki 5 ah yaitu 12 ja
Efektivitas pemberian makanan tambahan pada status gizi balita Puskesmas Citeras, Kabupaten Garut
Malnutrition in toddlers is not immediately addressed, the impact can last into adult, efforts are needed to overcome malnutrition in the toddler age group, one of which is through the Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT). This aim of study was analyze differences in the nutritional status of toddlers based on weight/age, weight/height, height/age, changes in weight and height increase before and after the provision of Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT) in the working area of the Puskesmas Citeras. the provision of Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT) being part of the program Pemerintah Kabupaten Garut in a series of Temukan, Obati Sayangi balita Stunting (TOSS). The PMT intervention was carried out from 1 August 2022 to 30 October 2022. The research subjects who received PMT were total sampling with 112 stunting toddler cases found aged 6-23 months. The PMT given is commercial milk 4 teaspoons (tsp) 2x/day and one egg a day. After 2 months of receiving PMT, there was a change in nutritional status after giving PMT to toddlers with normal weight of 93.8%, and there were differences in nutritional status based on body weight and length/height between after and before getting PMT with p value 0.000. The conclusion there are differences in the nutritional status of toddlers with anthropometric indices of weight/height, weight/age, and height/age before and after getting Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT).Permasalahan kekurangan gizi pada balita  jika tidak segera ditangani dampaknya dapat bertahan sampai dewasa, sehingga perlu adanya upaya dalam mengatasi kekurangan gizi pada kelompok usia balita salah satunya melalui program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT). Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis adanya perbedaan pada status gizi balita berasarkan BB/U, BB/TB, TB/U, perubahan berat badan dan kenaikan tinggi badan sebelum dan setelah Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Citeras. Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) ini merupakan bagian dari program Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Garut dalam rangkaian kegiatan Temukan, Obati Sayangi balita Stunting (TOSS). Intervensi pemberian PMT dilaksanakan mulai 1 Agustus 2022 sampai 30 Oktober 2022. Subjek penelitian yang mendapatkan PMT yaitu total sampling dengan kasus balita stunting yang ditemukan sebanyak 112 orang dan berusia 6-23 bulan. PMT yang diberikan yaitu susu komersil 4 sendok teh (sdt) 2x/hari dan telur satu butir sehari. Setelah 2 bulan mendapat PMT terdapat perubahan status gizi setelah pemberian PMT balita dengan berat badan normal 93,8%, serta terdapat perbedaan status gizi berdasarkan berat badan dan panjang/tinggi badan antara sesudah dan sebelum mendapatkan PMT p value 0,000. Terdapat perbedaan pada status gizi balita dengan indeks antropometri BB/TB, BB/U, dan TB/U saat sebelum dan setelah mendapatkan PMT
This research was motivated by the low scores of students SMP Negeri 1 Ajung, Jember, East Java in science subject. Based on the results of an interview with one of the science teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Ajung, students felt difficult in understanding the lessons and completing their assignments. In the initial trial, the implementation of practicum methods in science subject showed the student enthusiasm in the learning process. The purpose of this study was to describe the learning motivation of student grade VIII C SMP Negeri 1 Ajung in science subject before and after practicum of the uniform and accelerated motion; and to describe the increase of learning motivation of student grade VIII C SMP Negeri 1 Ajung through practicum methods in the uniform and accelerated motion. This research used quantitative approach with type of pre-experimental and design of One Group Pretest-Posttest. This research was administered to 32 students and used the paired t test as hypothesis test. The motivation questionnaires, interviews, observations, and tests were used as data collection techniques. The results of hypothesis testing obtained scores of student motivation with t count of 6.01 and t table of 2.04 with a significant level of 5%. This showed a significant increase in learning motivation before and after participating in practicum activities. In addition, the increase of motivation was gained by 7.40%, it was obtained from the difference between the average posttest and pretest results
Identifikasi Cagar Budaya di Kota Depok sebagai Upaya dalam Membangun Kesadaran Sejarah Masyarakat
Within the scope of urban history there are 4 periods, namely prehistoric, traditional, colonial, and modern. One of the cities that has historical heritage, either in the form of buildings or building structures is Depok City. Depok during the colonial period was an area of ​​Gementee Bestuur which was given the freedom to manage its own territory. Therefore, in Depok City there are many relics of the colonial period identified as cultural heritage, but not all Depok people know that Depok has a long history of cultural heritage in its area. Meanwhile, the objectives of this study are (1) to identify the cultural heritage in Depok City; and (2) to analyze efforts to build public historical awareness through the identification of cultural heritage in Depok City. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study found that there are 21 cultural heritages in Depok City. To raise awareness of history in the Depok community through the identification of cultural heritage, it can be done by (1) incorporating the introduction of the cultural heritage of the City of Depok into the local content; (2) conduct socialization on various cultural heritages in Depok City; (3) make routine 'Depok Heritage Festival' activities; and (4) inserting a list of identified cultural heritages into the depok.go.id website