754 research outputs found

    Pathobiochemical mechanisms in inflammation

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    Quantum Electrodynamic Control of Matter: Cavity-Enhanced Ferroelectric Phase Transition

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    The light-matter interaction can be utilized to qualitatively alter physical properties of materials. Recent theoretical and experimental studies have explored this possibility of controlling matter by light based on driving many-body systems via strong classical electromagnetic radiation, leading to a time-dependent Hamiltonian for electronic or lattice degrees of freedom. To avoid inevitable heating, pump-probe setups with ultrashort laser pulses have so far been used to study transient light-induced modifications in materials. Here, we pursue yet another direction of controlling quantum matter by modifying quantum fluctuations of its electromagnetic environment. In contrast to earlier proposals on light-enhanced electron-electron interactions, we consider a dipolar quantum many-body system embedded in a cavity composed of metal mirrors and formulate a theoretical framework to manipulate its equilibrium properties on the basis of quantum light-matter interaction. We analyze hybridization of different types of the fundamental excitations, including dipolar phonons, cavity photons, and plasmons in metal mirrors, arising from the cavity confinement in the regime of strong light-matter interaction. This hybridization qualitatively alters the nature of the collective excitations and can be used to selectively control energy-level structures in a wide range of platforms. Most notably, in quantum paraelectrics, we show that the cavity-induced softening of infrared optical phonons enhances the ferroelectric phase in comparison with the bulk materials. Our findings suggest an intriguing possibility of inducing a superradiant-type transition via the light-matter coupling without external pumping. We also discuss possible applications of the cavity-induced modifications in collective excitations to molecular materials and excitonic devices

    Gendered dynamics of transnational social protection

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    Social protection refers to resources and strategies to deal with social risks, such as poverty or obligations and needs of care, which might impede the realization of life chances and well-being. Previous research has shown that migrants are particularly affected by challenges when accessing or providing social protection, because of unfamiliar welfare regulations in the immigration country and their family and friends being located in various locations, calling for an investigation of gendered dynamics in transnational spaces. In this special issue we aim to advance these vital debates by elucidating the social consequences of the articulation and organization of formal and informal social protection across borders for different actors involved through a joint investigation of gender and transnationality as key dimensions of social inequality

    High-Power Directional Emission from Microlasers with Chaotic Resonators

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    High-power and highly directional semiconductor cylinder-lasers based on an optical resonator with deformed cross section are reported. In the favorable directions of the far-field, a power increase of up to three orders of magnitude over the conventional circularly symmetric lasers was obtained. A "bow-tie"-shaped resonance is responsible for the improved performance of the lasers in the higher range of deformations, in contrast to "whispering-gallery"-type modes of circular and weakly deformed lasers. This resonator design, although demonstrated here in midinfrared quantum-cascade lasers, should be applicable to any laser based on semiconductors or other high-refractive index materials.Comment: Removed minor discrepancies with published version in the text and in Fig.

    Positive Cross Correlations in a Normal-Conducting Fermionic Beam Splitter

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    We investigate a beam splitter experiment implemented in a normal conducting fermionic electron gas in the quantum Hall regime. The cross-correlations between the current fluctuations in the two exit leads of the three terminal device are found to be negative, zero or even positive depending on the scattering mechanism within the device. Reversal of the cross-correlations sign occurs due to interaction between different edge-states and does not reflect the statistics of the fermionic particles which `antibunch'.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Early down-regulation of the pro-inflammatory potential of monocytes is correlated to organ dysfunction in patients after severe multiple injury: a cohort study

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    Introduction Severe tissue trauma results in a general inflammatory immune response (SIRS) representing an overall inflammatory reaction of the immune system. However, there is little known about the functional alterations of monocytes in the early posttraumatic phase, characterized by the battle of the individual with the initial trauma. Methods Thirteen patients with severe multiple injury; injury severity score (ISS) >16 points (17 to 57) were included. The cytokine synthesis profiles of monocytes were characterized on admission, and followed up 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours after severe multiple injury using flow cytometry. Whole blood was challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and subsequently analyzed for intracellular monocyte-related TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and IL-8. The degree of organ dysfunction was assessed using the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)-score of Marshall on admission, 24 hours and 72 hours after injury. Results Our data clearly show that the capacity of circulating monocytes to produce these mediators de novo was significantly diminished very early reaching a nadir 24 hours after severe injury followed by a rapid and nearly complete recovery another 48 hours later compared with admission and controls, respectively. In contrast to the initial injury severity, there was a significant correlation detectable between the clinical signs of multiple organ dysfunction and the ex vivo cytokine response. Conclusions As our data derived from very narrow intervals of measurements, they might contribute to a more detailed understanding of the early immune alterations recognized after severe trauma. It can be concluded that indeed as previously postulated an immediate hyperactivation of circulating monocytes is rapidly followed by a substantial paralysis of cell function. Moreover, our findings clearly demonstrate that the restricted capacity of monocytes to produce proinflammatory cytokines after severe injury is not only an in vitro phenomenon but also undistinguishable associated with the onset of organ dysfunction in the clinical scenario