747 research outputs found
Samarium strontium cobalt oxide – samarium doped ceria carbonate (SSC-SDCC) as a new potential composite cathode material for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell
Systematic research regarding SSC-SDC carbonate (SSC-SDCC) as composite cathode is limited despite great chemical compatibility and cell performance achieved with other low temperature solid oxide fuel cell (LTSOFC) components. LTSOFC based on SDCC electrolyte display lower of area specific resistance (ASR) with high value of stability and porosity. This study focuses to investigate the correlation of powder composition and calcination temperature on the chemical compatibility, microstructures, physical, mechanical, thermal and electrochemical performance of SSC-SDCC composite cathode. SSC-SDCC composite powders with the weight ratios of SSC toward SDCC of 50:50 (SSCB55), 60:40 (SSCB64), and 70:30 (SSCB73) were achieved using high energy ball milling (HEBM). All powders were calcined at 600,650, 700 and 750 °C, pelletized and sintered at 600 °C. Characterization include the chemical and structural, thermogravimetric, thermal expansion coefficient (TEC), morphologies and porosity were carried out. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was conducted in air. The chemical compatibility and morphologies of powder and pellet, thermal expansion and porosity were mostly affected by the calcination temperature as compared to powder composition. SSCB55 was selected for EIS evaluation due for the optimum chemical compatibility with lesser appearance of secondary phase. From EIS results, the area specific resistance (ASR) value at operating temperatures 600 ℃ were ten times smaller than the ASR value offered at operating temperatures 450 ℃. The smallest ASR value was 5.06 Ωcm2 with the activation energy (Ea) of 3.99 eV from composite cathode calcined at temperatures 750 ℃. In conclusion, this study significantly contributes to the investigation of SSC-SDCC composite as potential cathode material for economical, high stability and promising energy converter devices in low temperature solid oxide fuel cell (LTSOFC)
Poverty is an inability of a person/household to meet basic needs in everyday life. Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is still faced with the problem of poverty. In March 2021 the poor population in Aceh numbered 834.24 thousand people and in September 2021 the poor population in Aceh increased by 16 thousand people, a total of 850.26 thousand people. Therefore the authors are interested in classifying and looking at the characteristics of 23 districts/cities in Aceh Province based on 5 variables that affect poverty. This study uses data from SUSENAS processed from BPS Kota Langsa in 2021. The variables used are households with the type of floor of a residential building made of soil/bamboo (X1), households with a floor area of a residential building < 10 m2 per capita (X2), households with residential walls made of bamboo/rumbia/wood (X3), households with a source of drinking water from unprotected wells/springs/rivers/rainwater (X5), and households whose head of household did not attend school/didn't finish primary school/only primary school (X8). This study uses the average linkage method, namely the distance between two clusters is measured by the average distance between objects in each cluster. Of the 23 regencies/cities, 3 clusters were formed, namely cluster 1 with the lowest poverty rate consisting of 17 regencies/cities. Cluster 2 with the highest poverty rate consists of 2 districts/cities. Cluster 3 with a moderate poverty level consists of 4 districts/cities. The characteristics of the clusters that are formed are in clusters 1, 2 and 3 the dominant poverty level is influenced by the variable X3, which means that there are still many households that have houses with inadequate wall types. In clusters 1 and 3 the poverty rate is not dominantly influenced by variable X1, which means that many households have houses with proper floor types. In cluster 2 the poverty rate is not dominantly influenced by variable X5, which means that many households consume drinking water from cleaner and more protected sources
Tindakan manusia dalam pemenuhan kegiatan sehari-hari, secara tidak sengaja telah menambah
jumlah bahan organik dan anorganik pada perairan sehingga dapat mencemari air. Misalnya,
pembuangan detergen ke perairan dapat berakibat buruk terhadap organisme yang ada di perairan.
Salah satu penyebabnya yaitu industri kecil laundry merupakan salah satu industri yang paling cepat
berkembang. Industri kecil laundry biasanya membuang limbah langsung ke badan air. Hal ini dapat
menyebabkan akumulasi zat pencemar yang ada di dalam limbah tersebut dalam hal ini BOD dan
Phospat. BOD dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan oksigen bagi mikroorganisme untuk
menguraikan bahan organik sementara phospat akan mengakibatkan terjadinya eutrofikasi. Dalam
mengurangi dampak tersebut perlu dilakukan suatu metode pengolahan limbah yang murah dan efisien.
Pada penelitian kali ini digunakan metode fitoremediasi untuk mengurangi limbah menggunakan kayu
apu (Pistia Stratiotes L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan panjang akar dan
jumlah tanaman untuk mereduksi kandungan BOD dan Phospat pada limbah. Penelitian ini
berlangsung selama 14 hari menggunakan aliran limbah secara kontinyu dengan debit 7,5 ml/l.
Tanaman yang digunakan terbagi atas 6 reaktor A, B, C, D, E, dan F. Dengan perlakuan Reaktor G
sebagai kontrol, Reaktor A, B, dan C memiliki panjang akar kurang dari 10 cm, reaktor D, E, dan F
lebih dari 10 cm. Jumlah tanaman yang digunakan yaitu reaktor A dan D 8 tanaman, B dan E 12
tanaman, serta C dan F 16 tanaman. Hasil pada penelitian kali ini menunjukan bahwa panjang akar
dan jumlah tanaman mempengaruhi hasil dari pengolahan limbah laundry menggunakan proses
fitoremediasi kayu apu (Pistia Stratiotes L.). Hasil paling optimum ditunjukan oleh reaktor F dengan
panjang akar lebih dari 10 cm dengan 16 jumlah tanaman pada hari ke-10 dengan efisiensi sebesar
75,36% BOD dan Phospat sebesar 86,10% pada hari ke-12. Hingga hari ke-14 tanaman kayu apu
(Pistia Stratiotes L.) masih dapat bertahan hidup akan tetapi banyak yang kondisinya sudah tidak
memungkinkan dan terjadi banyak kerontokan pada akar dan kelopak daun.
Kata kunci: Fitoremediasi, limbah laundry, kayu apu, BOD, phospat
[Efficiency BOD and Phospat Elimination on Laundry Wastewater Using Water Lettuce
Phytoremediation] The development of a region can cause damage to the environment. Small industry
like laundry as a rapidly progressing business generates wastewater every day and discharges it
directly to the stream. The effect of this behavior is the accumulation of contaminants, for example BOD
and phosphate, in water. Excessive amount of BOD and phosphate in water leads to not only water
pollution but also air pollution (odor). In order to decrease these bad impacts, an effective and low
cost treatment process for laundry wastewater is needed. This study investigated the removal efficiency
of BOD and phosphate from laundry wastewater using water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) for
phytoremediation. It also analyzed the influence of water lettuce’s root length and its quantity on the
removal of BOD and phosphate. This study was conducted in laboratory scale for 14 days using 6 water
lettuce plant reactors/main reactors (reactor A, B, C, D, E, and F) and 1 control reactor (reactor G).
Reactor A, B, and C contained water lettuce with less than 10 cm root length, while reactor D, E, and
F contained water lettuce with more than 10 cm root length. As previously mentioned, the influence of
the number of water lettuce on removal efficiency is also observed in this study, so each reactor must have different number of plants within it. Reactor A and D contained 8 plants, reactor B and E contained
12 plants, and reactor C and F contained 16 plants. The results showed that root length and quantity
of water lettuce influenced the removal efficiency of BOD and phosphate. Reactor F showed the
optimum result for BOD removal, 75,36%, on the 10th day of experiment. As for phosphate removal,
reactor F also showed the highest performance (86,10% phosphate removed), on the 12th day of
Keywords: Phytoremediation, laundry wastewater, water lettuce, BOD, phospa
Analysis of Jet Fire on Intumescent Coating Applied on Steel Substrate
The use of intumescent coatings is one of the easiest, economical and most efficient
ways to protect steel component from heat generated in fire. By insulated the steel
substrates, the rate of temperature increase experienced by component from fire are
substantially reduced. Thus, this insulation imparts additional time for the application of
fire suppression and cooling the coated steel component reduces the potential for a
material failure of the component or structure. The purpose of this report written was to
discuss the progress job done; basic understanding, methodology and result obtain
regarding the final year project about the analysis of jet fire on intumescent coating
applied on steel substrate. The main objective of this project was to investigate and
study the interface bonding between intumescent and the steel substrate before and after
the jet fire burning. The investigation revealed the achievement performance
intumescent coating as fire retardant. The project was focused on the durability of
intumescent coating applied on the steel. The project also includes the characteristic
study of the intumescent material, the coating method that been applied on the steel, and
also to investigate the interface bonding between the intumescent and steel, before and
after exposed to the hea
Abstract: The coaching of converts to Islam has been an important aspect in the border areas of Aceh Province. This program is conducted considering that the region is prone to silting of faith, drug abuse and negative influence of foreign culture, which could affect the faith and aqidah (creed) of Muslim residing in the border area. This issue becomes the background of this study in an attempt to figure out the approaches of dakwa wasathiyyah (moderate) carried out by the organization of Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) in implementing its coaching programs for the converts to Islam in the border area. This study employed qualitative approach, in which interview and document analysis were used for collecting the data. The result of this study shows that Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) has performed the Dakwa fundamentally and consistently within the framework of Islam Wasathiyyah to the Muslim society in the border and remote areas of Aceh. The da’i (callers to Islam) of FDP performed the dakwa in accordance with their vision, that Islamic dakwa should be developed based on the tenets of Islam Wasathiyyah. Among the tenets of Dakwa Wasathiyyah conducted by the FDP are; tawazzun, tawasshut, i’tidal, tasamuh, musawah, syura ishlah, aulawiyah, and tathawwur wa ibtikar. While in implementing those dakwa programs, the FDP performed dakwa by using various approaches as follows: dakwa tauhid, social dakwa, transformative dakwa, and humanist dakwa. This study concluded that the FDP has greatly contributed and assisted in strengthening and coaching the aqidah of the converts to Islam in Aceh.Keywords: Dakwa Wasathiyyah; Forum Dakwah Perbatasan; Converts to Islam.Abstrak: Pembinaan saudara baru menjadi aspek penting di wilayah perbatasan Aceh. Mengingat kawasan tersebut rawan terjadinya pendangkalan akidah, peredaran narkoba dan pengaruh budaya asing yang dapat mempengaruhi keyakinan dan akidah umat Islam di perbatasan. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji tentang gambaran pendekatan dakwah Wasathiyyah yang dilaksanakan oleh Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) dalam pembinaan berbagai program terhadap saudara baru di perbatasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara prinsipil dan komitmen Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) telah melakukan dakwah dalam kerangka Islam Wasathiyyah di kalangan umat Islam di perbatasan dan pedalaman Aceh. Para da'i Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) menjalankan dakwah sesuai dengan visinya di mana dakwah Islam selayaknya dikembangkan dengan konsep Islam Wasathiyyah.Adapun prinsip -prinsip Dakwah Wasathiyyah yang dilakukan Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP), sebagai berikut: tawazzun, tawasshut, i'tidal, tasamuh, musawah, syura ishlah, aulawiyah, dan tathawwur wa ibtikar. Dalam mengimplementasi program dakwah tersebut, Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) melakukan dakwah dalam berbagai pendekatan, di antaranya: dakwah tauhid, dakwah sosial, dakwah transformatif dan dakwah humanis. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Forum Dakwah Perbatasan (FDP) telah memberikan kontribusi dan andil besar terhadap penguatan dan pembinaan akidah saudara baru di perbatasan Aceh.Kata Kunci: Dakwah Wasathiyyah; Forum Dakwah Perbatasan; Saudara Baru
The findings of the “God Spot” (G-Spot) that is located among the brain's nerve tangle has been changed the human perception about spirituality. The phe-nomenon of G-Spot is an indication that spirituality and spiritual intelligence/spi-ritual quotient rooted in the human brain. Through the brain, human does not have the potential of emotion and rationality only, but also the potential and tools for spirituality. This reality is contrary to the traditions and belief of Muslims in Indonesia. Various classical records and spreading religious experiences believe that qalb which is often translated as liver, is the one which has a role in spiritual matters. Liver is considered as a locus of spirituality that makes one knows God and gives him the knowledge of the meaning and value. Popular references about liver spi-rituality is based on Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm Al-Dīn by Al-Ghazālī and the ḥadīth about a pie-ce of meat in the human body that was narrated by Nu‘mān Ibn Bashīr as later narrated by Bukhārī, Muslim, and other narrators that are known for good inte-grity.This study aims to describe qalb in the tradition of the Muslims in Indonesia and its relation to contemporary findings in the field of neuroscience that puts the brain as a spiritual tool. The answer to this question is expected to reveal the meaning of the term radical qalb: which one of brain and liver that is more rele-vant to be interpreted as qalb? Or maybe something else? Patterned library re-search, the approach used in this study is rationalistic abstractive, simple, and al-low rational meaning of the object of study. The grounds are concerned with as-pects of contemporary, thought patterns used are reflective contextual.The study shows that the Muslims who live and interact in Indonesian culture in Indonesia mistakenly understood the meaning of qalb, as Al-Ghazālī wrote 915 years ago. Qalb is meant in the ḥadīth Nu‘mān Ibn Bashīr nor liver (hepar) or brain (encephalon), but heart (cardiac). Anatomical aspects in this study conclude that human spirituality center is located in the heart (cardiac). Statement of Allah in Sūrah Al-Ḥajj verse 46 a signal about the position and the potential of the heart (cardiac) as a piece of meat called qalb which has the ability to understand, recog-nize, and feel the spiritual consciousness. This device functions as a locus of hu-man receive transcendental messages
Keterkaitan Filsafat Matematika dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis IT
Filsafat dan matematika mempunyai keterkaitan dalam pembelajaran matematika, keterkaitan dapat dilihat pada model pembelajaran matematika terutama yang berbasis konstruktivistik dan berbasis teknologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan kajian secara mendalam terhadap filsafat matematika, model pembelajaran matematika di tinjau dari sudut pandang filsafat pendidikan, menelaah berbagai refrensi terkait filsafat, filsafat pendidikan, filsafat matematika, model pembelajaran matematika kaitannya dengan filsafat, dan filsafat matematika kaitannya dengan model pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder yang berasal dari buku, artikel atau jurnal terkakreditasi dari tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2022. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi literatur dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data studi literatur menekankan pada referensi atau pustaka dari berbagai kajian filsafat, filsafat pendidikan, filsafat matematika, model pembelajaran matematika terkait dengan filsafat, dan filsafat matematika kaitannya dengan model pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi. Hasil pembahasan tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) Filsafat matematika memberikan pengaruh yang besar dalam pembelajaran matematika; 2) Model pembelajaran matematika harusnya dikaitkan dengan filsafat pendidikan, yakni mengaitkan konsep kehidupan nyata; 3) Pengintegrasian IT dalam model pembelajaran sangat mendukung proses pembelajaran sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik, menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa, meningkatkan kemampuan matematis, meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik, membuat pembelajaran menjadi lebih praktis, efektif dan efesien. Kebermanfaatan penelitian ini bagi orang lain adalah memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan terkait filsafat matematika terhadap model pembelajaran matematika berbasis IT
Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk olahan mangrove sebagai one village one product bagi 20 anggota kelompok BUMG kuala maju gampong kuala kota langsa melalui pendekatan ekososionomik. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan edukatif dan berbasis pengetahuan melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan seperti koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang tercatat pada lembar post test menunjukkan sebanyak 12 anggota kelompok meningkat hardskill nya terutama dalam pembuatan aneka varian produk turunan berbahan mangrove dan 8 anggota kelompok terlihat adanya peningkatan softskill dalam memahami identifikasi jenis mangrove yang layak dijadikan produk olahan. Hasil pendampingan memperlihatkan 8 anggota BUMG (40%) mengetahui teknik pengemasan produk dan 12 anggota BUMG (60%) cukup memahami teknik pemasaran produk berbasis e-marketing. Disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan ekososionomik mampu menghasilkan aneka produk olahan mangrove sebagai produk unggulan desa.Abstract: This community service (PKM) aims to develop processed mangrove products as a one village one product for 20 members of BUMG Kuala Maju kuala langsa village kota langsa city through an ecosocionomic approach. The method used is an educational approach and based on knowledge through a series of activity stages such as coordination, socialization, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of activities described through post test sheets show that 12 members improves their hardskill in producing various kinds of manggrove products and 8 members increase their softskill in identifying kinds of manggrove suitable for consumption products. The results of the mentoring show that 8 BUMG members (40%) know product packaging techniques and 12 BUMG members (60%) quite understand e-marketing-based product marketing techniques. It was concluded that the ecosociomic approach was able to produce various processed mangrove products as the village's extraordinary product.
Analisis Kemampuan Disposisi Matematis pada Pembelajaran Matematika Siswa SMKN 2 Langsa
Disposisi matematis merupakan sikap atau kemampuan afektif sesorang dalam memandang matematika sebagai sesuatu yang dapat menumbuhkan karakter baik seperti percaya diri, minat belajar tinggi, gigih, bersungguh-sungguh dalam menyelesaiakan masalah, berfikir fleksibel, melakukan refleksi setelah mempelajari matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan disposisi matematis pada pembelajaran matematika siswa SMKN 2 langsa. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen non tes berupa angket dan wawancara disposisi matematik. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni dilakukan dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan disposisi matematis siswa SMKN 2 Langsa masuk dalam kategori Rendah yaitu 54,00%. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil angket dimana kemampuan disposisi matematik dari 30 orang sampel siswa, yang masuk dalam kategori sangat rendah ada 1 orang (3,33%), kategori rendah ada 16 orang siswa (53,33%), kategori sedang ada 9 orang siswa (30%), kategori tinggi ada 3 orang siswa (10%), dan kategori sangat tinggi ada 1 orang siswa (3,33%). Hasil rata-rata kemampuan disposisi matematis siswa SMKN 2 Langsa untuk masing-masing indikator masuk dalam kategori Sedang dan Rendah, Kategori Sedang terdapat pada indikator Reflektif (55,42%) dan Apresiasi (60,00%). Sedangkan kategori Rendah terdapat pada indikator Keingintahuan (51,43%), Keingintahuan (53,89%), Ketekunan (52,92%), Fleksibilitas (53,45%); dan Aplikasi (53,13%)
Abstrak: Sekolah luar biasa masih memiliki permasalahan dalam monitoring perkembangan dan pembelajaran anak secara intensif. Oleh karena itu Tim PKM melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di sekolah SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang dengan tujuan memberikan solusi menggunakan Document Management System (DMS) Sebagai Upaya Monitoring Pembelajaran dan Perkembangan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus yang dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja oleh guru, orang tua murid maupun kepala sekolah. Kegiatan ini dihadiri sebanyak 75 orang peserta yang terdiri dari guru, admin, kepala sekolah serta orang tua wali murid. Metode dalam PKM ini diawali dengan survey awal, kemudian mendesain DMS, melakukan sosialisasi kepada mitra SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang (Guru, admin, orang tua dan kepala sekolah) mengenai penggunaan DMS, kemudian Tim melakukan evaluasi pada saat kegiatan maupun pendampingan. Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah 84,75% peserta paham dan mahir menggunakan Document Management System (DMS) untuk memonitoring pembelajaran dan perkembangan siswa SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang.Abstract: The Pembina Aceh Tamiang State SLB still has problems in monitoring children's development and learning intensively, therefore the PKM Team carries out community service at the Aceh Tamiang SLB Pembina State school with the aim of providing solutions using the Document Management System (DMS) as an Effort for Monitoring Learning and Development Children with Special Needs can be done anywhere and anytime by teachers, parents and school principals. This activity was attended by 75 participants consisting of teachers, admins, school principals and parents and guardians of students. The method in this PKM begins with an initial survey, then designs a DMS, conducts socialization to Aceh Tamiang SLB partners (teachers, admins, parents and school principals) regarding the use of DMS, then the Team evaluates during activities and mentoring. The result of this community service is that teachers, parents and school principals understand and are proficient in using the Document Management System (DMS) to monitor the learning and development of SLB Negeri Pembina Aceh Tamiang students
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