18 research outputs found
Friction welding is a metal connection that occurs due to heat caused by pressure/friction force due to rotation of metal one to other metal axis. In addition, spindle shaft with this process can minimize the shift axis of the welded material. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of variation of rotation speed and wrought time on mechanical properties (tensile strength, flexural and hardness) and microstructure of AISI 304L Stainless Steel pipe of friction welding. The experiment was carried out by stages of friction welding process on Pindad type lathes by varying the rotation (550 rpm, 1020 rpm and 1800 rpm) and wrought time (25 seconds, 35 seconds, 45 seconds) using stopwatch. The axial force is obtained through a power screw mechanism on the tail-stock with a forging pressure of (Pu = 28.02 MPa). Welding temperature is 1050˚C. The friction welding results are then formed into specimens for mechanical testing of tensile test specimens and standard ISO 82-1974 (E) test, DP8 size and hardness test using the Rockwell method. The test result showed that the tensile strength of the friction welding result with the highest σ max value in 1800 rpm/45 second specimen was 446,22 N/mm2 decreased when compared with raw material that is 788,62 N/mm2. the bending strength of the friction welding result with the highest σ max value in the 1800 rpm / 45 second specimen is 1470 N / mm2 decreased when compared with the raw material ie 1950 N/mm2. The highest hardness value is located in the part of the welded joint of specimen with variation of 1800 rpm / 45 second rotation of 77,5 HRA decrease from hard raw material value is 81,0 HRA. Rotation variations affect the mechanical properties of the material, the higher the engine rotation the value of its strength increases. Similarly, if the wrought time longer then the value of strength will also increase. Observations on microstructure with the variation of rotation speed and time of wrought there is a noticeable change is in the weld metal there are many austenite so that the strength and hardness value almost closer to Raw material hardness value. As for the HAZ area that there are many ferrit so that the strength and hardness value close to hardness value Raw material
Objective: Areca nut is the most commonly used substance abuse in the world after tobacco, alcohol and caffeine. In Indonesia, the habit of chewing areca nut quid has been consuming most people in the eastern region such as Maluku and Papua. Areca nut (Areca catechu) can prevent caries because it has antiseptic properties derived from the content of selenium, tannins and alkaloids. In addition, the formed stain acts as a physical barrier on demineralizing the email. Knowing the dental and oral hygiene’s score is important for each individual, it plays a role in preventing the occurrence of caries. Oral hygiene status and caries can be assessed using the OHI-S and def-t index according to WHO.
Methods: This is observational analytic research using a cross-sectional design. Samples are 4th, 5th and 6th grade (aged 8-13 y) students of YPK Getsemani Elementary School, Raja Ampat Regency with total sample number of 50 students. The results were analyzed using SPSS 20 program.
Results: This study indicates 20% caries prevalence, based on WHO category is moderate and def-t averages was 0.46 in the WHO category is very low. Based on chi-square test results obtained p<0.05, indicating that there is a significant association between the frequency of areca nut chewing with caries status.
Conclusion: Caries status in areca nut chewer is very low and there is a significant association between the frequency of areca nut chewing with caries status on children
Accommodation of "Merdeka Belajar" Spirit in Islamic Boarding School Nurul Huda Pakandangan Sumenep
Merdeka Belajar gives freedom to develop the students’ talent without the obstacles of formal rules that shackle the creativity of students. The study of independent learning in the context of an empirical boarding school is very rarely done. Even though pesantren are considered to be independent in learning. This study aims to describe clearly how Islamic boarding schools accommodate the free spirit of learning in their education system. This study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interview data networks, observations and documentation. The results of this study indicate that there is accommodation of an independent spirit of learning at the Nurul huda Pakandangan Islamic boarding school with three main things, firstly accommodation of an educational vision that leads to an independent spirit of learning by integrating religious and scientific knowledge. Facilitating the development of the potential of students as a whole with skills. empowerment of knowledge, skills, experience, attitudes and assessments based on national and global standards. Secondly, Students can freely determine their competence while remaining teacher-minded. Third is the accommodation of educational innovation in the service program in accordance with the educational goals of the pesantren which requires them to return to the community. Fourth Islamic boarding schools are gender responsive by accommodating equality education.Merdeka belajar memberikan kebebasan dalam mengembangkan bakat dalam diri siswa tanpa adanya hambatan aturan formal yang membelenggu kreativitas peserta didik. Kajian merdeka belajar dalam kontek pesantren secara empiris sangat jarang dilakukan. Kendatipun pesantren dianggap telah lama merdeka dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara tegas bagaimana pesantren melakukan akomodasi spirit merdeka belajar dalam sistem pendidikannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jejaring data wawancara mendalam, observasi serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya akomodasi spirit merdeka belajar di pesantren Nurulhuda pakandangan dengan tiga hal utama, pertama akomodasi visi pendidikan yang mengarah pada spirit merdeka belajar dengan mengintegrasikan ilmu agama dan sains. Memfasilitasi pengembangan potensi anak didik secara utuh dengan skill-skill. pemberdayaan ilmu pengetahuan, ketrampilan, pengalaman, sikap dan penilaian berdasarkan standar nasional dan global. Kedua bentuk pesantren mu’allimin pencetak jiwa guru, dimana santri secara bebas dapat menentukan kompetensinya dengan tetap berjiwa guru. Sesuai dengan jiwa kebebasan yang menjadi salah satu jiwa pesantren. Ketiga adalah akomodasi Inovasi pendidikan dalam program pengabdian sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan pesantren yang mengharuskan untuk kembali kepada masyarakat, membangun konstruksi sumber daya manusia di tengah kultur masyarakat, dan mengabdi sambil melatih kompetensi santri untuk bisa hidup di tengah masyarakat dengan baik. Keempat Pesantren responsif gender dengan mengakomodasi pendidikan kesetaraan yaitu menegakkan keadilan dalam setiap kegiatan pendidikan dengan tidak menjadikan santri putri sebagai second class
Conditions of seagrass ecosystems in Ketapang Coastal Waters, West Lombok Regency
Ketapang coastal waters, West Lombok Regency is a coastal area where seagrass ecosystems are distributed, but so far there has been no research data explaining the condition of seagrass ecosystems. This study aims to determine the condition of the seagrass ecosystem in the coastal waters of Ketapang, West Lombok Regency. This research was conducted in November 2021 which is located in the coastal waters of Ketapang, West Lombok Regency. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling method consisting of 3 observation stations. Seagrass samples were collected using line transects and quadrant transects measuring 50×50 cm2. The parameters observed included physical and chemical water quality, as well as seagrass density and coverage. The results of water parameter measurements are still at the threshold of water quality standards. The seagrass found were Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, and Halophila ovalis. The highest seagrass density was at station 1, 407 shoots/m2, while the lowest density was at station 3, 211 shoots/m2. The condition of the highest seagrass cover was found at station 1 and the lowest cover was found at stations 2 and 3.Perairan Pantai Ketapang, Kabupaten Lombok Barat merupakan wilayah pesisir yang terdapat sebaran ekosistem lamun, namun sejauh ini belum terdapat data penelitian yang menjelaskan mengenai kondisi ekosistem lamun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi ekosistem lamun di perairan Pantai Ketapang Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan November 2021 yang berlokasi di perairan Pantai Ketapang Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling yang terdiri dari 3 stasiun pengamatan. Pengambilan sampel lamun menggunakan transek garis dan transek kuadran berukuran 50×50 cm2. Paramter yang diamati meliputi kualitas perairan fisika dan kimia, serta kerapatan dan tutupan lamun. Hasil pengukuran parameter perairan masih berada pada ambang batas baku mutu perairan. Lamun yang ditemukan yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, dan Halophila ovalis. Kerapatan lamun tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun 1 407 tegakan/m2, sedangkan kerapatan terendah terdapat pada stasiun 3 211 tegakan/m2. Kondisi tutupan lamun tertinggi ditemukan pada stasiun 1 dan tutupan terendah terdapat pada stasiun 2 dan 3
Physical seagrass ecosystem damage have been reported in various regions in Indonesia. Seagrass ecosystem damage is caused by human activity such as trampling seagrass and boats that muddy the waters and reduced the density and seagrass cover. This study aims to provide information about the density and the coverage of seagrass. The method used in this research is the transect method measuring 50x50 cm squared at three different locations by considering coastal ecosystems Bahoi village that already exist. Station 1 is near to mangrove habitat, station 2 is right on seagrass habitats, and station 3 is near to coral reef habitat. The results indicated there is six seagrass species that found in the Bahoi village which is Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halophila ovalis, and Halodule uninervis. The density and seagrass cover is shows that the station 1 has the highest density and seagrass cover percentage compared with the other stations. The highest density of seagrass species located in station 1 with 955 individuals/m2, and the lowest was located at station 3 with 699 individuals/m2. While the highest cover percentage is located at station 1 with 270% and the lowest located at station 3 with 229%. Keyword: seagrass ecosystem, density, coverage, Baho
Performa Hematologi Dan Kualitas Air Budidaya Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.) Yang Diberi Bakteri Fotosintetik (Rhodobacter sp. dan Rhodococcus sp.)
Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.) adalah salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang bernilai ekonomis penting dalam industri perikanan budidaya. Namun proses budidaya intensif dengan padat tebar tinggi yang disertai dengan pengelolaan air yang tidak baik, dapat menurunkan kualitas air sehingga mengakibatkan stres dan kesehatan ikan terganggu. Oleh karena itu penelitian penggunaan bakteri fotosintetik (Rhodobacter sp. dan Rhodococcus sp.) pada kolam budidaya ikan patin bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kondisi kualitas air. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu rancangan acak kelompok, dengan dua perlakuan dan satu kontrol dan masing-masing perlakuan tiga ulangan : A = 0,2 ml/l, B = 0,5 ml/l, dan C = Kontrol (tanpa bakteri fotosintetik). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian bakteri fotosintetik pada kolam budidaya ikan patin berpengaruh baik terhadap proses perbaikan kualitas air, yang ditunjukan dengan optimalnya nilai kualitas air yaitu parameter suhu, pH, oksigen terlarut dan adanya penurunan nilai Total Organic Matter yang disebabkan oleh adanya proses bioremediasi yang dilakukan oleh bakteri fotosintetik.
Catfish (Pangasius sp.) is a type of freshwater fish that has important economic value in the aquaculture industry. However, the intensive cultivation process with high stocking densities, accompanied by poor water management, can reduce water quality, resulting in stress and disturbed fish health. Therefore research on the use of photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodobacter sp. and Rhodococcus sp.) in catfish culture ponds aims to improve water quality conditions. The design used was a randomized block design, with two treatments and one control and three replications for each treatment: A = 0.2 ml/l, B = 0.5 ml/l, and C = control (without photosynthetic bacteria). The results showed that the application of photosynthetic bacteria to catfish culture ponds had a good effect on the process of improving water quality, which was indicated by the optimal water quality values, namely the parameters of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and a decrease in the value of Total Organic Matter caused by the bioremediation process carried out by photosynthetic bacteria
The objectives of the research was to analyze the influence of price, taste, color, texture and size of imported apple fruit on consumers’ preferences and on the purchase of the fruit, and to analyze the influence of attributes to the purchase of the fruit in Hypermart Palu Grand Mall. The research location was purposively determined in Hypermart considering that itis the largest site where imported fruit are sold in Palu city. Samples of 50 people were selected using an Accidental Sampling method based on spontaneity factor. The results of analysis showed that the coefficient of attribute lines of price, taste, color, texture, and size statistically affected the volume of the imported apple sold in the Mall. The variables (Xi) of price, taste, color, texture and size simultaneously affected the purchase variable (Y) significantly at 87.7% or R2 = 0.877 whereas the effect of other factors not included in this research was 0.123 or 12.3%. The proportional effects on the fruit purchase for the taste variable was 0.799 or 79.9, the size was 0.023 or 2.3%, the color was 0.021 or 2.1%, the texture 0.016 or 1.6% and the price was 0.019 or 1.9%.Keywords : Consumer Preferences, and Imported Apple Fruits
Pelatihan Manajemen Pentakmir Masjid di Kuripan Lombok Barat
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengadakan pelatihan untuk para pentakmir masjid di Kuripan dalam meningkatkan kualitas para pentakmir masjid dari segi pendidikan, pengetahuan, pandangan dan wawasan mereka tentang kebermaknaan dalam menjalan aktivitas di masjid. Kegiatan pelatihan yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan Masjid Pentakmiran yang dilakukan oleh Muktamirin. Kegiatan ini melibatkan pentakmir masjid di kuripan. Kegiatan pelatihan dibagi menjadi 2 tahapan yaitu (1) tahapan penyampaian materi pelatihan yang meliputi materi seputar: (a) dinamika seputar masjid; (b) Masjid Pentakmir (Pengelolaan Masjid); (2) Khiulako. Secara garis besar bahwa kemaslahatan masjid sangat terkait dengan upaya peningkatan tata kelola masjid yang meliputi: tata kelola; pendanaan, sumber usaha; Pengembangan Masyarakat; dan bidang pendidikan, pelatihan dan fasilitas masji