11 research outputs found

    Analisis Customer Contact Dan Service Guarantee Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Dengan Customer Value Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    The background of this research is the reduction of direct interaction and a guaranteethat the company gave notice to the customer. This study aims to determine how muchinfluence customer contact and service guarantee to customer satisfaction with customervalue as an intervening variable in train service users operating area 4 Semarang.The number of samples in thie study are 100 respondents train service users ho wereselected based on purposive sampling method. The questionnaire is distribute in April2015. The data obtained are processed using validity and reliability test, classicassumption test, multiple regression analysis, goodness of fit test with regressioncoefficients, test F and test T.The result of this study showed that the variables of customer contact provide value43,6% and service guarantee provide value 42,7% which both have a positive andsignificant impact on customer value. Then customer contact provide value 25,8% andcustomer value with a value of 62,7% which both have a positive and significant impacton customer satisfaction, while service guarantee with a value of 1,4% have a positiveeffect but not significant on customer satisfaction

    Herb Leaves Recognition using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Five Distance-based Similarity Measures

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    Herb medicinal products derived from plants have long been considered as an alternative option for treating various diseases.  In this paper, the feature extraction method used is Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), while for its recognition using the metric calculations of Chebyshev, Cityblock, Minkowski, Canberra, and Euclidean distances. The method of determining the GLCM Analysis based on the texture analysis resulting from the extraction of this feature is Angular Second Moment, Contrast, Inverse Different Moment, Entropy as well as its Correlation.  The recognition system used 10 leaf test images with GLCM method and Canberra distance resulted in the highest accuracy of 92.00%. While the use of 20 and 30 test data resulted in a recognition rate of 50.67% and 60.00%

    Isolasi Senyawa Fenolik Dari Fraksi Semipolar Ekstrak Daun Aglaia Speciosa

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    Two phenolic compunds have been isolated from ethyl acetate fraction of the crude metanolic extract from A. speciosa dried leaves. It was separated by column chromatography with gradient elution (n-hexane : ethyl acetate : methanol) then followed by precipitation from n-hexane : ethyl acetate. The first isolate was a non flavonoid, white amorphous solid (dec. 257 oC), UV spectra λmax (methanol) 235 nm, 275 nm (sh) and IR spectra vmax KBr 3200 cm-1, 1625 cm-1, 1465 cm-1 and 840 cm-1. The second isolate was a light yellow amorphous solid (dec. 227 oC) and suggested as 5,7,4'-trihidroxyflavone of vitexin type base on its UV and IR spectra. The exact structure of those two compounds could not be determined yet. Key words: Aglaia speciosa leaves, phenolic, flavonoid, vitexin

    Pengenalan investasi pada proyek perumahan bagi siswa sekolah menengah atas

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    AbstrakDi era globalisasi dan perkembangan ekonomi yang pesat, literasi keuangan menjadi keterampilan penting yang harus dimiliki oleh generasi muda. Studi ekonomi teknik dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah perbandingan antara alternatif-alternatif dimana perbedaan diantara alternatif itu dinyatakan dalam bentuk uang. Pengenalan investasi proyek perumahan pada siswa SMA diharapkan tidak hanya meningkatkan literasi keuangan mereka, tetapi juga menumbuhkan minat menjadi wirausahawan muda. Dengan banyaknya siswa yang minat pada mata pelajaran ekonomi maka pengenalan ekonomi teknik ini dapat membantu siswa untuk mengetahui tentang investasi pada proyek yang ditampilkan. Memberikan penyuluhan agar siswa SMA dapat mengetahui apa saja investasi yang ada dalam teknik sipil. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian penulisan artikel dilakukan dengan 2 sesi, sesi pertama yaitu penyampaian materi dengan presentasi kepada siswa, dan sesi kedua yaitu tanya jawab untuk pemahaman kepada siswa. Mitra dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 2 SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember, Kabupaten Jember. Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini, sekaligus akan dinilai aktivitasnya selama pelatihan berjumlah 30 siswa. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian tersebut juga dijelaskan bagimana cara investasi baik dan pemberian materi tentang ekonomi teknik karena berhungan dengan investasi yang di presentasikan. Kata Kunci: literasi keuangan; investasi proyek perumahan AbstractIn the era of globalization and rapid economic development, financial literacy has become an essential skill for the younger generation to possess. Engineering economics can be defined as a comparison between alternatives, where the differences between these alternatives are expressed in monetary terms. Introducing housing project investments to high school students is expected not only to enhance their financial literacy but also to foster an interest in becoming young entrepreneurs. With many students interested in economics subjects, the introduction of engineering economics can help them understand investments in the projects presented. Providing education to high school students about the various investments available in civil engineering is crucial. The implementation of the article writing service activities was conducted in two sessions: the first session involved delivering the material through a presentation to the students, and the second session involved a question-and-answer segment to ensure student comprehension. The partner for these service activities was the 11th grade science class 2 students from SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember, located in Jember Regency. The number of participants who joined the activities, whose engagement during the training would also be assessed, was 30 students. During these service activities, explanations were also given on how to invest properly and materials on engineering economics were provided due to their relevance to the presented investments. Keywords: financial literacy; housing project investmen

    Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Bidang Kewirausahaan Bakso Sayur Sehati (Sehat, Nikmat, dan Pas di Hati)

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    Bakso merupakan makanan yang biasanya dibuat dari daging yang digiling kemudian dicetak dalam bentuk bulat. Di wilayah kota Sumbawa, bakso dijual di warung-warung, rumah makan, atau pedagang bakso keliling, yang memungkinkan pelanggan menyantapnya seketika. Rata-rata harga bakso berkisar antara Rp.13.000 sampai Rp.25.000 tergantung jenis bakso dan tempat belinya. Pada PKM-K ini, kami menciptakan bakso varian baru, yaitu Bakso Sayur Sehati yang dibuat dengan bahan baku sayuran. Yang mengedepankan aspek kesehatan, namun tetap dengan cita rasa yang nikmat, dan dengan harga yang pas di hati pelanggan. Di Sumbawa sendiri, bakso jenis ini masih belum ada, sehingga peluang untuk usaha ini cukup besar. Yang membedakan bakso sayuran dengan bakso pada umumnya adalah dalam proses pembuatannya. Dalam adonan bakso sayuran akan ditambahkan beberapa jenis sayuran sehingga dinamakan bakso sayuran. Bakso sayuran sangat cocok untuk orang-orang yang sangat menyukai makanan bakso namun sedang ingin mengurangi makan daging karena menderita suatu penyakit (misalnya kolesterol). Selain itu, juga baik sebagai makanan pendamping diet. Bakso sayuran juga hadir untuk membantu orang tua yang ingin anak-anaknya mengkonsumsi makanan sehat namun susah untuk disuruh mengkonsumsi sayuran. Penyajian bakso dengan sayuran pasti lebih disukai oleh anak-anak.Kata Kunci : bakso, sayur, sehat, nikmat, pas di hat

    Pengaruh Jenis dan Konsentrasi Koagulan terhadap Fraksi Protein Terkoagulasi dan Tekstur Curd Kedelai (Glycine Max)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi pengaruh jenis koagulan pada berbagai konsentrasi terhadap fraksi protein curd yang dihasilkan serta korelasinya terhadap tekstur. Koagulan yang digunakan yaitu CaSO4. 2H2O dan CH3COOH pada konsentrasi 0,015 N, 0,03 N dan 0,045 N. Fraksi protein curd didapat dengan fraksinasi Osborne dan dianalisis lebih lanjut dengan metode sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Fraksi protein yang didapat dari fraksinasi Osborne yaitu albumin. globulin, prolamin, dan glutelin. Tekstur Curd kedelai dianalisis secara objektif dengan texture profile analysis (TPA) yang mencakup kekerasan, elastisitas, kohesivitas, dan gumminess. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa proses pengolahan kedelai menjadi curd menyebabkan penurunan konsentrasi fraksi protein albumin dan globulin yang signifikan. sebaliknya konsentrasi fraksi protein glutelin meningkat secara drastis. Pada konsentrasi koagulan 0.045 N. terdapat variasi pola pita fraksi protein SDS-PAGE pada kedua jenis curd(CaS04.2H20 dan CH,COOH). Jenis dan konsentrasi koagulan juga diketahui berpengaruh nyata terhadap profil tekstur objektif curd (p=0,05).Terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara kadar fraksi protein terhadap profil tekstur objektif curd CaS04.2H2O. Sebaliknya, tekstur objektif curd CH3COOH kurang dipengaruhi oleh kadar fraksi protein. Effect of Coagulant Type and Concentration Toward Coagulated Protein Fraction and Soy Curd Texture (Glycine max] The aims of this research were to explore the effect of coagulant type and coagulant concentration on curd protein fraction. curd texture, and the correlation between these variables. Coagulants used were CaSO4. 2H2O and CH3COOH with 0.0 I5 N, 0.03 N, and 0.045 N concentration. Curd protein fractions were obtained by Osborne fractionation and was further analyzed using sodium dodecylsulfate acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS­ page) method. The protein obtained were albumin, globulin. prolamin, and glutelin. Curd textures that include hardness, elasticity, cohesiveness, and gumminess were analyzed by texture profile analysis (TPA). The result showed that conversing soybean to be curd caused decreasing of albumin and globulin concentration significantly. In contrast, glutelin concentration was increasing significantly. There were variations of protein fraction pattern of band SDS-PAGE between two type of curd (CaSO4. 2H2O and CH3COOH) in 0.045 N. Types and concentrations of coagulant were also influenced significantly to curd texture profile (p=0.05). There was a significant corelation between protein fraction content on objective texture profile of CaSO4. 2H2O curd. On the other hand the objective texture profile of CH3COOH curd was not influenced by protein fraction content