146 research outputs found

    Metoder for påvisning av Listeria i mat og produksjonsmiljø – Delrapport 3: Genotypingsmetoder

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    Sporing av Listeria monocytogenes er en viktig del av lakseprodusenters kvalitetskontroll. Det er økende interesse i laksenæringen for metoder som kan gi mer informasjon enn bare et svar på om listeria er til stede i en prøve eller ikke – altså genotypingsmetoder. Denne rapporten gir en grunnleggende oversikt over prinsippene bak eksisterende genotypingsmetoder, inkludert PCR-basert typing, MLST, MLVA og PFGE. Rapporten gir også en evaluering av metodenes oppløselighet når det gjelder å skille mellom relevante genetiske grupper av listeria, som er kjent gjennom analyser av helgenomsekvenseringdata. En viktig del av rapporten er en evaluering av den nye GENE-UP Typer metoden fra bioMérieux, utført som en digital analyse av et datasett bestående av over 1200 norske listeria-isolater. Resultatene viste at GENE-UP Typer metoden hadde noen fordeler sammenlignet med de klassiske genotypingsmetodene, inkludert et lavt nivå av feilklassifiseringer, men ikke høyere oppløselighet enn andre metoder. Genotyping kan være et nyttig verktøy i kvalitetsarbeidet, men kan ikke erstatte helgenomsekvensering for å spore smitte i næringsmiddelkjeden eller i produksjonsmiljøet i bedrifter.publishedVersio

    Metoder for påvisning av Listeria i mat og produksjonsmiljø – Delrapport 2: Nye metoder og teknologier

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    Det er et stort ønske fra aktører i sjømatindustrien å få en raskere metode for påvisning av listeria. Som en del av et FHF prosjekt så er det vurdert om det er faglig og teknisk mulig å utvikle en metode for påvisning av listeria i løpet av 20-30 minutter. Selv om det er framskritt på forskningsfronten på hurtigmetoder så er det fortsatt mangler på enten sensitivitet, selektivitet eller robusthet. Med dagens regelverk og teknologi vil det ikke være mulig å utvikle en hurtigtest som tar 20-30 minutter. Det er likevel rom for forbedring av dagens metoder i form av kortere og mer selektiv oppformering, mer presise metoder (f.eks. skille mellom levende og døde bakterier), samt få mer informasjon i form av typing. Det kan kanskje være mulig å oppnå en metode som tar 8-10 timer, noe som ville være veldig nyttig for sjømatindustrien. Rapporten inneholder en oppsummering av en brukerundersøkelse, og en oversikt over nye metoder fra vitenskapelige publikasjoner.Metoder for påvisning av Listeria i mat og produksjonsmiljø – Delrapport 2: Nye metoder og teknologierpublishedVersio

    Metoder for påvisning av Listeria i mat og produksjonsmiljø – Faglig sluttrapport

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    Dagens referansemetode for påvisning av Listeria monocytogenes tar minimum to dager før man får et endelig svar. Dette reduserer mulighetene for å gjøre risikoreduserende tiltak. Prosjektet har kartlagt dagens kommersielle metoder og gitt en oversikt over nye teknologier og metoder for å vurdere om det er teknologisk mulig å få påvisningstiden ned til 20-30 minutter. Dagens raskeste validerte metode (real-time PCR) tar 20 timer hvorav 90% av tiden er oppformeringstrinnet og 10% er påvisningstrinnet. Dersom teknologiske barrierer overkommes og markedet etterspør det, kan det i framtiden være mulig å komme ned på en analysetid på 8-10 timer. Dette vil bety at en stor andel laks- og ørretbedrifter kan varsle renholdere før neste renhold og holde tilbake produkter før de når markedet. Det kan være mulig å utvikle metodikk med kortere tid før analysesvar, i beste fall ned mot 30 minutter, men den vil være mindre sensitiv enn regelverket krever. Denne typen tester vil likevel kunne være et nyttig tillegg til ISO-validerte metoder. Nye metoder bør i tillegg til hurtighet fokusere på å skille mellom levende og døde bakterier, samt gi mer enn bare et positivt eller negativt svar, dvs. genotyping.Metoder for påvisning av Listeria i mat og produksjonsmiljø – Faglig sluttrapportpublishedVersio

    Гестационный транзиторный тиреотоксикоз

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    Приведены современные данные литературы о гестационном транзиторном тиреотоксикозе. Освещены особенности гормональной регуляции щитовидной железы.Modern literature data about gestation thyrotoxicosis are presented. The peculiarities of hormonal regulation of the thyroid gland are featured

    Attenuated mismatch negativity in patients with first-episode antipsychotic-naive schizophrenia using a source-resolved method

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    Background: Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a measure of pre-attentive auditory information processing related to change detection. Traditional scalp-level EEG methods consistently find attenuated MMN in patients with chronic but not first-episode schizophrenia. In the current paper, we use a source-resolved method to assess MMN and hypothesize that more subtle changes can be identified with this analysis method. Method: Fifty-six first-episode antipsychotic-naïve schizophrenia (FEANS) patients (31 males, 25 females, mean age 24.6) and 64 matched controls (37 males, 27 females, mean age 24.8) were assessed for duration-, frequency- and combined-type MMN and P3a as well as 4 clinical, 3 cognitive and 3 psychopathological measures. To evaluate and correlate MMN at source-level, independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to the continuous EEG data to derive equivalent current dipoles which were clustered into 19 clusters based on cortical location. Results: No scalp channel group MMN or P3a amplitude differences were found. Of the localized clusters, several were in or near brain areas previously suggested to be involved in the MMN response, including frontal and anterior cingulate cortices and superior temporal and inferior frontal gyri. For duration deviants, MMN was attenuated at the right superior temporal gyrus in patients compared to healthy controls (p = 0.01), as was P3a at the superior frontal cortex (p = 0.01). No individual patient correlations with clinical, cognitive, or psychopathological measures survived correction for multiple comparisons. Conclusion: Attenuated source-localized MMN and P3a peak contributions can be identified in FEANS patients using a method based on independent component analysis (ICA). This indicates that deficits in pre-attentive auditory information processing are present at this early stage of schizophrenia and are not the result of disease chronicity or medication. This is to our knowledge the first study on FEANS patients using this more detailed method. Keywords: Mismatch negativity, Schizophrenia, First episode, EEG, IC

    Pervasive Listeria monocytogenes is common in the Norwegian food system and is associated with increased prevalence of stress survival and resistance determinants

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    To investigate the diversity, distribution, persistence, and prevalence of stress survival and resistance genes of Listeria monocytogenes clones dominating in food processing environments in Norway, genome sequences from 769 L. monocytogenes isolates from food industry environments, foods, and raw materials (512 of which were sequenced in the present study) were subjected to whole-genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST), single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and comparative genomic analyses. The data set comprised isolates from nine meat and six salmon processing facilities in Norway collected over a period of three decades. The most prevalent clonal complex (CC) was CC121, found in 10 factories, followed by CC7, CC8, and CC9, found in 7 factories each. Overall, 72% of the isolates were classified as persistent, showing 20 or fewer wgMLST allelic differences toward an isolate found in the same factory in a different calendar year. Moreover, over half of the isolates (56%) showed this level of genetic similarity toward an isolate collected from a different food processing facility. These were designated as pervasive strains, defined as clusters with the same level of genetic similarity as persistent strains but isolated from different factories. The prevalence of genetic determinants associated with increased survival in food processing environments, including heavy metal and biocide resistance determinants, stress response genes, and inlA truncation mutations, showed a highly significant increase among pervasive isolates but not among persistent isolates. Furthermore, these genes were significantly more prevalent among the isolates from food processing environments compared to in isolates from natural and rural environments (n = 218) and clinical isolates (n = 111) from NorwaypublishedVersio

    Deficient maturation of aspects of attention and executive functions in early onset schizophrenia

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    The few existing long-term, neuropsychological follow-up studies of early onset schizophrenia (EOS) patients have reported relative stability in some cognitive functions but abnormal developmental trajectories in verbal memory, set shifting, aspects of attention, and speed of information processing throughout late adolescence into early adulthood. The current 5-year follow-up study compared the development of specific cognitive functions in EOS patients (N = 17) from the time of first-episode to chronic phase with that of healthy controls (N = 38) and secondarily to patients with other early onset, non-organic, non-affective psychoses (EOP) (N = 11). Speed of processing of executive functions, set shifting, and attention improved significantly in the healthy controls and reflected continuous functional maturation during late adolescence and early adulthood. The developmental progression of attention and set shifting but not speed of processing of executive functions was significantly subnormal in EOS patients. Other specific cognitive functions that had attained functional maturity in the healthy controls before or around the time of the baseline assessment showed normal development in EOS patients during the follow-up period, indicating stable cognitive deficits. These results suggest post-onset developmental deficits in two out of the three aspects of attention and executive functions that have protracted maturational trajectories and that overlap the age of onset of EOS. No significant difference in the development of any specific cognitive function was found between the EOS and EOP group

    Hyper- and hypo-mentalizing in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: fMRI and behavioural studies

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    Background: Historically, research investigating neural correlates of mentalizing deficits in schizophrenia has focused on patients who have been ill for several years with lengthy exposure to medication. Little is known about the neural and behavioural presentations of theory-of-mind deficits in schizophrenia, shortly after the first episode of psychosis. Methods: We investigated social cognition in seventeen recently diagnosed first-episode schizophrenia (FES) patients with little or no exposure to antipsychotic medication and 1:1 matched healthy controls. We recorded behavioural and neural responses to the Animated Triangles Task (ATT), which is a non-verbal validated mentalizing task that measures the ascription of intentionality to the movements of objects. Results: FES patients under-interpreted social cues and over-interpreted non-social cues. These effects were influenced by current intelligence (IQ). Control group and FES neural responses replicated earlier findings in healthy adults. However, a region of anterior medial prefrontal cortex (amPFC) of FES patients showed a different response pattern to that of controls. Unlike healthy controls, patients increased activity in this social cognition region while studying ‘random’ movements of shapes, as compared to the study of movements normally interpreted as ‘intentional’. Conclusions: Mentalizing deficits in FES consists of hypo- and hyper-mentalizing. The neural pattern of FES patients is consistent with deficits in the ability to switch off mentalizing processes in potentially social contexts, instead increasing them when intentionality is not forthcoming. Overall, results demonstrate complexities of theory of mind deficits in schizophrenia that should be considered when offering social cognitive training programs