23 research outputs found
Assessing satisfaction level among car purchaser in Malaysia empirical study of Perodua Sabah region / Faerozh Madli
The primary objective of this study is to obtain the factors contribute to the decrease of sales performance in context of PERODUA for Sabah region. The study was conducted from the currently news, data of sales performance, and data of customer satisfaction of PERODUA. It is give inspiration for researcher to study to obtain the data from the lenses of the PERODUA customer. For this purpose, 322 questionnaires were distributed, of which return in fully and very usable for data analysis. Survey results indicate that most of the customers not satisfy with elements of the price of PERODUA. This figure should enough for the management of PERODUA for investigate and research deeply for future marketing plan. The taken action was very important to make the PERODUA can compete very well in market and directly deliver better service that is from context of service and product to the customer
Identifying the Factors Influencing Information Usefulness and Information Adoption in Promoting Organ Donation through Social Media
The effectiveness of social media in the context of organ donation is uncertain because of the mixed findings reported in the literature. Hence, this paper aims to review the literature and to identify the factors in social media that can influence one’s decision to register as an organ donor. Most of the earlier studies focused on examining the attitude and knowledge of people toward organ donation after an exposure to social media. However, not many studies look into the impact of message framing towards adoption of information through social media platform. Review from the past studies reveals that information quality, information credibility, visual information, and accessibility information are the possible predictors towards information usefulness in the context organ donation. In the meantime, we propose that information usefulness to have a positive association towards information adoption which will lead to the intention to register as organ donors. A research model is proposed in this study which includes all the variables that are discussed in this paper
Organizational reward system and job satisfaction among non-academic staff at Universiti Malaysia Sabah
The paper aims to investigate the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic reward systems and job satisfaction among non-academic employees at the University of Malaysia Sabah. The researchers used survey questionnaires and secondary data to collect and gather information. The response rate was 51.4% (n=72), and the questionnaire was usable. The data were collected using a convenient sampling technique and analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and smart PLS (Partial Least Square) version 2.0. The result indicates that 0.615 (61.5%) of the variance in job satisfaction is explained by all the two constructs of intrinsic and extrinsic. There were three hypotheses tested. All hypotheses were strongly supported. The result shows that this organization's relationship between the reward system and job satisfaction is significant. The extrinsic reward system has the greatest influence on job satisfaction. Extrinsic rewards such as yearly bonuses can make the workers feel happy and motivate them to work harder in the future. Any organization should be more concerned with extrinsic reward systems such as salary, bonuses, and any outdoor activity that can show appreciation to the employees to boost their job satisfaction
Identifying the factors influencing information usefulness and information adoption in promoting organ donation through social media / Faerozh Madli … [et al.]
The effectiveness of social media in the context of organ donation is uncertain because of the mixed findings reported in the literature. Hence, this paper aims to review the literature and to identify the factors in social media that can influence one’s decision to register as an organ donor. Most of the earlier studies focused on examining the attitude and knowledge of people toward organ donation after an exposure to social media. However, not many studies look into the impact of message framing towards adoption of information through social media platform. Review from the past studies reveals that information quality, information credibility, visual information, and accessibility information are the possible predictors towards information usefulness in the context organ donation. In the meantime, we propose that information usefulness to have a positive association towards information adoption which will lead to the intention to register as organ donors. A research model is proposed in this study which includes all the variables that are discussed in this paper
The effect of social influence and interpersonal identification on The relationship between personality and performance of agents in The multilevel marketing (mlm) industry
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to examine whether there is a significant effect of interpersonal identification on the agent’s performance; second, to examine whether there is a significant mediating effect on the relationship between extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experience, and the agent’s performance; and third, to examine whether there is significant moderating effect of social influence on the relationship between interpersonal identification and the agent’s performance. Ultimately, the researchers want to provide the agent or upline to reach a higher awareness regarding their influence on interpersonal identification between personality and the agent’s performance. Design/methodology/approach – The quantitative method was applied, and 200 questionnaires were distributed. However, only 179 were used as the final sample. This study used PLS-SEM to test the causal interactions between constructs of the proposed model. Findings – Extraversion, conscientiousness, and emotional stability were found to have constructive associations with interpersonal identification. The agent's performance is generally greatly impacted by interpersonal identification. Interpersonal identification indirectly has a considerable impact on the relationship between emotional stability and performance as well as on conscientiousness and performance. Practical implications – This study can be the MLM agent’s management aspirations in shaping the recruitment of MLM, which first focuses on the individual’s personality before involving in the MLM businesses. It will also contribute to sustaining and increasing their agent’s performance in the future and have a keen interest in the MLM industry. The relationships among agents will be improved in future. Nevertheless, they will contribute to people’s economy, specifically in Sabah. Originality/value – First, this study broadens external factors like interpersonal identification and personality traits that might influence contextual performance. Second, prior research has mostly focused on the connection between personality characteristics and sales performance. In contrast, the big five personality traits and interpersonal identification were used in this study to create relative measures of contextual performance for the agent. In Sabah, very few studies in this area have been conducted in such a setting, hence this study adds to the body of information for Sabahan academics and academicians for future study
Exploring the usage of twitter in higher education
The use of technology in the context of higher education is not a novel idea as lecturers and students have used different types of technology such as smartphones, software, and social media. In recent years, social media like Twitter have been extensively used to decimate information about learning. However, there is a global disparity between the use of social media sites like Twitter for higher education; some countries use it extensively, while for some, its use is a rarity. This situation is evident in Malaysia, where there is a low percentage of students and lecturers using Twitter in teaching and learning. Furthermore, there are limited studies related to Twitter in the context of higher education in Malaysia. Based on this gap, this study aims to devise a strategy for using Twitter in Malaysia’s higher education context. This study discusses some of the strategies that can be implemented in conducting learning inside or outside the class. In addition, the study’s findings can benefit many education stakeholders by exploring ways to optimise the use of Twitter in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
Cabaran memiliki insuran banjir di pantai barat Sabah, Malaysia
Salah satu strategi adaptasi yang dapat mengurangkan risiko kerugian akibat banjir adalah dengan melanggan perkhidmatan insuran bencana alam (banjir). Malangnya, penyertaan masyarakat untuk melanggan insuran bencana alam di kebanyakan negara membangun yang rentan terhadap banjir masih tergolong rendah, termasuklah di Malaysia. Rentetan daripada itu kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap bahaya banjir dan meneliti cabaran pemilikan insuran banjir di Pantai Barat Sabah, Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini dua daerah hot spot banjir di Pantai Barat Sabah iaitu Daerah Kota Kinabalu dan Kota Belud dijadikan lokasi kajian. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan tinjauan keratan rentas untuk mendapatkan data di lapangan. Oleh itu, seramai 232 orang responden yang terdiri daripada penduduk di dua buah daerah tersebut telah dijadikan sampel. Data mentah yang telah dikutip dianalisis secara deskriptif (min, sisihan piawai, peratus & frekuensi) menggunakan perisian SPSS (Versi 26). Hasil kajian mendapati beberapa peratus responden menghadapi bahaya banjir pada peringkat tinggi daripada aspek kedalaman (41.1%), kekerapan (10.2%) dan tempoh masa (16.4%). Selain itu, kajian ini turut mendapati bahawa literasi masyarakat yang rendah tentang insuran banjir, rendahnya aksessibiliti terhadap firma insuran banjir dan batasan kewangan merupakan bentuk cabaran utama untuk memiliki insuran banjir di Pantai Barat Sabah. Hasil kajian ini penting sebagai maklumat tambahan untuk membantu merangka strategi yang lebih berkesan bagi meningkatkan pemilikan perlindungan insuran banjir di Sabah khususnya dan di Malaysia umumnya
Analysis of household consumption function based on permanent income hypothesis in Sabah, Malaysia: a conceptual framework
In the past, Sabah has often been reported as Malaysia’s poorest state, with the recorded highest incidence of absolute poverty among all the other states. The consumption patterns of households in Sabah have been significantly impacted by such circumstances. This further draws light on the adverse impact on the broader economy, as low levels of spending may restrict demand for products and services, stifling economic growth. The understanding of households’ consumption functions based on the Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH) will advance knowledge in identifying the key factors that influence the households’ spending decisions. Pointing out the scant number of past studies done within this very context, and focusing on the Sabah state in particular, further motivated this study, this paper aims to develop a conceptual framework that can estimate and examine the households’ consumption functions in Sabah. As such, the methodology of drawing upon narrative reviews from research in the past will be used in this paper to develop the conceptual framework. The result of this study built upon the framework developed will help in identifying the factors that explain the households’ consumption patterns, in particular, whether the function estimated will be consistent with the Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH). It is hoped that the conceptual framework built will aid in providing valuable empirical insight for policymakers in designing effective policies that can uplift households that are living in poverty
We Care Programme: Uplift and Educational Support at Bondulu Children’s Home Toboh, Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia
Purpose - This Community Project’s major goal is to uplift and provide educational support to the underprivileged students in the Needy Children’s Home of Bondulu, Toboh Tambunan. This initiative also aims to motivate and encourage the students to attain a higher level of educational achievement. Methods – Conducting workshops and motivation sessions on educational support to students in need. Through such sessions, students are shared with important information such as courses offered, course entry requirements, career opportunities, etc. Next, interactive activities are carried out to encourage students’ participation and to obtain intuitive education-related information from the students’. Result and discussions – Students from the Needy Home are better informed of the courses offered, the entry requirements and the career pathway available. They become highly motivated as they are exposed to the educational opportunities available to them upon completing their secondary education. Conclusion – In conclusion, the community project achieved its objectives in increasing the student’s knowledge of the education opportunities available to them and to be highly motivated to continue to a higher education level. Besides that, this project also helps the students to build higher self-esteem and to become highly motivated in pursuing higher education. This will assist the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 which aims at ensuring equal access to all levels of education for the vulnerable
Exploring tourist experiences in the lower Kinabatangan River, Sabah: evidence from online reviews
Global demand for wildlife tourism is rising and maintaining a positive tourist experience is essential to ensuring the industry's long-term survival. A top location for wildlife tourism, the Lower Kinabatangan River, located in Sabah, Malaysia, is impacted by its surroundings and requires careful management to maintain its reputation for offering pleasant wildlife tourist experiences. This paper aimed to explore tourist experiences in the Lower Kinabatangan River using user-generated content in Web reviews. This paper utilised 186 online reviews extracted from the TripAdvisor website and analysed the data with Leximancer software. Three themes were derived from the data analysis: river, monkey, and trip. The cloud-generated concepts were discussed through the tourist experience's services cape context. The result reveals that most tourist (87.63%) shows positive overall experiences; however, some do show concerns about the issue of rubbishes, dead fish in the river, the invasion of oil palm plantation, and forest destruction. The valuable insights offer a better understanding of the determinants of tourist experiences for the Lower Kinabatangan River to formulate strategies to increase their positive experiences and draw up alternatives to minimise the negative experiences