11 research outputs found
Digital Humanities (DH) is a conceptual framework, an approach, and a method that has shaped contemporary studies and management of cultural heritage. The DH method started in the 1960s-70s among linguistic and literary studies scholars who applied DH perspective to carry out research on textual materials. The development of visual graphic and internet technologies have enabled the DH to be applied for the studies on cultural heritage materials.
DH has changed social science and humanities paradigm. When most social science and humanistic work remains as individual and limited projects, the DH approach uses computation to expand the social science and humanities work to involve more media platforms and reach a wider subject matters or audiences. The DH opens the social science and humanities research to diverse audio- visual forms, no longer limiting social science and humanities work to textual form.
In Indonesia, DH approach and method has not yet been applied in cultural heritage studies and management. Digitizing heritage is a new initiative that has just started in the last decade. However, the digitizing work has not gone beyond simply recording and documentation practice. In so doing, the digitizing initiative in Indonesia has not resorted to the DH’s most important contribution as a critical paradigm in heritage research.Humaniora Digital (DH) adalah konsep, pendekatan, dan metode yang sekarang banyak diterapkan dalam kajian dan pengelolaan warisan budaya. Meskipun perspektif HD baru akhir-akhir ini muncul, model kerja HD sudah ada sejak 1960-1970an yang berkembang di kalangan peneliti linguistik dan sastra. Ketika perspektif awal HD lebih menekankan askpek tekstual, perkembangan teknologi grafis dan internet memungkinkan perspektif HD diterapkan juga untuk kajian dan pengelolaan material warisan budaya secara umum.
HD mengubah paradigma proses dan tujuan studi sosial-humaniora. Apabila sebelumnya studi sosial-humaniora bersifat individual dan terbatas, maka teknologi komputasi membuka kesempatan bagi disiplin sosial-humaniora untuk melakukan kajian yang lebih luas dengan melibatkan material dan media yang lebih beragam. Kajian sosial-humaniora tidak lagi hanya tentang teks, tetapi juga bisa melibatkan platform audio-visual lain. Selain itu, HD bisa dilihat sebagai kritik metode dan kritik kebudayaan, yaitu tentang akses terhadap pengetahuan dan pilihan interpretatif dalam proses alih wahana dari data non- digital menjadi data digital.
Di Indonesia, kerja HD masih dalam tahap sangat awal dan baru terbatas pada dokumentasi material warisan budaya dalam bentuk digital. Inisiatif dokumentasi ini belum dilengkapi dengan dimensi reflektif dalam usaha untuk menempatkan dokumentasi digital tersebut sebagai bagian dari proses penelitian. Dengan kata lain, perspektif HD di Indonesia bukan berangkat dari keperluan sebagai kajian sosial-humaniora, tetapi lebih berorientasi pada kebutuhan praktis mengumpulkan data dasar tentang keragaman jenis warisan budaya tangible dan intangible
The Social Life of Reconciliation: Religion and the Struggle for Social Justice in Post-New Order Indonesia
Anthropologists of law have long studied reconciliation to understand how people resolve disputes. Studies on conflict resolution and on reconciliation examine a general process of reconciliation deployed to restore harmony and prevent retaliation. This role of reconciliation often becomes a significant part of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedure that seeks to include local actors and local institutions in dispute resolutions. Studies of ADR often assume that reconciliation takes place between individuals or groups of individual over issues related to, among others, property, domestic violence or inheritance.
My research wants to bring the state back into the analysis of reconciliation by introducing the state, or those representing the interests of the state, as a party to the reconciliation process. The research sheds light on reconciliation as a discursive imagination, while still maintaining a general perspective that reconciliation is a method people use in or outside the courts to resolve disputes. The research investigates proliferations of reconciliation discourse as it enters national political space. The analysis of transnational proliferation of discourse relies on the notion of ‘critical disjuncture’ (Appadurai, 1996) to examine discursive shifts that produce a specific political and legal constellation to come to terms with the legacy of New Order violence. The research maintains that ‘critical disjuncture’ emerges when state apparatuses, human rights activists, public intellectuals and victims of violence resort to the transnational discourse of reconciliation to negotiate their engagement with the legacy or the memory of violence. This ‘critical disjuncture’ constitutes the social life of reconciliation that is the focus of my research. My interest rests less on analysing different forms of reconciliation than on following the processes that make reconciliation what it is, whatever form it takes
Riot Narrative: Public Sphere, Pragmatism, and (Multi) Cultural Politics
Perdebatan tentang multikulturalisme di Indonesia dipicu oleh kecanggungan teori-teori kebudayaan menghadapi munculnya ledakan ruang publik dengan berbagai macam artikulasi kepentingan etnis, religius, dan sejarah. Oleh karena itu, perbincangan tentang multikulturalisme di Indonesia tak dapat dilepaskan dari percakapan dan perdebatan yang berkembang sejalan dengan makin beragamnya ruang-ruang publik di Indonesia. Dengan kata lain, multikulturalisme sebenarnya harus dilihat sebagai sebuah proses yang terjadi pada ruang-ruang publik, bukan sekedar sebuah kondisi yang menentukan suatu, dan satu-satunya, ruang publik. Sebagai sebuah proses, multikulturalisme bersandar pada negosiasi antar berbagai macam praktik sosial (social practices); sebuah proses politik kebudayaan yang tak selalu-bagi saya, justru tak mungkin-menghasilkan sebuah ruang publik homogeny dan setara seperti yang dibayangkan oleh Will Kymlicka. Berangkat dari pandangan tersebut di atas, tulisan ini mencoba menguraikan satu bentuk praktik sosial yang seringkali dipakai sebagai sebuah wahana artikulasi kepentingan etnis dan religius akhir-akhir ini. Praktik tersebut adalah penuturan kisah (story telling). Takseperti pendekatan konvensional dalam antropologi yang melihat kisah/cerita (story) sebagai wadah simbol dan struktur (a symbolic and structural repository), tulisan ini akan memperlakukan cerita sebagai sebuah media material yang dipakai oleh berbagai aktor sosial untuk meramaikan perdebatan politik kebudayaan dalam bermacam-macam ruang publik. Di pihak lain, sering kali cerita juga menjadi wahana untuk mengartikulasikan, atau membentuk, ruang publik itu sendiri. Secara etnografis, paper ini akan membicarakan sebuah tipe cerita, yaitu narasi tentang kekerasan, lebih khusus lagi yaitu narasi tentang kerusuhan yang pernah meledak di Jakarta. Diharapkan kajian etnografis ini dapat memberikan sebuah contoh tentang kompleksitas yang ada dalam pengertian multikulturalisme sebagai sebuah proses politik (multi) kultural, dan tentang perlunya etnografi mengambil jarak kritis terhadap pandangan multikulturalisme yang sekedar bersandarkan pada bentukan (form) etnisitas dan religious
Kajian Wilayah : Perkembangan dan Isu Kontemporer
Buku ini adalah kumpulan artikel yang membahas mengenai kajian wilayah perkembangan dan isu kontemporer.vi, 171 p. : col. ill. ; 21 c
Politik kebudayaan di dunia seni rupa kontemporer : A.D. Pirous dan medan seni Indonesia
Integrated High-Definition Visualization of Digital Archives for Borobudur Temple
The preservation and analysis of tangible cultural heritage sites have attracted enormous interest worldwide. Recently, establishing three-dimensional (3D) digital archives has emerged as a critical strategy for the permanent preservation and digital analysis of cultural sites. For extant parts of cultural sites, 3D scanning is widely used for efficient and accurate digitization. However, in many historical sites, many parts that have been damaged or lost by natural or artificial disasters are unavailable for 3D scanning. The remaining available data sources for these destroyed parts are photos, computer-aided design (CAD) drawings, written descriptions, etc. In this paper, we achieve an integrated digital archive of a UNESCO World Heritage site, namely, the Borobudur temple, in which buried reliefs and internal foundations are not available for 3D scanning. We introduce a digitizing framework to integrate three different kinds of data sources and to create a unified point-cloud-type digital archive. This point-based integration enables us to digitally record the entire 3D structure of the target cultural heritage site. Then, the whole site is visualized by stochastic point-based rendering (SPBR) precisely and comprehensibly. The proposed framework is widely applicable to other large-scale cultural sites
Integrated High-Definition Visualization of Digital Archives for Borobudur Temple
The preservation and analysis of tangible cultural heritage sites have attracted enormous interest worldwide. Recently, establishing three-dimensional (3D) digital archives has emerged as a critical strategy for the permanent preservation and digital analysis of cultural sites. For extant parts of cultural sites, 3D scanning is widely used for efficient and accurate digitization. However, in many historical sites, many parts that have been damaged or lost by natural or artificial disasters are unavailable for 3D scanning. The remaining available data sources for these destroyed parts are photos, computer-aided design (CAD) drawings, written descriptions, etc. In this paper, we achieve an integrated digital archive of a UNESCO World Heritage site, namely, the Borobudur temple, in which buried reliefs and internal foundations are not available for 3D scanning. We introduce a digitizing framework to integrate three different kinds of data sources and to create a unified point-cloud-type digital archive. This point-based integration enables us to digitally record the entire 3D structure of the target cultural heritage site. Then, the whole site is visualized by stochastic point-based rendering (SPBR) precisely and comprehensibly. The proposed framework is widely applicable to other large-scale cultural sites
Semantic Segmentation for Digital Archives of Borobudur Reliefs Based on Soft-Edge Enhanced Deep Learning
Segmentation and visualization of three-dimensional digital cultural heritage are important analytical tools for the intuitive understanding of content. In this paper, we propose a semantic segmentation and visualization framework that automatically classifies carved items (people, buildings, plants, etc.) in cultural heritage reliefs. We also apply our method to the bas-reliefs of Borobudur Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Indonesia. The difficulty in relief segmentation lies in the fact that the boundaries of each carved item are formed by indistinct soft edges, i.e., edges with low curvature. This unfavorable relief feature leads the conventional methods to fail to extract soft edges, whether they are three-dimensional methods classifying a three-dimensional scanned point cloud or two-dimensional methods classifying pixels in a drawn image. To solve this problem, we propose a deep-learning-based soft edge enhanced network to extract the semantic labels of each carved item from multichannel images that are projected from the three-dimensional point clouds of the reliefs. The soft edges in the reliefs can be clearly extracted using our novel opacity-based edge highlighting method. By mapping the extracted semantic labels into three-dimensional points of the relief data, the proposed method provides comprehensive three-dimensional semantic segmentation results of the Borobudur reliefs
High-Visibility Edge-Highlighting Visualization of 3D Scanned Point Clouds Based on Dual 3D Edge Extraction
Recent advances in 3D scanning have enabled the digital recording of complex objects as large-scale point clouds, which require clear visualization to convey their 3D shapes effectively. Edge-highlighting visualization is used to improve the comprehensibility of complex 3D structures by enhancing the 3D edges and high-curvature regions of the scanned objects. However, traditional methods often struggle with real-world objects due to inadequate representation of soft edges (i.e., rounded edges) and excessive line clutter, impairing resolution and depth perception. To address these challenges, we propose a novel visualization method for 3D scanned point clouds based on dual 3D edge extraction and opacity–color gradation. Dual 3D edge extraction separately identifies sharp and soft edges, integrating both into the visualization. Opacity–color gradation enhances the clarity of fine structures within soft edges through variations in color and opacity, while also creating a halo effect that improves both resolution and depth perception of the visualized edges. Computation times required for dual 3D edge extraction are comparable to conventional binary statistical edge-extraction methods. Visualizations with opacity–color gradation are executable at interactive rendering speeds. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated using 3D scanned point cloud data from high-value cultural heritage objects