7 research outputs found
Investment and Environmental Impact Assestment: Impact of the Change in Environmental Approval Regulations towards Environmental Sustainability under the Job Creation Act
The abolition of environmental permits for business activities in the Ciptaker Law has generated quite reasonable debate. Environmental permits are one method of preventing environmental damage and pollution. The abolition of this environmental permit aims to facilitate investment for investors, both domestic and foreign investors. This article will discuss the function of licensing and what are the impacts and threats to the environment of the abolition of environmental permits in the Ciptaker Law.Zniesienie pozwoleń środowiskowych dla prowadzących działalność gospodarczą, usankcjonowane ustawą Ciptakera, wywołuje sporo kontrowersji. Pozwolenia środowiskowe są jedną z metod przeciwdziałania zanieczyszczaniu i niszczeniu środowiska naturalnego.Zniesienie tej kontroli środowiskowej ma na celu ułatwienie inwestorom, zarówno krajowym, jak i zagranicznym, realizację zamierzonych inwestycji. Niniejszy artykuł omawia funkcję licencjonowania oraz wpływy i zagrożenia dla środowiska, jakie pociąga za sobą zniesieniepozwoleń środowiskowych umożliwione ustawą Ciptakera
Bencana Alam Banjir Dan Tanah Lonsor Di Kabupaten Sentani Jayapura Dalam Prespektif Green Criminology
This article aims to analyze two main problems related to the connection between floods and landslides that occurred in Sentani Jayapura Regency with green criminology discipline as the main approach perspective. This paper also offer projection as a means of prevention of environmental damage that has an impact on the natural disaster. This research uses a multi-method research technique (triangular method), which combines more than one research technique or strategy to study one or several related phenomena. The conclusion, in general, consists of two main parts. First, the connection between flood and landslide natural disasters in Sentani Jayapura Regency with green criminology, lies in the scope of green criminology in relation to factors in factual incidents in the example cases raised. Second, the means of prevention as a projection offer, in outline it consists of several main points. First, restoring the forest area according to its function. Second, conduct a spatial review based on considerations of disaster risk reduction and develop an adaptation scheme at the point of flooding. Third, internalization of land rehabilitation programs in the upstream and middle watersheds (DAS), especially forest areas, into program indications for spatial planning. Fourth, internalization of the soil and water conservation program in the form of Water Drainage (SPA) in agricultural land and settlements to improve regulation so as to reduce the potential for landslides and water accumulation in a short time. Fifth, socialization to the public by providing an understanding of green criminology and the importance of environmental responsibility
Trips Agreement Dan Standarisasi Hukum Perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Industri Di Indonesia
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right Agreement 1995 (TRPS Agreement) is an international provision in the field of intellectual property rights protection that applies universally. Indonesia as a country of law, has all laws relating to the protection of intellectual property rights with reference to the TRIPS Agreement. The TRIPS Agreemnt formulation must also refer to the Paris Convention For the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883 which has been recognized as the legal basis for the protection of intellectual property rights globally. Protection of industrial assets consisting of Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Industrial designs, Protection of Plant Varieties and Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits must be carried out by the state towards the holders of the said industrial property right
A good writing skill could be a benchmark of someone’s good ability in English. This study aims find the way how the practice of cooperative assessment can diminish errors and mistakes in students’ writing and to see students’ view towards cooperative assessment method in writing class. Qualitative approach by using case study method was selected, and the data were taken by means of observation, document analysis and interview towards the fourth semester students of Serambi Mekah University Banda Aceh, Indonesia in 2018/2019 academic year. The findings shown that there were three techniques of cooperative assessment that may lessen errors and mistakes in students’ writing, namely; peer review, lecturers’ feedback and classroom reviewing activity. In students’ view, cooperative assessment has some benefits (improving grammatical awareness, improving students’ vocabularies, and improving the structure of students’ writing) as well as drawbacks (peer errors in editing, and time consuming). Therefore, it is recommended that students make their errors and mistakes diary notes and lecturers are advised to start making grammar errors and mistakes checklists based on the learning objectives for students’ peer reviewing practice
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of crossword media on student achievement in Geography IPS Class XI at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya. This kind of research uses a quasi-experimental design with a pre- and post-test for two different groups. The participants were eleventh-grade IPS students. A simple random sampling technique from probability was used to choose the sample. The XI IPS 5 class served as the experimental group, while the XI IPS 3 class served as the control group. Crosswords were included into the therapeutic sessions for the test group but were not utilized with the XI IPS 3 control group. A rise from 50.71 to 67.11 was found to be the average for the control group in the statistical analysis. Based on the data collected, we can see that the experimental group's mean score increased from 39.00 on the pretest to 69.57 on the posttest. Under the null hypothesis of equal variances, SPSS's independent sample t-test analysis yields a t value of -6,274 and a p-value of 0.00 0.05, indicating that H0 cannot be accepted. Class XI IPS students at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya may benefit from practicing crossword puzzles to increase their geographical knowledge, thus this sort of media is advised
Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) di Desa Mayanggeneng Kecamatan Kalitidu Kabupaten Bojonegoro
Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) merupakan salah satu strategi pembelajaran bagi calon sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat untuk mengaplikasikan secara langsung pengetahuan, ketrampilan, dan sikap yang dimiliki di masyarakat, khususnya menyelesaikan masalah di bidang kesehatan dengan sistem berpikir yang kritis, sistematis, dan dikaji dari berbagai sudut pandang. Mahasiswa kelompok V PKL FKM UNAIR Tahun 2019, berkesempatan untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang dimiliki di Desa Mayanggeneng, Kecamatan Kalitidu, Kabupaten Bojonegoro.
Kegiatan yang telah dilakukan selama masa Praktik Kerja Lapangan diantaranya adalah melakukan studi pendahuluan berdasarkan profil Desa Mayanggeneng dan analisis situasi dengan menggunakan metode perhitungan SWOT, pengambilan data melalui kuesioner, indepth interview, dan observasi, penentuan prioritas masalah melalui metode USG, identifikasi akar penyebab masalah dengan menggunakan fishbone, penentuan akar penyebab masalah dan alternatif solusi melalui Metaplan, penentuan prioritas masalah dengan menggunakan metode MEER, serta penyusunan implementasi dan evaluasi program intervensi yang berkaitan dengan hasil analisis yang diperoleh