190 research outputs found

    Multipartite entanglement in qubit systems

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    We introduce a potential of multipartite entanglement for a system of n qubits, as the average over all balanced bipartitions of a bipartite entanglement measure, the purity. We study in detail its expression and look for its minimizers, the maximally multipartite entangled states. They have a bipartite entanglement that does not depend on the bipartition and is maximal for all possible bipartitions. We investigate their structure and consider several examples for small n.Comment: 42 page

    Kick and fix: the roots of quantum control

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    When two operators AA and BB do not commute, the calculation of the exponential operator eA+Be^{A+B} is a difficult and crucial problem. The applications are vast and diversified: to name but a few examples, quantum evolutions, product formulas, quantum control, Zeno effect. The latter are of great interest in quantum applications and quantum technologies. We present here a historical survey of results and techniques, and discuss differences and similarities. We also highlight the link with the strong coupling regime, via the adiabatic theorem, and contend that the "pulsed" and "continuous" formulations differ only in the order by which two limits are taken, and are but two faces of the same coin.Comment: 6 page

    Classical and quantum aspects of tomography

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    We present here a set of lecture notes on tomography. The Radon transform and some of its generalizations are considered and their inversion formulae are proved. We will also look from a group-theoretc point of view at the more general problem of expressing a function on a manifold in terms of its integrals over certain submanifolds. Finally, the extension of the tomographic maps to the quantum case is considered, as a Weyl-Wigner quantization of the classical case.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum Thermodynamics and Canonical Typicality

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    We present here a set of lecture notes on quantum thermodynamics and canonical typicality. Entanglement can be constructively used in the foundations of statistical mechanics. An alternative version of the postulate of equal a priori probability is derived making use of some techniques of convex geometr

    Quantum cavities with alternating boundary conditions

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    We consider the quantum dynamics of a free nonrelativistic particle moving in a cavity and we analyze the effect of a rapid switching between two different boundary conditions. We show that this procedure induces, in the limit of infinitely frequent switchings, a new effective dynamics in the cavity related to a novel boundary condition. We obtain a dynamical composition law for boundary conditions which gives the emerging boundary condition in terms of the two initial ones

    On the derivation of the GKLS equation for weakly coupled systems

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    We consider the reduced dynamics of a small quantum system in interaction with a reservoir when the initial state is factorized. We present a rigorous derivation of a GKLS master equation in the weak-coupling limit for a generic bath, which is not assumed to have a bosonic or fermionic nature, and whose reference state is not necessarily thermal. The crucial assumption is a reservoir state endowed with a mixing property: the n-point connected correlation function of the interaction must be asymptotically bounded by the product of two-point functions (clustering property).Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Self-adjoint extensions and unitary operators on the boundary

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    We establish a bijection between the self-adjoint extensions of the Laplace operator on a bounded regular domain and the unitary operators on the boundary. Each unitary encodes a specific relation between the boundary value of the function and its normal derivative. This bijection sets up a characterization of all physically admissible dynamics of a nonrelativistic quantum particle confined in a cavity. More- over, this correspondence is discussed also at the level of quadratic forms. Finally, the connection between this parametrization of the extensions and the classical one, in terms of boundary self-adjoint operators on closed subspaces, is shown.Comment: 16 page

    Tomography: mathematical aspects and applications

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    In this article we present a review of the Radon transform and the instability of the tomographic reconstruction process. We show some new mathematical results in tomography obtained by a variational formulation of the reconstruction problem based on the minimization of a Mumford-Shah type functional. Finally, we exhibit a physical interpretation of this new technique and discuss some possible generalizations.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Typicality and Initial Conditions

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    If the state of a quantum system is sampled out of a suitable ensemble, the measurement of some observables will yield (almost) always the same result. This leads us to the notion of quantum typicality: for some quantities the initial conditions are immaterial. We discuss this problem in the framework of Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 8 page