319 research outputs found
Top-quark decay into Higgs boson and a light quark at next-to-leading order in QCD
Neutral flavor-changing transitions are hugely suppressed in the Standard
Model and therefore they are very sensitive to new physics. We consider the
decay rate of t->u_i h where u_i=u,c using an effective field theory approach.
We perform the calculation at NLO in QCD including the relevant dimension-six
operators. We find that at NLO the contribution from the flavor-changing
chromomagnetic operator is as important as the standard QCD correction to the
flavor-changing Yukawa coupling. In addition to improving the accuracy of the
theoretical predictions, the NLO calculation provides information on the
operator mixing under the renormalization group.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
Resurrecting the Dead Cone
The dead cone is a well-known effect in gauge theories, where radiation from
a charged particle of mass m and energy E is suppressed within an angular size
of m/E. This effect is universal as it does not depend on the spin of the
particle nor on the nature of the gauge interaction. It is challenging to
directly measure the dead cone at colliders, however, since the region of
suppressed radiation either is too small to be resolved or is filled by the
decay products of the massive particle. In this paper, we propose to use jet
substructure techniques to expose the dead cone effect in the strong-force
radiation pattern around boosted top quarks at the Large Hadron Collider. Our
study shows that with 300/fb of 13-14 TeV collision data, ATLAS and CMS could
obtain the first direct evidence of the dead cone effect and test its basic
features.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; v2: references added; v3: approximate version
to appear in PR
Inclusive production of a Higgs or Z boson in association with heavy quarks
We calculate the cross section for the production of a Z boson in association
with heavy quarks. We suggest that this cross section can be measured using an
inclusive heavy-quark tagging technique. This could be used as a feasibility
study for the search for a Higgs boson produced in association with bottom
quarks. We argue that the best formalism for calculating that cross section is
based on the leading-order process b b -> h, and that it is valid for all Higgs
masses of interest at both the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN Large Hadron
Collider.Comment: 14 page
Constraining the Higgs self couplings at colliders
We study the sensitivity to the shape of the Higgs potential of single,
double, and triple Higgs production at future colliders. Physics
beyond the Standard Model is parameterised through the inclusion of
higher-dimensional operators
with , which allows a consistent treatment of independent deviations of
the cubic and quartic self couplings beyond the tree level. We calculate the
effects induced by a modified potential up to one loop in single and double
Higgs production and at the tree level in triple Higgs production, for both
boson associated and boson fusion production mechanisms. We consider two
different scenarios. First, the dimension six operator provides the dominant
contribution (as expected, for instance, in a linear
effective-field-theory(EFT)); we find in this case that the corresponding
Wilson coefficient can be determined at accuracy by just
combining accurate measurements of single Higgs cross sections at 240-250 GeV and double Higgs production in boson fusion at higher
energies. Second, both operators of dimension six and eight can give effects of
similar order, i.e., independent quartic self coupling deviations are present.
Constraints on Wilson coefficients can be best tested by combining measurements
from single, double and triple Higgs production. Given that the sensitivity of
single Higgs production to the dimension eight operator is presently unknown,
we consider double and triple Higgs production and show that combining their
information colliders at higher energies will provide first coarse constraints
on the corresponding Wilson coefficient.Comment: minor changes, version accepted for publication in JHE
Higgs production in association with a top-antitop pair in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at NLO in QCD
We present the results of the computation of the next-to-leading order QCD
corrections to the production cross section of a Higgs boson in association
with a top-antitop pair at the LHC, including the three relevant dimension-six
operators () of the standard model
effective field theory. These operators also contribute to the production of
Higgs bosons in loop-induced processes at the LHC, such as inclusive Higgs,
and production, and modify the Higgs decay branching ratios for which
we also provide predictions. We perform a detailed study of the cross sections
and their uncertainties at the total as well as differential level and of the
structure of the effective field theory at NLO including renormalisation group
effects. Finally, we show how the combination of information coming from
measurements of these production processes will allow to constrain the three
operators at the current and future LHC runs. Our results lead to a significant
improvement of the accuracy and precision of the deviations expected from
higher-dimensional operators in the SM in both the top-quark and the
Higgs-boson sectors and provide a necessary ingredient for performing a global
EFT fit to the LHC data at NLO accuracy.Comment: typos in figures 7 & 12 correcte
Monotops at the LHC
We explore scenarios where top quarks may be produced singly in association
with missing energy, a very distinctive signature, which in analogy with
monojets, we dub monotops. We find that monotops can be produced in a variety
of modes, typically characterized by baryon number violating or flavor changing
neutral interactions. We build a simplified model that encompasses all the
possible (tree-level) production mechanisms and study the LHC sensitiveness to
a few representative scenarios by considering fully hadronic top decays. We
find that constraints on such exotic models can already be set with one inverse
femtobarn of integrated luminosity collected at seven TeV.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; version accepted by PR
Associated production of a top-quark pair with vector bosons at NLO in QCD: impact on searches at the LHC
We study the production of a top-quark pair in association with one and two
vector bosons, and with , at the
LHC. We provide predictions at next-to-leading order in QCD for total cross
sections and top-quark charge asymmetries as well as for differential
distributions. A thorough discussion of the residual theoretical uncertainties
related to missing higher orders and to parton distribution functions is
presented. As an application, we calculate the total cross sections for this
class of processes (together with and
production) at hadron colliders for energies up to 100 TeV. In addition, by
matching the NLO calculation to a parton shower, we determine the contribution
of and to final state signatures (two-photon and
two-same-sign-, three- and four-lepton) relevant for analyses at
the Run II of the LHC.Comment: 44 pages, 23 figures. Version published on JHEP, typos in Table 5
have been correcte
Tracking down hyper-boosted top quarks
The identification of hadronically decaying heavy states, such as vector
bosons, the Higgs, or the top quark, produced with large transverse boosts has
been and will continue to be a central focus of the jet physics program at the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC). At a future hadron collider working at an
order-of-magnitude larger energy than the LHC, these heavy states would be
easily produced with transverse boosts of several TeV. At these energies, their
decay products will be separated by angular scales comparable to individual
calorimeter cells, making the current jet substructure identification
techniques for hadronic decay modes not directly employable. In addition, at
the high energy and luminosity projected at a future hadron collider, there
will be numerous sources for contamination including initial- and final-state
radiation, underlying event, or pile-up which must be mitigated. We propose a
simple strategy to tag such "hyper-boosted" objects that defines jets with
radii that scale inversely proportional to their transverse boost and combines
the standard calorimetric information with charged track-based observables. By
means of a fast detector simulation, we apply it to top quark identification
and demonstrate that our method efficiently discriminates hadronically decaying
top quarks from light QCD jets up to transverse boosts of 20 TeV. Our results
open the way to tagging heavy objects with energies in the multi-TeV range at
present and future hadron colliders.Comment: 19 pages + appendices, 17 figures; v2: added references, updated
cross section tabl
Choosing the Factorization Scale in Perturbative QCD
We define the collinear factorization scheme, which absorbs only the
collinear physics into the parton distribution functions. In order to isolate
the collinear physics, we introduce a procedure to combine real and virtual
corrections, canceling infrared singularities prior to integration. In the
collinear scheme, the factorization scale has a simple physical
interpretation as a collinear cutoff. We present a method for choosing the
factorization scale and apply it to the Drell-Yan process; we find , where is the vector-boson invariant mass. We show that, for a wide
variety of collision energies and , the radiative corrections are small in
the collinear scheme for this choice of factorization scale.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure
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