1,371 research outputs found

    Negative tripartite mutual information after quantum quenches in integrable systems

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    We build the quasiparticle picture for the tripartite mutual information (TMI) after quantum quenches in spin chains that can be mapped onto free-fermion theories. A nonzero TMI (equivalently, topological entropy) signals quantum correlations between three regions of a quantum many-body system. The TMI is sensitive to entangled multiplets of more than two quasiparticles, i.e., beyond the entangled-pair paradigm of the standard quasiparticle picture. Surprisingly, for some nontrivially entangled multiplets the TMI is negative at intermediate times. This means that the mutual information is monogamous, similar to holographic theories. Oppositely, for multiplets that are "classically" entangled, the TMI is positive. Crucially, a negative TMI reflects that the entanglement content of the multiplets is not directly related to the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE) that describes the post-quench steady state. Thus, the TMI is the ideal lens to observe the weakening of the relationship between entanglement and thermodynamics. We benchmark our results in the XX chain and in the transverse field Ising chain. In the hydrodynamic limit of long times and large intervals, with their ratio fixed, exact lattice results are in agreement with the quasiparticle picture.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 1 appendix. Minor modifications, similar to published versio

    Corresponsabilità educativa nell'esperienza dei Centri Provinciali per l'Istruzione degli Adulti: i vissuti dei docenti

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    This article seeks to present exploratory research into courses of action developed by teachers at Provincial Centres for Adult Education (CPIA), detailing the care they take, in coordination and collaboration with all the relevant authority figures including voluntary legal guardians, in setting out measures that encourage educational co-responsibility to help meet the educational needs of unaccompanied teenage migrants in a suitable way. The fundamental idea of the research is to demonstrate the role of schools as educating communities, in the problematic support paths of unaccompanied minor migrants; the whole process takes place in close collaboration with educational agencies within communities of practice, to promote an idea of inclusive citizenship. The survey, which follows the phenomenological method, presents the results of an initial exploratory study using semi-structured interviews, which are helpful in revealing the views and new meanings that educational co-responsibility is assuming at the CPIAs of Palermo, Agrigento and Catania.Il presente contributo intende presentare una ricerca esplorativa sulle linee di intervento elaborate dai docenti dei Centri Provinciali per l’Istruzione degli Adulti (CPIA), in relazione all’attenzione che essi pongono alla costruzione di azioni coordinate e collaborative con le diverse figure di riferimento, tra cui quella dei tutori legali volontari, per favorire una corresponsabilità educativa che possa aiutare a rispondere in modo adeguato ai bisogni educativi dei minori migranti soli. L’idea di fondo della ricerca è di portare alla luce il ruolo delle scuole, intese come comunità educanti, nei percorsi delicati di affiancamento dei minori migranti non accompagnati in stretta collaborazione con le altre agenzie educative per promuovere un’idea di cittadinanza inclusiva. L’indagine, che segue il metodo fenomenologico, presenta i risultati di una prima ricerca esplorativa, attraverso l’ausilio dell’intervista semi-strutturata, utile per far emergere i punti di vista e i nuovi significati che sta assumendo la corresponsabilità educativa nei CPIA di Palermo, Agrigento e Catania


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    L’ingresso e la presenza in Italia di persone migranti è, fin da sempre, un tema di confronto fra coloro che ritengono che sia giusto favorire un’adeguata accoglienza e coloro che sostengono il contrario. Il presente contributo intende illustrare le forme possibili di ingresso legale di migranti profughi nei paesi dell’Unione Europea, con particolare attenzione all’ingresso legale in Italia. A partire dal 2014, il governo italiano ha manifestato l’intenzione di sviluppare un programma di reinsediamento al fine di dare ai migranti profughi una adeguata protezione. Attualmente, attraverso la rete dei Corridoi Umanitari, sotto il coordinamento del Dipartimento per le Libertà Civili e Immigrazione del Ministero dell’Interno, sono previsti percorsi di accoglienza, accompagnamento socio-culturale, per migranti che vivono regolarmente nel nostro territorio. Dal punto di vista pedagogico, secondo la prospettiva interculturale, è necessario porre l’attenzione a queste nuove forme di accoglienza e inclusione dei migranti, in quanto rappresentano un sentiero volto a ridurre le forme di irregolarità che il fenomeno stesso tende a generare.The entry and presence in Italy of migrants has always been a topic of discussion between those who consider it right to promote adequate reception and those who argue the opposite. This contribution aims to provide a picture of the possible legal access channels to the E.U. for migrants and refugees, with particular attention to legal access to Italy. Since 2014 the Italian Government has demonstrated an attempt to develop a resettlement programme, in order to give migrants appropriate protection. At present, through the network of humanitarian corridors, under the coordination of Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Ministry of the Interior, pathways to reception and socio-cultural accompanying are provided for migrants who live in Italy legally. From a pedagogical point of view and an intercultural perspective, it is necessary to focus on these new forms of reception and inclusion of migrants, as they represent a way to reduce irregularities generated by the phenomenon of immigration itself

    Le differenze culturali come mezzo per creare ponti e valorizzare storie: il punto di vista dell’accoglienza a Bologna, Ferrara e Ravenna.

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    Lo scopo del presente lavoro è di illustrare i metodi, le strategie e le prassi educative di presa in carico personalizzata dei minori stranieri non accompagnati nel sistema italiano dell’accoglienza. Sebbene tratti di un settore complesso, il contributo intende far luce sui rischi e sulle opportunità che caratterizzano le relazioni multiculturali in questo contesto. Analizzando l'esperienza dell'accoglienza dei minori stranieri non accompagnati dell’HUB e dello SPRAR (Sistema di Protezione per Richiedenti Asilo e Rifugiati) nei territori di Bologna, Ferrara e Ravenna, si cercherà di farne emergere le potenzialità, le criticità e la percezione del personale educativo che opera in un campo altamente controverso e conflittuale. L’implementazione di un’accoglienza strutturata rappresenta una risposta altamente tutelante ai bisogni dei minori poiché si inserisce, nel nostro territorio, in un sistema di rete attivo da anni, che ha saputo mettere in sinergia competenze specifiche da parte degli enti e delle istituzioni coinvolti.The aim of this article is the presentation of methods, strategies and educational practices applied in the context of Italian migratory-flow management and in particular in the reception of unaccompanied foreign minors. This system is undeniably complex; nonetheless this work’s purpose is to highlight the risks and opportunities linked to the development of multicultural relations between immigrants and the welcoming country’s representatives. By analysing the experiencesof reception centres for unaccompanied minors in the HUB and SPRAR (Sistema di Protezione per Richiedenti Asilo e Rifugiati i.e. Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) systems in the areas of Bologna, Ferrara and Ravenna, the article describes the potentialities, the weaknesses and the perception of educational personnel operating in a controversial and complicated situation. The implementation of a first and second level reception system represents a solution which greatly safeguards unaccompanied minors. In fact, this more structured system relies on a consolidated network in which institutions and public stakeholders properly collaborate, developing specific competences in a synergic fashion

    A bug’s life: Delving into the challenges of helminth microbiome studies

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    The body of vertebrates is inhabited by trillions of microorganisms, i.e. viruses, archaea, bacteria and unicellular eukaryotes, together referred to as the ‘microbiota’. Similarly, vertebrates also host a plethora of parasitic worms (the ‘macrobiota’), some of which share their environment with the microbiota inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract [1]. Complex interactions between the helminths and the gut microbiota have been associated with establishment of parasite infection, disease manifestations, and host immune-modulation [2, 3]. Remarkably, not only enteric helminths alter the 26 gut microbiome composition [4], but also the infection with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma has been associated to intestinal dysbiosis even before the onset of egg laying [5, 6]. Comparably, over the last decade, evidence has emerged of the contribution(s) of the resident microbiota to several physiological and reproductive processes of invertebrate hosts, including insects, arachnids, worms and snails [7, 8]. These noteworthy discoveries, coupled with 30 the recent expansion of high-throughput microbiota- and microbiome-profiling approaches (the former referring to a community of microorganisms themselves, and the latter to the microorganisms and their genomes, in a ecological niche), are rapidly leading to a much better understanding of the composition and functions of microbial communities inhabiting parasitic worms of major public health and socio-economic significance. This basic knowledge might expose exploitable vulnerabilities of parasites, paving the way to the development of novel control strategies [9]

    Local Optima Networks, Landscape Autocorrelation and Heuristic Search Performance

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    Chicano, F., Daolio F., Ochoa G., Vérel S., Tomassini M., & Alba E. (2012). Local Optima Networks, Landscape Autocorrelation and Heuristic Search Performance. (Coello, C. A. Coello, Cutello V., Deb K., Forrest S., Nicosia G., & Pavone M., Ed.).Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XII - 12th International Conference, Taormina, Italy, September 1-5, 2012, Proceedings, Part II. 337–347.Recent developments in fitness landscape analysis include the study of Local Optima Networks (LON) and applications of the Elementary Landscapes theory. This paper represents a first step at combining these two tools to explore their ability to forecast the performance of search algorithms. We base our analysis on the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) and conduct a large statistical study over 600 generated instances of different types. Our results reveal interesting links between the network measures, the autocorrelation measures and the performance of heuristic search algorithms.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER under contract TIN2011-28194. Andalusian Government under contract P07-TIC-03044. Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support under grant number 200021-124578

    DEMON: a Proposal for a Satellite-Borne Experiment to study Dark Matter and Dark Energy

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    We outline a novel satellite mission concept, DEMON, aimed at advancing our comprehension of both dark matter and dark energy, taking full advantage of two complementary methods: weak lensing and the statistics of galaxy clusters. We intend to carry out a 5000 sqdeg combined IR, optical and X-ray survey with galaxies up to a redshift of z~2 in order to determine the shear correlation function. We will also find ~100000 galaxy clusters, making it the largest survey of this type to date. The DEMON spacecraft will comprise one IR/optical and eight X-ray telescopes, coupled to multiple cameras operating at different frequency bands. To a great extent, the technology employed has already been partially tested on ongoing missions, therefore ensuring improved reliability.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the SPIE conference proceeding

    Stimulation of S1PR5 with A-971432, a selective agonist, preserves blood-brain barrier integrity and exerts therapeutic effect in an animal model of Huntington's disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is themost common neurodegenerative disorder for which no effective cure is yet available. Although several agents have been identified to provide benefits so far, the number of therapeutic options remains limited with only symptomatic treatment available. Over the past few years, we have demonstrated that sphingolipid-based approachesmay open the door to newandmore targeted treatments for the disease. In this study, we investigated the therapeutic potential of stimulating sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor 5 by the new selective agonist A-971432 (provided by AbbVie) in R6/2mice, a widely used HD animalmodel. Chronic administration of low-dose (0.1mg/kg) A-971432 slowed down the progression of the disease and significantly prolonged lifespan in symptomatic R6/2mice. Such beneficial effects were associated with activation of pro-survival pathways (BDNF, AKT and ERK) and with reduction of mutant huntingtin aggregation. A-971432 also protected blood-brain barrier (BBB) homeostasis in the same mice. Interestingly, when administered early in the disease, before any overt symptoms, A-971432 completely protected HDmice fromthe classic progressivemotor deficit and preserved BBB integrity. Beside representing a promising strategy to take into consideration for the development of alternative therapeutic options for HD, selective stimulation of S1P receptor 5may be also seen as an effective approach to target brain vasculature defects in the disease
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