3,121 research outputs found

    Electrically tunable piezoelectric bimorph cantilever for energy harvesting

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    Con la presente tesi viene esaminato un metodo per modificare la frequenza di risonanza di trasduttori piezoelettrici mediante applicazione di carichi elettrici esterni. L'elaborato inizia con la presentazione dei cristalli utilizzati nel lavoro di tesi, concentrandosi sul processo di fabbricazione di un bimorph cantilever impiegato come convertitore elettromeccanico di energia, la cui frequenza di risonanza è modellizzata analiticamente mediante la legge di Newton e il modello di Euler-Bernoulli. Su tale struttura vengono condotte misure mediante shaker elettrodinamico e analizzatore d'impedenza, ai fini di giusticare il modello analitico presentato. Con lo scopo di sincronizzare la frequenza di risonanza del cantilever con la vibrazione dell'ambiente per massimizzare la potenza disponibile, viene proposto un algoritmo MPPT secondo l'approccio Perturba e Osserva (P&O), al quale è fornita in ingresso la tensione efficace di un layer di materiale piezoelettrico. Valutare la sua risposta in tensione, presenta dei limiti applicativi che hanno portato a prendere in considerazione un approccio totalmente diff�erente, basato sullo sfasamento tra la tensione di un trasduttore piezoelettrico e il segnale di accelerazione impiegato come eccitazione. Misure sperimentali sono state condotte con l'obiettivo di validare l'efficacia di quest'ultimo approccio qualora si voglia sincronizzare la frequenza di risonanza dei piezo con segnali di vibrazione reali

    M-theory on AdS_4xM^{111}: the complete Osp(2|4)xSU(3)xSU(2) spectrum from harmonic analysis

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    We reconsider the Kaluza Klein compactifications of D=11 supergravity on AdS_4x(G/H)_7 manifolds that were classified in the eighties, in the modern perspective of AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence. We focus on one of the three N=2 cases: (G/H)_7=M^{111}=SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)/SU(2)xU(1)'xU(1)''. Relying on the systematic use of the harmonic analysis techniques developed in the eighties by one of us (P. Fre') with R. D'Auria, we derive the complete spectrum of long, short and massless Osp(2|4)xSU(3)xSU(2) unitary irreducible representations obtained in this compactification. Our result also provides a general scheme for the other N=2 compactifications. Furthermore, it is a necessary comparison term in the AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence: the complete AdS/CFT match of the spectra that we obtain will provide a much more stringent proof of the AdS/CFT correspondence than in the S^7 case, since the structure of the superconformal field theory on the M2-brane world volume must be such as to reproduce, at the level of composite operators, the flavor group representations, the conformal dimensions and the hypercharges that we obtain in the present article. The investigation of the match is left to future publications. Here we provide an exhaustive construction of the Kaluza Klein side of our spectroscopy.Comment: 65 page

    Exact results for the low energy AdS(4)XCP(3) string theory

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    We derive the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations for the relativistic sigma model describing the AdS(4)XCP(3) string II A theory at strong coupling (i.e. in the Alday-Maldacena decoupling limit). The corresponding Y-system involves an infinite number of Y functions and is of a new type, although it shares a peculiar feature with the Y-system for AdS(4)XCP(3). A truncation of the equations at level p and a further generalisation to generic rank N allow us an alternative description of the theory as the N=4, p= \infty representative in an infinite family of models corresponding to the conformal cosets CP(N-1)_p X U(1), perturbed by a relevant composite field \phi(N,p) =\phi_[CP(N-1)_p] X \phi[U(1)] that couples the two independent conformal field theories. The calculation of the ultraviolet central charge confirms the conjecture by Basso and Rej and the conformal dimension of the perturbing operator, at every N and p, is obtained using the Y-system periodicity. The conformal dimension of \phi[CP(N-1)_p] matches that of the field identified by Fendley while discussing integrability issues for the purely bosonic CP(N-1) sigma model.Comment: Latex fil

    Energy conversion processes with perovskite-type materials

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    Mixed oxides derived from the perovskite structure by combination of A- and B-site elements and by partial substitution of oxygen provide an immense playground of physico-chemical properties. Here, we account for own research conducted at the Paul Scherrer Institute on perovskite-type oxides and oxynitrides used in electrochemical, photo(electro)chemical and catalytic processes aiming at facing energy relevant issues

    Micropower Design of an Energy Autonomous RF Tag for UWB Localization Applications

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    This paper describes the architecture and the micropower design criteria of a battery-less, energy autonomous, individually addressable RF tag for UWB localization applications, with a focus on baseband circuitry. The tag includes a UHF rectifier, power conversion and management circuits, an addressable wake-up radio module, a microcontroller-based control unit, and circuits for UWB localization. The proposed circuit is suitable for UWB localization either by using passive backscattering of received UWB pulses, or by using active UWB pulses generators. Power for operation is scavenged from a modulated UHF carrier also used for addressing purposes. The circuit is implemented on discrete components in a 3.12 cm2 PCB area. The circuit can wake-up from fully discharged states and operates at distances as high as 10.8 m from a 2W-ERP source in the UHF 865–868 MHz RFID band with a +1.8 dBi receiving antenna. The quiescent power consumption of the tag is 3.88 μW, and the average power consumption at an addressing and activation rate of one time per second is 4.7 μW. The effectiveness of UWB localization was tested in a localization system based on time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) estimations, consisting of multiple UWB readers and UHF transmitters

    (R) e (S)-2,2'-diidrossi-3,3'-dimetossi-5,5'-diallil-6,6'-dibromo-1,1'-bifenile un derivato chirale del <i>bis</i>-eugenolo

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    La presente comunicazione descrive la sintesi dell’equivalente bromurato chirale 2 del bis-eugenolo. La stabilità conformazionale del composto 2, e quindi la possibilità di isolare i due enantiomeri, potrebbe influenzare sostanzialmente la bioattivita’ della molecola

    A Distributed, Passivity-Based Control of Autonomous Mobile Sensors in an Underwater Acoustic Network

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    This paper presents a cooperative and distributed control law for multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) executing a mission while meeting mutual communication constraints. Virtual couplings define interaction control forces between neighbouring vehicles. Moreover, the couplings are designed to enforce a desired vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-target spacing. The whole network is modelled in the passive, energy-based, port-Hamiltonian framework. Such framework allows to prove closed-loop stability using the whole system kinetic and virtual potential energy by constructing a suitable Lyapunov function. Furthermore, the robustness to communication delays is also demonstrated. Simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach
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