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    Recently, the business around the world is very competitive. It is caused by free trade issue. There are so many foreign brands that can be met easily in Indonesia market. Moreover, most of products with high technology come from other countries, including mobile phone products. Nokia as the market leader of mobile phone in Indonesia has a declining market segment because of emerging its competitors, one of them come from Chine, they offer cheaper price of mobile phones with more various features, and then mobile phone from RIM with their Black Berry, iPhone from Apple, these mobile phone offer expensive price with high class of segmentation. To get attention of consumer, Nokia has conducted some action so that consumer will decide their purchase for Nokia. The purpose of this research is to find out and to analyze the effect of motivation, perception and consumer’s attitude through purchasing decision. The object of this research is “NOKIA” a mobile phone’s brand’s users and buyers around Semarang. This research involves 100 people as its respondents and employ accidental sampling as its sampling method. Author distributes questionnaires for data collection and analyzes it with double-regression linear analysis by SPSS software. Based on the result of this research is known that Motivation, and customer’s attitude influence Nokia purchasing positively and significantly through purchasing decision Nokia mobile phone brand. They are 0.282, and 0,350, respectively. The adjusted R2 of 0,275 explain that 27,5% of purchase decision variable can be explained by motivation, perception, consumer’s attitude, while the rest of 72,5% is affected by other variable which is not included in this research