4,720 research outputs found

    Development and performance of power processor system for 2-gigahertz, 200-watt amplifier for communications technology satellite

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    The electrical and environmental requirements for a power processor system (PPS) designed to supply the appropriate voltages and currents to a 200-watt traveling wave tube (TWT) for a communication technology satellite is described. A block diagram of the PPS, the interface requirements between the PPS and spacecraft, the interface requirements between the PPS and 200-watt TWT, and the environmental requirements of the PPS are presented. Also included are discussions of protection circuits, interlocking sequences, and transient requirements. Predictions of the flight performance, based on ground test data, are provided

    Event generation with SHERPA 1.1

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    In this paper the current release of the Monte Carlo event generator Sherpa, version 1.1, is presented. Sherpa is a general-purpose tool for the simulation of particle collisions at high-energy colliders. It contains a very flexible tree-level matrix-element generator for the calculation of hard scattering processes within the Standard Model and various new physics models. The emission of additional QCD partons off the initial and final states is described through a parton-shower model. To consistently combine multi-parton matrix elements with the QCD parton cascades the approach of Catani, Krauss, Kuhn and Webber is employed. A simple model of multiple interactions is used to account for underlying events in hadron--hadron collisions. The fragmentation of partons into primary hadrons is described using a phenomenological cluster-hadronisation model. A comprehensive library for simulating tau-lepton and hadron decays is provided. Where available form-factor models and matrix elements are used, allowing for the inclusion of spin correlations; effects of virtual and real QED corrections are included using the approach of Yennie, Frautschi and Suura.Comment: 47 pages, 21 figure

    Beautiful Baryons from Lattice QCD

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    We perform a lattice study of heavy baryons, containing one (Λb\Lambda_b) or two bb-quarks (Ξb\Xi_b). Using the quenched approximation we obtain for the mass of Λb\Lambda_b MΛb=5.728±0.144±0.018GeV. M_{\Lambda_b}= 5.728 \pm 0.144 \pm 0.018 {\rm GeV}. The mass splitting between the Λb\Lambda_b and the B-meson is found to increase by about 20\% if the light quark mass is varied from the chiral limit to the strange quark mass.Comment: 11 pages, Figures obtained upon request from [email protected]

    Low temperature phase diagram and critical behaviour of the four-state chiral clock model

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    The low temperature behaviour of the four-state chiral clock (CC4CC_4) model is reexamined using a systematic low temperature series expansion of the free energy. Previously obtained results for the low temperature phases are corrected and the low temperature phase diagram is derived. In addition, the phase transition from the modulated region to the high temperature paraphase is shown to belong to the universality class of the 3d-XY model.Comment: 17 pages in ioplppt style, 3 figure

    Coarsening Dynamics of Crystalline Thin Films

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    The formation of pyramid-like structures in thin-film growth on substrates with a quadratic symmetry, e.g., {001} surfaces, is shown to exhibit anisotropic scaling as there exist two length scales with different time dependences. Analytical and numerical results indicate that for most realizations coarsening of mounds is described by an exponent n=0.2357. However, depending on material parameters, n may lie between 0 (logarithmic coarsening) and 1/3. In contrast, growth on substrates with triangular symmetries ({111} surfaces) is dominated by a single length scale and an exponent n=1/3.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure

    A mechanical, thermal and electrical packaging design for a prototype power management and control system for the 30 cm mercury ion thruster

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    A prototype electric power management and thruster control system for a 30 cm ion thruster is described. The system meets all of the requirements necessary to operate a thruster in a fully automatic mode. Power input to the system can vary over a full two to one dynamic range (200 to 400 V) for the solar array or other power source. The power management and control system is designed to protect the thruster, the flight system and itself from arcs and is fully compatible with standard spacecraft electronics. The system is easily integrated into flight systems which can operate over a thermal environment ranging from 0.3 to 5 AU. The complete power management and control system measures 45.7 cm (18 in.) x 15.2 cm (6 in.) x 114.8 cm (45.2 in.) and weighs 36.2 kg (79.7 lb). At full power the overall efficiency of the system is estimated to be 87.4 percent. Three systems are currently being built and a full schedule of environmental and electrical testing is planned

    Strong Resonance of Light in a Cantor Set

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    The propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a one-dimensional fractal object, the Cantor set, is studied. The transfer matrix of the wave amplitude is formulated and its renormalization transformation is analyzed. The focus is on resonant states in the Cantor set. In Cantor sets of higher generations, some of the resonant states closely approach the real axis of the wave number, leaving between them a wide region free of resonant states. As a result, wide regions of nearly total reflection appear with sharp peaks of the transmission coefficient beside them. It is also revealed that the electromagnetic wave is strongly enhanced and localized in the cavity of the Cantor set near the resonant frequency. The enhancement factor of the wave amplitude at the resonant frequency is approximately 6/ηr6/|\eta_\mathrm{r}|, where ηr\eta_\mathrm{r} is the imaginary part of the corresponding resonant eigenvalue. For example, a resonant state of the lifetime τr=4.3\tau_\mathrm{r}=4.3ms and of the enhancement factor M=7.8×107M=7.8\times10^7 is found at the resonant frequency ωr=367\omega_\mathrm{r}=367GHz for the Cantor set of the fourth generation of length L=10cm made of a medium of the dielectric constant ϵ=10\epsilon=10.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Investigation of methods to produce a uniform cloud of fuel particles in a flame tube

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    The combustion of a uniform, quiescent cloud of 30-micron fuel particles in a flame tube was proposed as a space-based, low-gravity experiment. The subject is the normal- and low-gravity testing of several methods to produce such a cloud, including telescoping propeller fans, air pumps, axial and quadrature acoustical speakers, and combinations of these devices. When operated in steady state, none of the methods produced an acceptably uniform cloud (+ or - 5 percent of the mean concentration), and voids in the cloud were clearly visible. In some cases, severe particle agglomeration was observed; however, these clusters could be broken apart by a short acoustic burst from an axially in-line speaker. Analyses and experiments reported elsewhere suggest that transient, acoustic mixing methods can enhance cloud uniformity while minimizing particle agglomeration

    Scaling Study of the Leptonic Decay Constants of Heavy-Light Mesons: A Consumers Report on Improvement Factors

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    A high statistics calculation, performed at β=5.74,  6.00\beta =5.74,\;6.00 and 6.266.26, enables us to study the variation of the leptonic decay constants fPf_P of heavy pseudoscalar mesons with the lattice spacing aa. We observe only a weak aa dependence when the standard 2κ\sqrt{2\kappa} normalization is used for the quark fields, whereas application of the Kronfeld-Mackenzie normalization induces a stronger variation with aa. Increasing the meson mass from 1.1GeV1.1GeV to 2.3GeV2.3GeV this situation becomes even more pronounced.Comment: Lattice 93, 3 pages Latex, 2 postscript figures (epsf style

    Heavy-light baryonic mass splittings from the lattice

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    We present lattice estimates of the mass of the heavy-light baryons Λb\Lambda_b and Ξb\Xi_b obtained using propagating heavy quarks. For Λb\Lambda_b our result is MΛb=5.728±0.144±0.018M_{\Lambda_b}=5.728 \pm 0.144 \pm 0.018 GeV, after extrapolation to the continuum limit and in the quenched approximation.Comment: 3 pages postscript, Contribution to Lattice'9