1,482 research outputs found
QCD corrections to J/psi and Upsilon production at hadron colliders
We calculate the cross section for hadroproduction of a pair of heavy quarks
in a 3S1 color-singlet state at next-to-leading order in QCD. This corresponds
to the leading contribution in the NRQCD expansion for J/psi and Upsilon
production. The higher-order corrections have a large impact on the p_T
distributions, enhancing the production at high p_T both at the Tevatron and at
the LHC. The total decay rate of a 3S1 into hadrons at NLO is also computed,
confirming for the first time the result obtained by Mackenzie and Lepage in
1981.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Top-quark mass effects in double and triple Higgs production in gluon-gluon fusion at NLO
The observation of double and triple scalar boson production at hadron
colliders could provide key information on the Higgs self couplings and the
potential. As for single Higgs production the largest rates for multiple Higgs
production come from gluon-gluon fusion processes mediated by a top-quark loop.
However, at variance with single Higgs production, top-quark mass and width
effects from the loops cannot be neglected. Computations including the exact
top-quark mass dependence are only available at the leading order, and
currently predictions at higher orders are obtained by means of approximations
based on the Higgs-gluon effective field theory (HEFT). In this work we present
a reweighting technique that, starting from events obtained via the MC@NLO
method in the HEFT, allows to exactly include the top-quark mass and width
effects coming from one- and two-loop amplitudes. We describe our approach and
apply it to double Higgs production at NLO in QCD, computing the needed
one-loop amplitudes and using approximations for the unknown two-loop ones. The
results are compared to other approaches used in the literature, arguing that
they provide more accurate predictions for distributions and for total rates as
well. As a novel application of our procedure we present predictions at NLO in
QCD for triple Higgs production at hadron colliders.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure
Higgs and Z boson associated production via gluon fusion in the SM and the 2HDM
We analyse the associated production of Higgs and boson via heavy-quark
loops at the LHC in the Standard Model and beyond. We first review the main
features of the Born production, and in particular discuss the
high-energy behaviour, angular distributions and boson polarisation. We
then consider the effects of extra QCD radiation as described by the
loop matrix elements, and find that they dominate at high Higgs transverse
momentum. We show how merged samples of 0-- and 1--jet multiplicities, matched
to a parton shower can provide a reliable description of differential
distributions in production. In addition to the Standard Model study,
results in a generic two-Higgs-doublet-model are obtained and presented for a
set of representative and experimentally viable benchmarks for ,
and production. We observe that various interesting features appear
either due to the resonant enhancement of the cross-section or to interference
patterns between resonant and non-resonant contributions.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure
Automation of the matrix element reweighting method
Matrix element reweighting is a powerful experimental technique widely
employed to maximize the amount of information that can be extracted from a
collider data set. We present a procedure that allows to automatically evaluate
the weights for any process of interest in the standard model and beyond. Given
the initial, intermediate and final state particles, and the transfer functions
for the final physics objects, such as leptons, jets, missing transverse
energy, our algorithm creates a phase-space mapping designed to efficiently
perform the integration of the squared matrix element and the transfer
functions. The implementation builds up on MadGraph, it is completely
automatized and publicly available. A few sample applications are presented
that show the capabilities of the code and illustrate the possibilities for new
studies that such an approach opens up.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figure
Production of a Z boson and two jets with one heavy-quark tag
We present a next-to-leading-order calculation of the production of a Z boson
with two jets, one or more of which contains a heavy quark (Q=c,b). We show
that the cross section with only one heavy-quark jet is larger than that with
two heavy-quark jets at both the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC. These
processes are the dominant irreducible backgrounds to a Higgs boson produced in
association with a Z boson, followed by h->bb. Our calculation makes use of a
heavy-quark distribution function, which resums collinear logarithms and makes
the next-to-leading-order calculation tractable.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Erratum adde
Top-quark charge asymmetry and polarization in production at the LHC
We study the charge asymmetry between the and quark at the LHC,
when they are produced in association with a boson. Though sizably reducing
the cross section with respect to the inclusive production, requiring a
boson in the final state has two important implications. First, at leading
order in QCD, production can only occur via
annihilation. As a result, the asymmetry between the and generated
at NLO in QCD is significantly larger than that of inclusive
production, which is dominated by gluon fusion. Second, the top quarks tend to
inherit the polarization of the initial-state quarks as induced by the
-boson emission. Hence, the decay products of the top quarks display a
sizable asymmetry already at the leading order in QCD. We study the relevant
distributions and their uncertainties in the standard model, compare them to
those obtained in a simple axigluon model and discuss prospects for
measurements at the LHC and beyond.Comment: 11 pages (with figures), version accepted by PLB for publicatio
Status of three-neutrino oscillations after the SNO-salt data
We perform a global analysis of neutrino oscillation data in the framework of
three neutrinos, including the recent improved measurement of the neutral
current events at SNO. In addition to all current solar neutrino data we take
into account the reactor neutrino data from KamLAND and CHOOZ, the atmospheric
neutrino data from Super-Kamiokande and MACRO, as well as the first spectral
data from the K2K long baseline accelerator experiment. The up-to-date best fit
values and allowed ranges of the three-flavour oscillation parameters are
determined from these data. Furthermore, we discuss in detail the status of the
small parameters alpha = Delta_m^2_Sol / Delta_m^2_Atm and sin^2(theta_13),
which fix the possible strength of CP violating effects in neutrino
oscillations.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX file using RevTEX4, 10 figures and 1 table included.
The conclusions reached in version 1 regarding the restriction on
sin^2(theta_13) are now corrected, the solar bound is weaker than that from
reactors even after the inclusion of the SNO salt data. In addition the full
data set has now been reanalized using the pull method instead of the
standard chi-square approach. A few references have also been adde
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