23 research outputs found


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    English lecturers frequently worry about encouraging students to use English in spontaneous conversation, mainly English, for specified purposes. The study details classroom activities that encourage students to talk spontaneously in Agriculture. An early stage of group preparation is required to instil confidence in students to speak English freely in class. Students are responsible for identifying themes and laying the framework for class discussions. Cultivation, food production, and cattle business are suggested materials for various class activities. The teacher's role is to enlighten students about available resources, establish ground rules, and promote free expression. These events are intended to instil students’ confidence in English speaking

    Scaffolding in the Teaching of Writing Discussion Texts Based on SFL Genre-based Approach

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    Writing in a second or foreign language seems to be the most difficult language skill for language learners to acquire (Laksmi, 2006; Lestari, 2008; Negari, 2011). Some scholars proposed the implementation of SFL – genre based approach in teaching writing (Derewianka, 1990; Rothery, 1996). However, SFL genre based approach seems to be product or teaching outcomes oriented (Ahn, 2012; Emilia, 2011). Therefore, the concept of scaffolding in which possible supports the process of students‟ individual development is important to be emerged in the teaching stages of SFL – GBA (Bodrova Leong, 1998; Mulatsih, 2011). As a result, This study focuses on the issue of scaffoldings in the teaching of writing discussion texts based on SFL – Genre Based Approach. It particularly aims to investigate how scaffolding processes are implemented in the teaching of writing discussion texts based on SFL-GBA and how they improve the students‟ writing performance. The data rely on teaching and learning process in a classroom with six students in a tertiary level as the focus participants. The method used in the data analysis adopted a qualitative design with reference especially to the theory of the scaffolding and SFL-GBA. The results of analysis show that scaffolding processes are implemented in terms of macro and micro scaffoldings and able to improve the students‟ writing performance specifically in terms of social function, schematic structures, and language features of discussion genre. It is recommended that future related research should be conducted in more diverse of educational settings to see how scaffoldings are implemented in a variety of teaching practices.Keywords: scaffolding, discussion texts, SFL, genre-based approach

    Pre Service English Teachers’ Strategies in Translating Spoof Texts

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    AbstractIn recent year, Curriculum in Indonesia specifically in English curriculum, it has been influenced by Genre Based Approach. It can be seen from the content of English language textbook both in senior and junior high school which consist of texts from several of genre such as procedure, narrative, descriptive, discussion, news item, report, spoof, recount and others. In comprehending all of those types of text, the students need to understand the content of the text. However, in some parts of the text the students find that it is not easy to understand the meaning of some words. This situation happens because they have difficulties to process the words from the source language into their target language. Thus, this study tries to investigate pre service English teachers’ strategies in translating spoof texts. The data were obtained through observation and interview. The results show that there are some strategies used by pre service teachers in translating spoof text which include word for word translation, literal translation, adaptation, and free translation. It can be concluded that translation cannot be separated from English language teaching. Thus, it is important for the teachers need to comprehend strategies in translation.  Keywords: Pre Service Teachers, Strategies in Translation, Spoof Text


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    This study focuses on the issue of scaffoldings in the teaching of writing discussion texts based on SFL – Genre Based Approach. It particularly aims to investigate how scaffolding processes are implemented in the teaching of writing discussion texts based on SFL-GBA and how they improve the students’ writing performance. The data rely on teaching and learning process in a classroom with six students in a tertiary level as the focus participants. The method used in the data analysis adopted a qualitative design with reference especially to the theory of scaffolding and SFL-GBA. The results of analysis show that scaffolding processes are implemented in terms of macro and micro scaffoldings and able to improve the students’ writing performance specifically in terms of social function, schematic structure, and language features of discussion genre. It is recommended that future related research should be conducted in more diverse educational settings to see how scaffoldings are implemented. Keywords: scaffolding, discussion texts, SFL – Genre Based Approach. Penelitian ini mengacu pada isu scaffolding dalam pengajaran menulis teks diskusi berdasarkan pendekatan SFL – Genre Based. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu bagaimana proses scaffolding diimplementasikan dalam pengajaran menulis teks diskusi berdasarkan pendekatan SFL-Genre Based dan bagaimana scaffoding tersebut bisa meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari kegiatan pembelajaran di dalam dan enam siswa pada level universitas sebagai fokus penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam data analysis mengacu pada desain kualitatif berdasarkan teori scaffolding dan SFL-GBA. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa proses scaffolding diimplementasikan dalam cakupan makro dan mikro scaffolding dan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa terutama dalam segi tujuan penulisan teks, struktur teks, dan tata bahasa yang digunakan dalam teks. Disarankan kepada peneliti yang akan melakukan penelitian serupa untuk melakukan penelitian dalam cakupan yang berbeda. Kata Kunci: scaffolding, teks diskusi, pendekatan SFL – Genre Based

    Project – Based Learning: Facilitating the Development of Students’ Critical Thinking in English Essay Writing

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    This study aimed to investigate how the project – based learning was implemented to facilitate the development of students’ critical thinking skills in English essay writing in higher education context. An exploratory case study research design was used in this study while the participants were one lecturer and 15 students. The data were gleaned from classroom observations, interview, and documents. The data analysis results that teaching English essay writing in which project- based learning was implemented covers three stages including preparation, implementation, and presentation. The other result from data analysis shows that the students can write essay cohesively and coherently in which this results indicates students’ critical thinking skills.  The results lead to the conclusion that all of the students had chance to be actively involved during the project and in teaching and learning prosess. It indicates that project – based learning apparently could facilitate the development of students’ critical thinking in English essay writing


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    This present study is intended to analyze the dominant type of attitudinal system that expressed by the teacher. This study utilized qualitative method with Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as research design. As for research sampling, this study involved an English teacher and one science class of eleventh grade students in one of secondary school in Majalengka. In order to collect the data, the researcher utilized the instrument of observation. Then, this data were analyzed by using Appraisal Theory that proposed by Martin and Rose (2007). As for the results, this research found that the dominant type of attitudinal system that expressed by the teacher is Affect category. It indicated that both the teacher frequently expressed his opinion, feeling and emotion through their talk. Furthermore, these talks mostly expressed in positive way. It indicated that the teacher always tried to build a positive atmosphere by saying positive talks in order to stimulate the students to become active in the classroom. Therefore, it can be said that it is very important for the teachers to pay more attention in managing their talk since it can affect students’ interaction in the classroom


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    In English language teaching, project-based learning is not only able to optimize language skills but also other skills such as critical and creative thinking. This study tries to investigate the use of project-based learning to develop students’ abilities and creativity in writing narrative text and the students’ perception towards the implementation of project-based learning in writing course. This study employed a qualitative approach by involving second semester students who take writing course. The results of this study indicated that project-based learning can help the students to develop their ability and creativity in writing narrative text in several point including their understanding of the topic, their knowledge about narrative genre namely social function, structure of text, and language feature. In addition, the students also showed their creativity through creating their story line and designing the illustration of the story. Furthermore, the students gave positive views toward the implementation of project-based learning. They mentioned that they learned networking, collaborative learning, and team work through PBL. Thus, project-based learning can be one of alternative ways to teach writing in higher education

    Problem-based Learning: Developing Students' Critical Thinking

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    The Problem-based Learning model is one of the learning models that can develop students’ critical thinking because it uses real-life problems foundation of learning activity. This research aims to describe the implementation of PBL in English language learning in developing students’ critical thinking, teacher’s role in PBL, teacher’s barriers and the impact of PBL toward students’ critical thinking. This research took place in one of the senior high school in Majalengka. The observation was conducted three times in the class of eleventh grade and then the interview was delivered to one English teacher. The result of the research reveals 1) PBL in English language learning begins with the teacher delivered the problem to the students as the foundation of learning activity and the problem was ill-structured and need deep analysis to formulate the solution; 2) teacher’s role is only as facilitator and co-investigator by providing situation to the students and help them in analysis; 3) time allocation, teacher’s capability and students’ speaking ability are the barriers in implementing PBL in English language learning; and 4) PBL develops students’ critical thinking skill, it can be seen through students characteristic which are elementary clarification, basic support, inference, advanced clarification and strategy and tactic


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    The aim of this paper was to explore the types of ICT that teacher implemented in EFL classroom at senior high school in Majalengka regency. Besides, the problem might arise on the use of ICT in ELT. In addition, the researcher investigated the trouble towards the use of ICT in EFL classroom. This study used the descriptive method to reveal the research problems. The interview and observation is used to collect the data. The study showed that (1) The types of ICTs that teachers use in EFL Classroom are set of computer (language lab), PowerPoint (PPT), and some applications such as Edmodo, the group of WA (Whatsapp), YouTube apps, Padlet and Kahoot; (2) The obstacles that teachers faced in using ICTs is less participation -  not all students have the smartphone, technical-based problem had biggest obstacle which lack of facilities from the school