8 research outputs found
Approccio alla caratterizzazione di un lembo di bosco vetusto: il caso di Monte Egitto
An integrated approach to characterize an old growth forest patch; the Monte Egitto case study
Old growth forests, i.e. forests which have achieved a remarkable age without or with a
very limited disturbance, are nowadays subject of detailed studies in order to understand their
characters and capacity of ecosystems services providing. In Sicily only few wooded areas are
classified as old growth forest, following the heavy land use change toward agriculture during
the centuries. This paper reports the results of a study carried out to characterize the vegetation
of a little crater on the Mount Etna, where a residual open wood of Quercus congesta (an endemic
oak of Southern Italy) survived the year 1651 lava flows surrounding the crater. About
35 years ago inside the crater some areas were planted with Calabrian Black Pine. As a consequence
today there is a remarkable competition between trees of the two species. An integrated
approach monitoring was adopted, taking into account both trees and understory (herbs,
shrubs and tree regeneration) characters as well as bird fauna, in order to describe the current
situation and monitor the effect of pine plantation thinning aimed at favouring oak regeneration
and reducing pine-oak competition
Additional file 1: of Prevalence of Amyloidosis in Korea
Table S1. New patients with amyloidosis (special numbers for expanded benefit coverage V121) according to National Health Insurance expanded benefit coverage by year. Table S2. Age-adjusted cumulative prevalence a of amyloidosis, both overall and by gender (per 100,000 persons), along with 95% confidence intervals (CI) using World Health Organization standard population in 2000. (DOC 85 kb
Additional file 3: Online Resource 4. of Arabidopsis protein disulfide isomerase-8 is a type I endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane protein with thiol-disulfide oxidase activity
Validation of antibody specificity in tissues for microscopy. a Section of a root apical cell from the pdi8 antisense line, AS1, stained with anti-PDI8 antiserum. b Section of a shoot apical cell from AS1, stained with anti-PDI8 antiserum. c Section of a WT root apical cell, labeled with rabbit pre-immune serum. d Section of a root apical cell from the line OE1 labeled with anti-PDI8 antiserum. (JPG 9403Â kb
Additional file 4: Online Resource 1. of Arabidopsis protein disulfide isomerase-8 is a type I endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane protein with thiol-disulfide oxidase activity
Sequences of PDI-B subfamily proteins identified by database searches. A compilation of the deduced products of PDI-B genes found in available sequenced plant genomes. (DOCX 134Â kb
Weekly number of suicides before and after the celebrity suicides.
<p>Weekly number of suicides before and after the celebrity suicides.</p
Additional file 1: Online Resource 2. of Arabidopsis protein disulfide isomerase-8 is a type I endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane protein with thiol-disulfide oxidase activity
Relative levels of PDI8 transcripts across various plant organs of Arabidopsis. An electronic fluorescent pictograph depicting the relative expression level of PDI8 across different Arabidopsis tissues based on publicly available microarray data. (JPG 587Â kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Genetic heterogeneity of actionable genes between primary and metastatic tumor in lung adenocarcinoma
Comparion of individual mutations between primary lesion and metastatic L/N. (XLSX 20 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Total kidney and liver volume is a major risk factor for malnutrition in ambulatory patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Baseline patient characteristics according to gender. TKLV, TKV, TLV, htTKLV, htTKV and htTLV are shown in median and interquartile range. BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; htTKLV, height-adjusted total kidney and liver volume; htTKV, height-adjusted total kidney volume; htTLV, height-adjusted total liver volume; SGA; subjective global assessment, TKV, total kidney volume; TKLV; total kidney and liver volume; TLV, total liver volume. Table S2. Baseline patient characteristics according to nutritional status as evaluated by SGA (SGA 4 and 5 versus 6 and 7). TKLV, TKV, TLV, htTKLV, htTKV and htTLV are shown in median and interquartile range. BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rates; htTKV, height-adjusted total kidney volume; htTKLV, height-adjusted total kidney and liver volume; htTLV, height-adjusted total liver volume; SGA; subjective global assessment, TKV, total kidney volume; TKLV; total kidney and liver volume; TLV, total liver volume. (DOCX 19.2 kb