142 research outputs found

    Autophagy : supporting cellular and organismal homeostasis by self-eating

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    Autophagy is a conserved catabolic process that delivers cytoplasmic components and organelles to lysosomes for degradation and recycling. This pathway serves to degrade nonfunctional organelles and aggregate-prone proteins, as well as to produce substrates for energy production and biosynthesis. Autophagy is especially important for the maintenance of stem cells, and for the survival and homeostasis of post-mitotic cells like neurons. Functional autophagy promotes longevity in several model organisms. Autophagy regulates immunity and inflammation at several levels and has both anti- and pro-tumorigenic roles in cancer. This review provides a concise overview of autophagy and its importance in cellular and organismal homeostasis, with emphasis on aging, stem cells, neuronal cells, immunity, inflammation, and cancer.Peer reviewe

    Roles for RAB24 in autophagy and disease

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    Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved degradation pathway for cells to maintain homeostasis, produce energy, degrade misfolded proteins and damaged organelles, and fight against intracellular pathogens. The process of autophagy entails the isolation of cytoplasmic cargo into double membrane bound autophagosomes that undergo maturation by fusion with endosomes and lysosomes in order to obtain degradation capacity. RAB proteins regulate intracellular vesicle trafficking events including autophagy. RAB24 is an atypical RAB protein that is required for the clearance of late autophagic vacuoles under basal conditions. RAB24 has also been connected to several diseases including ataxia, cancer and tuberculosis. This review gives a short summary on autophagy and RAB proteins, and an overview on the current knowledge on the roles of RAB24 in autophagy and disease.Peer reviewe

    Do mitochondria donate membrane to form autophagosomes or undergo remodeling to form mitochondrial spheroids?

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    AbstractNo Abstract is available because this is a letter to the editor

    A Computer-Vision-Guided Robot Arm for Automatically Placing Grids in Pioloform Film Preparation

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    Preparing pioloform/formvar support films on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids is a routine laboratory procedure in practically all electron microscopy units. In current practice, these grids are manually placed on the support film one by one using special tweezers, a process requiring a steady hand. The work is often ergonomically awkward to continue for a longer period of time. In this article, we describe a low-cost, computer vision-guided robot arm that automatically places the grids on the film. The success rate of the prototype robot is 90%, which is comparable to an experienced laboratory technician.</p

    p62/SQSTM1 droplets initiate autophagosome biogenesis and oxidative stress control

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    Selective autophagy contributes to the degradation of condensates, such as sequestosome 1-bodies, also called p62/SQSTM1-bodies. We showed that endogenous p62 forms gel-like structures, which serve as platforms for autophagosome formation and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) activation. Further, p62-mediated NRF2 activation is not cytotoxic, but combination of NRF2 activation with impaired bulk and selective autophagy causes liver injury

    GIMAP6 is required for T cell maintenance and efficient autophagy in mice

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    The GTPases of the immunity-associated proteins (GIMAP) GTPases are a family of proteins expressed strongly in the adaptive immune system. We have previously reported that in human cells one member of this family, GIMAP6, interacts with the ATG8 family member GABARAPL2, and is recruited to autophagosomes upon starvation, suggesting a role for GIMAP6 in the autophagic process. To study this possibility and the function of GIMAP6 in the immune system, we have established a mouse line in which the Gimap6 gene can be inactivated by Cre-mediated recombination. In mice bred to carry the CD2Cre transgene such that the Gimap6 gene was deleted within the T and B cell lineages there was a 50-70% reduction in peripheral CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Analysis of splenocyte-derived proteins from these mice indicated increased levels of MAP1LC3B, particularly the lipidated LC3-II form, and S405-phosphorylation of SQSTM1. Electron microscopic measurements of Gimap6(-/-) CD4(+) T cells indicated an increased mitochondrial/cytoplasmic volume ratio and increased numbers of autophagosomes. These results are consistent with autophagic disruption in the cells. However, Gimap6(-/-) T cells were largely normal in character, could be effectively activated in vitro and supported T cell-dependent antibody production. Treatment in vitro of CD4(+) splenocytes from GIMAP6(fl/fl) ERT2Cre mice with 4-hydroxytamoxifen resulted in the disappearance of GIMAP6 within five days. In parallel, increased phosphorylation of SQSTM1 and TBK1 was observed. These results indicate a requirement for GIMAP6 in the maintenance of a normal peripheral adaptive immune system and a significant role for the protein in normal autophagic processes. Moreover, as GIMAP6 is expressed in a cell-selective manner, this indicates the potential existence of a cell-restricted mode of autophagic regulation.Peer reviewe

    Glycans in autophagy, endocytosis and lysosomal functions

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    Glycans have been shown to function as versatile molecular signals in cells. This prompted us to look at their roles in endocytosis, endolysosomal system and autophagy. We start by introducing the cell biological aspects of these pathways, the concept of the sugar code, and provide an overview on the role of glycans in the targeting of lysosomal proteins and in lysosomal functions. Moreover, we review evidence on the regulation of endocytosis and autophagy by glycans. Finally, we discuss the emerging concept that cytosolic exposure of luminal glycans, and their detection by endogenous lectins, provides a mechanism for the surveillance of the integrity of the endolysosomal compartments, and serves their eventual repair or disposal

    Depletion of TM6SF2 disturbs membrane lipid composition and dynamics in HuH7 hepatoma cells.

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    A polymorphism of TM6SF2 associates with hepatic lipid accumulation and reduction of triacylglycerol (TAG) secretion, but the function of the encoded protein has remained enigmatic. We studied the effect of stable TM6SF2 knock-down on the lipid content and composition, mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and organelle structure of HuH7 hepatoma cells. Knock-down of TM6SF2 resulted in intracellular accumulation of TAGs, cholesterol esters, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine. In all of these lipid classes, polyunsaturated lipid species were significantly reduced while saturated and monounsaturated species increased their proportions. The PCs encountered relative and absolute arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6) depletion, and AA was also reduced in the total cellular fatty acid pool. Synthesis and turnover of the hepatocellular glycerolipids was enhanced. The TM6SF2 knock-down cells secreted lipoprotein-like particles with a smaller diameter than in the controls, and more lysosome/endosome structures appeared in the knock-down cells. The mitochondrial capacity for palmitate oxidation was significantly reduced. These observations provide novel clues to TM6SF2 function and raise altered mebrane lipid composition and dynamics among the mechanism(s) by which the protein deficiency disturbs hepatic TAG secretion.Peer reviewe

    Role for Rab7 in maturation of late autophagic vacuoles

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    The small GTP binding protein Rab7 has a role in the late endocytic pathway and lysosome biogenesis. The role of mammalian Rab7 in autophagy is, however, unknown. We have addressed this by inhibiting Rab7 function with RNA interference and overexpression of dominant negative Rab7. We show here that Rab7 was needed for the formation of preferably perinuclear, large aggregates, where the autophagosome marker LC3 colocalised with Rab7 and late endosomal and lysosomal markers. By electron microscopy we showed that these large aggregates corresponded to autophagic vacuoles surrounding late endosomal or lysosomal vesicles. Our experiments with quantitative electron microscopy showed that Rab7 was not needed for the initial maturation of early autophagosomes to late autophagic vacuoles, but that it participated in the final maturation of late autophagic vacuoles. Finally, we showed that the recruitment of Rab7 to autophagic vacuoles was retarded in cells deficient in the lysosomal membrane proteins Lamp1 and Lamp2, which we have recently shown to accumulate late autophagic vacuoles during starvation. In conclusion, our results showed a role for Rab7 in the final maturation of late autophagic vacuoles