390 research outputs found
T>0 ensemble state density functional theory revisited
A logical foundation of equilibrium state density functional theory in a
Kohn-Sham type formulation is presented on the basis of Mermin's treatment of
the grand canonical state. it is simpler and more satisfactory compared to the
usual derivation of ground state theory, and free of remaining open points of
the latter. It may in particular be relevant with respect to cases of
spontaneous symmetry breaking like non-collinear magnetism and orbital order.Comment: 7 pages, no figure
Varying Cu-Ti hybridization near the Fermi energy in CuTiSe: Results from supercell calculations
The properties of CuTiSe are studied by band structure
calculation based on the density functional theory for supercells. The
density-of-states (DOS) for =0 has a sharply raising shoulder in the
neighborhood of the Fermi energy, , which can be favorable for spacial
charge modulations. The Cu impurity adds electrons and brings the DOS shoulder
below . Hybridization makes the Ti-d DOS at , the electron-phonon
coupling and the Stoner factor very large. Strong pressure dependent properties
are predicted from the calculations, since the DOS shoulder is pushed to higher
energy at a reduced lattice constant. Effects of disorder are also expected to
be important because of the rapidly varying DOS near .Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures 2 table
Violation of non-interacting -representability of the exact solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation for a two-electron quantum dot in a homogeneous magnetic field
We have shown by using the exact solutions for the two-electron system in a
parabolic confinement and a homogeneous magnetic field [ M.Taut, J Phys.A{\bf
27}, 1045 (1994) ] that both exact densities (charge- and the paramagnetic
current density) can be non-interacting -representable (NIVR) only in a
few special cases, or equivalently, that an exact Kohn-Sham (KS) system does
not always exist. All those states at non-zero can be NIVR, which are
continuously connected to the singlet or triplet ground states at B=0. In more
detail, for singlets (total orbital angular momentum is even) both
densities can be NIVR if the vorticity of the exact solution vanishes. For
this is trivially guaranteed because the paramagnetic current density
vanishes. The vorticity based on the exact solutions for the higher
does not vanish, in particular for small r. In the limit this can
even be shown analytically. For triplets ( is odd) and if we assume
circular symmetry for the KS system (the same symmetry as the real system) then
only the exact states with can be NIVR with KS states having angular
momenta and . Without specification of the symmetry of the KS
system the condition for NIVR is that the small-r-exponents of the KS states
are 0 and 1.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure
Crystal Symmetry, Electron-Phonon Coupling, and Superconducting Tendencies in LiPdB and LiPtB
After theoretical determination of the internal structural coordinates in
LiPdB, we calculate and analyze its electronic structure and obtain the
frequencies of the two phonons (40.6 meV for nearly pure Li mode, 13.0
meV for the strongly mixed Pd-Li mode). Pd can be ascribed a
configuration, but strong 4d character remains up to the Fermi level. Small
regions of flat bands occur at -70 meV at both the and X points.
Comparison of the Fermi level density of states to the linear specific heat
coefficient gives a dynamic mass enhancement of = 0.75. Rough Fermi
surface averages of the deformation potentials of individual Pd and Li
displacements are obtained. While is small, ~ 1.15 eV/\AA
is sizable, and a plausible case exists for its superconductivity at 8 K being
driven primarily by coupling to Pd vibrations. The larger d bandwidth in
LiPtB leads to important differences in the bands near the Fermi
surface. The effect on the band structure of spin-orbit coupling plus lack of
inversion is striking, and is much larger in the Pt compound.Comment: 8 pages and 8embedded figures, to be appeared in PR
On the electronic structure of CaCuO2 and SrCuO2
Recent electronic structure calculations for the prototypical lowdimensional
cuprate compounds CaCuO2 ans SrCuO2 performed by Wu et. al. (J. Phys.: Condens.
Matter v. 11 p.4637 (1999))are critically reconsidered, applying high precision
full-potential bandstructure methods. It is shown that the bandstructure
calculations presented by the authors contain several important
inconsistencies, which make their main conclusions highly questionable.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Condens. Matte
Calculation of the static and dynamical correlation energy of pseudo-one-dimensional beryllium systems via a many-body expansion
Low-dimensional beryllium systems constitute interesting case studies for the
test of correlation methods because of the importance of both static and
dynamical correlation in the formation of the bond. Aiming to describe the
whole dissociation curve of extended Be systems we chose to apply the method of
increments (MoI) in its multireference (MR) formalism. However, in order to do
so an insight into the wave function was necessary. Therefore we started by
focusing on the description of small Be chains via standard quantum chemical
methods and gave a brief analysis of the main characteristics of their wave
functions. We then applied the MoI to larger beryllium systems, starting from
the Be6 ring. First, the complete active space formalism (CAS-MoI) was employed
and the results were used as reference for local MR calculations of the whole
dissociation curve. Despite this approach is well established for the
calculation of systems with limited multireference character, its application
to the description of whole dissociation curves still requires further testing.
After discussing the role of the basis set, the method was finally applied to
larger rings and extrapolated to an infinite chain
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