53 research outputs found

    Verbalization Text "The War Poem Mengkasar" : Cleave Apart Expression Heroism and Multiculturalism

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    The Poem War Mengkasar based substance including historical poem because it tells abaout the events of history. Peotry written by Enci "Amin (scribes Sultan Hasanuddin) is trying to portray the reality of war awesomeness that occurred in Makassar.This paper examines the Poem War Mengkasar as traditional historiography based on realitv and the stories of humanity (not the stuff of myths and fairy tales) in which King described as the patriotic hero. gallant, brave, never give-up, and not afraid to face his enemv. namely the Netherlands. People who are "Hero" in this verse Mengkasar War in the end the character's being lost the war but still be followed and respected

    Verbalization Text “The War Poem Mengkasar ": Cleave Apart Expression Heroism and Multiculturalism

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    This paper examines the Poem War Mengkasar as traditional historiography based on reality and the stories of humanity (not the stuff of myths and fairy tales) in which King described as the patriotic hero, gallant, brave, never give up, and not afraid to face his enemy, namely the Netherlands . People who are "Hero" in this verse Mengkasar War in the end the character's being lost the war but still be followed and respected. The data source of this research is the book "War Poetry Mengkasar" by Skinner that consists of 534 stanzas are written in the style of lexical and Malay. Synopsis This poem made ??writer based episodes of the war based on the disclosure of significant events. Expression of heroism can be found in the text at the time of the King of various kingdoms each expressed its readiness against the Netherlands in the form of "oath of allegiance" is performed approximately 26 king / leader. Multicultural expression, as indicated in the text of this poem as historical evidence that the King in his day from various regions continues to maintain the spirit of unity and are committed to the Sultan Hasanuddin (Sultan of the Kingdom of Goa) to jointly defend the empire. Kingdom of Goa can reach its peak and is very powerful because of the complexity of ethnic and tribal nations that support for the war in Makassar and work together against the Netherlands. Multiculturalism is also indicated in the use of weapons of war that comes from the Dutch, Malay, Java, Ambon and Makassar in the form of guns, cannons, swords, javelins, sunderik, dagger, pennants, ships, boats. War Poetry Mengkasar substance rich in moral teaching is good and bad, Human Rights relations between nations, gender roles, due to the bad war, and contains a message that avoids a war between nations will create world peace. Keywords : Poem War,  Heroism and Multiculturalism


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    The purpose of this research is; 1) describe the linguistic landscape used in the Makassar City shopping center; 2) describe the dominant use of language in the linguistic landscape; and 3) knowing the reasons for using foreign languages in the linguistic landscape in shopping centers in Makassar. This research is a qualitative research designed descriptively. The locus of this research was in three shopping centers in Makassar City, namely Panakukang Mall, Nipah Mall and Ratu Indah Mall. Data is collected through documentation techniques. Analysis was carried out using qualitative techniques through data collection procedures, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The results of the study show that the types of landscapes found in shopping centers in Makassar City are top-down and bottom-up linguistic landscapes. The bottom-up landscape type is dominant in shopping centers in Makassar. In addition, foreign languages, especially English dominate the linguistic landscape in shopping centers in Makassar City. This is motivated by several factors, self-image (business image) and efforts to strengthen brand makers as an attraction for consumer

    Forensic Linguistics Study on Natalius Pigai'S Speech for Central Javanese Ethnic (Jokowi and Ganjar Pranowo as an Object)

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    There are many cases of spreading information containing hate speech in Indonesia. Hate speech can mean acts of communication carried out by an individual or group in the form of provocation, incitement or insult to another individual or group. Hate speech usually concerns aspects of race, skin color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, religion and others. This research specifically examines the ethnicity of Central Java, Indonesia. This article review aims to 1) describe elements of contempt for ethnic Central Java, namely Joko Widodo and Ganjar Pranowo, and 2) describe whether the statement forward by Natalis Pigai is identified as hate speech that violates the ITE Law of Indonesia Article 45A. The method of data collection is done by reviewing the news that has existed so far. This research review uses a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study found five indications of forms of racism utterances made by Natalius Pigai namely racism, provocative, hateful, insulting and lying. This action violates the applicable ITE Law in Indonesia

    Ribka Tjiptaning's Provocative Speaking Action in Social Media: Forensic Linguistic Study

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    This study aims to: (1) explain the lingual form of inciting Ribka Tjiptaning on social media and (2) explain the meaning of denotation and the incitement connotation of Ribka Tjiptaning on social media. The data in this study are language that contains the crime of incitement by Ribka Tjiptaning on the social media YouTube. While the source of data in this study is the social media youtube. The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative approach, data collection techniques in the form of look-see and take notes. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis (qualitative content analysis). The results of this study indicate that: the data containing denotative and connotative meanings in Ribka Tjiptaning's utterances on social media YouTube amounted to 7 denotative meanings and 5 connotative meanings. Ribka Tjiptaning's speech contained rejection and accusations that the government was playing with the Covid 19 vaccine. This speech is an act against the law by disseminating information that can provoke / incite

    A Hate and Provocative Speech Act in Social Media: A Forensic Linguistics Study

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    This study aims to: (1) explain the types of provocative speech acts of Natalius Pigai on YouTube social media, (2) explain the forms of provocative speech acts on YouTube social media. The data in this study are languages ​​that are supposed to contain provocative criminal acts on YouTube social media. The data source in this study is the social media YouTube. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, data collection techniques in the form of viewing and documentation. The data were analyzed using the steps of (1) identifying, (2) classifying, and (3) analyzing. The results of this study indicate that: Natalis Pigai's utterances on social media contain literal indirect speech acts, while locutionary speech acts use declarative locutions, expressive illocutions, and get hearer to think about perlocutions (make the interlocutor think about). These statements violate the Criminal Code, Article 160 and Article 161 regarding sedition.  Keywords: provocative speech acts, social media, forensic linguistics. Keywords: provocative speech, social media, forensic linguistics

    The Sacred Myths at Gunung Bawakaraeng Post Three: Roland Barthes' Semiotic Studies

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    The aims of this research are (1) to describe the forms of sacred myths at Gunung Bawakaraeng post three (2) to describe the influence of sacred myths at three Bawakaraeng posts on the local community and climbers. The benefits of this research are (1) obtaining a description of the sacred myths at post three of Gunung Bawakaraeng and (2) the availability of forms of influence of sacred myths at post three of Gunung Bawakaraeng. This research used qualitative method. The results of this research indicate that (1) there are forms of sacred myths at post three of Gunung Bawakaraeng, such as: (a) the story of the Dutch lady (Noni) who roams around the big tree at post three, (b) the occult market or also commonly known as Pasar Anjaya, c) there are cases of climbers getting lost, (d) there is a pilgrimage ritual; and (2) there is the influence of sacred myths at post three of Gunung Bawakaraeng, such as: a group of people (climbers and the local community) built a belief about (a) the story of a Dutch lady who wanders around the big tree at post three, (b) a magical market or also commonly referred to as anjaya market, c) there is a case of climbers getting lost, (d) there is a pilgrimage ritual


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    Riset ini bertujuan untuk medeskripsikan sikap serta amatan periset mengenai kejadian kejahatan yang berlangsung di Kota Tidore Kepulauan, Provinsi Maluku Utara pada akhir-akhir ini, yang terbentuk dalam artikel dengan judul masalah pidana. Pusat dalam riset ini yakni peliputan terkait masalah asumsi pembohongan yang dicantumkan pada media daring Koridormalutnews.com edisi 23 November 2021 dengan memakai analisis wacana kritis melalui pandangan Theo Van Leeuwen. Riset ini memakai model riset kualitatif bersama dengan cara kajian kandungan atau isi. Dalam riset ini, acuan sumber yang dipakai yakni peliputan kriminal yang ada pada media daring Koridormalutnews.com edisi 23 November 2021. Bahan dalam riset ini memakai satu liputan yang ada di media daring Koridormalutnews.com bersama judul populer mengenai pidana. Mengacu pada produk riset telah dicantumkan bahwa desain inklusi Leeuwen yang didapatkan dalam media daring Koridormalutnews.com edisi 23 November 2021 dengan judul pengamatan masalah dugaan penipuan oleh CV. Branjangan didapatkan sejumlah lima kalimat yaitu (1) determinasi-indeterminasi dua kalimat, (2) asimilasi-individualisasi satu kalimat, (3) nominasi-identifikasi satu kalimat, (4) disosiasi satu kalimat, dan (5) kategorisasi satu kalimat


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    Bahasa dapat merefleksikan warna budaya suatu komunitas masyarakat, oleh karena itu eksistensi suatu bahasa sering dihubungkan dengan eksistensi budaya. Suatu hal yang bersifat universal bahwa kebudayaan merupakan hasil hubungan manusia dengan alamnya yang dilatarbelakangi oleh adat kebiasaan setempat; dan untuk pengendalian ketertiban dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat diperlukan orientasi keyakinan, norma-norma, dan nilai-nilai tertentu yang merupakan hasil konversi bersama.This paper attempts to document certain expressions in Bahasa Makassar, a regional language spoken in Makassar (South Sulawesi). These expressions are uniquely used by a community of fishermen called "Patorani". The paper also discusses the symbols which are incorporated in the expressions and how they are related to the culture and daily lives of the Patoranis. Finally, the result of the study indicates that the expressions used by the fishermen in their activities are in the form of songs which make use of certain symbols to stimulate the flying fish to roe


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     This research discusses the English code-switching that occurs in the drama Goji Kara Kuji Made, which is the source of the research data. This research aims to: 1) explain the code-switching that occurs in the television drama Goji Kara Kuji Made, and 2) describe the factors that cause code-switching and the function of code-switching that appears in the television drama Goji Kara Kuji Made. This study used the descriptive-qualitative method. The theoretical framework referred to is based on the theory developed by Holmes (2008). Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the factors causing code-switching are background, topic, the purpose of the interaction, and lexical borrowing. Meanwhile, the functions found in this research are solidarity, group membership, creating distance, quotation marks, emphasizing certain messages, affective functions, and filling lexical needs
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